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30-days Border Runs Now Only 15 Days

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I think it's unique move and the guys who will mostly suffer are backpackers who would like to spend 1m in Thai, then 3 weeks in Cambo and return for 1m in Thai.

Also, this 15 days by road/30 days by plane rule just says: You are poor - you get 15 days, you are rich to allow yourself to fly - you get 30 days. Not really fair and it shouldn't be done this way.

I have another suggestion, if "visa-runners" is what bothers immigration they should implement a rule, whereby if you re-entered and stayed in the neightboring country for less then 5 days, then you get 15 days, but if you stayed for more than 5 days you will get 30 days.

This way they will target only "visa-runners" who spend only few hours or less across the border and coming back to Thailand. Yet it will not affect backpacker's or any other traveler as normally they will visit neighboring countries and stay longer than 5 days.

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If you had to try and make sense of it, you would think, well, they just really prefer people to "pay"

for the right to visit Thailand and nothing wrong with that. Thailand is the only country that does the

free stamp thing. But instead of this circuitous route to generating income, why they just don't do

like all the neighboring countries and charge 1k for a visa on arrival is beyond me? Yes, we've heard

that proper background checks are done at embassies (lol) but I just don't really believe that. And

that every embassy in a neighboring country seems to have their own policy only adds to the mess. :o

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Don't really care what they do with their laws. It's their country, but please give the guests a warning.

Note to immigration: changing your rules every few months, on the fly, and with multiple reversals, makes you look like idi*ts.

How you would feel if you visited a friend in his house for a month (he invited you and agreed on the duration) and then voila, he decided to shorten your visit? How would you feel about changing your ticket and pay for the inconvenience?

My friend came to visit for 2 months (traveling around the country and visiting me).

She didn't apply for a tourist visa because she was planning to stay for 1 month, then visit Malaysia by train for 1 week, and then come back by bus for another 21 days in Ko Lanta. So now, she'd be 7 days over the limit, and would have to either do another border visa run, or buy a plane ticket to go to BKK and then take the bus down to Krabi. Expensive and a pain.

OK, your country, do whatever you want, including throwing out all foreigners/tourists, but, please, be mature/civilized about it and give people some warning.

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I think Thai government do the right thing too many dirty poor nasty farangs in Thailand making too much troubles now is time to get rid off them!! I've met quite a few farangs living in Thailand with no visa for years ridiculous!

These rule changes have nothing to do with people living here illegally. That is called enforcement. I can feel the hate from your post. Scary.


The new order, issued on November 25, is intended as a way of stopping foreigners from working illegally in the country in industries such as real estate, Col Chanatpol said.

Col Chadpol said he was working closely with Thai Dive Association (TDA) President Ronnachai Chindapol to find ways to improve the diving industry’s compliance with Thai immigration and labor laws, recognizing the role that foreign dive instructors play in the industry.

Comment, Jingthing?


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There is no problem for anyone to stay in Thailand if you follow the rules and regulations. They dont want to get rid of anyone, if they did , they would have done so a long time ago.

The new 15 day rule is a small inconvieniance of having to go to the border and cross it every 15 days , however , you still have the option to go to an Embassy or Consulate outside of Thailand and get a tourist visa or whatever visa you qualify for.

I am under the retirement age and dont have any business here or legally married and no kids. That puts me in the riff-raff bracket as some are saying, yet at the age of 41 years old I retired. I came here to live in Thailand with enough money to live out my days very comfortably and for the first 2 years I returned to the UK for the 1 year visa ( multiple "O").

I didnt want to fly back to the UK, the long flight , the amount of time to get there, then somewhere to stay near an Embassy in order to get what I needed, then the long haul back again. So , I, like many others , follow the law and just do as they ask, go to another country and get whatever visa they will give . My trips have taken me to Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos all in search of a double entry visa , the longest visa I can get as a tourist.

Every Embassy or Consulate that I have been to apart from Vientienne in Laos , only issue SINGLE entry visa's. Laos is the only country that is issuing the double entry - FACT !!

Out of all the countries mentioned the Philippines - Manila, is the worst. They are the most unhelpful Embassy staff I have ever met. Double Entry visas were out of the question from them, BUT, when asking for a single entry myself and a friend were told we needed an airline ticket OUT of Thailand on completion of the 2 month visa. We stated that we may extend for 1 month , which you can do for a fee of 1900 bht from an Immigration office in Thailand. The Manila staff said , NO. They wanted to see the out bound ticket and said we would have to change our flight ticket IF we decided to extend the visa by 1 month. What me and my friend did was to go to a local internet cafe and bought the cheapest Air Asia tickets to Penang in 2 months time, at the end of the visa we to be given . On returning to the Embassy in Manila , what they then did was unbelievable . On passing all the paperwork and passports and flight tickets , the Clerk said , I am very sorry but the Ambassador has stated that we require a ticket back to Manila from Thailand if we are issuing the visa. We said we dont want to come back here , were going to Penang, so he said Im sorry , theres nothing I can do , my hands are tied , its the Embassy rule. We asked why he was being so unhelpful , trying to be as polite as we could , in hope of twisting his arm and giving us what we need. In the end he took all of our applications and said they were to be kept , gave us our passports back and told us we were not even going to get a single entry tourist visa. We flew back to BKK, got the 30 day tourist visa on arrival after spending 15 minutes for the arrivals officer to go through every page of our passports . Obviously something was put on file , even though we had done nothing wrong. At the end of the 30 days given on arrival , we flew to Penang after changing out flight tickets . In Penang we could only get a single entry . Philippines forget it !!

Staff at the Vietnam Embassy in Saigon - rude and unhelpful , but thats typical of vietnamese people, still have a big chip on their shoulders and you know why .

Cambodia - Phnom Phenn -rude and unhelpful

Penang - Ok but only issue single entry

KL - ok but same as Penang

Singapore - Ok , single entry

Laos will give you the double entry but make sure you have no mistakes on any of your paperwork, you have the correct photos and size, be polite and dont look like you have just crawled out of the gutter or the nearest bar after an all night session (is poosible , even in Laos ). If you make a mistake on your paperwork you will only get the single , they wont let you change and amend the error !! Be warned.

Also , we dont know how long this will last , maybe they will only give out single entries one day but at least you dont have to go anywhere now as long as you can put up with the very small inconvieniance of going to the border every 15 days. A small price to pay for being allowed to stay here in Thailand WITHIN the Law.

Theres nothing else to discuss.

Another option for you or anyone under 50 who is retired or of independent means is to buy a new condo worth 3 million baht and receive a 1-year, multiple-entry, renewable investment visa.

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Another option for you or anyone under 50 who is retired or of independent means is to buy a new condo worth 3 million baht and receive a 1-year, multiple-entry, renewable investment visa.

This visa option is long gone for new applications..

Comment, Jingthing?

If someone is living here for years illegally on overstay, changing visa run days allowed does NOTHING to catch them. Only enforcement actions within Thailand would.

Edited by Jingthing
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I think Thai government do the right thing too many dirty poor nasty farangs in Thailand making too much troubles now is time to get rid off them!! I've met quite a few farangs living in Thailand with no visa for years ridiculous!

so much for compassion - during this holiday season. Kitty9, you wouldn't happen to be an ex-g.f. or ex-wife of some farang, would you? Familiarity breeds contempt. However, you'll notice that Thai women who have been steady with farang - will look exclusively to farang (not fellow Thai) - when they're again feeling frisky.


I think it's unique move and the guys who will mostly suffer are backpackers who would like to spend 1m in Thai, then 3 weeks in Cambo and return for 1m in Thai.

Also, this 15 days by road/30 days by plane rule just says: You are poor - you get 15 days, you are rich to allow yourself to fly - you get 30 days. Not really fair and it shouldn't be done this way.

I have another suggestion, if "visa-runners" is what bothers immigration they should implement a rule, whereby if you re-entered and stayed in the neightboring country for less then 5 days, then you get 15 days, but if you stayed for more than 5 days you will get 30 days.

This way they will target only "visa-runners" who spend only few hours or less across the border and coming back to Thailand. Yet it will not affect backpacker's or any other traveler as normally they will visit neighboring countries and stay longer than 5 days.

Your suggestion is couched in common sense and fairness - two things which are in short supply among those making Thai Imm policies.

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I think that Thailand wants to get rid of what it sees as the riff raff falangs. Those who cannot be bothered or just cannot get the right visa. If you have a legitimate visa there is no problem in staying here.

Agreed; the dishevelled one's who make the streets look untidy and bring us good, legitimate ones down. Nothing wrong with that if that is their goal. Crikey, it's so easy to get in here and it makes me laugh those who say, 'fine, I'll take my dosh elsewhere' :o . Just think yourself luck in the first place; I do and I've got a proper visa. It gets serious when they start messing with the non-imms and other genuines, this is just a clean-up. :D

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I think Thai government do the right thing too many dirty poor nasty farangs in Thailand making too much troubles now is time to get rid off them!! I've met quite a few farangs living in Thailand with no visa for years ridiculous!

so much for compassion - during this holiday season. Kitty9, you wouldn't happen to be an ex-g.f. or ex-wife of some farang, would you? Familiarity breeds contempt. However, you'll notice that Thai women who have been steady with farang - will look exclusively to farang (not fellow Thai) - when they're again feeling frisky.


I think it's unique move and the guys who will mostly suffer are backpackers who would like to spend 1m in Thai, then 3 weeks in Cambo and return for 1m in Thai.

Also, this 15 days by road/30 days by plane rule just says: You are poor - you get 15 days, you are rich to allow yourself to fly - you get 30 days. Not really fair and it shouldn't be done this way.

I have another suggestion, if "visa-runners" is what bothers immigration they should implement a rule, whereby if you re-entered and stayed in the neightboring country for less then 5 days, then you get 15 days, but if you stayed for more than 5 days you will get 30 days.

This way they will target only "visa-runners" who spend only few hours or less across the border and coming back to Thailand. Yet it will not affect backpacker's or any other traveler as normally they will visit neighboring countries and stay longer than 5 days.

Your suggestion is couched in common sense and fairness - two things which are in short supply among those making Thai Imm policies.

Hmmm. When you compare Thailand to countries around the world, its immigration policy is still one of the slackest. After all, most countries do not tolerate visa running at all, and Thais have to go to great lengths to get a single entry visa to most of the places where we farangs hail from.

Let's face it, many visa runners are wantonly lying on their arrival cards that the purpose of their visit is tourism, when it is really to work illegally without paying tax or stay for some other undeclared reason. It's no secret that Thailand is also a favourite hideout for fugitives, who must find this loophole that allows them to stay in Thailand unchecked for prolonged periods very convenient indeed.

This new 15 day rule is the latest in a series of steps to put pressure on visa runners, to get rid of them, or get them to regularise their stay by getting the correct visa, work permit and so on. Most countries would never have allowed visa running in the first place, and I say good on Thailand for bringing to an end this mockery of its immigration system.

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Hmmm. When you compare Thailand to countries around the world, its immigration policy is still one of the slackest. After all, most countries do not tolerate visa running at all, and Thais have to go to great lengths to get a single entry visa to most of the places where we farangs hail from.

Let's face it, many visa runners are wantonly lying on their arrival cards that the purpose of their visit is tourism, when it is really to work illegally without paying tax or stay for some other undeclared reason. It's no secret that Thailand is also a favourite hideout for fugitives, who must find this loophole that allows them to stay in Thailand unchecked for prolonged periods very convenient indeed.

This new 15 day rule is the latest in a series of steps to put pressure on visa runners, to get rid of them, or get them to regularise their stay by getting the correct visa, work permit and so on. Most countries would never have allowed visa running in the first place, and I say good on Thailand for bringing to an end this mockery of its immigration system.

100% agree

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In my opinion is the good idea. Is a way of stopping foreigners from working illegally in my country. And i don't understand why they don't apply a work permit on the right way than they don't have to do a visa run.

Every time Im so sick when i traveling to the island around my country i always saw many farang working for dive shop or real estate. Im not sure they have a right work permit or not. And don't understand why they are so easy to get a work in Thailand. I understood that some business have to use farang worker like the world wild business but what i saw is to much farang working in the small island for now.

Well, in be fore my country have to use farang to work for many reason. But for now, many of thais are hight educate and learning know how to stand by them leg.

I think only farang who work for professional job can work here in the future. Thailand is not easy for farang thinking to work and play any more. Anyway you will havn't problem because you are farang that your passport easy to entry to every country in the world without a visa.

Such when i applied a touris visa to usa. i have to paid 4000 Baht. free.!!!

So, if you think you will leave thailand and will not return back any more just because of a visa run reason, than is your problem.

I see my hotel manger who working in Phuket and once of factory manager for friend of mind who working in Lam Chabang,Chonburi both of them don't have to do a visa run. Well, what kind of work permit they got......

Good luck to get a better place in the world.

Thai girl who love farang and my country.

sorry my english not so prefect but i try the best.

'TaiTaihkt66' obviously you are a very patriotic Thai and that is good to see but you should look at things a little broader.

For example there are many farangs who live here that can contribute to Thailands well being by working and I do not mean by taking jobs away from Thai people, and they (the farang) can contribute even more to Thai prosperity by paying taxes.

Some flaws that I personally see in your thinking is "Farangs Visa Runs" will not stop them working it will only add to the coffers of the country that they visit spend a little money in "gain a stamp" return to Thailand and away they go for another x amount of days or months. (A farang pays eg. $30 for a visa into Lao to renew his length of stay visits duty free has a coffee and maybe a snack - visibly none of this actually goes to the Thai Government= question what has Thailand gained - simple answer nothing).

The illegal workers that you mention will have probably done their sums and said "monthly" OK Viable now there is the real possibility they will do their sums and maybe the risk of being caught outweigh the costs and inconvenience of 15 day border runs. (Or will the business of Somchai taking multiple passports over the border (money changes hands) and all stamps ok or reintroduction of fake stamps may well be on the increase especially if the Farang has no intenion of leaving who is going to know) ???

Now on the not so nice side what about the amount of Thai University Students in Australia (can't say about other countries) who supplement their income by working "illegally" in bars, cafes and restaurants (a normal thing in Oz for all students) - by doing this they lessen the financial bvurden on their family plus broaden their ENGLISH and gain life skills - Do we ask our goverenment to crack down on this practice (court action then a fine or deport) by whistle blowing - remember what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

I really applaud you for wanting better things for your country but sometimes there is a better way than the same old way (more border runs). :o

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I am going to play optimist here - the 15 day rule just masks the good news that

the 90 day within 6 month rule has been voided.

 This took about 1 year. 

And I am going to predict here that whithin another year we will be back to 1 month

endless border runs. Why? Because the two week policy will do nothing to stop the "undesireables" here -

they will live illegally(as many already were doing) or get double entry visas in Vientienne.

 It will also make Thailand less competitive with its neighbors such as Cambodia or Laos.

And yes Thailand will need those backpacker dollars in the coming year.

 After a year they can say they have swept out the riff-raff and are adapting again to encourage tourism.

Doing it this way will also save face.

Edited by BugJackBaron
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If Immigration has networked computers, why is there a need for Visa runs? Just report to Immigration, pay for a visa renewal and keep the money in Thailand :o

Lancelot Very very good question maybe it's something the new government will look into during their term in office?

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Another option for you or anyone under 50 who is retired or of independent means is to buy a new condo worth 3 million baht and receive a 1-year, multiple-entry, renewable investment visa.

As said, that option finished a few years ago.

Thanks for the correction. I know someone who got this visa approximately a year ago, so it can't have been that long.

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I think that Thailand wants to get rid of what it sees as the riff raff falangs. Those who cannot be bothered or just cannot get the right visa. If you have a legitimate visa there is no problem in staying here.

Agreed; the dishevelled one's who make the streets look untidy and bring us good, legitimate ones down. Nothing wrong with that if that is their goal.

This has turned in to a thread for the self righteous. I think everyone should do what they wish in terms of Visa's, whether they believe it is correct or not, and then mind their own business. If we take the dishevelled ones who make the streets untidy, along with the illegitimate ones and riff raff 'Falang' off the streets of London alone we would reduce the population by close to 1/2 - 1 Million over night. Try putting our own house in order before you try and put someone else's in order. The visa amendments are inconvenient at the moment, but it is a lot harder for 'farang' to get in to the UK and they still do in their 1000's per week. God knows how many people live there on expired visa's. Lets not even start on the number of illegals living in the USA. In the UK last year the most popular boys name (ie the most times used in a year) for newborns was Mohammed.

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If Immigration has networked computers, why is there a need for Visa runs? Just report to Immigration, pay for a visa renewal and keep the money in Thailand :o

Lancelot Very very good question maybe it's something the new government will look into during their term in office?

Sorry, that would never work.

It would be too easy to implement and logical. :D

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Just my humble opinion, but those who stay longer than 15-30 days most often seen at least

to try and assimilate into the culture a little bit. In patters anyway the two-week tourists are

usually the most horrific with the east-europeans they've lately been pandering to pretty much

the worst in terms of boorish behavior. The long-stay segment is just woefully forsaken. :o

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It's clear we're headed towards the Disney system of 3-6 day 'Park Hopper' tickets (at 1900 Baht per day).


Don't you mean you're?

I mean "we're" like when a coach says, "we're going to run a couple miles today before tennis practice" ...and then rides alongside on the athletic department's Honda ATV.


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As for 'illegal workers': Yes, it's preferable to have all be legal and squeaky clean, but there are times when parameters get a little fuzzy. For example, a farang couple, right out of college, come to Thailand for fun/adventure, but decide to tutor some Thai youngsters - to get some added baht. There are advantages all around in such a not-uncommon scenario. The farang might make new friends and learn things about Thailand and its culture that aren't found in guide books and museums. Similarly, Thais in the English class learn more about the world - and perhaps they too make new friends/contacts.

It's known that Thais, in general, score quite low in speaking English - compared to regional and to ww standards. Folks from other S.E. Asian countries have an overall better handle on English. English is THE most important language in the world - for internet, business, politics, .....you name it. Most English teachers in Thailand are Thais, and very few are fluent. Indeed, some of those teachers can't speak English much better than I speak Thai - and my handle on Thai is pretty bad.

In sum, any English tutoring and/or gainful interaction between Thai and farang (particularly native English speakers) is a plus - whether or not the teaching is sanctioned according to the letter of the law.

The mentions of riff-raff in this thread - mostly come from those who are financially well off - and can more readily keep their visa biz in ship-shape order. They're also more likely to be older generation, and may have forgotten what it was like in their younger years, when there wasn't as much concern for having all their affairs kept in lock-step with government dictates.

Edited by brahmburgers
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Another option for you or anyone under 50 who is retired or of independent means is to buy a new condo worth 3 million baht and receive a 1-year, multiple-entry, renewable investment visa.

As said, that option finished a few years ago.

Thanks for the correction. I know someone who got this visa approximately a year ago, so it can't have been that long.

It ceased to be October 2006 except for those already on these extensions previously. They were Grandfathered.

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Has anyone mentioned the border run minibus companies,?, oh dear, looks like they will be out of work soon,.
On the contrary, they'll be driving people every 2 weeks now instead of 30 days cos the 90 days rule doesn't count anymore.

This new law/rule is useless, they do it mainly to get the 'bad' farangs out but that won't help because the 90 day rule is scrapped.

They won't get any extra money out of it that's worth all the changes because the 90 day rule is scrapped.

the big winners are the visa companies doing the runs.

Anyone done the math on this..............1/14 = 7% of your time is going to be spent in Thailand, sitting in a mini-bus making

border runs if you continue to use the border run route.

Doesn't seem very efficient.

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Obviously, more people will be applying for regional tourist visas. So the next drama will be whether that loosens up or tightens up. A constant cat and mouse game. Hard to take it very seriously, unless it personally means you have to leave and you want to stay.

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JRTexas, I wish you could clarify your statement a little further? What I've seen in the last two

years is the reduction of ext's from 15 days to 7 days (on a stamp) and increase in fees from

500 baht to 1,900 baht? Income will certainly be up for Laos, Cambodia and Burma although I

agree with you that Thai immigration never benefitted substantially from visa runs per se.

Maybe if the Thai embassy in Pnom-Penh is in fact opening it's doors to at least tea-money

contributing visa-run companies it will alleviate the ever constricting bottleneck? Guess we'll

have all the gritty details soon enough about what is actually transpiring in Pnom-Penh? :o

Sorry it took so long to respond...........my point is that, 8-9 years ago, there were far more long-stay expats (not rich but not poor) who were doing border runs. So many that several companies were involved transporting them to the border (money being made), several restaurants were catering to them (money being made), several tourists shops were making original arrangements (money being made), several "officers" were involved in the entire deal (money being made)........so many people were involved that at one point it seemed like a big traffic jam on the road to Aranyaprathet. Now, that has almost stopped......at least not on the same scale. Now crossing the border does not involve waiting in line (maybe some waiting). In the past there were far more farangs doing far more runs........lots of people have lost money on the rule changes. Of course, the other side is that fewer people are doing "runs" at higher cost. Does that make up for the lost farangs? I think not. The simple fact is that there are micro-economies in Thailand that depend on long-stay farangs (especially during the off season). Those economies have been hurt economically due to the crazy rule changes. In terms of benefiting the economy, the changes never made sense.........they still make no sense. Thailand is losing.

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I still can't see what all the uproar is over this latest rule change.

For a short period of time there will be some tourists/backpackers who are going to have problems because of the sudden change of rules with no advance warning. I agree the powers to be should of given notice ahead of time. I still haven't seen a press release about the new rules.

Most people that were affected by the last change have already adapted and are now making visa runs to get visas.

Although some were making border runs between visa runs to avoid the trip to get another visa. Some were even doing it because they were under the impression that they could not get back to back visas. They will now adapt to the changes.

Others who were going to stay more than 30 days were making some border runs instead of getting a tourist visa before they arrived. They will now adapt and get visas instead.

For others being able to get unlimited 30 day entries at the airport is great news because they no longer have to count up days. A lot of people work outside the country and come back on their R&R's. Some of these people were bumping the 90 rule and it caused them problems.

Soon everybody or a least most will know about the new rules and will adapt to the new rules.

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I still can't see what all the uproar is over this latest rule change.

For a short period of time there will be some tourists/backpackers who are going to have problems because of the sudden change of rules with no advance warning. I agree the powers to be should of given notice ahead of time. I still haven't seen a press release about the new rules.

Most people that were affected by the last change have already adapted and are now making visa runs to get visas.

Although some were making border runs between visa runs to avoid the trip to get another visa. Some were even doing it because they were under the impression that they could not get back to back visas. They will now adapt to the changes.

Others who were going to stay more than 30 days were making some border runs instead of getting a tourist visa before they arrived. They will now adapt and get visas instead.

For others being able to get unlimited 30 day entries at the airport is great news because they no longer have to count up days. A lot of people work outside the country and come back on their R&R's. Some of these people were bumping the 90 rule and it caused them problems.

Soon everybody or a least most will know about the new rules and will adapt to the new rules.

You can't see what the uproar is about...........it is about an increasing number of expats--expats that were putting money in the economy--leaving and hurting local economies.

It is about changing rules on the pretense of stopping crime, and then implementing rules that do nothing of the sort.

It is about a mental defect that equates money with morality.......good people have money.......bad people don't have money.

It is about breaking up mixed Thai-Farang families with rule changes that make money the standard for living with your wife in Thailand.

It is about xenopohobia and all of the negative issues surrounding it.

It is about Thailand getting a very bad reputation worldwide as a place to visit and live.

It is about the bar continuously being raised to force an ever-increasing number of expats out of the country (eventually all expats who think they are immune to the rule changes will realize this).

You think people will just "adapt." Some will........but many are choosing not to visit Thailand. Others have had enough of the BS and left the country to live (and spend their money) in other places with much better visa/immigration rules/regulations.

None of this is good for Thailand.........the rule changes since 1999 have hurt Thailand. I hope the new administration roles back the changes that have taken place over the past 8-9 years.

But it is hard to separate myth from reality here.........reason is not part of Thai culture.

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