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Thai News Coverage Of The Haiti Earthquake


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How come that I have yet to see any news on Thaivisa about the Earthquake in Haiti? There might be several thousand people dead, Tsunami warnings...

It measured 7.0 on the Richter Scale (that does not tell me anything) and it is the worst earthquake in 200 years down there...

Dead bodies are laying in the streets and most buildings in the Capital (Port-Au-Prince I think) are knocked down, including the presidential palace and the UN building...

Where is the Nation/Bangkok Post now?

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I knew peace workers who spent a long time there. But it doesn't get mentioned much by Yankees or Mexicans, nor by Thais or Burmese. It's as well known as....Aruba?

Maybe I am not in touch, but I always thought it was pretty well-discussed in the US.  In school, we were always taught that it was the second oldest democracy in the Western Hemisphere, and then will all the news during the Pappa Doc and Baby Doc eras, and the US Marines going in to restore order, I think it was much higher in the public consciousness than most other Caribbean nations.

But with regards to the Thai news, I guess it is a little surprising.  From what I have observed, the Thai news media follow the western news adage of "If it bleeds, it leads."  So I am surprised if there is not Thai coverage of it, especially as there was a tsunami warning, and Thais are sensitive to that.

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The earthquake is the main news here in Canada on C.B.C. T.V. we have constant coverage this morning. Aid agencies from around the world are responding. About 15 peacekeepers are known dead, some from China, Columbia and a third country. It is breaking news. Supplies and search dogs are on the way. There have been about 40 after shocks. People are lying dead in the streets. The Palace has collapsed as well the U.N. building was heavily damaged. Many foreign aid workers are missing. If you want more news, let me know.

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The news is limited because communications were cut. The joint health task force is reporting back via text messaging and still trying to do a roll call. Watching my news feeds an hour ago, the RCMP which overseas most of the police training is only now setting up its hot line and can't account for many of the Canadian municipal and provincial police officers serving there. That doesn't mean they are dead or injured, just out of communications range. I don't think it is because Thai news media does not care. Haiti is a horrible place at the best of times. Haiti is a lost cause, sorry to say. In fairness though, when the typhoons mangled the Phillippines and Taiwan, the news was broadcast in Thaland, but did anyone really care? Did you think that news made it to Haiti or those people cared? Human nature I reckon. Until it hits home, people tend to shut out the bad news.

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Not surprised at all seeing this topic! Its like that in here thai tv sucks tell ya my dad keeps telling me to avoid those thai channels they're sux!!! plenty of thai soap and game show shit talk show some shit like that they spend too much time talking about panda? whats going on in thailand or super stars news... me and my dad like to watch news especially inter news but hardly find in thai channel!?! luckily we got cable tv and internet and u know wot this time i was waiting to see if thai chans would report about Haiti quake haha yes they did but it was like 3 mins-_-' I'm hopeless!

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I think there is too much coverage of the earthquake in Haiti. I'm kinda missing African Voices, Doha Debates and all the Israel in peril shows. There is really no news except on the Internet. I'm a little old fashioned and do not consider looking at a Google map slide, file footage of an ambulance driving past a camera or reporters telling us how embedded they are television news. At best it is radio from the 1940's.

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There is not too much coverage. The attention is needed. It is a horrible situation and sometimes when the world looks at a train wreck, they send cash, and cash is needed, lots of it.

I have a controversial idea. The government of Haiti doesn't appear to be functioning. That country never seems to improve much and now they are doomed to suffer even worse for many years after this quake. I wonder if the people of Haiti would favor becoming a territory (or even a state) of the United States similar to Puerto Rico. Surely, they can't do worse than they have done independently.

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Haiti was occupied and run by the US Military (with advice from the US banking industry) from 1915 to 1934 (Haiti's external finances were controlled by US until 1947). The US had a troops there again from 1994 to 2000, and again for several months in 2004 until taken over by a UN peace keeping force that is still there (of which apparently several hundred were killed in the earthquake).


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Haiti was occupied and run by the US Military (with advice from the US banking industry) from 1915 to 1934 (Haiti's external finances were controlled by US until 1947). The US had a troops there again from 1994 to 2000, and again for several months in 2004 until taken over by a UN peace keeping force that is still there (of which apparently several hundred were killed in the earthquake).


Not talking about an occupation. I am talking about them having a free will election to request becoming a US territory in these modern times. Its probably a crazy idea, and I don't know if the US would be interested or how the D.R. would react (same island). Canada might be better because of the French speaking but I am sure Canada wouldn't be into to it. The majority of Puerto Ricans are happy with being a territory and are against independence.

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Well the territory idea is probably over the top, and a vote would be impossible in such a country anytime soon. Reports now are the government there practically does not exist anymore and gangs carrying machetes are the only real power now. Some force of order will have to come in. The UN?

Quote from a Haitian --

"We are all alone. We don't have any contact with anyone. No phones. No help. We beg for the Americans to come help us. Look at us!"

Never enough media coverage for a situation like this. Note he wasn't asking for Chinese, Cubans, Russians, or Venezualans.

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There was a really ironic news clip on BBC, a queue of US "Christian" missionaries scrambling to get on a plane OUT of the country....seems like it wasn't only the phone lines that were down, the direct line these people have to God must have been hit as well. These people infest places like Chiang Mai, at least now we know what it takes to get rid of them....

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