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Tv Blackout Midnight To ?


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The Bangkok Post's web site has an article indicating that "effective now" television stations will have to go off the air no later than midnight. The article does not give a time at which the stations can resume service.

Is this in effect already? The Nation's web site had a similar article, but didn't seem to indicate it would be effective immediately, as the Bangkok Post article seems to indicate.

This is the first part of the Bangkok Post article <http://www.bangkokpost.com>

"Get ready for a TV curfew

"Policy panel passes energy-saving plan


<>"All television channels, including cable TV stations, and community radio stations will be asked to close by midnight from now until August as part of energy-saving measures generated by the Energy Policy Committee.

"They were part of a package of energy-saving measures approved at yesterday's meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Visanu Krue-ngam.

"The effectiveness of the measures will be evaluated after August. If they prove to be ineffective or energy consumption was reduced by less than 10%, compulsory measures would then be introduced, said Metta Bantherngsuk, director of the Energy Policy and Planning Office, said.

'Under the proposals, all television and community radio stations will be asked to go off the air no later than midnight, all golf courses will be asked to turn off unnecessary lights and government offices will be asked to set air-conditioners to 25C during 9am-4pm, and to switch them off for an hour during lunch break.

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All television channels, including cable TV stations, and community radio stations will be asked to close by midnight from now until August as part of energy-saving measures generated by the Energy Policy Committee.

Yeah right... I can really see that one working... not! :D

Maybe a closure of entertainment areas too... :o

How about targetting advertising billboards instead?

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Surely that would need Cabinet approval first. "Now" doesn't mean "today' in this instance. Closest would be "immediate".

Pulling the plug on UBC after midnight would save even less than the present early closing of petrol stations. Most satellite channels are uplinked from Singapore or Hong Kong and will continue to be transmitted throughout the region, whether or not UBC blocks them here.

A compromise seems likely.

It looks as though they are just copying the measures enforced in 1974 at the time of the first 'oil shock' but things have changed a lot since then. If they do continue to follow that old script then street lights will be dimmed, all neon advertising banned and the last showings of films at cinemas will begin no later than 7pm.

A great deal more thought needs to go into this if they are really serious about conserving energy and not just trying to act as though they are.

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Hmmm, kill off all entertainment at midnight == Population blip in about 9 months :o:D

Happened in the UK when the commercial TV station (ITV) went on strike.

Edited by Crossy
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yeah right, what the ###### are these guys on... dictating how we live now, what we watch, when we watch.. where is that middle finger smiley JaiDee?

Not a finger, but will this one do Torny?


I was actually thinking of turning it ito an avatar!


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I can see how easy it would be to have the commercial channels turned off, as they are all directly controlled by the the gov anyway and are free to the general populance. Cable is another matter, I for one would refuse to pay my subscription if I can't watch it after mid night.

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According to today's Nation the govt is considering terminating cable TV services at midnight to save electricity. They can't be serious .....can they?


UBC will also lose many subscribers

Kids will be out and about after midnight

Tornado would be drunk a lot more


is it April fools day? :o

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why dont we ban charging mobile phones first, as usually its just dribble on the other end.

If this rule is applied or "enforced" as said in the article, I will pack up and get the ###### out of here - this government has been pushing my buttons for far to long...

cant watch tv, cant buy land, your wife cant own more than 1 rai, ######en visa runs, ######en no more live sporting events after 12, close bars at stupid times...........................................................................





Its time to vote with our feet - lets all get the ###### out of here :D:D

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:o  :D  :D  :D  :D

why dont we ban charging mobile phones first, as usually its just dribble on the other end.

If this rule is applied or "enforced" as said in the article, I will pack up and get the ###### out of here - this government has been pushing my buttons for far to long...

cant watch tv, cant buy land, your wife cant own more than 1 rai, ######en visa runs, ######en no more live sporting events after 12, close bars at stupid times...........................................................................





Its time to vote with our feet - lets all get the ###### out of here  :D  :D

Trust me Torny,

The grass isn't greener on the other side. You'd be missing all of that hassle within a fortnight :D

Mr BoJ

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I only watch telly after midnight about a couple of times a year, when there is a good football game on. Try telling the millions of Thai English fooball fans that they can't watch the game, nonsense!

Most people from round about where I live got to bed WELL before midnight. The quality of program on after 12 is very poor anyway.

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remembered this from a previous post by someone.

(ps, gotta run- Arrested Development is about to start...) :o

Thailand Residents Spend Most Time in Front of TV

NEW YORK, June 15:

Residents of Thailand spend an average of 22.4 hours watching TV per week,

according to NOP World’s Culture Score Media Habits Index,

well ahead of the global average of 16.6 hours.

Average Hours/Week Watching TV:

Thailand 22.4

Philippines 21.0

Egypt 20.9

Turkey 20.2

Indonesia 19.7

USA 19.0

Taiwan 18.9

Brazil 18.4

U.K. 18.0

Japan 17.9

Saudi Arabia 17.7

France 17.3

Hong Kong 16.7


Czech Republic 16.2

Poland 15.9

Spain 15.9

China 15.7

Korea 15.4

Germany 15.2

Hungary 15.1

Russia 15.0

Italy 14.9

South Africa 14.8

Canada 14.7

Argentina 14.0

Australia 13.3

India 13.3

Sweden 12.3

Venezuela 11.9

Mexico 11.6

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yeah right, what the ###### are these guys on... dictating how we live now, what we watch, when we watch.. where is that middle finger smiley JaiDee?

Not a finger, but will this one do Torny?


I was actually thinking of turning it ito an avatar!


Steady on Jai Dee.....the bottom of the foot AND the "finger"......bit of a double whammy as Thai insults go... :o

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This is another case of someone enforcing their own stupid will on everyone else. My father gets these manic obsessions for a couple of months at a time. Build a shed, pottery courses, rowing machine. At least when this happens nowone suffers except my mum a little when its a bad idea.

But this fool gets on a trip and everyone suffers.

Buy a football team, use taxpayers money.. hmmmm

Licensing laws not in place to curb any problem but to irritate upstanding and decent people. A total inability not just to take criticism but to even listen in the first place.

But again this happens because some people within Thai culture take advantage of the most endearing part of their own culture. Their tollerance.

Lets hope that like the Liverpool idea that this is just another case of him opening his mouth and spouting a policy without any prior thought as to what the people will think.

Interesting thought. I wonder if he had successfully purchased Liverpool whether the tv's would switch on every time they played?! :o:D:D

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