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Russian Found Dead In Phuket City Apartment


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Russian found dead in Phuket City apartment

PHUKET CITY: -- Mystery surrounds the death of a Russian man who missed his flight out of Thailand on Wednesday and was found dead in his apartment yesterday afternoon.

Lt Col Wijak Tarom, Phuket City Police Inspector for Investigations, identified the deceased as Oleg Hyrus, 38.

Col Wijak was alerted to Mr Hyrus’ death at 4:30 pm by the management of Thanaporn Apartments on Suthat Rd Soi 2, where the deceased was living in a one-room apartment.

Mr Hyrus, naked except for a towel, was found lying face-up on his bed with his legs dangling down to the floor. The sheets beneath him were covered with dried blood.

However, police do not suspect foul play in the death.

“We didn’t find any evidence of robbery or assault. His packed suitcase was still in his room and there was no evidence that anyone had tried to tamper with it,” Col Wijak said.

Other tenants in the apartment block said that Mr Hyrus had lived in Thailand since 2005 and was an alcoholic, Col Wijak said.

Blood samples were sent to a local hospital for analysis to confirm the cause of death, he said.

Col Wijak said that Mr Hyrus had missed his flight out of Thailand on Wednesday morning after apparently arriving at the airport late. He was last seen returning to his apartment.

-- Phuket Gazette 2008-06-20

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was found lying face-up on his bed
The sheets beneath him were covered with dried blood.
Blood samples were sent to a local hospital for analysis to confirm the cause of death, he said.

...suppose it would be expecting too much to have someone turn him over and find the gaping stab wounds in his back.... :o

Edited by Payboy
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Blood samples were sent to a local hospital for analysis to confirm the cause of death, he said.

One would assume, sending his entire body would divulge more evidence of his demise.


Edited by waza
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PHUKET CITY: -- Mystery surrounds the death of a Russian man who missed his flight out of Thailand on Wednesday (June 18) and was found dead in his apartment yesterday afternoon.(June 19)

Mr Hyrus, naked except for a towel, was found lying face-up on his bed with his legs dangling down to the floor. The sheets beneath him were covered with dried blood.

His packed suitcase was still in his room and there was no evidence that anyone had tried to tamper with it," Col Wijak said.

Other tenants in the apartment block said that Mr Hyrus had lived in Thailand since 2005 and was an alcoholic, Col Wijak said.-- Phuket Gazette 2008-06-20

The presence of a possible blood stain is not unusual and is hardly grounds for the wild assumptions made. Putting aside the statement as to the deceased's possible state of alcoholism, it is not unusual to have body fluids, urine, feces and blood leak prior to death, or subsequent to death. Conditions such as a stroke, stomach ulcer, cranial bleeding, various types of cancers, liver disease, vascular disease, and many other conditions can all give rise to such events. An incomplete description is given as to this "blood" stain. How big is it? Where exactly was it? A few ml left on fabric can give the impression that a large amount of blood was lost. The reality is that this may jus have been normal leakage of the bowels following the loss of muscular control. If the body was deceased for a day, then rigor mortis would have come and gone and the usual bowel leakage would have resulted.

blood stain bed sheets!, no reason to think of fowl play!...... will be noted as natural death or even sucide, thus to save paper work...

Of course! Must be natural causes! After all, isn't it natural to die after bleeding profusely?

Where did the article state the bleeding was profuse? In light of my above comments, I think you will understand why, natural causes may likely have been the cause of death, particularly since there was no evidence of theft.

Police across Thailand all go the the same training for jumping to conclusions. :o

The same can be said for many TV contributors, who are too quick to look for conspiracies, when the actual cause is nothing mysterious or diabolical.

Blood samples were sent to a local hospital for analysis to confirm the cause of death, he said.One would assume, sending his entire body would divulge more evidence of his demise.RIP

Agreed. Perhaps, we have another incident of shoddy reporting. No investigator would just request blood samples from a corpse in a case like this. It is expected that a full autopsy will be undertaken

Now, if the deceased was indeed an alcoholic, then the condition is the norm for many such similar cases. Sorry, but one cannot make a credible claim of foul play based upon the article.

Edited by geriatrickid
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PHUKET CITY: -- Mystery surrounds the death of a Russian man who missed his flight out of Thailand on Wednesday (June 18) and was found dead in his apartment yesterday afternoon.(June 19)

Mr Hyrus, naked except for a towel, was found lying face-up on his bed with his legs dangling down to the floor. The sheets beneath him were covered with dried blood.

His packed suitcase was still in his room and there was no evidence that anyone had tried to tamper with it," Col Wijak said.

Other tenants in the apartment block said that Mr Hyrus had lived in Thailand since 2005 and was an alcoholic, Col Wijak said.-- Phuket Gazette 2008-06-20

The presence of a possible blood stain is not unusual and is hardly grounds for the wild assumptions made. Putting aside the statement as to the deceased's possible state of alcoholism, it is not unusual to have body fluids, urine, feces and blood leak prior to death, or subsequent to death. Conditions such as a stroke, stomach ulcer, cranial bleeding, various types of cancers, liver disease, vascular disease, and many other conditions can all give rise to such events. An incomplete description is given as to this "blood" stain. How big is it? Where exactly was it? A few ml left on fabric can give the impression that a large amount of blood was lost. The reality is that this may jus have been normal leakage of the bowels following the loss of muscular control. If the body was deceased for a day, then rigor mortis would have come and gone and the usual bowel leakage would have resulted.

blood stain bed sheets!, no reason to think of fowl play!...... will be noted as natural death or even sucide, thus to save paper work...

Of course! Must be natural causes! After all, isn't it natural to die after bleeding profusely?

Where did the article state the bleeding was profuse? In light of my above comments, I think you will understand why, natural causes may likely have been the cause of death, particularly since there was no evidence of theft.

Police across Thailand all go the the same training for jumping to conclusions. :o

The same can be said for many TV contributors, who are too quick to look for conspiracies, when the actual cause is nothing mysterious or diabolical.

Blood samples were sent to a local hospital for analysis to confirm the cause of death, he said.One would assume, sending his entire body would divulge more evidence of his demise.RIP

Agreed. Perhaps, we have another incident of shoddy reporting. No investigator would just request blood samples from a corpse in a case like this. It is expected that a full autopsy will be undertaken

Now, if the deceased was indeed an alcoholic, then the condition is the norm for many such similar cases. Sorry, but one cannot make a credible claim of foul play based upon the article.

Gee, I would have jumped to the same conclusions, GK, based on a quick read of the report, so your post is very enlightening!

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I think the real issue is incomplete, inaccurate sensationalist reporting. Even the exploitive tabloids of the UK, do better factfinding.

But in the UK at least some of the journo's have training - its just they report accordoing to their readership

In Pattaya you have ex brickies or whatever setting up papers and TV stations :o

Same as real estate and bar's etc - they become experts when they are there for the sex they never got anywhere else

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so he goes to the airport, misses his flight, returns back home, takes a shower, gets out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, and ....?


Looks like he missed his flight because he was dead. They didn't say he actually went to the airport and missed his flight, it just said he missed the flight.

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so he goes to the airport, misses his flight, returns back home, takes a shower, gets out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, and ....?


Looks like he missed his flight because he was dead. They didn't say he actually went to the airport and missed his flight, it just said he missed the flight.

Col Wijak said that Mr Hyrus had missed his flight out of Thailand on Wednesday morning after apparently arriving at the airport late. He was last seen returning to his apartment.
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Thai guides angered by Russian substitutes

PHUKET: A group of about 10 Phuket tour guides on June 17 filed a complaint with Phuket Senator Thanyarat Atchariyachai, claiming that Russians were stealing their jobs by working as guides for Russian tour groups.

K. Thanyarat, chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Tourism, was in Phuket with fellow committee members to sound out local businesspeople and report to Cabinet what they feel are the major problems facing the tourism industry.

The tour guides claimed that more and more Russians are being hired to work as guides for Russian tour agencies in Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket.

The letter explained that Russian tourists generally buy plane tickets to Thailand and book their accommodation from their home country. But once in Thailand, the tourists buy travel packages to other destinations within Thailand through Thai companies that use Thai guides.

However, as local tour companies specializing in Russian tour groups are now hiring Russians as guides, Thailand is losing out, the letter said.

“Those travel agents bring Russians to work as tour guides and no longer hire Thai guides who can speak Russian,” the letter said.

The letter also said that many travel agents hired Thai guides as “sitting guides” to avoid being caught breaking the law.

One of the guides, who asked not to be named, said there are about 100 Thai tour guides who can speak Russian. Many are now unemployed, even though some graduated with master’s degrees in Russia and others had been conducting tours for Russian groups for more than 10 years, she said.

Some of the Russians working as guides were qualified doctors or teachers, but had come to work in Thailand because they can earn much more money here, she added.

The letter also claimed that illegal Russian guides told Russian tourists that Thai guides were unable to speak Russian and that many Thais were cheats and thieves.

Some Russians brought their relatives to work in Thailand, creating a bad reputation for the country as some of them stole valuables from clients, the letter stated.

For ease of communication, Russians tend to deal with other Russians when setting up and operating tourism-related businesses such as speedboat tours, restaurants, guesthouses and diving, the letter read.

The letter also claimed that many travel companies established by Russians had Thai nominees as shareholders.

Asking for urgent help from the government, the representative said that if nothing is done the same problems will arise as with Korean tour guides.


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My condolences to the friends and family of the deceased.

As for all the speculation--if the police don't want it, then it would be wise for them to 1) keep their mouth shut; 2) investigate the situation reasonably carefully.

If it's normal for blood to be present, then it really doesn't need to be reported.

The fact that his suitcases weren't opened doesn't mean much except that if there was some misadventure going on, it didn't involve robbery.

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Thai guides angered by Russian substitutes

PHUKET: A group of about 10 Phuket tour guides on June 17 filed a complaint with Phuket Senator Thanyarat Atchariyachai, claiming that Russians were stealing their jobs by working as guides for Russian tour groups.

K. Thanyarat, chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Tourism, was in Phuket with fellow committee members to sound out local businesspeople and report to Cabinet what they feel are the major problems facing the tourism industry.

The tour guides claimed that more and more Russians are being hired to work as guides for Russian tour agencies in Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket.

The letter explained that Russian tourists generally buy plane tickets to Thailand and book their accommodation from their home country. But once in Thailand, the tourists buy travel packages to other destinations within Thailand through Thai companies that use Thai guides.

However, as local tour companies specializing in Russian tour groups are now hiring Russians as guides, Thailand is losing out, the letter said.

"Those travel agents bring Russians to work as tour guides and no longer hire Thai guides who can speak Russian," the letter said.

The letter also said that many travel agents hired Thai guides as "sitting guides" to avoid being caught breaking the law.

One of the guides, who asked not to be named, said there are about 100 Thai tour guides who can speak Russian. Many are now unemployed, even though some graduated with master's degrees in Russia and others had been conducting tours for Russian groups for more than 10 years, she said.

Some of the Russians working as guides were qualified doctors or teachers, but had come to work in Thailand because they can earn much more money here, she added.

The letter also claimed that illegal Russian guides told Russian tourists that Thai guides were unable to speak Russian and that many Thais were cheats and thieves.

Some Russians brought their relatives to work in Thailand, creating a bad reputation for the country as some of them stole valuables from clients, the letter stated.

For ease of communication, Russians tend to deal with other Russians when setting up and operating tourism-related businesses such as speedboat tours, restaurants, guesthouses and diving, the letter read.

The letter also claimed that many travel companies established by Russians had Thai nominees as shareholders.

Asking for urgent help from the government, the representative said that if nothing is done the same problems will arise as with Korean tour guides.



Russian news reported today a senior TAT officer was recently addressed by Russian tour companies during his visit to Moscow to allow Russian guides service their fellow compatriots i.e. bring them on a free island tour with a compulsory highlight - a visit to the fabulous Gems Gallery which offers a generous 30% commission from every piece of crap a stupid Russian peasant may buy for his peroxide blond wife.

The TAT official said that Russians will be allowed to work side by side with the Thai guides sharing the 30% but Russians must sacrifice one alcoholic in a secret jewelry blessing ceremony.

Diamnods from all interested shops were wrapped in his speedo underpants and aspersed with his of blood. During the ceremony the local russian speaking guides reportedly stood around his bed in a circle chanting the three russian words they managed to learn so far: privet, spasibo, toilet.

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I think the real issue is incomplete, inaccurate sensationalist reporting. Even the exploitive tabloids of the UK, do better factfinding.

The Gazette is hindered by laws that preclude reporting some facts in media acounts, it's up to the police or other Govt. arm, what info is fed to the press.

Fact : A person has died .

First step: Test blood to determine if natural cause can be detected.

Perhaps the blood could be from a nose bleed that accompanied a stroke ??

Or yeah, knifed, shot , etc ....Is there true accountablility in the full disclosure of deaths here??

Edited by MustaphaMond
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so he goes to the airport, misses his flight, returns back home, takes a shower, gets out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, and ....?


Looks like he missed his flight because he was dead. They didn't say he actually went to the airport and missed his flight, it just said he missed the flight.

Col Wijak said that Mr Hyrus had missed his flight out of Thailand on Wednesday morning after apparently arriving at the airport late. He was last seen returning to his apartment.

Commnet: Maybe his flight was by AirAsia, he was only 3 min late but they would not board him or refund his ticket. He returned home to committ suicide cos this was the straw that broke camels' back.

Conclussion: Don't miss your flights. Leave early cos u never know the traffick

Condolences: to the family of the poor bugger

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Sounds like the reporting was more factual, didn't go into detail (per the culture, understandable how and why it was reported that way pending conclusions).

Portal Hypertension: A condition common in chronic alcoholics where the blood gets blocked in the liver (liver is like a big sponge but gets clogged when too much booze is demanded over long periods of time- i.e. pickled liver or cirrhosis). --blood has nowhere to go so the next stop back is the digestive tract.

I have treated many alcoholics younger than this guy who literally bleed to death starting with varicose vessels (bulging to the point of breakage) at the esophagus all the way down to the anus). You easily have plenty of room within your digestive tract to bleed out all you have within. Lay people sometimes call it a "drinking ulcer" or other variations but the main thing is these bulging vessels throughout the digestive tract--one good one or enough small one's break and it's all over.

My guess is he took a shower, slowed down his drinking for his flight (for some reason this happens after a long bender of booze, they sober up a bit for a day and boom, they bleed to death--maybe higher blood pressure after drinking is the straw that breaks it all and the cascade begins...).

It is one of the most disgusting ways to die. Blood comes out of just about every orifice. Once the bleeding starts, the body uses up all the blood clotting factors (we're bleeding all the time but out bodies seal up little things like gums, intestine scratches, etc) ...lose all your clotting factors and you'll have a condition called DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulopathy) meaning one bleeds to death in an absence-of-clotting cascade. There's more to it but that's the short of it all (booze also decreases clotting mechanisms to make this easier to start in the first place and the liver can't produce neccesary assistance per its other functions.....)

It's so easy to die from excessive drinking over a long period of time. I've treated hundreds of these poor buggars and I imagine Thailand has a high incidence of this (lots of drinking problems in BKK-- more alcoholism than I've seen anywhere else it seems--this includes visitors, obviously).

Just my personal take on it. All seems quite plausible and the reporting said as much as they could while taking the time to separately mention his alcoholism (have to quote neighbors rather than jumping to a comclusion themeslves in good reporting style)--put the pieces together and you've got a guy bleeding from both ends internally...bleeding to death (just a coincidence about his flight). My guess is he sobered up for 12 hours, packed, went to the airport, started bleeding internally, went to the loo maybe at the airport and saw red, back to his apartment (likely leaked some blood in his trousers) took a shower (still bleeding inside) felt weak after the shower to lie down, died or while dying blood leaked out when his trap door relaxed causing my guess given internal pressure, etc between 50-200ml of blood on the bed (from other's I've seen who have done this at the hospital).

Not sure what blood tests can be done since the clotting factors can't be measured once bled out. Mybe they'll do liver enzyme testing to confirm the advanced state of his liver damage...not sure.

All seems legit, happens every day. THis is what happens when people drink every day and don't get help.

Sorry for the graphic detal but it's so much more common than people think.

Edited by HYENA
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Armchair detectives unite !!! Reading this is like watching CNN, at the end of he day having repeated everything at least a hundred times, things are so blown out of proportion that it looks like whatever the subject was, it is the end of the world.

I quess a lot of you are used to looking at everything in the same way.

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Actually, quite informative.

I have a pretty broad knowledge base to include the medical, but I never really knew the mechanism for this kind of death.

I wonder how many alcoholics know this?

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blood stain bed sheets!, no reason to think of fowl play!...... will be noted as natural death or even sucide, thus to save paper work...

There would be blood on the sheets if he died from alcohol overdose/poisoning. the body would try and vomit out the alcohol but because of the damage to the stomach there would be blood. also, blood would appear if he had a heart attack and bit down on his tongue or something. Blood presence doesn't necessarily mean foul play.

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I think the real issue is incomplete, inaccurate sensationalist reporting. Even the exploitive tabloids of the UK, do better factfinding.

But in the UK at least some of the journo's have training - its just they report accordoing to their readership

In Pattaya you have ex brickies or whatever setting up papers and TV stations :o

Same as real estate and bar's etc - they become experts when they are there for the sex they never got anywhere else

Wow! Sorry that this didn't work for you.

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Armchair detectives unite !!!
A guy I knew died of alcoholism his liver burst. It wasnt a pritty sight He had blood comming out of every orifice.

it could also have been mosquito bites....real big mosquitoes.... :o

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