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Crackdown On Back-to-back Tourist Visa Applications

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Lots of the usual wingeing here about perfectly reasonable rules. Turn this around and consider this: In your own country, US, UK, New Zealand, France, where ever, would they tolerate foreigners living there semi-permenantly on a tourist visa? No, so why should the Thais tolerate it. Tourist visa are for tourists, not for living here. Simple.

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In this thread I learned that if you have an outside source of income (financial markets, real estate, etc.), and you want to spend your money in Thailand while you're under 50 years old and not married to a Thai citizen you're a low-life anti-social scumbag who contributes nothing to the country, even tho you pay the VAT on every item you purchase.

Thanks folks. You learn something new everyday.

Yeah, i've been thinking the same thing...i have also learned that if you have a Non B or Ed visa, basically bought by paying a lump of cash or essentially tea money to any lawyer or person with the right connections...even though you are not really working, paying tax, or studying in Thailand, then you are an upright, high life, good for the country perfect citizen....come on guys, wake up...there are plenty of folks here who own condos, pour tons of money into the Thai economy, have made their money elsewhere, and are EXACTLY the same as those retirees who have retirement visas, except that they are 46, 47, 48, or 30, and thus do not have recourse to the above visa (unless of course they pay the appropriate lawyer, which certainly doesn't qualify anyone for being a high life good moral outstanding citizen)...it's kind of like saying why dont we get rid of all the english teachers or dive instructors because all of them must be scumbags, breaking the law, not paying taxes, et al...never mind that there might be several thousand who are the exact opposite....

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You cannot establish a legitimate company here without employing five Thais but your business has nothing to do with Thailand anyway.

Yes, you can. If you do only export (services and goods), you can have a 100% foreign owned, no Thais. A company don't need staff, it just makes some things a bit easier, like work-permits.

If you are doing any work, over the internet or whatever, you need a work permit.

I'm here with my wife and baby currently doing 60day back to backs, but are in the process of designing goods in local thai factory to be exported back to the UK. If I can get a work permit along these lines, how about my dependants (non thai) ?

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Another nail in the coff.........

This one will come soon too :)

And don't forget the perennial, "They hate us farangs, they really, really hate us...". :D

Maybe they're regretting giving the tourist visas for free now?

And also the "I'm superior, and therefore entitled to live in Thailand on the wrong kind of visa, lying about my true purpose of stay" whinge. Not to mentione the "That does it - I'm taking my money elsewhere so that Thai economy will surely collapse - they need me more than I need them" chorus :D

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Correct me if I am wrong but my interpretation of the above means to me that I cant seek work on a tourist visa and I have also been advised from TheThai Embassy in Hull that the correct visa to obtain to seek work is the Non Immigrant Visa O.

There is nothing to stop you "seeking" work whilst on a Tourist Visa,

BUT you cannot start the job.

Before starting you would need to obtain a Non Immigrant Visa,

usually by visiting the Thai Embassy/Consulate in a neighbouring country.

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*i have 'officially legal triple tourist visa' already and i stay here in thailand ; is it also crack down now ))

is my triple tourist visa still valid to use ? or will they cancel it whenever they want ?

As you already have the visa stamped in your passport you will be OK.

This thread is about people who have already had tourist visa, applying for a new one.

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Another nail in the coff.........

This one will come soon too :)

Does anyone actually know how many nails are in Thailand's coffin now? I think the metallic component must be starting to outweigh the wooden. Anyone have a link to a government site that keeps tally on it?

Seriously though; isn't it about time they had a crackdown on "crackdowns"? 

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In this thread I learned that if you have an outside source of income (financial markets, real estate, etc.), and you want to spend your money in Thailand while you're under 50 years old and not married to a Thai citizen you're a low-life anti-social scumbag who contributes nothing to the country, even tho you pay the VAT on every item you purchase.

Thanks folks. You learn something new everyday.

Yeah, i've been thinking the same thing...i have also learned that if you have a Non B or Ed visa, basically bought by paying a lump of cash or essentially tea money to any lawyer or person with the right connections...even though you are not really working, paying tax, or studying in Thailand, then you are an upright, high life, good for the country perfect citizen....come on guys, wake up...there are plenty of folks here who own condos, pour tons of money into the Thai economy, have made their money elsewhere, and are EXACTLY the same as those retirees who have retirement visas, except that they are 46, 47, 48, or 30, and thus do not have recourse to the above visa (unless of course they pay the appropriate lawyer, which certainly doesn't qualify anyone for being a high life good moral outstanding citizen)...it's kind of like saying why dont we get rid of all the english teachers or dive instructors because all of them must be scumbags, breaking the law, not paying taxes, et al...never mind that there might be several thousand who are the exact opposite....

Read again,

You do not need a lawyer or anyone else nor you do not need to pay tea money. People just don't understand your moaning as you can easily get non-o yourself by visiting oz or europe.

Your other option is to study thai few hours a week instead of lying in sheraton swimming pool enjoying your hard earned cash from home.

All in all Thailand is one of the easiest country to stay long term, that's the reason why all upright, high life, good for the country perfect citizens choose to live here.

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Maybe they're regretting giving the tourist visas for free now?

That's probably the reason for the "crackdown", They're not making any money out of TV's so now is the perfect opportunity for some tosser to do something that makes it appear as if he/she is doing a good job.

As soon as TV's stop being free, the "crackdown" will end, if not sooner. When are Thai governments going to move out of the pre pubescent stage and mature into adulthood?  I know it's a relatively young "democracy", but WHEN?

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Another nail in the coff.........

This one will come soon too :)

And don't forget the perennial, "They hate us farangs, they really, really hate us...". :D

Maybe they're regretting giving the tourist visas for free now?

:D I think simila, with giving the tourist visa for free many "honorar" consul get in a clinch missing income.

But which genious brain can find out such (I hold me back). All this don't avoid that bad people try come work iligeal;

is it forbidden only lock around for a possible job while stay in Thailand? I agree such which take a job at such ocasion should get sensitive fine, but not such which lock first only and remember, Thailand need specialists in few domains as IT etc.! Why the free 60/90 day visa? I can look around with 30 days or even with retire visa. All this permanent visa change make nonsense, only to keep far too the serious people which would like stay here.

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You cannot establish a legitimate company here without employing five Thais but your business has nothing to do with Thailand anyway.

Yes, you can. If you do only export (services and goods), you can have a 100% foreign owned, no Thais. A company don't need staff, it just makes some things a bit easier, like work-permits.

If you are doing any work, over the internet or whatever, you need a work permit.

I'm here with my wife and baby currently doing 60day back to backs, but are in the process of designing goods in local thai factory to be exported back to the UK. If I can get a work permit along these lines, how about my dependants (non thai) ?

If you obtained a one year extension of stay they could obtain non immigrant O visas and obtain extensions as your dependents.

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I am slightly short of the monthly amount for marriage visa Wife's income is not allowed.and no way do I have 400,000THB for a visa I used the money to build my house, 3 years ago on wife's family land. Now I have a house a wife and no where to live. She earns us both a living by farming Tilapia. Paying others to feed and tend them. Where to now?


I am Canadian and to prove my income for marriage, I just went to my colsolate, told them how much I make, and they wrote a letter (aft of Davit) to confirm it.

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Non-married under-50's who don't need or want to work now have no chance anymore.

On a sidenote, does the Thailand government really think, that the expats, who neither want to work in Thailand, nor want to get married to a Thai citizen, but are below the age of 50 will happily come back after their 50th birthday, having been kicked out of the country before? As for me, I am 40, neither married to a Thai, nor working. I will certainly not retire in ten-years time in a country that kicks me out today. Sorry, but there are greener pastures to spend my pension money.

Edited by remih06
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I'm here with my wife and baby currently doing 60day back to backs, but are in the process of designing goods in local thai factory to be exported back to the UK. If I can get a work permit along these lines, how about my dependants (non thai) ?

You dont need a work permit for what you are doing. You can apply for a non imm B visa outside Thailand and explain what you are doing - possibly show some evidence although probably not asked for. Alternatively enter Thailand by air without a visa and tick business on the arrival card. If asked just say you are a buyer and want to export items.

Work permits are for when you provide professional services for a Thai company or for when you set up a business in Thailand. What you are doing is simply buying products and importing them to your own country, your business is based overseas and you are just a foreign buyer.

If you like you can set up your own export company in Thailand (then you need a WP), i believe its still possible for a foreigner to own an export company and there are tax excemtions too maybe you could look into that

All perfectly legal.

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so how does one stay if he cant qualify for some visa's, like 200,000 baht or whatever it may take? i am moving to the philippines but rather live in Thailand. i dont want to travel every 30 days.

oh yeah im not over 50 and i have an internet business

I have the same problem, I'm 27 and have an internet business. They need to do something to allow people like us to stay long term if we want, I don't see why they have to make things so complicated for us to just stay in Thailand longer than a few months.

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...They need to do something to allow people like us to stay long term...

Why do they need to accomodate you? Do you declare the income from your Internet business and contribute to society by paying income tax? Countries around the world expect migrants to do this.

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so how does one stay if he cant qualify for some visa's, like 200,000 baht or whatever it may take? i am moving to the philippines but rather live in Thailand. i dont want to travel every 30 days.

Welcome to the requirements of the Immigration Act - you either get the right visa or close the door on your way out.

Edited by dbrenn
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What gonna happen for a guy like me ? I don't work in Thailand, i'm not over 50 years old or married with a thai woman but i have 100.000 bahts to spend because i'm owner in Europe and rent apparments there. So i can't stay in thailand for long term? It's illegal? I'm a tourist !

As far as the regulations go, to the authorities you look more like a resident who is claiming to be a tourist. Most countries impose strict criteria on who is allowed to take up residence, and Thailand is slacker than most places. Those who don't meet the ctiteria are not allowed to remain in the country.

Hard though it seems, Thailand has a sovereign right to decide who comes and who goes. It's the same the world over. I'm afraid.

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Thai officials need to stop passing the blame for the many problems of this country. If immigration wants to put a stop to illegal workers, why not make a heafty fine to both the illegal employer and employee. A fine that is large enough to scare buisnesses away from hiring illegals in the first place.

This new policies logic most likely will keep away a number of illegal workers, however it will also lose a number of legit tourists allong the way. Not the best thing to do in a recession in my opinion.

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It mystifies me why some people cannot understand that Visa and Work Permit legislation in nearly all Countries is “Broad Brush”; designed to cover the most usual situations and applicants.

There will always be individuals whose circumstances are fairly unique and fall outside the general – such as those on TV who (claim to) have sufficient Funds to retire but are under the required age to qualify for a Retirement Visa.

No-one is deliberately picking on you or trying to make your life difficult – but no legislation can be written to cover all and every exceptional situaton.


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Welcome to the requirements of the Immigration Act - you either get the right visa or close the door on your way out.

Care to point us to the provision(s) of the Immigration Act that limit the time an alien can spend touring Thailand?

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Interrogate the tourists. All part of their holiday experience. Maybe someone will write a book about it.

Smokie, its not the tourists that they are after. Its the people who are seeking work in Thailand on a tourist visa that they want to stop and I understand this.

I would haphzard a guess that a good 99% of genuine tourists would only require a 30 day visa on arrival. The 1% that require a 60 day visa would be scrutinsed. It makes a lot of sense.

I just wish the UK border controls would put the same some of restrctions in place! They probably do, but it doesn't feel like it.

Lastly you have to remember that a lot of us would love to work there, but if you are a Thai, how pissed would you feel that a farang comes and takes a job that you are equally qualified for.

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It mystifies me why some people cannot understand that Visa and Work Permit legislation in nearly all Countries is “Broad Brush”; designed to cover the most usual situations and applicants.

There will always be individuals whose circumstances are fairly unique and fall outside the general – such as those on TV who (claim to) have sufficient Funds to retire but are under the required age to qualify for a Retirement Visa.

No-one is deliberately picking on you or trying to make your life difficult – but no legislation can be written to cover all and every exceptional situaton.


Why Not ? Surely if you have provisions to support yourself and you are spending your money supporting the Thai Economy then some sort of legal stipulation could be put through. Maybe make an adendum that you have to report to your local office every 90 days with your bank statements? Its not difficult to do...

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I don't think the Thai government cares all that much when you spend your future pension money.

Oh so you're some kind of spokesperson for the Thai government? Or maybe some kind of psychic, able to read into the mind of the Thai government? That must be fun...

Just because lots of people have been getting away with bending the rules in no way means that people will continue to be allowed to live in Thailand on tourist visas in the future.

If there's no rule to bend, then nobody's bending any rule. The rules might be changing now, but so far people have been allowed to tour Thailand for long periods of time, using legitimate tourist visas that were legally delivered by Thai consulates, said visas were checked and accepted by immigration officers upon entry in the Kingdom, and in many cases said visas got (repeatedly) extended by other immigration officers throughout the country.

Looks like we were playing by the country's rules, or some official, somewhere along the process, probably would have blown their whistle, don't you think?

Get the right kind of visa if you want to migrate to Thailand - one that means you don't need to misrepresent your purpose of stay in the eyes of the authorities.

Maybe you could get yourself another thrill, than insulting around and accusing people of misdeeds they are not committing. Only people working while on their tourist visa are misrepresenting their purpose of stay in the eyes of the authorities, and they're a very small minority of the tourist visa holders.

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finally ! was about time. i guess in your "civilized" country you welcome illegal workers with open arms...
Yes,we do! and we give them free accommodation,income support, and also we will give them 3,000 pounds so they can buy a car to find work.

But that's the GREAT! in Great Britain.

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