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Thai Woman Charged In Husband's Killing Out On Bail, Family Says


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Its sad to see in this case but in Thailand it seems plenty of murderes seem to get bail and get away with murder too.

We all probably know of at least a few Thai ones but there are farang ones to - the English guy who stabbed his beer bar GF to death in Pattaya then held the cops off I heard was on bail and back in Blighty. The Irish guy high on drugs who killed the girl in Pattaya too.

Life just seems so cheap in Thailand and often for victims and their families no justice be they whatever nationality.

I'd argue those two cases are the exception rather than the rule concerning farang getting any slack with the law. Not a good analogy perhaps, but to me it's rather like a foreign lightweight boxer coming to the kingdom hoping to beat the Thai boxer. Not a chance unless he knocks him absolutely spark out.

I was just starting to read this thread over...funny you should say that. Our Dad was welterweight champion boxer, he was known for TKO's!! I know he is watching over us.

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Thai law procedures slow Ok, An Indian banker who did a bunk to Canada after alledgedly scamming zillions fro BCC is still there..10 years on while

extradition "proceeds" see http://www.nriinternet.com/NRI_Fraud/ASIA/...a/1_crooked.htm $88 million

One feature I smiled at was the RCMP sent an investigator here..a corporal, and I'm sure he knew his stuff. Of course half a dozen generals were meeting with him..what's the equation here?

2 Thai Police actually followed him to Canada at the time completely ex-officio, and they were all "caught'" negotiating in a car park with a car and a trunk full of money..alledgedly

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desertrat: I did follow the link, to be honest, you totally lost me...maybe it's past bed time?? There were so many names and countries, I couldn't keep it in order. I will try and read again tomorrow to see how this all fits for our situation.

Thanks for the reply...and the bump :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
That is so disappointing...I thought he was in for the long haul. Really, what is his incentive to return..."The Death Sentence"... Logic? Come on Thailand!!!

Colleen, Please send pictures.

The website is under construction.

Would you like me to send them to your home address of email them to you?

Mary Jane I would like to help you out with pictures but do not have an address of where to send them please advise on where you would like them sent to. I think this is a wonderful way to honor your Brother, he was a wonderful man and I miss him dearly :o

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Thankyou...will be needing some more pictures. I do have a domain set up, however no content yet. You can send them to my e-mail, that would be great.

Does anyone know if Jinda (hitman) is still out on a "temporary absence"? I have heard nothing from anyone I have written.

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  • 2 months later...

Hmmm....Does anyone have any information if all three still walk free...(Mosha?) Pretty bad I have to ask on thaivisa for updates.

Also, to the gentleman that offerred to build a website last summer...what happened? Got the domain and paid a couple of years webhosting and extra's. made him an administrator..seems like such a waste. Maybe I will learn how to do it myself... http://www.murderinthailand.com It sits the way he started it. It makes me sad and everytime I check that site, it feels really lonely.

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Really!!! Well sadly the Del Pinto family has to fight again!! The policeman has been released again...although not surprising...but very sad. It seems all that goes on in Thailand is underhanded. I have written Mr. Ernie Del Pinto on a couple of occasions and have signed petitions?? No replies back. POWER IS IN NUMBERS to fight the corruption. If you read this, please contact me.

Very sad how the little people live...no diapers, bed hangs from ceiling...so very sad. The Thai family I visited was so gracious and welcoming. They had some cashew trees and they wanted to give, they put out some fresh cashews. I will never forget that. Those are the Thai people I will always remember, I just wish I would have known what I was walking into...I would have brought some things to help, as would Dale. He could'nt turn his back on that...and never did. Did he NEE?? That was his weakness and you ran all the way to his bank with that!! You I would like to forget and wish you never existed. YOU are what has made me the oldest living family member alive. Do you care....absolutely NOT!! F.B. He will haunt you and your family family for as long as you live. That is forsure!


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  • 1 month later...

The sister of a Calgary man murdered in Thailand is still shaken by the tragedy and won't rest until justice is done

The worst part, says Mary-Jane Matheson, is knowing her brother fought desperately for his life.

That image, of the 48-year-old former Calgarian waking up to find a gun aimed at him, haunts Dale Henry's sister, a year after the former paramedic was murdered in Thailand in a hit allegedly arranged by his Thai wife.

"He woke up and he fought back -- they reported he was asleep, but the police report says he fought back," said Matheson, who lives in Calgary.

She says her brother's last moments of terror never leave her mind, even 12 months later.

"You tend to think about it a lot -- it's different when you lose someone to violence, than to sickness or something else," she said.

Henry's murder was front-page news in Canada and Thailand at this time last year, with reports claiming the oil worker was asleep in front of the television when his assailant fired the fatal shot.

But Matheson said the police reports and autopsy showed injuries to Henry's hands and arms, plus a bullet wound to his shoulder as well as the fatal head shot, leading police to conclude there was a struggle.

"He knew what was happening," said Matheson, fighting back tears.

Worse yet, Henry would have been relatively immobile, his leg still healing from a nasty fracture sustained in a fall from a remote lookout he visited with his wife, an "accident" Matheson suspects may have been an early attempt at killing him.

Authorities in Thailand say Henry was shot to death at close range, and have charged his 27-year-old wife, her lover and an alleged hitman with the crime.

At a trial planned for July, Nee Henry will defend herself against allegations she waited until her husband fell asleep before texting her lover, a Thai man, who then entered Henry's home with a hitman in tow.

The motive is still a source of speculation, but those close to the victim say it was an attempt by Nee Henry to collect on her husband's $1-million life insurance policy.

Henry, who was born in Victoria, moved to Thailand about 11 years ago after working for three decades in Calgary. Henry met Nee in Thailand and married her about seven years ago.

For Henry's sister and a brother in Victoria, B.C., the Feb. 3, 2008, slaying in Ranong was a life-altering event, and they've vowed not to rest until justice is served.

Henry was the second Calgarian killed in Thailand in early 2008 -- the off-duty police officer accused in the January shooting of 25-year-old Leo Del Pinto is now in jail, awaiting trial.

Now, on the first anniversary of Henry's murder making Canadian headlines, his younger brother Richard boarded a plane bound for Thailand, determined to make his brother front-page news in that country.

In Calgary, Matheson is putting the final touches on a new website,


where she plans to document her brother's case, as well as the stories of other Canadians killed in the south-east Asian country.

The motivation is the lack of bars between their brother's accused killers and a normal life in Thailand: All three are currently out of jail, awaiting trial.

"It doesn't make sense," said Matheson.

Fearing the accused killers may never face a proper trial in a country known for corruption has spurred the siblings to turn their mourning into a crusade for justice.

"I just think these people shouldn't get away with it -- it all seems a bit corrupt," said Matheson.

Richard Henry is attempting to arrange a meeting with the new Thai prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, to discuss the case.

Short of that, he plans to stir up interest in the case with local media, ensuring the trial gets proper attention.

The crusade for justice so near the scene of the crime has Matheson worried for her other brother.

"They're not going to like him stirring things up again, so now I'm worried about Richard," she said.

"He's going to keep moving around, so hopefully he'll be safe."

- The Calgary Sun (Canada) / 2009-02-12

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Mary-Jane. There's not a lot slips by SRJ. Good work!

I was wondering how this tale was unfolding and was despairing having to use the TV rubbish search engine to find the latest post.

I hope Richard stays safe on this trip; with the recession and unemployment, there may be more local resentment but we can pray that good will prevail. And whoever is the Admin for your website, I hope they at least can spend some time transferring it to someone who follows up on their promises. Maybe the agreed to only host it but never passed on details on allowing a third party to actually build it?

Edited by NanLaew
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I am amazed at how fast that was put up, before I even saw it in the paper.

and here I was going to apologize for my tardiness that a full 32 minutes had passed from its publication to my posting it...

Your family's efforts and determination are inspirational and if I can contribute to that in some small way by informing others of it, then I am honored to a be a small part of that. :o

That should also read a .com site in the same name.

Do you mean this one?


My browser reaches it ok as is. Good luck on its implementation and start-up.

I was not ever going to publish details on this site...but it is what it is.

Spread the word... :D

Edited by sriracha john
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Hi and thank you again for that very quick posting of the news clip and for the very encouraging words. It actually made page two and was the entire page with a photo of Dale. The paper had called me the previous day expressing an interest.

About the website, someone from thaivisa had agreed to build the site so I aquired the domain name and a host. I had made him admin. Nothing was done for 6 months. I don't hold grudges as everyone has their ups and downs. I just wish that it could have been conveyed to me and not avoided. So now I am building it myself. I did have a page up on the murderinthailand.com but removed it and failed to get the new one up...rrr...it looks good on my PC ? but I will get it figured out. Sorry I confused you...I bought the .com and the .ca.

Richard has spent a great deal of time thinking and planning this trip. I went to Vancouver last week and met up with him, and he seems to be feeling very strong and positive.

So Gentlemen, thank you again.

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Hi and thank you again for that very quick posting of the news clip and for the very encouraging words. It actually made page two and was the entire page with a photo of Dale. The paper had called me the previous day expressing an interest.

About the website, someone from thaivisa had agreed to build the site so I aquired the domain name and a host. I had made him admin. Nothing was done for 6 months. I don't hold grudges as everyone has their ups and downs. I just wish that it could have been conveyed to me and not avoided. So now I am building it myself. I did have a page up on the murderinthailand.com but removed it and failed to get the new one up...rrr...it looks good on my PC ? but I will get it figured out. Sorry I confused you...I bought the .com and the .ca.

Richard has spent a great deal of time thinking and planning this trip. I went to Vancouver last week and met up with him, and he seems to be feeling very strong and positive.

So Gentlemen, thank you again.

Hi Mary-Jane,

I know the guy you're referring to, it's out of character to not contact you.

What do you need him to do as far as Admin is concerned? Make you admin now?

I'll write to him today.

I haven't heard from him since he left Thailand to start afresh back in Canada with his family.

cheers :o


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Yes that would be the right person. I have already taken care of the Admin thing by way of changing the password. So everything is ok as far as that goes. I'm sure he had more than enough on his plate. I did hear from him once since his return to Canada. I'm sure he isn't finding it too easy to make a new start...not to mention the culture shock for his wife and little fella. I wish him and his family well and hope they are adjusting.

To add to that, someone else has stepped up to help...I am so grateful. It's not easy when it's all green to me. Everything I do I end up reading about it for a couple of hours. So I am relieved to say the least. He knows what he is doing and has GREAT ideas.

Thank you John

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Hmmm....Does anyone have any information if all three still walk free...(Mosha?) Pretty bad I have to ask on thaivisa for updates.

Also, to the gentleman that offerred to build a website last summer...what happened? Got the domain and paid a couple of years webhosting and extra's. made him an administrator..seems like such a waste. Maybe I will learn how to do it myself... http://www.murderinthailand.com It sits the way he started it. It makes me sad and everytime I check that site, it feels really lonely.

OK I'm sorry to disappoint. but Jinda Sae Tae is on bail , and living about 6 km from me. The bitch the last I heard is in Surat Thani. Lover boy, I don't know where he his. If you like I can get a better picture of the house. It's still empty. To many dark memories. Mark from Sophon's, Preben, and Mai. John who was with him a few nights before the murder, and myself gathered for a beer in the garden. A gathering before and after in Sophon's, in Dales memory. Robert from the Secret Garden was there at the beginning but had to go home.

Be assured Dale's friends will never forget, but will justice prevail? They don't know.

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Hi Mosha...long Time!

Thank you and Dale's friends for honouring his memory. That's really nice to know you guys have not forgot. Glad to hear Mark was there too. He is a great guy! As many of you!!

I got a parcel from Richard today...I'm keeping all the pictures safe until he returns from Thailand after Trial. Quite heartwrenching to see all the good times with Dale. I'll be posting them on the website. By the way...on www.murderinthailand.com, you should at least be seeing the title and The murder of Dale Henry under that. The gentleman who is building it, using a CMS(?) had a system crash so a technical delay on the building process. Should be going in the next couple of days.

I do have pictures of the outside of the house, but we have none of the wedding (marriage) or pics of them at home etc.and with his friends. If you have any I would really appreciate some. I'll give you my email addy to send. I was told Jinda was on temporary absence, not bail?

Richard is on a mission and has left his life in Canada for now. I will take care of this side from here...together we will be able to make a difference in how this unfolds. The website will have links to send letters etc. As well as a discussion board. The next five months will focus on justice for Dale, and getting these people behind bars where they belong!! If we do nothing...that is what will probably happen...Nothing.

One other question, does anyone know what happened to the animals, Dale would want them to be okay. :o

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Hi Mosha...long Time!

Thank you and Dale's friends for honouring his memory. That's really nice to know you guys have not forgot. Glad to hear Mark was there too. He is a great guy! As many of you!!

I got a parcel from Richard today...I'm keeping all the pictures safe until he returns from Thailand after Trial. Quite heartwrenching to see all the good times with Dale. I'll be posting them on the website. By the way...on www.murderinthailand.com, you should at least be seeing the title and The murder of Dale Henry under that. The gentleman who is building it, using a CMS(?) had a system crash so a technical delay on the building process. Should be going in the next couple of days.

I do have pictures of the outside of the house, but we have none of the wedding (marriage) or pics of them at home etc.and with his friends. If you have any I would really appreciate some. I'll give you my email addy to send. I was told Jinda was on temporary absence, not bail?

Richard is on a mission and has left his life in Canada for now. I will take care of this side from here...together we will be able to make a difference in how this unfolds. The website will have links to send letters etc. As well as a discussion board. The next five months will focus on justice for Dale, and getting these people behind bars where they belong!! If we do nothing...that is what will probably happen...Nothing.

One other question, does anyone know what happened to the animals, Dale would want them to be okay. :o Just to say we are thinking of you and your family and to remember your brother on his anniversary.... one day the children will come knocking on your door looking for the truth behind their heritage, this will also be her punishment, karma works in such strange and just ways! very best wishes and strength for this coming year

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"Just to say we are thinking of you and your family and to remember your brother on his anniversary.... one day the children will come knocking on your door looking for the truth behind their heritage, this will also be her punishment, karma works in such strange and just ways! very best wishes and strength for this coming year"

Edwin, Thank you for your thoughts, we really appreciate this not being forgotten.

Dale never had any children...we are thankful for that now. Not that we wouldn't love to see a little Dale running around :o

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"Just to say we are thinking of you and your family and to remember your brother on his anniversary.... one day the children will come knocking on your door looking for the truth behind their heritage, this will also be her punishment, karma works in such strange and just ways! very best wishes and strength for this coming year"

Edwin, Thank you for your thoughts, we really appreciate this not being forgotten.

Dale never had any children...we are thankful for that now. Not that we wouldn't love to see a little Dale running around :o

MaryJane, maybe that is a blessing in disguise, it would have brought you more heart ache in a way.! but your brother's spirit lives on there is no doubt about that. MaryJane I will PM you if you dont mind. So many good wishes

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