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Racism, Paranoia Or Tit


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Although various posters have suggested that it's purely down to security reasons etc, I would think that the greatest security risk in Thailand comes not from foreigners but from the Thais themselves, (whether that be Islamic nationalists from the south, reds from the north, yellows from Bangkok etc).

In fact, to be on the safe side, all Thai military bases should deny access to anyone with a Thai ID, and welcome Johnny Foreigner with open arms.


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Although various posters have suggested that it's purely down to security reasons etc, I would think that the greatest security risk in Thailand comes not from foreigners but from the Thais themselves, (whether that be Islamic nationalists from the south, reds from the north, yellows from Bangkok etc).

In fact, to be on the safe side, all Thai military bases should deny access to anyone with a Thai ID, and welcome Johnny Foreigner with open arms.


Funnily enough I thought exactly the same thing when reading the OP. I was scratching my head trying to work out why farangs would pose a security threat to Thailand when all the threats seem to come from the nationalists down South or Thai political activists.

I thought I must have missed something obvious to everyone else.

But I steer well away from Thai politics, its their country - not mine.

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whats not clear about this statement????

Whats not clear? You write like a 10 year old child, which is completely understandable if you are not a native English speaker. If however you are a native English speaker then you have no business getting angry and frustrated with people who have a hard time understanding you because you do not write clearly at all.

Foreigners CAN go on the "no falang" military beaches. But it takes a lot of paper work and preparation. I know because I have been on the beach as well as another falang friend at another time. No I'm not talking about the one that allows foreigners, I am definately referring to the ones that do not allow foreigners, without the right paperwork. Even with paperwork they sometimes hold you up and call it in.

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I'm trying to work out what kind of 'security concern' would legitimately accept all Thai nationals coming to a beach and restrict all foreigners. It makes no sense.

You've got it!


It is what it is. Garden variety bigotry. We wish it wasn't the case. But it is the case.

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"the beach we ended up on was a miltary beach..."

Then, why do you think that racism or paranoia had anything to do with you not being allowed on the beach? As other posters mentioned, your use of the English language is suspect. I just see another farang trying to raise a stink.

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I find it amusing, that people who cite racial discrimination in their home country, as unfounded, are so free to accuse anything/anyone in Thailand as discriminators because they believe ,they should be allowed free access to any where in Thailand, If you are honest to your self look back at your countries treatment of foreigners, and in European occupied colonies around the world. There you will find the real meaning of racial discrimination!

I lived in Sattahip for 4 years, most of the beaches in the area are military beaches, Foreigners are not allowed access to Thai military bases period! For security reasons, whatever your perception is about who are the biggest security threats in the country.

Foreigners are allowed access to military beaches open to the public, I have been on many military bases, as I had a Thai officer friend that accompanied me.

When I was in the US military ,I was in the Military Police unit at Fort Shafter, Hawaii, and no non- military personnel was allowed on US military base without, proper authority, as a parent visiting a son/daughter, your name was left at the guard house, as arrangement were made prior to your visit!

Is that discrimination, or military security?

Cheers: :)

Edited by kikoman
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"so i turned in knowing it was military area", ... no need to look for another answer.

read the post the beach we ended up on was a miltary beach, as usual on the forum full of sarcasim b4 reading thread properly.

The reason I asked if you are a native English speaker is because your post is unclear. If you are a native English speaker then you should make more effort to be clear, if not then you should be more patient with those who don't understand you clearly

Are you new to reading non-English speakers posts? Give the guy a break...I understood everything he wrote although yes there were lots of grammatical errors. The point being as he wrote is that many beaches in Sattahip don't allow falang onto the beaches. It is racist when anyone other than your own race are discriminated against. Highly doubt that security is a valid issue here. I've been on military bases throughout the world (not by choice) and if security is a concern only approved PERSONEL (spelling?) are allowed into the restricted area not the general public.

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Which countries do you know of that allow unrestricted access to military areas?

It may be similar to the Wing 41 road in Chiang Mai, a VERY convenient road that however goes straight through the airforce base. Thais and foreigners alike can use it BUT you need to apply for a special tag and put this on your windshield. No tag, no entry.

Many countries allow access to military installations, usually with a simple permit and restrict sensitive ares. This Sattahip thing is the same even when no manuevers are going on. Simply xenophobia,racism ....

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My brother in law is a lowly grunt in the army. I've visited him at bases near Kanchanaburi and Prachuab Kiri Khan. Never a problem getting in. There is an air force base in Prachuab that allows anyone in to visit the beaches there. So there does not seem to be any hard rule about foreigners and military bases. It is probably left up to the individual base commanders. Fpr whatever reason the naval commanders at Sattahip have determined that foreign beachgoers present a significant security risk, but anyone who is Thai does not present the same risk. It is this decision that is difficult to fathom.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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I'm trying to work out what kind of 'security concern' would legitimately accept all Thai nationals coming to a beach and restrict all foreigners. It makes no sense.

Perhaps they have secretly designated a farang-free beach. I can understand that going by many of the types that get down that way.

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Wanted to take a look at the aircraft carrier once, but all my arguments did not convince the soldiers at the pier. I also showed them both Thai driving licences.

Maybe they thought you wanted to take it for a spin. :)

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a few people have shared their experiences of being able to enter subject to some sort of permission

(arbitrary or not we dont know)

but certainly has shown that it does not have much to do with your race, since foreigners have been allowed to enter at different points.

failing going back to the base to get an answer from the personnel there, I dont believe anyone on this forum can answer the question as to why your car was denied entry. but it is plausible to assume it was not based on race.

on that note, this thread is now closed :)

enjoy the sun, sea and sand :D (and even the palm trees and naval ships in the distant!)

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