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Westerner's Decapitated Head Found Hanging Beneath Rama Viii Bridge

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Italian tourist killed in Rama VIII Bridge suicide re-identified as Maurizio Tosabori: Jongrak

BANGKOK: -- Deputy police commissioner-general Jongrak Chuthanont announced Wednesday that the Italian tourist suspected to be the one killed by a hanging suicide at the Rama VIII Bridge has been found alive and police have learnt the real identity of the victim.

Jongrak told a press conference that that 49-year-old Italian Jaeta Jiovani was still alive. Earlier, police thought Jiovani was the person killed by decapitation caused by the hanging at the bridge because he went missing from Rex Hotel over the weekend.

Jongrak said the vicitm was identified by the Italian Embassy as an Italian citizen, whose name was Maurizio Tosabori, 53.

Jongrak said Tosabori rented a room of Wimol Jaijong on Khao Sarn Road and could not pay the rent so Wimol asked him to leave.

Wimol told police that Tosabori disappeared on Saturday. His head was found hanging by the bridge on Sunday and his body was retrieved on Monday.

-- The Nation 2009-02-25


Man's identity revealed

BANGKOK: -- Police believe the Italian man who hung himself from the Rama VIII bridge committed suicide because of unemployment and illnesses.

The man had chronic diseases -- he coughed all the time and had a tumor in his stomach, Deputy National Police chief Jongrak Juthanont told reporters on Wednesday.

Police identified the man as Maoricio Tosadori, 54. He was an architect.

The man is not Giovanni Gaeta as local media have reported, Pol Gen Jongrak said.

The identification came after investigators found a hostel owner in Khao San road where Maoricio rented the room.

The owner, Mrs Wimon Jongjai, said Maoricio stayed at her hostel for free for two weeks before he disappeared on Saturday, after she asked him to vacate the room because her worker will stay there.

Police have checked the room and found Maoricio's belongings including his passport. A letter was also found in the room. He left the message for Mrs Wimon, thanking her for the accomodation and apologising her for not paying the rent.

-- Bangkok Post 2009-02-25



Police identify Italian whose head found hanging from a bridge

BANGKOK: -- Thai police on Wednesday identified a foreigner whose head was found hanging from Rama VIII Bridge as Italian Maurizio Tosadori, 53.

Deputy Police Chief Pol Gen Jongrak Jutanont said that Wimon Jaijong, owner of a guesthouse, contacted police and confirmed that the dead was Mr Tosadori.

Police initially believed the dead man was another Italian Jaeta Jiovani and distributed his photos for the public to help identify the man.

Jongrak said in a press conference on Wednesday that Jiovanni already contacted his embassy in Bangkok that he is still alive.

"After being alerted by Khun Wimon, police went to search a room of Wimon's guesthouse where Mr Tasadori stayed on Samsen Road, Phranakhon district. Found in the room included Tasadori's passport which showed that he entered Thailand on February 6 this year from Cambodia," Jongrak told reporters.

Also found was a letter written in English dated February 21, 2009 for Wimon which read, "Thanks you very much for everything. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." The letter was signed by Tasadori.

Photos found in the room showed that Tasadori had small lump near the left forehead, Jongrak said, the head found hanging from the bridge had also a small lump at the same position. His document showed that he was an architect.

"Mr Tasadori had stayed at Khun Wimon's guesthouse for more than two weeks without paying any renting fees. Recently Wimon asked him to move out as she wanted the room for other guests. Maybe Mr Tasadori had no place to go and felt guilty, so he committed suicide.

That's why he wrote an apology letter for Wimon, Jongrak said. Tasadori had came to Thailand many times.

Wimon told reporters that Mr Tasadori went missing from the guesthouse on February 21 and she tried to reach his mobile phone but failed. She knew that he died from the media.

"Maurizio was poor and a chain smoker. He fell sick several times. He always left the guesthouse in the morning to find a job. He came back in the afternoon and had dinner at the guesthouse's restaurant. During his stay, he paid me Bt2,000, saying it's for his meals.," she said.

He told Wimon that he wanted to marry and had children.

-- The Nation 2009-02-25


Thai police identify decapitated foreigner as Italian

BANGKOK: -- Thai police on Wednesday identified a foreigner whose head was found at the weekend hanging by a rope off a Bangkok bridge as an Italian tourist who committed suicide after being evicted from his guesthouse for not paying the rent.

General Jongrak Chuthanont, deputy police commissioner, identified the decapitated man as Maurizio Tosadori, 54, an architect from Verona, Italy.

Tosadori's head was found Sunday attached to a mountain-climbing rope hanging 5 metres below Bangkok's Rama VIII bridge, which crosses the Chao Phraya River in north-east Bangkok.

His body was found in the river Monday.

Jongrak said Tosadori had entered Thailand on February 6 from Cambodia. The Italian tourist had been asked to leave his guesthouse on Khao Sarn Road, a popular backpacker hangout in Bangkok, on Saturday after failing to pay the rent for two weeks.

Wimol Jaijong, the guesthouse owner, said Tosadori appeared to be frequently sick and had many medicines in his room.

Initially, foul play was suspected in Tosadori's death as police assumed the head had been left as a warning in an organized-crime-style slaying.

Thai doctors who conducted an autopsy said the most likely cause of death was suicide with the 5-metre drop and strong gravitational pull tearing the torso from the head, which remained tied to the rope.

The suicide theory appeared to be verified by a spray of blood on the side of the bridge found just above where the head was hanging.

"We are conducting a DNA test on the blood to verify it is Tosadori's," police Lieutenant Colonel Atcharat Haemthanon said.

But the identify of the person mentioned in Tosadori's apparent suicide note left on the bridge railing remained a mystery.

Written on the railing was the sentence in English, "Cath. I want but I cannot. ... I came to Bangkok to be with you."


I have opened this topic again, as the couse of the death is reported as suicide and not murder.

Please keep this issue civil!



I have opened this topic again, as the cause of the death is reported as suicide and not murder.

Please keep this issue civil!



Thanks George.

I presume all the posters who stated that this was murder will now admit their mistake (sassienie, sriracha john, etc)

Edit: Occam's razor

I have opened this topic again, as the couse of the death is reported as suicide and not murder.

Please keep this issue civil!



Many thanks George, a tragic case. RIP.


No shortage of violent deaths of Westerners (and locals) in the Land of Shootings, Suicides & Stabbings. And no sign of a let-up in either Thailand being one of the most dangerous countries to visit or having one of the highest murder rates in the world. And paradoxically no sign that the millions that come here every year know how dangerous this country really can be.

Yeah, I feel much safer in america :D:D

No stabbings or gun crime in the UK? AND nobody is cheating and steeling here? Thailand is not the problem.

Did you not notice , this thread is all about an incident IN THAILAND where they do cheat and steal as well as murder . :o

I have opened this topic again, as the cause of the death is reported as suicide and not murder.

Please keep this issue civil!



Thanks George.

I presume all the posters who stated that this was murder will now admit their mistake (sassienie, sriracha john, etc)

Edit: Occam's razor

First of all SJ was only reporting on the news available. He wasnt one of these coming up with weird and wonderful ideas. :o

Secondly, remember this is Thailand. Dont always believe what you read. I dont want to turn this into another speculative Alice in Wonderland story, but I do know for a fact that not all high ranking Police Officers in Bangkok believe the 'official' story. :D

... I do know for a fact that not all high ranking Police Officers in Bangkok believe the 'official' story...

Why should we believe you? You are - like me - an anonymous poster on an Internet forum. If you have "facts", then present them.


We need an NSI specialist to advise in such matters. I would have thought that if there was enough gravitational force to rip his head from his body then that same force would have hurled his head into the river, not left it hanging by a thread on the end of a rope. Sounds very, very dubious to me. But then I'm not an expert. Has this sort of thing ever happened anywhere else?

... I do know for a fact that not all high ranking Police Officers in Bangkok believe the 'official' story...

Why should we believe you? You are - like me - an anonymous poster on an Internet forum. If you have "facts", then present them.

You are quite right.

I am certainly not going to start speculation by saying exactly what has been repeated to me, which at this stage is certainly NOT fact, but supposition and thoughts of certain officers.

I really do not care if you believe or not, believe the official version or not. Who really knows?


Interesting how a lot of people WANT it to be a nasty gruesome gang murder. Lets watch all the comments now about how a big cover up operation is being put in place etc...

Oh and don't forget the "experts" who apparently seem to be able to analyse the poor guys injuries and method, from a photo, better than the official doctors and investigators.

... I do know for a fact that not all high ranking Police Officers in Bangkok believe the 'official' story...

Why should we believe you? You are - like me - an anonymous poster on an Internet forum. If you have "facts", then present them.

You are quite right.

I am certainly not going to start speculation by saying exactly what has been repeated to me, which at this stage is certainly NOT fact, but supposition and thoughts of certain officers.

I really do not care if you believe or not, believe the official version or not. Who really knows?

Fair enough JnD. This is one of those news threads where there just isn't enough news to satisfy the readers.

I have opened this topic again, as the cause of the death is reported as suicide and not murder.

Please keep this issue civil!



Thanks George.

I presume all the posters who stated that this was murder will now admit their mistake (sassienie, sriracha john, etc)

Edit: Occam's razor

First of all SJ was only reporting on the news available. He wasnt one of these coming up with weird and wonderful ideas. :o

Secondly, remember this is Thailand. Dont always believe what you read. I dont want to turn this into another speculative Alice in Wonderland story, but I do know for a fact that not all high ranking Police Officers in Bangkok believe the 'official' story. :D


Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of SJ's work & have even jumped to his defence before HOWEVER, he did respond to one of my earlier posts announcing THIS IS MURDER @ one point so you are incorrect on your post above.

Anyway, I'm not one to rub things in BUT as I said before to many of the wannabe television crime scene investigators:


People do strange things to themselves and I have seen that first hand, its always sad for the people they leave behind. Anyway, hopefully he can rest in peace now.


Written on the railing was the sentence in English, "Cath. I want but I cannot. ... I came to Bangkok to be with you."

So was the original report of this sentence, the one without 'with', a mistake by the police or the newspapers?


I presume all the posters who stated that this was murder will now admit their mistake (sassienie, sriracha john, etc)


I did not post, but I read the thread and I admit that I was about to reply sarcastically to those who maintained that it could be suicide. But if you mention Occam's Razor, you should also admit that it is MUCH simpler to assume homicide in a case so strange as this: it does happen that a hanging occasionally results in decapitation, but only once in a thousand (maybe more) of these events does a consistent flap of skin get stuck in the noose so tightly as to keep the head attached to the rope.

I still balk at believing it myself.

That said, I knew the man personally, and very well, because he'd been a customer of mine for some time (I run a restaurant) and we are from the same country. He had told me the story of his life, a sad one, and confessed his death wish; as I said in a thread I opened elsewhere (which got locked), he also said to me that he had already attempted suicide in the past, in Italy.

I saw him the day before he died. He was being "kicked out" of the guesthouse. Today as I was looking at the pictures I was seized with a horrendous doubt, so I went to the same guesthouse and I found the police there. I understood immediately, so I told them what I knew about him. They confirmed to me that it's suicide, although at first sight it seemed highly improbable to them too.

Lastly, I have always thought that his features were vaguely Eastern European, so it was not far-fetched at all to think he might have been Russian.

Requiescat in pace.

Interesting how a lot of people WANT it to be a nasty gruesome gang murder. Lets watch all the comments now about how a big cover up operation is being put in place etc...

Oh and don't forget the "experts" who apparently seem to be able to analyse the poor guys injuries and method, from a photo, better than the official doctors and investigators.

official doctors and investigators??

That's a laugh.

Written on the railing was the sentence in English, "Cath. I want but I cannot. ... I came to Bangkok to be with you."

So was the original report of this sentence, the one without 'with', a mistake by the police or the newspapers?

By neither. The sentence on the railing, if you look at the picture, is without "with".


official doctors and investigators??

That's a laugh.

Sorry, of course, you are probably much more intelligent and qualified to judge what happened. Hey, why don't you present yourself to the police and Siriraj hospital? I am sure they would feel privileged for you to help them find out exactly what happened. :o


I cant be bothered to read 15 pages of Tv detective work!

So anyone know if its a sucide or not?

If its a murder then i think its gonna be the start of some crazy serial killer on the loose.

official doctors and investigators??

That's a laugh.

Sorry, of course, you are probably much more intelligent and qualified to judge what happened. Hey, why don't you present yourself to the police and Siriraj hospital? I am sure they would feel privileged for you to help them find out exactly what happened. :D

Most of the people berrating the Thai Police and carrying on about this wouldnt have a clue, most of them have never seen a body or had anything to do with these types of things.....BUT after all the episodes of ER & Get Smart they believe in their own minds that they are well qualified to offer their opinions & put the real police down. :o

SHAME ON YOU LOT, Hope you never require the help of these people that you are so quick to put down!

.BUT after all the episodes of ER & Get Smart they believe in their own minds that they are well qualified to offer their opinions & put the real police down.

Hey come on, thats a bit harsh isn't it?

They have actually watched every episode of CSI ever made, there is nothing about a crime scene these guys don't know! :o

official doctors and investigators??

That's a laugh.

Sorry, of course, you are probably much more intelligent and qualified to judge what happened. Hey, why don't you present yourself to the police and Siriraj hospital? I am sure they would feel privileged for you to help them find out exactly what happened. :D

Most of the people berrating the Thai Police and carrying on about this wouldnt have a clue, most of them have never seen a body or had anything to do with these types of things.....BUT after all the episodes of ER & Get Smart they believe in their own minds that they are well qualified to offer their opinions & put the real police down. :o

SHAME ON YOU LOT, Hope you never require the help of these people that you are so quick to put down!

It is not uncommon for the Thai police to do away quickly with "thorny" cases, for example when some mobsters are involved, and to slack on "farang" cases. That's what my wife said, when she could not believe it was suicide.

official doctors and investigators??

That's a laugh.

Sorry, of course, you are probably much more intelligent and qualified to judge what happened. Hey, why don't you present yourself to the police and Siriraj hospital? I am sure they would feel privileged for you to help them find out exactly what happened. :D

Most of the people berrating the Thai Police and carrying on about this wouldnt have a clue, most of them have never seen a body or had anything to do with these types of things.....BUT after all the episodes of ER & Get Smart they believe in their own minds that they are well qualified to offer their opinions & put the real police down. :o

SHAME ON YOU LOT, Hope you never require the help of these people that you are so quick to put down!

It is not uncommon for the Thai police to do away quickly with "thorny" cases, for example when some mobsters are involved, and to slack on "farang" cases. That's what my wife said, when she could not believe it was suicide.

Well Im not naive to what goes on here in thailand, afterall my family has been here for about 30 years. Having said that, you have two sets of untrained eyes at your place and hundreds more online here at TV & most of them wouldnt have a clue what they are looking at. Not one of you has been to the scene, looked at the evidence first hand YET many are willing to jump up and down and say that something isnt quite right. blah blah the Police this and blah blah blah the mafia that....what a load of BS.

Well Im not naive to what goes on here in thailand, afterall my family has been here for about 30 years. Having said that, you have two sets of untrained eyes at your place and hundreds more online here at TV & most of them wouldnt have a clue what they are looking at. Not one of you has been to the scene, looked at the evidence first hand YET many are willing to jump up and down and say that something isnt quite right. blah blah the Police this and blah blah blah the mafia that....what a load of BS.

Well, those long-trained eyes of the police and of the reporters who went to the scene were the first to say "we should rule out the hypothesis of suicide" and to bring up the mafia connection, only to then correct themselves.

So I would not give them much credit for credibility anyway.


It's a lot easier to believe this as a suicide after it turns out the initial information was completely wrong. Initially reports claimed the head was tied up inside a bag, as it turns out it wasn't. Head inside bag, murder. Head not inside bag, could be suicide or murder.

It's a lot easier to believe this as a suicide after it turns out the initial information was completely wrong. Initially reports claimed the head was tied up inside a bag, as it turns out it wasn't. Head inside bag, murder. Head not inside bag, could be suicide or murder.

So the highly qualified forensics teams still haven't managed to work that out after over 48hrs? :o

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