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1st Retirement Extension Today At Jomtien

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My income from my pension is sufficent to meet Thai immigration requirements however, (as you know), they still require that you have a local bank account. I was prepared with a copy of my bank ATM card but did not offer it to the officer and she did not ask for it. It could be that it is only needed on a "case by case" basis. My advice would be to have a copy of your bank card or credit card ready but only provide it if requested by immigration.

Thanks tilac, though I don't know what to make of it. I seem to recall someone mentioning that Immigration likes to see at least 20K Baht in a Thai bank account if you go the income route (correct me if I am wrong there). Maybe if you have significantly more than 20K in your account, then they aren't interested in any further proof of financial well-being? Just speculating.

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Then there's the loss of interest on the 800K Baht in the bank for 90 days,........................

How's that ? Please explain.


I keep hearing about how some farangs dont get interest and some do, to be truthful I have never even checked as I just use my Thai accounts as pocket money spending and ATM use.

However even if they do get interest, one of my GBP accounts is paying about 6% I doubt your getting that on baht ??

While on the subject.. Those THB bonds that were used for 3m investor visas (I know thats not on the table now).. What did they pay ??

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Then there's the loss of interest on the 800K Baht in the bank for 90 days,........................

How's that ? Please explain.


I keep hearing about how some farangs dont get interest and some do, to be truthful I have never even checked as I just use my Thai accounts as pocket money spending and ATM use.

However even if they do get interest, one of my GBP accounts is paying about 6% I doubt your getting that on baht ??

While on the subject.. Those THB bonds that were used for 3m investor visas (I know thats not on the table now).. What did they pay ??

The SCB SFF account where I keep my money (and which is not acceptable to Immigration) currently pays 2.4% tax-free. It's not great, but better than nothing.

SCB also told me that they have a 1-year fixed-interest account paying 2.8% tax-free, and that this account is acceptable to Immigration. Too late for me this year, anyway.

If you're just keeping 50K or 100K Baht in an account for a few weeks holiday, then it's probably not worth worrying about interest. But even at a fairly lousy 2.8%, over the 3-month 'seasoning' period required by Immigration, your 800K Baht will make around 5600 Baht in interest. Not much for a 'two-week millionaire', I know, but every bit helps when you retire here :o .

Some farangs living here are just too lazy or wealthy to bother looking for reasonable, interest-bearing accounts that satisfy Immigration. But they do exist.

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Then there's the loss of interest on the 800K Baht in the bank for 90 days,........................

How's that ? Please explain.


I keep hearing about how some farangs dont get interest and some do, to be truthful I have never even checked as I just use my Thai accounts as pocket money spending and ATM use.

However even if they do get interest, one of my GBP accounts is paying about 6% I doubt your getting that on baht ??

While on the subject.. Those THB bonds that were used for 3m investor visas (I know thats not on the table now).. What did they pay ??

The SCB SFF account where I keep my money (and which is not acceptable to Immigration) currently pays 2.4% tax-free. It's not great, but better than nothing.

SCB also told me that they have a 1-year fixed-interest account paying 2.8% tax-free, and that this account is acceptable to Immigration. Too late for me this year, anyway.

If you're just keeping 50K or 100K Baht in an account for a few weeks holiday, then it's probably not worth worrying about interest. But even at a fairly lousy 2.8%, over the 3-month 'seasoning' period required by Immigration, your 800K Baht will make around 5600 Baht in interest. Not much for a 'two-week millionaire', I know, but every bit helps when you retire here :o .

Some farangs living here are just too lazy or wealthy to bother looking for reasonable, interest-bearing accounts that satisfy Immigration. But they do exist.

I am sure you will find that they stop 15% tax at source. I do agree that any interest is better than nothing.

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I successfully received my first extension on my retirement visa today at Jomtien. I use a combination of pension and some money in the bank. Just to advise that I was not asked for a copy of a credit card.

I would be interested to know how much money you had in the bank ?

Also did you have a copy of your ATM or credit card ready to give them ? Just not required?

Can you detail any other happenings?


Edited after I read the remaining posts,,,,,,,,,,,,Tilac answers the questions,,,,,,,,,,thanks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dahhhhhhhhh!!!!

Edited by longball53098
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People show up at immigration dressed like bums for the same reason they show up at the Grand Palace dressed like bums because they have no respect for themselves or the Thai people.

it could be that they are just bums,i have ceased being amazed at the way some guys dress here 50plus with ponytales ,great with a bald spot,tattoes all over singlet and shorts with sandles and black socks.

god what the locals must think.

my wife complains if i dont tuck my shirt in :o

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It is really refreshing to read a post that has a happy outcome without the 'gnashing of teeth'.

Last time I checked;

Their country. ..

Their rules. ..

If they move the goal post every once in a while, well that’s theirs too. ..

Suck it up

I am ALWAYS proud to be an American, and that will never ever change. Often times though I am embarrassed to be a foreigner, given the way some dress and act here.

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  • 2 months later...
Why did you post, there is no drama, no knashing of teeth and rending of cloth. You met all of the requirements and had your ducks in a row what a refreshing experience compared to those trying to bend the rules and recieve visas they donot qualify for.

In dealing with the Jomtien office for my annual renewal I scan all the required documentation and print off 3 copies of each, collate and staple. (One is a spare, just in case). I find that the officers appreciate this and I don't get scammed for paying over the odds for extra copies from their shop outside.

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Will add that in my experience officials do not seem to appreciate staples in paperwork and have to remove them - I have started to use paperclips as they are easier to remove and still keep the items separated.

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