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Did Moses really part the Red Sea? Experts reveal a scientific basis for Bible story

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  On 3/12/2025 at 2:35 PM, JBChiangRai said:

OK the gospels, they are even easier to disprove.


The documented procedure for crucifying someone was that the body MUST stay on the cross until it falls off through rotting. Removing the body before this was illegal and punishable.


The Bible says Jesus’s body was removed and put in a tomb (also illegal), only Patricians could be entombed. In all the Roman’s records there are ZERO instances of these 2 illegal events happening.


You should stop parroting nonsense and research the Q source.  It’s the available 8,000 or so documents from which the bible was assembled, most of which contradicts the New Testaments gospels.


There are many inconsistencies in the New Testament, e.g. one gospel says that the family took Jesus to Egypt after the birth while another says they returned to Nazareth. This does not mean it is all rubbish as you will find errors in a lot of written history.

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how did the penquins get to noah's ark?...that was one long walk for them...and the kangaroos must have been big time jumpers all way from down under along with kiwi birds ....maybe they all lived on fantasy island ?

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  On 3/12/2025 at 8:08 AM, JBChiangRai said:


There’s an invisible man in the sky who watches everything we do.


He says we can sell our daughters into slavery as sanctioned in Leviticus 21:7


He says if we work on the Sabbath, we should be put to death Exodus 35:2 


He says we will be unclean if we touch the skin of a dead pig Leviticus 11:7


He says dwarves must not go to church, nor anyone with a flat nose Leviticus 21:18


He says if we plant different crop seeds next to each other, we have to be stoned to death and we must be burned to death if we wear clothes made from 2 different threads.


There is an another list of 10 things we must not do, and if we do, he will burn and torture us until the end of time.


But all this is OK because he loves us.


Its silly to compare 21st century life and morality to that which existed 3000 years ago in a society of ancient humans whose ultimate morality and theology formed the basis of the major religions in the world outside Asia.

  On 3/12/2025 at 8:08 AM, JBChiangRai said:


There’s an invisible man in the sky who watches everything we do.


He says we can sell our daughters into slavery as sanctioned in Leviticus 21:7


He says if we work on the Sabbath, we should be put to death Exodus 35:2 


He says we will be unclean if we touch the skin of a dead pig Leviticus 11:7


He says dwarves must not go to church, nor anyone with a flat nose Leviticus 21:18


He says if we plant different crop seeds next to each other, we have to be stoned to death and we must be burned to death if we wear clothes made from 2 different threads.


There is an another list of 10 things we must not do, and if we do, he will burn and torture us until the end of time.


But all this is OK because he loves us.



  On 3/13/2025 at 3:42 AM, Yagoda said:

Its silly to compare 21st century life and morality to that which existed 3000 years ago in a society of ancient humans whose ultimate morality and theology formed the basis of the major religions in the world outside Asia.



Did you take my post seriously?



  On 3/13/2025 at 3:33 AM, BillyBid said:


Penguins can swim.  They spend most of their life in the ocean.  I don't think Noah would have needed to load any marine animals on the ark.  


good point..long swim...so what about the kiwis and the kangaroos then?


Did Moses really part the Red Sea? Experts reveal a scientific basis for Bible story.


Who really cares, Believe it or not.

Its an religious story and one knows religion is whatever one  believes by being Brainwashed . 


What does it mean when someone says you're brainwashed?
brain·wash·ing ˈbrān-ˌwȯsh-iŋ, -ˌwäsh- : a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas. brainwash transitive verb. brainwash noun.
  On 3/13/2025 at 3:33 AM, BillyBid said:


Penguins can swim.  They spend most of their life in the ocean.  I don't think Noah would have needed to load any marine animals on the ark.  



Paying visitors to the taxpayer supported $100 million Ark Encounter "museum" can see how Noah kept dinosaurs on a big 'ol boat for a year, along with 8000 other critters, with only 8 people to shovel all the poop out of one single tiny window.


What are the odds Doge will revoke this scam's tax evasion certificate?


Probably less than the odds of the new, repurposed Department of Edumacation will classify the Flintstones as a documentary series.




such an event could have been caused by powerful winds blowing at just the right speed and angle.



I thought it is the receding wave before sea surge(tsunami).

Same phenomenon sighted at the time of Sumatra Quake as well.

First, sea water left the surf.

Minutes later, high wall of water came back in 3-4 waves.

  On 3/13/2025 at 6:37 AM, NoDisplayName said:


Paying visitors to the taxpayer supported $100 million Ark Encounter "museum" can see how Noah kept dinosaurs on a big 'ol boat for a year, along with 8000 other critters, with only 8 people to shovel all the poop out of one single tiny window.


What are the odds Doge will revoke this scam's tax evasion certificate?


Probably less than the odds of the new, repurposed Department of Edumacation will classify the Flintstones as a documentary series.




Since it is some sort of weird christian museum the tax money will likely continue to flow as spineless politicians love to pretend to be christian as that gets them votes....they also love to try and shove their religion down the throats of all americans with what is taught in schools, printed on money, plackards hanging in courtooms along with massive tax breaks granted to churches which by law prohibits them from being political...but that part is never ever enforced knowing that no politician dares to challenge their tax exempt status.  


It is  a close race as to who are the bigger hypocrites...christians or politicians.


Find me one other written story except in the Bible, and I will start to believe this story.

For me not more that a bunch of followers of Achnaton, who fled out of Egypt after the death of his farao, and took with them the believe in a ONE god with them. The rest.. is a 7-800 years historical contamination till scolars in Babylonia ( before Cyrus, king of Medes and Persians) start to write all oral stories down.

  On 3/13/2025 at 4:29 AM, pomchop said:

good point..long swim...so what about the kiwis and the kangaroos then?


Or the capibara, lama, etc from South America ?

How to feed all these animals, till a natural situation would be back, to feed the predators... DECADES.

Last-but-not-least: ask any physicist how much water normal air can hold and ask, how many cm ( mtr ?) can rain out of this saturated air. Remind: even the highest mountain had to be covered.


One big nonsense story, only Trump believers can follow.

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  On 3/13/2025 at 3:14 AM, pomchop said:

how did the penquins get to noah's ark?...that was one long walk for them...and the kangaroos must have been big time jumpers all way from down under along with kiwi birds ....maybe they all lived on fantasy island ?


This explains everything if you are confused 🤪



I have read/watched other evidence that suggest there was a major volcanic eruption off the coase at that time, which can completely explain the 7 plagues of Egypt, including the parting of waters.  Earthquakes cause tsunamis. Tsunamis create a masive pull back in water before they occur.  We also know that The Bible, while one of the most complete historical records of the Jews, was written by religious zealots. I am sure the event occured and was perfectly timed by geological events. 

  On 3/12/2025 at 12:04 AM, Social Media said:

While the debate over the Red Sea crossing continues, both religious believers and scientists seem to agree on one thing—whether by divine intervention or natural forces, the timing of such an event would have been extraordinary.


In other words the Bible's story is complete cobblers.

  On 3/13/2025 at 4:33 AM, Kinnock said:

Why does God focus all his attention on the Middle East .... same as CNN?


Is the rest of the planet not worthy?


God (whatever God is) doesn't. Only we do because of our western Jedeo-Christian history.  Before Constantine, Christianity was a small group of followers. You can read up on that. IMHO, every religion is speaking of the same God throw their own interpretation and expression.

  18 hours ago, DavisH said:

This explains everything if you are confused 🤪



Thanks good one...


.Sadly there are millions upon millions of people who were brainwashed with all this nonsense along with santa claus and the easter bunny as young kids ...then as they grew older the brainwashing went to jesus and miracles and water to wine and parting seas and giants and coming back from the dead....and while many of us grew up and recongnized that it was all a bunch of centuries old stories told by ignorant peoples roaming the deserts that it was all a load of BS here we are now thousands of years later with the same old brainwashing techniques still seem to work on millions of grown adults..


I was a product of the brainwashing and have said often the chuch had me with the idea of be a good person, don't kill, don't steal, don't commit adultery, etc etc and then they lost me with all the made up bs miracles and the like at which point I wanted nothing further to do with any church that would activately promote such lies.

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