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Udon Thani Official Calls For Prostitution To Be Legalised

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The best way to create a social system is to collect taxes through bars fines. Costs and prices are competitive so in the end if the price is too high the takers will be fewer. This leaves less money on the table for the bar owners. Freelancers could register at the police station and pay license fees that go toward benefits. If it is like the US the politicians will create a superfund and eventually "borrow" it, or steal it like in USA. No one ever caught either. Witness demise of social security in US.

The issue now at hand should be relaxing codes imposed on the Thais by their Western civilized "brothers". Thai people seem to be very tribal, family oriented with a take care attitude toward each other. Every arrangement is meant to bring people togeather not for a tryst--although that happens as this is how life is--but hoping to create new relationships based on emotional needs. We in the West don't even consider the range of emotional needs and how they work in relations between men and women as they are in Thailand between foreigners and young women. But there is more here than sex. There are emotional and financial needs being met--just not socially sanctioned.

Social orders have a way of working themselves out if they are not interferred with by political authorities; it is the political authority that is the problem--creating climates unnecessary authority on a biological act that apparently works without too much interference.

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They regulate rice already now the government wants to get involved in regulating vice including a proper tax revenue.

Thailand's three greatest exports will be regulated; rice, vice and NICE!


1/ some form of regulation seems to work in angeles city PI. All bar girls have ID with name, age,where they are from, and other stuff I never got to. They also have a regular (weekly, I think) swab test for STD's. On the other hand, know for sure that girls are presenting fake ID's (often older sister) to work underage.

2/ the big fly in the ointment is that most bar girls do not consider themselves to be prostitutes, they are just looking for a rich farang husband. Try the term "so-pee-nee" on them, and you will get a smack in the chops to make your head spin.

Long overdue.

Thailand has arguably more sex workers than any other country, yet they have no rights and are exploited by the Police, traffickers etc. The sex industry in Thailand is the main reason why so many foreigners choose to visit Thailand regularly and why many end up living here. (whether they like to admit to it or not)

Speak for yourself. :)


"Campaigns among men to deter them from buying sex from women should help - if there are no buyers, there won't be sellers," she said.

I totally understand what she is saying. “MEN ARE THE PROBLEM “In America the feminist groups imposed a “don’t touch policy” at the strip bars calling it sexual harassment from men..?” With that and because of the recent and highly effective car jacking on men, Oops! I mean sting operations were they take your car for responding to a police women soliciting sex and post your picture in the paper or on the news” Thai men should be warned of American Feminist .” Has led to a downturn in the market which has had a direct effect on women’s incomes.blaming men saying they have no balls The feminist groups unhappy with this because of an out cry from women saying they can’t afford to pay for college now. So the Feminist groups now in front of congress to pass laws legalizing it in some states yet still enforcing the don’t touch policy

This DTpolicy at strip clubs drives prices up for the occasional “cop a feel”. To help with the Don’t Touch Policy, feminist groups have educated women to the success of the internet. Allowing women to act out they’re predatory skills without being legally responsibility. Now on the internet they can go after young boys, which accomplishes several things. Number 1 it turns them into ATM machines and gets them addicted to sex sites. 2 Women don’t ever have to worry about being arrested for being a preditor or soliciting sex to a minor. 3 they get to go to college on the money the young boys steal from they’re daddy. Here is the one I like the best of all, if your investigated for a sexual harassment and they check your computer…whola ! @#% you as a man would be considered a sexual predator for life. When a woman jumps up and says lets regulate sex…you have to look further down the road. :)



File photo.

Hmmm, no one is commenting on the picture. I find it quite well done. The skin tones look natural. I see no harsh shadows from a flash; in fact I see no flash shadows at all (diffused bounce?). The girls are the obivous subjects; the back ground is muted. Given the subject of the article, the picture is very good. If I had to criticize something, I might have cropped the foreground a little to get rid of the table; mainly to get rid of the red/yellow plaid that I find a little distracting. But not the hands; I like the hands in the photo.

"Campaigns among men to deter them from buying sex from women should help - if there are no buyers, there won't be sellers," she said.

unbelievable comment

In Sweden and Norway it is already a crime for a man to buy sex!

... but not for the ladies to sell sex :)

George. You could have put a better picture in the OP. Downright scary! :D

Disagree mca, I think it's a good photo. But we don't know if george is on the right or the left. :)


Thailand's major religion is Budhism and its 100% sure that Budhism doesnot allow prostitution at any cost. It's one of the beggest sin amongst the sins which must get punishment hereafter. Now if the they make the law to legalise prostitution, so it means they override religion. So please all members of this forum, join hands to oppose this <snip> idea.

Prostitution is the main cause of dectruction of social system, social values and pious relations.

Thailand's major religion is Budhism and its 100% sure that Budhism doesnot allow prostitution at any cost. It's one of the beggest sin amongst the sins which must get punishment hereafter. Now if the they make the law to legalise prostitution, so it means they override religion. So please all members of this forum, join hands to oppose this <snip> idea.

Prostitution is the main cause of dectruction of social system, social values and pious relations.

You must be joking? :)


I believe this is an old topic in the Thai media - any excuse to talk about sex. Every few years someone suggests legalizing prostitution and the press keep asking politicians to comment until the story goes dry.

I don't usually bet but I am willing to take a wild guess that Udon Thani Industrial Council chairman Prayoon Homewong will be looking for a job soon.


They can figure out better ways to protect those girls than stamping WHORE on their ID cards.

I bet there are many many women who never admit working in sex industry, why should they be registered and entered in some database? Next thing you know men will start asking their fiancées to provide a certificate from the whore office that they have never been on their books.

Those girls just need to get contracts from their employees and various guarantee letters to buy motorbikes or apply for social security.

George. You could have put a better picture in the OP. Downright scary! :D

Disagree mca, I think it's a good photo. But we don't know if george is on the right or the left. :)

He is the one in the White Top and the real dodgy eye make-up :D

Long overdue.

Thailand has arguably more sex workers than any other country, yet they have no rights and are exploited by the Police, traffickers etc. The sex industry in Thailand is the main reason why so many foreigners choose to visit Thailand regularly and why many end up living here. (whether they like to admit to it or not) :D

It's Legal in Australia, Germany, Holland and many other developed countries. So why not? :)

If it is legal in so many other countries why would they come to Thailand because of prostitutes. They can stay home if they like and use their own countries services. It is more I think than that.

Well for one thing the ladies (and some boys), are too darned cute here.

Some wag wanted to change the Amazing Thailand campaign to:

Thailand! Even YOU can get laid!

Prostitution is legal in the UK ASAIK. Soliciting and/or keeping a brothel isn't. Neither is living off the earnings of a prostitute. The Thai Government might like to add that bit into future legislation.

Same in Belgium. My home town had a lot of probleems with uncontroled prostitution, since a few years they organized zoning with a control on working condition even the size and comfort of the rooms are regulated. There is also a stringent passport control for illegal immigrants in the sex indusytry. Since then the problems are almost non existant anymore.

In theory the girls are self-employed who rent a room for 8 or 10 hours.

Karaoke bars are real Karaoke bars in my country and by my knowledge this is so all over Europe lol.

BTW, I don't think the picture in the OP show BG but ladyboys, is there a reason for that.

... the restrictions and charges would send most of the perverts packing (from a man who's never paid so yes I'm judging)...

...Why do men want to be with someone out of their league and paying for it??? Esp. the ones that are "married" and paying for it, ha! Spend your money on a 6 month fitness regime and then go look for a partner who's equal to you...

...I say yes - look at reducing the customer base, yes - tax the employer and enforce strict rules on them so they take more responsibility for the girls, yes - recognise the profession exsists and continue turning a blind-eye to poor girls who are just trying to make ends meet...

...Something else the governmet should do b4 they open their Pandora's Box is start looking at alternative employment...

What perverts? Ah I see, you must be referring to the ones the Spanish Inquisition missed. So you're the great exception to the rule. About 80% of guys who claim they never paid lie, and some 15% don't tell the truth... Hey, Mr. 5% :)

So you're saying: don't go grab a lady at Tony's Disco, get your rocks off at Tony's Fitness instead? Tony won't mind. He's making his stash of cash either way. Sounds to me a bit like the "eat an apple -- instead" idea. Ever wondered why prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and still going strong??

Reduce the customer base -- how? By raising prices? Does that work on smoking, gas prices, alcohol prices (some countries)?

What alternative employment, in a country where they close factories on a daily basis, and Samut Prakan factory workers trekk off to Pattaya to make ends meet? It's not so much a matter of employment that the government should tackle, but the runaway fathers who leave single moms to make ends meet on their own, while screwing around with the next sub-18 -- oops, we're talking prostitutes here too...

Stop being naïve and aknowledge that prostitution exists, serves a need, is okay as long as the chain of cockroaches profiting from it is kept in check (which it isn't as long as it's illegal).

Another nail in the coffin.

Oh. Hang on.

Wrong thread.


Thats it!! Thats the last straw. Im packing, and getting out. Im moving to the village on the other side of the river.

Oh, youre right.....wrong thread

yes, blatent discrimination, another signal that Thailand has it in for foreigners...

d'oh!!! Wrong thread.

(but lets wait for some numbnut to link this to how Britain is going down the drain, and it is all the migrants fault)



"However, I don't agree with the registration system because it could adversely affect sex workers. Registration means a woman is willing to be stigmatised for the rest of her life as a prostitute, which may effect her chance of finding another other job in the future," she said.

That is the only sentence which is telling the real truth and the real result from this action! Most of these ladies are doing this job very discretely, secretly and far away from their homes. When back in their village they are very normal girls, well educated and well off and looking for a husband and hoping to stop this prostitution business as soon as they can and as soon as they have enough money to build their house in their own village.

No way they will want to be registered!!! No way!!!

Long overdue.

Thailand has arguably more sex workers than any other country, yet they have no rights and are exploited by the Police, traffickers etc. The sex industry in Thailand is the main reason why so many foreigners choose to visit Thailand regularly and why many end up living here. (whether they like to admit to it or not) :D

It's Legal in Australia, Germany, Holland and many other developed countries. So why not? :)

Please elaborate why you believe Thailand " has more sex workers than any other country"

Congratulations! I am all for it. Legalize it and tax it to increase services for all.

Too bad this couldn't be done in the U.S.A., along with legalizing cannabis, as ways to lower the current record deficit. Otherwise, future

generations of workers will be over burdened in providing Social Security, etc. to retirees, etc.

I'm with you buddy, but I'm cynical about it happening in the USA. Too many judges, attorneys, government agencies would be unemployed. Even the prisons would "sufer."

We learned that we couldn't outlaw (eliminate) alcohol and gambling; so why are we so unable to face reality with respect to drugs and prostitution? Ah yes, I must re-read my first sentence :)


Most bar girls don't earn enough to pay tax here anyway. Those who do are generally sponsored and I cannot see the government finding a way of getting farang sponsors to operate PAYE. How would that work? Maybe deduct 10% from all Western Union receipts....

Frankly I cannot see legalisation having any effect on prostitution at all. There is already plenty of it even though it is illegal, so it is unlikely to increase it, and with incomes here so low you won't see a decline either.

Business as usual.

I suspect the good gentleman from Udon Thani is enjoying a little action on the side and wants it legalised so that he appears respectable when the missus finds out.

Anyway, what have those sweet young ladies in the picture got to do with the subject? :)

"Campaigns among men to deter them from buying sex from women should help - if there are no buyers, there won't be sellers," she said.

unbelievable comment

In Sweden and Norway it is already a crime for a man to buy sex!

Now I know why half of Sweden vacations in Thailand.

What a surprise that this topic has, by far, the most readers...

Yeah because it´s such a nice news!!

Now legalize drugs,too -TAX on both - and then it´s legal what nearly everybody is doing anyway there :)

Smile everywhere and big $$$ for government, sounds like a plan!

I think i`ll visit LOS again, then!

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