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Thai Govt To Publicise Its Six-month Success


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Govt to publicise its six-month success

By The Nation

The government is gearing up to publicise its achievements over the past six months in office, PM's Office Minister Satit Wongnongtaey said Thursday.

He said Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva had assigned his Cabinet members to visit different areas to tell people what the government has done.

The focus would be placed on areas that would benefit from projects under the state borrowing decree and the 2010 Budget Bill.

Beginning this weekend, the prime minister and other Cabinet members will visit different areas to explain to the local residents about the government's performance, Satit said. He added that he would visit Phuket and Phang Nga.

Such visits will be in addition to the distribution of publications and setting up of billboards to announce the government's achievements, according to Satit.

He added that the permanent secretaries of all ministries would also call separate press conferences about the progress of projects involving their agencies, such as the distribution of cheques for people with low income and money handouts for the elderly and village health volunteers.

The ministries will complete their reports by June 18 before a joint report will be prepared and submitted to the prime minister late this month.

As for possible protests during visits by Cabinet members, Satit said the ministers had to accept it and try to explain to the protesters.

He added that he believed such opposition would not be strong as it was clear that government projects were for people's benefit.


-- The Nation 2009-06-11

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Govt to publicise its six-month success

By The Nation

The government is gearing up to publicise its achievements over the past six months in office, PM's Office Minister Satit Wongnongtaey said Thursday.

He said Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva had assigned his Cabinet members to visit different areas to tell people what the government has done.

The focus would be placed on areas that would benefit from projects under the state borrowing decree and the 2010 Budget Bill.

Beginning this weekend, the prime minister and other Cabinet members will visit different areas to explain to the local residents about the government's performance, Satit said. He added that he would visit Phuket and Phang Nga.

Such visits will be in addition to the distribution of publications and setting up of billboards to announce the government's achievements, according to Satit.

He added that the permanent secretaries of all ministries would also call separate press conferences about the progress of projects involving their agencies, such as the distribution of cheques for people with low income and money handouts for the elderly and village health volunteers.

The ministries will complete their reports by June 18 before a joint report will be prepared and submitted to the prime minister late this month.

As for possible protests during visits by Cabinet members, Satit said the ministers had to accept it and try to explain to the protesters.

He added that he believed such opposition would not be strong as it was clear that government projects were for people's benefit.


-- The Nation 2009-06-11

Since this was plummeting down the page, (not too many successes for people to harp about) I will bump it back up since I would dearly like to know of the specific successes that the current government has had in the last 6 months.

Spin away spinmeisters.

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Govt to publicise its six-month success

By The Nation

He said Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva had assigned his Cabinet members to visit different areas to tell people what the government has done.

That could be useful, because, honestly, nobody is aware of anything.

The focus would be placed on areas that would benefit from projects under the state borrowing decree and the 2010 Budget Bill.

Abhi is a slow learner but there are some signs that he's getting the point now

Edited by Pierrot
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Surviving six months is probably the success in particularly surviving the Songkhran double assault of censure and riot. Oh guess the by-election results were a success too.

Now as for policies...........

However, in truth judging a government or a government judging itself after 6 months is a bit silly. Policies are meant to be judged over longer periods of time. The politics of silliness is here

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Surviving six months is probably the success in particularly surviving the Songkhran double assault of censure and riot. Oh guess the by-election results were a success too.

Now as for policies...........

However, in truth judging a government or a government judging itself after 6 months is a bit silly. Policies are meant to be judged over longer periods of time. The politics of silliness is here

Totally agree! Few thought this government could survive six months.

Now we will endure the self serving press releases from the different ministers and their vision on how to move negatively backwards even faster if that is possible. The mistake here is giving them the month to think about it. I predict several visions of more hubs and stuff and maybe some more sin tax. Perhaps seven day visa runs for the English teachers will make the cut.

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Since this was plummeting down the page, (not too many successes for people to harp about) I will bump it back up since I would dearly like to know of the specific successes that the current government has had in the last 6 months.

Spin away spinmeisters.

I invite you to try to govern Thailand, or any given country, in the economic mess the world is in at the moment

It was said his government would not be there within a couple of months.

Well, he is still there, and doing his best.

He definitely did what he could do and had to do, notwithstanding the powerhungry man, and his "believers", who is doing his utmost to kill Thailand from abroad for personal gain, out of spite, and with complete disregard for everybody and the needs of the country.

That is, excluding his cronies of course.

Edited by hansnl
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They must declare success, it's government's job. I'd impeach them if they didn't make heart warming declarations from time to time.

Those who know the score won't pay any attention, those who don't, will sleep better. No harm done.

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it has been 6 months ? wow...how time flies. let me jot down a few events over that time which i feel could have been handled better by the dems.

riding PAD's coat tails to power

the stinky fish scandal

the stinky milk scandal

vote buying on a huge scale - getting newin on board.

mysterious 250 million baht donation

rohinya lies

october 7 report not released

handling of santika club fire

choice of foreign minister

choice of commerce minister

hazardous substances list (sulfur ok but chile paste not)

41,300 websites closed without court approval

hype over preah vihear temple

martial law in south

cabinet film rating censorship

harry nicholades

no indictments for krue se

no indictments for tak bai

end compulsory licensing for pharma drugs

i just stopped taking notice a while back because it all got a bit too much.

S.J., Plus et al. start deflecting....now !

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the stinky milk scandal

I thought this scandal was actually exposed by the current gov't to acknowledge people about what had been going on under the previous gov'ts. :)

As for this popic, I think their 6 month success was to successfully make Thaksin show more and more of his true skin to the public both domestic and abroad.

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keeping a country afloat through tough economic hardship with Thaksin constantly trying to sink the country.

I wish Khun Thaksin could come back now to "sink the country".

If he does not sink, the country will become 2nd Burma. Previously when he sank, Singapore was jealous when they looked at the country.

PAD thought they "saved" the country :) (by blocking 2 airports).

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I think their 6 month success was to successfully make Thaksin show more and more of his true skin to the public both domestic and abroad.

Surprisingly after skin being shown, if Khun Thaksin can come back now to run an election, he will be Prime Minister with no help from the army and elites and the reds don't have to close 2 airports.

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I think their 6 month success was to successfully make Thaksin show more and more of his true skin to the public both domestic and abroad.

Surprisingly after skin being shown, if Khun Thaksin can come back now to run an election, he will be Prime Minister with no help from the army and elites and the reds don't have to close 2 airports.


And plenty of evidence to refute this notion. Police Col Thaksin is finished in Thailand, it's quite clear, except as an outside agitator.

Edited by Lite Beer
Deleted quote removed. Lite Beer.
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if Khun Thaksin can come back now to run an election, he will be Prime Minister

And that will be victory, huh?

You ever pause to think what changes must be made to give him the possibility to run in the elections? What changes must be made to judicial system and the laws? What changes to the constitution? What kind of opposition to these overwrites?

Realistically, bringing Thaksin back to power will mean the end of Thai state as we know it, and it would mean brutally crashing all those trying to defend it.

Yeah, SIngapore will be jealous.

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Progress? The far south situation has become worse, the police are more corrupt than ever and the middlemen continue to cheat the farmers. What they HAVE done is raise the price of booze and cigarettes. Progress indeed! :)

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it has been 6 months ? wow...how time flies. let me jot down a few events over that time which i feel could have been handled better by the dems.

riding PAD's coat tails to power

the stinky fish scandal

the stinky milk scandal

vote buying on a huge scale - getting newin on board.

mysterious 250 million baht donation

rohinya lies

october 7 report not released

handling of santika club fire

choice of foreign minister

choice of commerce minister

hazardous substances list (sulfur ok but chile paste not)

41,300 websites closed without court approval

hype over preah vihear temple

martial law in south

cabinet film rating censorship

harry nicholades

no indictments for krue se

no indictments for tak bai

end compulsory licensing for pharma drugs

i just stopped taking notice a while back because it all got a bit too much.

S.J., Plus et al. start deflecting....now !

You could as well stick Thaksin and TRT / PPP or ANY ruling partyy and PM before or after this list

change the burned clubs name and and it would surprise no one.

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I think their 6 month success was to successfully make Thaksin show more and more of his true skin to the public both domestic and abroad.

Surprisingly after skin being shown, if Khun Thaksin can come back now to run an election, he will be Prime Minister with no help from the army and elites and the reds don't have to close 2 airports.

Or at least, he might stand for an election, once he completes his court-cases & jail-sentence(s). :)

By the way, remember what happened when Herr Thaksin 'ran an election' last time, it got annulled by the E.C. for very-good reasons. But then, as he says himself, 'democracy is not my aim' ? :D

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it has been 6 months ? wow...how time flies. let me jot down a few events over that time which i feel could have been handled better by the dems.

riding PAD's coat tails to power

the stinky fish scandal

the stinky milk scandal

vote buying on a huge scale - getting newin on board.

mysterious 250 million baht donation

rohinya lies

october 7 report not released

handling of santika club fire

choice of foreign minister

choice of commerce minister

hazardous substances list (sulfur ok but chile paste not)

41,300 websites closed without court approval

hype over preah vihear temple

martial law in south

cabinet film rating censorship

harry nicholades

no indictments for krue se

no indictments for tak bai

end compulsory licensing for pharma drugs

i just stopped taking notice a while back because it all got a bit too much.

S.J., Plus et al. start deflecting....now !

You could as well stick Thaksin and TRT / PPP or ANY ruling partyy and PM before or after this list

change the burned clubs name and and it would surprise no one.

but then you would be reading a different thread. this one is about the democratic party's performance. a party that came in piggybacking a movement promising 'new politics'. a moment that had no popular national support has installed a party with no mandate. and now they want to tell us their success stories ? forgive my skepticism.

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Maybe even maintain the constitution and arrest those who committed high treason by overthrowing a democratically elected government by military force.

Maintain what consitution?

Under current constitution Thaksin's can't come back and run in elections, even after the amendments.

So you need a revolution, even a simple coup won't be enough.

And that was precisely my point - the price for the possibility of bringing Thaksin back will be nothing short of civil war, and Khmer Rouge/Great Leap Forward like purges to clean the country of "elites" and their influence.

Unfortunately people like Koo don't even try to comprehend the consequences of their actions, but it would be politically incorrect to say that Thaksin supporters is one of the dumbest species knows to men.

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So you need a revolution, even a simple coup won't be enough.

And that was precisely my point - the price for the possibility of bringing Thaksin back will be nothing short of civil war, and Khmer Rouge/Great Leap Forward like purges to clean the country of "elites" and their influence.

Thaksin Smaksin, as they say in Yiddish.Ain't you sick of him.Maybe he should do a deal (as Thitinan recommended the other day) and remain in permanent exile in exchange for say one third of his assets.Each day that passes marginalises him further.

But, quite apart from Thaksin, a cleansing trauma may still be just what's needed in Thailand.A very elite Thai suggested this to me very recently.Not a murderous one like the Chinese or Cambodian ones you mention but a giant shake up.The challenge for the elite is still how to manage its inevitable decline (from a position of overwhelming power but still of course highly influential).

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Thaksin Smaksin, as they say in Yiddish.Ain't you sick of him

Sure I am.

But we are always reminded that the majority wants him back. We have another mass this weekend when worshippers from all over the country will gather and Sanam Luang and chant their mantras.

a cleansing trauma may still be just what's needed in Thailand

How big a trauma you are talking about?

Say ten million purged? Or would one million be enough? Where do you proposed to build re-education camps for them?


It isn't a very smart proposal, you know.

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How big a trauma you are talking about?

Say ten million purged? Or would one million be enough? Where do you proposed to build re-education camps for them?

Trauma's the wrong word I agree, but a big shake up needed certainly.

No purges, no re-education camps, no violence.

But I'm guessing a sudden convulsion won't happen.Real question is how smart the elite will be because with savvy it could retain most of its wealth and influence.

We can learn from other countries experiences.History has two main lessons:

1.Everything will be changed beyond recognition

2.Everything will in essence stay the same

Whatever happens there will never be a monolithic authoritarian Thailand.Rather like Orwell's observation that Britain could never be fascist because the population would laugh at the jackboot marching style.Deeep down most Thais are profoundly sane and well balanced.

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