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Hi guys,

I have been in Holland for 4 months. Studying here is quite difficult for me. I have less experience about how to analyze the experiment. In my class there are 98% PhD Students. I have several asian classmates (PhD) we have also the same problem about how to analyze the experimental . We finally found out that the way asian students have learnt is too different from western way.


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Bambina, long time no hear, Good to see you posting again :D Just stick in there girl ! Im sure you will do just fine ! It may be a little different to the way you have learnt here but the people of Holland are very laid back and I am sure will help you if you need it. :o

How are you managing with the weather and the food? A little different to Thailand. Good luck and stay in touch :D

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Hi guys,

I have been in Holland for 4 months. Studying here is quite difficult for me. I have less experience about how to analyze the experiment. In my class there are 98% PhD Students. I have several asian classmates (PhD) we have also the same problem about how to analyze the experimental . We finally found out that the way asian students have learnt is too different from western way.

Hi Bambi ! Enjoying the cold weather over there ?

I'm sure you'll persevere and be able to overcome your difficulties. Then you can graduate and come back to Thailand to cure all the kwai mai sabai ! :o

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I agree, just keep working at it and you will get it. It is difficult to not only adjust to a new culture and climate but also to a new way of looking at things. But, I can tell you from personal experience, just hang in there. Eventually things will get easier. You've certainly coped with difficult things through your life. Just consider this one more challenge to beat.

You know you everyone on Thai Visa cheering you on :o

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Hi guys,

I have been in Holland for 4 months. Studying here is quite difficult for me. I have less experience about how to analyze the experiment. In my class there are 98% PhD Students. I have several asian classmates (PhD) we have also the same problem about how to analyze the experimental . We finally found out that the way asian students have learnt is too different from western way.

Where are you in Holland.

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Hi Bambi,

Good to see you have not frozen to death, ha ha ha.

Must be horrible now for you in the cold weather.

Hey, I have a serious question about the difference in understanding how to learn things between Holland and Asia people.

Why, because I have big problems understanding why it is that my Asian students do not seem to understand what/how I try to learn them.

For example:

Have problem

Me explain, follow 7 step check process to find out root cause, always begin with step 1 no matter what the problem is.

Every time the students when analysing the problem jump to conclusion without going through the 7 step process which would allow them to think and effectively cancel out some source of the problem.

For example: Patient have flu.

Student tell: This is because now in Thailand is cold, here take medicine.

Student does not ask about what the patient eat, maybe it could be that the patient does not eat enough veggie and so the body has not enough resistance against bacteria/virus.

Really interested in your answer Bambi as it would help me try to understand and adapt my learning methods for my Thai students and maybe you can see how they want you to learn things in a different way in Holland.

Take care and please tell a bit more about how different the life is (how you see it) in Holland compared to Thailand.




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Hi BambinA good to hear you are well and that your studies are progressing as planned.

I have anothere friend Sayaam also studying in Holland he has just been back to KK on holidays and returned to H for his final year and a half.

Wishing you every success. :o

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Hi guys,

I have been in Holland for 4 months. Studying here is quite difficult for me. I have less experience about how to analyze the experiment. In my class there are 98% PhD Students. I have several asian classmates (PhD) we have also the same problem about how to analyze the experimental . We finally found out that the way asian students have learnt is too different from western way.

Hi Bambina, welcome back.

Is there anyway you can get the students that are succeeding to help you?

I remember when I was in school chemistry was a killer for me. So I got the two smartest girls in the class to spend time with me, and the way they explained things made it much clearer than the way the instructor explained things.

Cheers and best of luck.

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Bambina, our favorite Thai lady - sawadee khrap!

Now, as for your scientific medical studies. My friend edits technical papers for Thai researchers, Thai physicians, Thai engineers, etc. - most of them working for Thais in Thailand. He says their professional work and writing are right up there with the West, other than the usual Thaiglish errors like plurals and the passive mood. Science is science, girl. Cold air does not itself kill you, as you have now proven. Viruses are not cured like bacterial infections. All over the world, even in Burma.

You are geng maak, girl. You can. Think Dutch. Think Western. It will make you a better vet in Thailand.

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Surprising how many guys responded to this post, if Bambi was a man, I wonder if you guys would be falling over each other to wish a total stranger best wishes, and actually act like you really care ?

Bambi, I love you and wish you all the best. :D:o

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Surprising how many guys responded to this post, if Bambi was a man, I wonder if you guys would be falling over each other to wish a total stranger best wishes, and actually act like you really care ?

Bambi, I love you and wish you all the best. :D:o

Er, well... oh, never mind. Welcome back Bambina! :D

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The comment in your opening post "we finally found out that the way asian students have learnt is too different from western way" brings to mind a comment (last year) in Guru (Bangkok Post) by a girl who had gone to the US to study.

Upon her return to Thailand and when asked about her experiences she responded favourably with one qualification "but they expected me to think"

I think that this pretty well sums it up.

Edited by john b good
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Bambina, it is great to hear from you.

Well, University is a struggle for most of us, and the western way of having to think can be really frustrating and irritating.

Remember to be direct about what has happened and why, and the impact of the experiment on the surroundings, or its interaction with other....stuff.

As others have advised, go (you and the other Asian students) to the professor/teaching assistants for clarification on any points that are not clear.

Learn to ice-skate and relax.

In closing, I offer this small reminder of how the members of thaivisa are thinking right now: 'We really miss you'. Chok dee na.


I was going to give you a translation into English but you are much more capable in that regard. Be well.

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Surprising how many guys responded to this post, if Bambi was a man, I wonder if you guys would be falling over each other to wish a total stranger best wishes, and actually act like you really care ?

Bambi, I love you and wish you all the best. :D:o

Er, well... oh, never mind. Welcome back Bambina! :D

Exactly ! I was, ,er, well, oh probably thinking the same thing when I saw that post. :D

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