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British Man Sparks Outrage in Thai Restaurant Incident

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What a idiot! Jealous at his thai wife doesn mean u can behave like this 

And his thai skills really impressed me.I ROO THAI LAW  he said 

Maybe better he ROO how to behave in public.

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If he’d behaved like that in another location like Pattaya, he would have been sleeping it off there and then on the restaurant floor

20 hours ago, Keeps said:

All British are known for this are they? Each and every one of them? 



No not all but we certainly don't have a good reputation when the animals go abroad.

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23 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

I'm not saying Korat or wherever are bad places not worth living in I'm just observing the trend of people who simply go to where the wife/GF lives and then get persuaded into building a house etc... and getting stuck there. Those are areas are hard to live in and I can see how a person could be isolated and turn to heavy drinking. I didn't think this was a controversial opinion.


Compare this to Chiang Mai where I spent most my time in Thailand. The average expat visited once and decided they loved the city and wanted to stay longer, THEN they find a GF and settle in. This is totally different from meeting the isaan girl online and then when you arrive to Thailand go straight to her village and build a house.


In fact there's Finnish guy on YouTube who did just this. He's 50, meets a 25 y/o from Buriram, builds a 3mil baht house in her village then after a couple years in the country realizes it kind of sucks and moved to Pattaya with the new wife and rents a condo. I bet he'd be pretty depressed if he had to stay in Buriram for the rest of his days and could start drinking etc...

In the last 3 years of my 20 years in Thailand I found that boredom started to be an issue. Although I lived in BKK, so there were plenty of places to go etc. I would think that small-town Thailand is very restircted so far as things to see and do goes.

After 7 years of living back in the UK the biggest thing I miss about Thailand is the weather, especially having just endured another British winter.

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1 hour ago, Katatonica said:

I think that's only when the word 'bar' is in their job description though. The other 99.9% are not at all.

Nah, my wife's pal is a seamstress (age 40+), got so falling down drunk at our place last week she could hardly mount her m/c. They were doing rice vodka with soda shots.

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20 hours ago, webfact said:

Image de couverture : 2025-03-20T110401.webp

Photo reproduite avec l'aimable autorisation de Channel 7


La tirade ivre d'un Britannique dans un restaurant thaïlandais de Nakhon Ratchasima a suscité l'indignation, témoignant des tensions entre locaux et expatriés dans la région. L'incident s'est produit dans un restaurant du district de Phimai, la boisson alcoolisée préférée du Britannique n'ayant pas pu être fournie.


Inquiet de l'escalade des tensions, le propriétaire du restaurant, un Thaïlandais du nom d'Apinan, a contacté le commissariat de Phimai le dimanche 16 mars. Il craignait qu'une altercation entre le client britannique et la clientèle thaïlandaise ne dégénère en violence.


S'adressant à Channel 7, Apinan a raconté que le Britannique était entré dans le restaurant avec son épouse thaïlandaise et trois connaissances étrangères, l'air manifestement ivre. Constatant que leur boisson préférée n'était pas disponible, le personnel a proposé une autre marque et a proposé de se procurer la boisson d'origine dans un magasin voisin.


Malgré les gestes conciliants, le Britannique s'est emporté et a insulté les employés et les clients thaïlandais. Apinan a décrit la scène, soulignant que l'homme avait utilisé un langage désobligeant pour dénigrer la situation financière des clients locaux, allant même jusqu'à se moquer de leurs moyens de subsistance et à insinuer qu'ils ne pouvaient pas se permettre de fréquenter ou de participer à des activités de loisirs dans l'établissement.




Lorsqu'un employé du restaurant a tenté d'apaiser la situation en demandant au Britannique de se calmer, sa réponse a été agressive et dédaigneuse. Une vidéo diffusée par le propriétaire Apinan montre l'homme interpellant un membre du personnel, lui ordonnant de ne pas le bousculer, tout en le bousculant activement.


Afin d'éviter de nouveaux troubles, le personnel a escorté le client turbulent hors des lieux. Les habitants du quartier, familiers du Britannique et de son épouse thaïlandaise, ont partagé les insultes proférées par lui lors de ses précédentes interactions.


La police de Phimai est rapidement arrivée sur les lieux, veillant à ce que l'incident ne dégénère pas en violence. Cependant, la police n'a pas encore confirmé si le Britannique a fait l'objet de poursuites judiciaires suite à l'altercation.


Cet incident met en évidence les frictions et les malentendus culturels potentiels, soulignant la nécessité du respect mutuel et de la civilité dans les interactions entre expatriés et communautés locales. Pour l'instant, aucune autre mesure n'a été prise, tandis que les résidents et les commerçants espèrent une cohabitation plus harmonieuse à l'avenir, rapporte The Thaiger.




-- 2025-03-20





Quelque soit la nationalitee, ces gens sont une honte. Ils doivent etre expulses du pays sans discutions.

  • Haha 1
39 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

I'm not saying Korat or wherever are bad places not worth living in I'm just observing the trend of people who simply go to where the wife/GF lives and then get persuaded into building a house etc... and getting stuck there. Those are areas are hard to live in and I can see how a person could be isolated and turn to heavy drinking. I didn't think this was a controversial opinion.


Compare this to Chiang Mai where I spent most my time in Thailand. The average expat visited once and decided they loved the city and wanted to stay longer, THEN they find a GF and settle in. This is totally different from meeting the isaan girl online and then when you arrive to Thailand go straight to her village and build a house.


In fact there's Finnish guy on YouTube who did just this. He's 50, meets a 25 y/o from Buriram, builds a 3mil baht house in her village then after a couple years in the country realizes it kind of sucks and moved to Pattaya with the new wife and rents a condo. I bet he'd be pretty depressed if he had to stay in Buriram for the rest of his days and could start drinking etc...

Like I said, you are wrong. I've lived in Buriram over 21 years. I came here to teach for 3 months but decided to stay. Now I've stopped teaching and live a nice, peaceful life with my wife whom I met here in Buriram whilst teaching. Many others I know have done similar.


Many that have come to live here with their partners are also very happy. Mostly sussing out the area before making commitments. I'm sure there are those that have made mistakes but that is a small minority.


Buriram and Korat are busy places. They have the facilities that other places, such as Chiang Mai, have. I live away from town for the quieter life but close enough to be near to what I need. 


Buriram also has good bus, train and air links to Bangkok and ChonBuri, if that's what you want. Also only 3 hours away from Siem Reap. 


Happy Days.





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1 hour ago, madone said:


Are you drunk now?


you must be because since Brexit (remember that?) the UK is not included in either the EU of Eurostat's numbers. 

also, there is the matter of annual liquor consumption vs binge drinking, which is the source of much bad behavior. 


as of this year, the UK is third in the world for binge drinking, with UK women rating second only behind Denmark 


That said the UKs alcohol consumption numbers have been falling since around 2000.


Thanks for your comment and with respect, I am not drunk now - I do not drink alcohol these days, being a Type 2 insulin dependent diabetic.

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2 hours ago, Humpy said:

'However, angry locals claim the push for tourist dollars has attracted crowds of 'low-quality' visitors from across the globe including Russia, India and Australia.'



At least they got the Australian bit 100% correct 👍🏾

  • Haha 1
20 hours ago, Keeps said:

All British are known for this are they? Each and every one of them? 



I think what he meant to say is that all over Europe Brits have a reputation for getting very pissed, and, when pissed, sometimes getting loud and aggressive, more so than, let's say, Italians, Spaniards.... 

Didn't football hooliganism originate on the island. 

On the other hand, Brits are also known for being polite "gentlemen" 


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4 hours ago, sabai-dee-man said:


At least Buriram has a racetrack... what's Korat got, other than a Terminal 21? As for Phimai, there's b*&&er all there but a Tesco Lotus and an old Khmer temple. No wonder he was grumpy! LOL


The plank needs to move somewhere a little more lively. Phimai isn't for foreigners looking for a bawdy night on the tiles!

Correct, I was in Korat last week for 3 nights, totally boring place, went to the Monkey Bar, run by a miserable  Brit, was glad to get out of there.

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19 hours ago, Burma Bill said:


As a UK Citizen, sadly I have to agree, BUT the Brits are not the highest consumers of alcohol (reference Google) -


Source: Eurostat. The EU country with the biggest share of its population drinking alcohol on a weekly basis is the Netherlands (47.3 per cent), Luxembourg (43.1 per cent), and Belgium (40.8 per cent).Jun 30, 2023


UK a EU-Country? Since Nigel Farages greatest sucess not any more...

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3 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

I'm neither lonely or poor. I've raised 5 children and still raising another. You may have missed what I wrote about my hobbies,a skimmers actions,which use up a lot of my time. I don't look for any arguments, but again, dislike others who lump all of one type of people into one category, a negative one, and think they actually know more than a few people who act like you stated earlier. This is what you do many times, and it actually sounds like you aren't a foreigner, because no one trashes their own kind unless they have some sort of problem with them.

Get a life mate, you're starting to annoy me, your constant bickering. 


Gawd, I've got an ex misses who is like you. 



  • Confused 2
1 minute ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

Get a life mate, you're starting to annoy me, your constant bickering. 


Gawd, I've got an ex misses who is like you. 



I'm sure we both see you for what you really are. Again, assuming is a teenage response. You know nothing about anyone on this forum. Everyone has a life, and I'm sure mine is much more interesting than yours, seeing I do have many hobbies that are all interesting and thought provoking, entertaining and productive. If you would read all of my posts and replies, you would see I'm here to help and have discussions on various topics. I just dislike those who think their <deleted> doesn't stink, are better than others, who brag about money they either have or lie about having, narcissists that only argue to feed their low self esteem and people who are prejudiced against a particular religion, nationality or lifestyle because their parents taught them that way.

  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, transam said:

How do you know.......?

Another guess or did the bloke go to your hangouts too.........:unsure:

Are there any single farang men up your way?

Or farang couples? 

The only farang males up there ended up there chasing skirt.

7 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

Are there any single farang men up your way?

Or farang couples? 

The only farang males up there ended up there chasing skirt.

Or married the wrong woman when they moved here and are still there because Thai women are among the most alluring on planet earth.

3 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Or married the wrong woman when they moved here and are still there because Thai women are among the most alluring on planet earth.

Like I said, you're like a nagging wife go away.


  • Confused 1
20 hours ago, Burma Bill said:


As a UK Citizen, sadly I have to agree, BUT the Brits are not the highest consumers of alcohol (reference Google) -


Source: Eurostat. The EU country with the biggest share of its population drinking alcohol on a weekly basis is the Netherlands (47.3 per cent), Luxembourg (43.1 per cent), and Belgium (40.8 per cent).Jun 30, 2023


Oh COME ON. Don’t let facts get in the way of making racist comments. 

Whatever next 🤦‍♂️

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4 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

Like I said, you're like a nagging wife go away.


And you're like a spoiled teenage boy who doesn't understand restraint and respect.


We live not too far from this area, often travel to Phimai to visit one of the wife's sisters.


Couple days ago, wife got a call from another sister.  She had seen the news and wanted to know where I was, and did I get arrested.




19 hours ago, MalcolmB said:


Like 78% of people on this forum do according to a recent poll.

And sometimes I drive to a woman’s house.


But very carefully and slowly avoiding accidents and police checkpoints.


Your poll was rubbish with loaded questions and you know it...


One of the questions was

<< Yes, I am competent to drive after having a few, but I don’t drive when blind drunk >>


Which can mean someone drives after two beers and is within the limit - but they answer yes because there was no other valid option... 


You keep quoting this 78% and quoting your home ball BS poll to justify your own drink driving after 10 beers which is 'drunk driving'....   


Typical hypocrite-cockroach behavior claim the moral high-ground against misbehaving Brits while being one of the worst and knowingly could kill someone through your actions.







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A nice thai police cell for a day or so 

and a visa revoke for a year or two 

would sort this and a lot of the same happening all the time. 
ideots like this spoil it for everyone else. !!

5 hours ago, Andycoops said:

Arrest the scum for causing a public disturbance and then don't renew his visa that should shut the fat moron up.


His behavior was extremely poor - they were right to kick-him out.


I'd also agree with giving him a warning - but not reviewing his visa is somewhat of a 'hangem high post'...      


... Did something happen before this ?... we keep seeing one sided news which feeds the rhetoric of 'anti-farang' sentiment then later find out something else happened....


The Brit was clearly a dick...  but the behavior is hardly cause to revoke or not renew his visa... 


I'd say someone caught drink driving is more deserving of such a response. 



Just now, john11k said:

A nice thai police cell for a day or so 

and a visa revoke for a year or two 

would sort this and a lot of the same happening all the time. 
ideots like this spoil it for everyone else. !!


Just curious - how many times have you seen this behavior in person ?


I go out quite a lot and this behavior is a rarity - Social media and the news magnifying such behavior makes this seem far more common than it really is IMO....   Most people are quite decent (except the ayhole drunks who insist on driving when taxi's are as cheap as a beer).


One more massive.



Wonder how many children were killed on the roads here that day and today. 

Thailand, taking care of the smoke and mirrors game. 


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