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Thai Senate Approves Landmark Change to Child Discipline Law

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5 hours ago, Aussie999 said:

Big mistake Thailand,  you are heading diwn the same path as the west, with delinquent kids running wild, being agressive/abusive/undisciplined/uncontrollable with no set boundaries, this law has the possibility of changing your society.... the only good thing, like most laws, Thais will ignore it.

cos kids were never delinquent in the good old days, no never. 

5 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Too late.... Thailand already has the above

Um, explain what Thailand already has.

2 hours ago, Drumbuie said:

"it never did ME any harm"... But it did, if you think that violence is the best way to train children (or animals). 



You don't know me well enough, to assume such things.... seems you are the aggressor.

25 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

cos kids were never delinquent in the good old days, no never. 

some certainly were, but NOT to the degree of today

4 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

Old habits die hard, and the fact that there is now a "law" in a country where "laws" are selectively and randomly "enforced" means little to those being "disciplined".



File this one with the "law passed to eliminate seasonal burning".


"Have you stopped beating your children?"





never, ever struck/beat my children - learned from my parents.  Discipline does not need to be violent.  I learned early in life the difference between bad and good and my parents were never religious.   


1 hour ago, Guderian said:


Thailand seems to want to adopt all sorts of Western habits and ideas and become a similar cultural and economic basket case. A lot of us moved here a long time ago specifically because it was so different from the West. Nowadays, with the banking rules and new global income tax proposals, the differences are becoming confined to the weather and the temples. 

well as for economic basket case, Thailand leads most countries.


If you take a look at how disrespectful kids have become in the west I don't think this is the right way to go. I get where they're coming from, though.

10 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Please find the definition of "reasonable", what are the parameters?


Well, blackboard dusters, you know, the wooden ones, did give you a lump on the head to go home with.  😝

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