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Thailand Urged To Provide Incentives For Women To Produce 'Qualitative' Children


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Thailand urged to provide incentives for women to produce 'qualitative' children

BANGKOK (TNA) -- As Thailand is facing sharp declines in birth and death rates, an academic population expert advised on Sunday, World Population Day, that the government should lay out measures to encourage people to produce 'qualitative rather than quantitative children'.

Prof Pramote Prasartful of Mahidol University said the birth rate in Thailand is falling as women prefer to marry later while the country's death rate is also declining, thanks to advanced medical technology.

According to latest statistics on population in Thailand conducted by the university, the country now has 63.6 million people of which 13.2 million are under age 15, some 42.9 million are in the working sector aged between 15-59 and the rest are above age 60.

Prof Pramote suggested that the decline in birth rate in Thailand is also seen throughout the world and that is why some foreign governments have come up with incentives to their citizens so that they would produce more children.

These benefits include tax exemptions, housing and one-month maternity leave to care for their children after giving birth, he said.

The Thai government should lay out measures which would focus on women producing qualitative children rather than quantitative, he said.

The measures should start right from the beginning when the mother-to-be starts having a pregnancy, Prof Pramote said. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2010-07-11

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To give birth to another human being just because someone is unable to carry own with his own life using his own means it's one of the more selfish and irresponsible act a "human" being can actually made, it doesn't matter on how rich and happy someone can be during his entire life, it will still be subject to pain, sickness and all the other "plagues" that affect everyones personal existence, the world is full of other people having huge sufferences and a person inable to see all these shouldn't really be allowed to live, let alone procreating, if you really want to do something good in your life, start taking care of whom is already here and never asked to be part of the "game" , it's time to make responsible choices....oh and by the way, recent news are talking about governments cancelling those bonuses because they can no longer afford....

Edit: spelling

Edited by surayu
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Quality children starts with responsible parents.

How many chidren are being abandoned into the care of grandparents or other relatives, and how many husbands walk out of their pregnant wives?

Arjan is spending too much time with his books and computer and lacking fieldwork.

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Just change / improve / upgrade the schools and the school curriculum and employ qualified teachers and this should lead to "qualitative children". It really is that easy.

GIGO = garbage in, garbage out...:jap:

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This guy is actually a professor?

How about government incentives to produce some "qualitative" academics then.

Badly reported I'd say. The whole report makes no sense at all.

Edited by Xangsamhua
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Let me see, if I remember my parents Birds and Bees Talk correctly it takes a female egg and a male sperm to a create child. If this is still correct in how a child is created, then I think the male DNA may have an affect on what kind of child is produced. Of course, I'm assuming all female DNA is of the highest/genius level quality...really, ask any female. ;)

Edited by Pib
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Automatic visas to couples who have a Farang father who stays with the wife and child

Now that is an instant way to get better quality babies and more of them

same for Farang mother / Thaï dad of course ; I'd appreciate Thaï nationality as well :rolleyes: (my ex got a French passport, didn't she ?)

our son sure is quality child :)

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just what the <deleted> is a "qualitative" child anyway?

I guess they rather want "Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson" than Stephen Hawking.

Otherwise surely the education would be their primary focus to improve...

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Automatic visas to couples who have a Farang father who stays with the wife and child

Now that is an instant way to get better quality babies and more of them


do you really mean what you said.... :ermm:

and do you really say what you mean....?:blink:

to arrive at quality children.... it begins even before conception....

it is almost a little too late in the scheme of natural processes.... once a child is born.... :(

any rate.... thailand is heading toward the right direction in getting people

to begin to think about qualitative and intelligent children with verbal and performance scores above 140.... :D

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This guy is actually a professor?

How about government incentives to produce some "qualitative" academics then.

Badly reported I'd say. The whole report makes no sense at all.

Yes. We have to remember that all the Thai "news" we read from MCOT is through the interpretation of some translator working for MCOT.

What was actually said will remain a mystery unless someone can get hold of the original Thai statement.

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Quality children starts with responsible parents.

How many chidren are being abandoned into the care of grandparents or other relatives, and how many husbands walk out of their pregnant wives?

Arjan is spending too much time with his books and computer and lacking fieldwork.

I suspect the incentives could be aimed at redressing this bad parenting issue.

It once was families of 3 and 4 generations all stayed together and were mutually supportive,

but economic necessity has pushed more of this child rearing onto grandmothers solely.

But in the past they often still did this duty, while the younger worked the fields.

But then they also came home at night, not stuck in the big city for logistical reasons.

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thaivisa is really amazing.... it won't allow author to edit his own text.... amazing....

Automatic visas to couples who have a Farang father who stays with the wife and child

Now that is an instant way to get better quality babies and more of them

post-75359-046932200 1278870071_thumb.gi

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Automatic visas to couples who have a Farang father who stays with the wife and child

Now that is an instant way to get better quality babies and more of them


do you really mean what you said.... :ermm:

and do you really say what you mean....?:blink:

to arrive at quality children.... it begins even before conception....

it is almost a little too late in the scheme of natural processes.... once a child is born.... :(

any rate.... thailand is heading toward the right direction in getting people

to begin to think about qualitative and intelligent children with verbal and performance scores above 140.... :D

Reading between the lines, it seems he means; if Thais are having less children,

then we need to make prenatal care, early nourishment and better child rearing

practices a much greater priority. Since fewer but healthier and more intelligent

children ( better heath brings this), means that fewer numbers can be more

productive and supportive of the large population that is not dieing as early

as they did in the past.

Places like Pakistan pump out large amounts of children because;

a) communication about birth control is limited or disagreed with.

B) they DO die younger and faster,

and if not for more births the population would decline quickly.

Certain long standing tribal customs dictated no birth control

simply because more births meant a larger population,

as power mechanism for war and territorial protection,

and to replenish the stock as they died at faster rates

a tribe decimated by famine or disease was often shortly

also a target for external aggression.

Or as away of making a religion grow faster and maintain precedence.

As an example; Catholic church doctrine on birth control certainly

makes sure there are plenty of Catholics. ( not bashing here)

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Automatic visas to couples who have a Farang father who stays with the wife and child

Now that is an instant way to get better quality babies and more of them

Not sure I can agree with that point of view. There is a lot of good foreigners living with and married to Thai women. But there is also a lot that are let us say "different definitely" not Daddy material.

The part I liked was the part about the government telling Mommy and Daddy how to raise there kids. Maybe they should try to give qualitative schooling to the kids for free and see what happens.

The translation might have been a bit inaccurate but I doubt it I am fairly sure that it was more than one translator doing the work. I could be wrong but I doubt it.

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" fewer numbers can be more

productive and supportive of the large population that is not dieing "

I went over the text and yes,you managed to de-code it and this is its meaning . The part about 'quantitative ' is misleading and refers to measures taken by other countries.

What I see in Europe, the result of less children , more productive or not, is massive immigration encouraged by governments and a later retirement age (and a probable crash of the NHSs needless to say)

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And you don't consider a racist post suggesting that they should encourage foreigners to live here and father children because they would be of a better quality than Thai children insulting?

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