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Brit Pensioners Take On Thai 'Killer Bride'


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A high % of expats live in non mainstream thailand. Many of their lives focus around "created for westerners" entertainment venues, aberrations from regular society. Yes there are thai oriented entertainment venues. numerous massage places but the diffence is thai males do not commonly try to establish relationships in those places. It is more akin to a "car wash" There are tons of mainstream women out there if you speak thai and come off fairly presentable., for those of u interested.

I have listened to conversations among western oriented entertainment girls and much of it is better not heard, at least for any of us with a high school diploma and reasonable iq.

Venues like pattaya or nana, etc etc are akin to adult disneyworld. You visit disneyworl, enjoy, then go home. Do you take home the disney characters, date them, support their families????

I am not saying it is impossible to find a decent woman there but the odds are very strongly not in your favor.

You all worked hard and saved and whether retired or not deserve to live to enjoy life.

Be very very careful about bringing certain women into your homes/lives. Even if they are naive and sweet, for sure some of their friends are often seasoned hardcore scammers, aka criminals, and friends can try to gain money through you via your "teerak"

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Haha - ok, what's a nought between friends ? I'm a pensioner you know.... wish someone else had noticed the 11 Mill Baht mistake before me !

If it was a nought it would be excusable, but there were no noughts in your post only m's :D


Wow - i wish £11,000 did convert to 11,000,000 Baht !!! Happy days... but it doesn't, so the fund is approx. 5 Million Baht, give or take.

I know we are not supposed to mock the afflicted on this site, but you started it. If you want to correct someones maths I suggest you check yours first. £11,000 at todays rates equates to about 535,000 THB.

Yes, that was a slight mistake, as was mine!

Yours was not slight my friend, think you must be getting Thai Baht and Indonesian Rupiah confused, lol

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Sad story - all too common here.

The endings to stories here are so far removed from western endings that there's simply no comparison.

But all said and done - we get addicted to the passion.

Somehow, once we've been bitten by the sweet and sour thats available here, burning out rather than fading away seems to become the only way out.

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Such a shame.

Hua Hin is full of old men who pick women that anybody else wouldn't touch with a barge pole.

I suppose it's just about being streetwise. Old men maybe good at organizing there finances and pension funds but on judging character their not so hot.

If i only had a £ for the number of times i have seen some old guy walk in to a bar with a wife or girlfriend who i wouldn't trust to come back with the change from the 7/11.

It doesn't help matters the way older guys talk to women and the disinterest in the language. Every kurt word and tongue lashing is another bullet loaded in the gun.

If any old guy really thinks that a 30 or 40 something women really wants him then he needs his head examining.

Rent don't buy.

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...Yes there are thai oriented entertainment venues. numerous massage places but the diffence is thai males do not commonly try to establish relationships in those places. It is more akin to a "car wash" There are tons of mainstream women out there if you speak thai and come off fairly presentable., for those of u interested....

So mia noi's with bought and paid for Series 5 Beemers and giks with high-end condo's, all paid for by doting lovers who just happen to be happily married to other women are NOT a Thai fact of life?

Car wash.... ROFLMAO.

There's tons of mainstream women out there doing quite nicely as second wives too.

Edited by NanLaew
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"I cannot fathom why any guy with enough clues to accumulate a reasonable nest egg, would not have the brains to keep it separate to any Thai union/marriage. There are so many cases similar to this, why dont the guys think with their brains.

I tend to agree with the post above...best step is not get married to start with. Play them at their own game.

Surely most guys now know, in the Thai dictionary "Love" is spelt M O N E Y"

The problem is that it takes a single minded person to accumulate wealth and with the mind on only one thing, life happens.

I have a lady here, one who I chased, not one who chased me, she is very dear to me and I really trust her, yet I keep my overseas finances as my own own business. If she would ever start asking me about them, I would become suspicious, since I draw ample funds to live on here.

When ever anyone approaches me and money is the subject, no matter where I am, I ask why?

There is nothing wrong with getting married, but keep you bloody mouth shut lads, woman here have a ton of secrets and most don't want us to learn Thai for that reason.

I assume that the daughter does not have access to his money, if so move it, if there is anything left.

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How sad. I certainly hope his assets are not in Thailand. If this she-devil is truly guilty, then hopefully she will receive the type of Thai justice that obviates any burden on the court system

If you read it again, you will understand that she 'really' is guilty, its already been admitted by the b/f. And NO, i don't find her particularly attractive compared to many pooying Thai that i see around.

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Get this thieves behind bars for the rest of their miserable lives.

Thai women are very dangerous and pretentious…..Beware!!!

I think that you judge Thai women by the ones that you mix with in the bars of Pattaya, Nanna and Bhangla rd. Mine is a well educated business woman from Suratthani with a family who are comfortably off. Most of the bar girls come from families who do not have 2 pennies to scratch their arse with, and are uneducated, so please think again before you paint all with the same brush.

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Seems like you are all assuming this woman is guilty, even without knowing the evidence. If you think Thai justice is bad, then you lot are even worse. You would have people locked up just because they are poor. All the evidence you need is that she is poor and her husband was rich. You lot are shocking. This woman may have arranged the murder of her husband, but it could also be her boyfriend who did it without her knowledge. You lot are too quick to jump to conclusions.

If you don't like it here and keep saying how bad it is, then please go home. Stop whinging and complaining all the time. If many Thais don't like you, it's got nothing to do with you being farang, but has everything to do with your appalling attitude. Even I don't like most of you.


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Seems like you are all assuming this woman is guilty, even without knowing the evidence. If you think Thai justice is bad, then you lot are even worse. You would have people locked up just because they are poor. All the evidence you need is that she is poor and her husband was rich. You lot are shocking. This woman may have arranged the murder of her husband, but it could also be her boyfriend who did it without her knowledge. You lot are too quick to jump to conclusions.

If you don't like it here and keep saying how bad it is, then please go home. Stop whinging and complaining all the time. If many Thais don't like you, it's got nothing to do with you being farang, but has everything to do with your appalling attitude. Even I don't like most of you.

Now you can take that to the bank, one of the main reasons I left the Farang world is because most, were inconsiderate, caring mostly for their own pleasures and the hell with everything and everyone else, I say most, not all, Thais are more in touch with their heart, family and will do whatever it takes to help and protect it, to many farangs think because they have some coin that they can run and rule a family and also be a drinking, uncaring slob, just wanting to get laid and be taken care of, I'm not saying a thing about this sad case, as I know nothing about it and will not ass-u me.

There are many beautiful relationships here, but the farang knew who and what he was and also met a person, that not only wanted to be taken care of, but also was in love, If one does not know themselves, how in the hell are they going to know somebody else.

Many of the farangs here, had nothing going for them where they came from, and know nothing about women, they are just looking for some love before they die and are so hungry for it, that they let the little head out-rule whats left of the big head, and their will be bad situations because of it.

I'm not saying that I have the answers, I've been married 5 times and have had 30 plus live-ins and I will rehearse till I die.

A very bad, sad thing that happened, but let's get all the answers (if we can) and not be so quick to judge and start un-smart shit like getting back.

If you've been married five times you obviously are in no position to offer 'relationship' advice and clearly have no idea about women!

Fortunately you'll be far better off here, as long as you keep providing money to the wife and her family.

The victim in this case made the fatal mistake of letting his wife know how much money he had, and she told her Thai b/f...

Yes, there are v rare cases in the West of a wife having her husband murdered because she's so greedy that she wants EVERYTHING NOW. The point a previous poster is missing is that it really is v rare in the West, but far more common here.

Yes it is very rare to get your Husband Murdered in the West,

More times than not ,They just Kill them Financially,with the Divorce Courts Blessing,

using misguided,outdated, Draconian Laws.

I thought that was the job of the child support agency.

CSA - Commit Suicide Afterwards

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There are other ways to get justice.

This guy obviously had business sense enough at home to have amassed his fortune. It still amazes me that these men who know how western women are when they know the man has money would think eastern women would be any different. And even if this guy thought he was really getting "love" out of this deal, why would he feel the need to flash his cash? Once you start to flaunt, especially in a cash hungry society like this one, all the worst elements are attracted like chumming for sharks. Advice: if you are loaded as this guy was, "buy" your love on a temporary basis if you catch my drift. No strings, they are motivated to please, (not talking about sexual gratification either) can segregate this aspect from your real life, and if you really end up connecting with a lady it will not be based on 1.5m on the table in front of her. Come on guys, would you wear gold chain necklaces and diamond rings and a platinum Rolex while walking through Harlem or LA or downtown Chicago? Then why flaunt here and think you can do so with impunity?! By the way, just looking at the pic gives you a hint about this "lady". A true Thai wife does not "play" in the disrespectful manner this woman is portraying in this pic. This level of informality is a dangerous sign already.

John Hiatt's sound advice.
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Good luck but I think you are wasting your money - this is not an OJ Simpson deal - this is Thailand and Farang against Thai 'systems' won't work.

Well there is one system that works very well in Thailand for both Thai and foreigners and for the kind of money the friends are putting out they could inflict a high degree of permamnent justice on Kunh Fon and family, and probably the dirty cops who let her off! Would serve them all right and send a message to all these gold digging sluts and their worthless families that their sword indeed has a double edge!

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I am delighted to see that Thaivisa has dropped its former policy of 'not naming and shaming', by printing the name, age and photograph of this woman, who must surely be assumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

I hope soon to see the names and photos of the Thai CID officers who decided to drop the charges against her. Does any Thaivisa member living in Hua Hin have a camera?

The Thai CID officers are probably on a nice holiday somewhere paid for by an anonymous benefactor.

The 2 guys would be better off just giving the money to the police on condition the killers are found guilty and executed,

After all the police probably have all the evidence they would need

All they need now is an incentive AND as we all know money talks loudest in Thailand

Fair justice just does not happen here MONEY TALKS !!! even if you are guilty

Like many other farangs in Thailand I too had the classic " wife - bf - brother " situation BUT for once in my life I am happy to be just a poor working teacher or I may have Disappeared too

Edited by johncat1
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Get this thieves behind bars for the rest of their miserable lives.

Thai women are very dangerous and pretentious…..Beware!!!

I think that you judge Thai women by the ones that you mix with in the bars of Pattaya, Nanna and Bhangla rd. Mine is a well educated business woman from Suratthani with a family who are comfortably off. Most of the bar girls come from families who do not have 2 pennies to scratch their arse with, and are uneducated, so please think again before you paint all with the same brush.

We've got another one here.... the delusion never stops.

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This guy was gonna die soon anyway.........what was going through her head? Save him from more suffering? A "mercy killing"? I agree it's outragous but what will she say to justify this murder? We don't know that he told the wife in advance that the will leaves everything to the daughter. That she cared for him in his sickness but was denied the "reward" at the end of his life. I think he had poor planning and so did she. Him for not telling her that he was only going to support her as long as he was alive(don't let the golden goose die). And her for underestimating his friends and not being patient enough to trust in her (good?) karma to be her reward. After all, when you handle a snake and it bites you, do you blame the snake? That is truly the height of folly. I see low self-esteem at the bottom of the entire problem for this guy, Add other end of life issues and then ask where his daughter was before he was dead.

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You only have to look at the above headline photo to realise that he may be the next victim. Alot of Brits should never be allowed to enter Thailand. Theyre way out of their depth. Why do they think that a isan girl (usually prostitutes) would want to marry some old goat from another world. he marries her for sex and phoney companionship she marries him for his assets and pension. Why are they getting involved in the Thai justice system????? Theyre way out of their depth. Go home to cold bleak blighty and join a lawn bowls club.

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So mia noi's with bought and paid for Series 5 Beemers and giks with high-end condo's, all paid for by doting lovers who just happen to be happily married to other women are NOT a Thai fact of life?

Unfortunately you don't know what the term "Gik" means. Do more research.

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You only have to look at the above headline photo to realise that he may be the next victim. Alot of Brits should never be allowed to enter Thailand. Theyre way out of their depth. Why do they think that a isan girl (usually prostitutes) would want to marry some old goat from another world. he marries her for sex and phoney companionship she marries him for his assets and pension. Why are they getting involved in the Thai justice system????? Theyre way out of their depth. Go home to cold bleak blighty and join a lawn bowls club.

As my wife is from Issan this post should have me up in arms, regrettably though , this is exactly right.

I've lived in Thailand 7 years and I leave in 10 days to return to the UK with my wife and 3 year old daughter for good. There's much I wont miss about Thailand but as I don't want to go off topic I'll keep this post relevant to the subject matter.

Most Brits (and other falangs) who come out to Thailand to find a bride and to live are way out of their depth as stated. A Thai woman is not just a sexy version of a British woman with a nice smile and dark skin - they are a breed apart. All Asians are. My wifes home village had no electricity or water for the first 10 years of her life, at least no running water - they had the village pump. She got her first pair of shoes (second hand) when she was 10. Walking 15 miles to market in the middle of April and back to make 20 baht selling bananas was expected. I could go on but the point I'm making is that these women (from Issan and other poor rural areas) have a steel core that runs through them them makes that harder than a Western man bought up in a semi in pleasant Bilghty could ever be.

I've a mate who lives 5 houses away from me in Thailand.He's about 45. Its clear that after just 2 years his marriage is on the rocks (and he has an 18 month old daughter). I've had to stop seeing him because by 14:00 he's pissed on Mekong clearly drinking because he's unhappy. The last time I saw him about 5 days ago he came round to borrow 300 baht. He had a cut over his right eye that extended down half his face. His wife had hit him with a meat cleaver.

This guy needs to get out of Thailand otherwise he's a dead man. His missus is also from a poor rural village. This means she will know someone or will easily be able to find someone to have her husband rubbed out for 10,000 baht - £250 or so.

Its all too easy. She waits until he's pissed. Calls her boys in. Bag over the head. Bundled in the boot of car. Driven out to the sticks. Shallow grave. The End.

When his family eventually fly out to find out whats happened to him (which could be a couple of months), she tells them that he walked out weeks ago and that she's glad he's not here because he was abusive and an alcoholic, and as he used to buy his Mekong from the local village store, they will confirm that.

Not only that, how interested do you think the local police would be in trying to find him?................easy answer - not in the slightest.

The police (unless bribed) wouldn't give as flying <deleted> about him and why would they? - do you honestly think the Thai police care about solving crimes involving falangs out in NE Thailand - they may show more interest if it was in Phuket or Pattaya where it may affect tourism.

So she'd be left with a nice 2m baht house, baby daughter and no stress.

As Jalansanitwong says - many falangs are way out of their depth taking on a Thai woman - any falangs thinking of coming out to retire to Thailand with a beautiful Thai bride would be well served to have a rethink and stay at home.

There are real dangers out here if you pick the wrong woman.

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Evidently all of you missed the part that said she was released ON BAIL. The charges have not been dropped and she will still stand trial for murder, with no further developments.

Yes, she probably bribed the police to get bail and she is probably a high flight risk but the police did not drop the charges so 95% of the crap being spewed in this thread about the police and the justice system is incorrect.

Also interesting to note she is a British citizen.

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The real question here is not that the guy was murdered. Not that the wife walked free. Not that the Thai Police failed to charge this women who appears as "guilty as sin" is WHAT THE HELL IS THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT doing about it.

Surely if a citizen is murdered then the Brit Government should knock on every door until the women is dragged screaming to jail...assuming her guilt of course!

They are many cases where public opinion was so loud that the government acted. I remember a young women murdered in Kenya and her father never let up for year upon year and created so PR that the government had to act. The same applied to a girl murdered in India...her mother never let go once until the Indian Police acted. This after they dismissed the initial case as drowning!

In Britain you can opt for a croners inquest in the UK even if the murder took place abroad. If the coroner decides it was murder and the evidence points to the wife then the UK Police MUST get involved and liaise with the Thai Police. I suggest that the two very nice guys use their money banging on British doors / inquests / MP's / News Channels etc until the UK government must act and look after their citizens. Just because he is dead does not mean he is forgotten! Shame on the UK government for their white wash. Get of their backsides, (UK POlice & Government) and help these very respectable and well intentioned friends.

Just my thoughts guys. I dont want a debate...I just want to state my views.

Regards - John.

Excellent advice John. Won't bring him back, but might just reduce the chance of it happening in the future -

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Thai police failed to establish a legal case.

Disgusting beyond belief.

I wish the two friends all the very best of luck and hope you get justice for Raymond.

I agree with you Man, hope for justice...2 friends that have had enough...maybe just maybe they can get more people into this and they will have to change this situation and maybe even change the way other farang are treated in the future...Right On guys...I all of us go into the streets like the red shirts they would have to review the case and so lets get the press involved. Best of luck to the friends in Hue Hin. Folks...how much is too much???

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Thai police failed to establish a legal case.

Disgusting beyond belief.

I wish the two friends all the very best of luck and hope you get justice for Raymond.

I agree with you Man, hope for justice...2 friends that have had enough...maybe just maybe they can get more people into this and they will have to change this situation and maybe even change the way other farang are treated in the future...Right On guys...I all of us go into the streets like the red shirts they would have to review the case and so lets get the press involved. Best of luck to the friends in Hue Hin. Folks...how much is too much???.................................ahhh, crap...it won't happen...and the guy who said what is the British government doing about it, Maybe we all should ask THAT question...as long as our governments let it slide, look the other way...forget about it really, the longer we as ex-pats will get the shaft !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Such a shame.

Hua Hin is full of old men who pick women that anybody else wouldn't touch with a barge pole.

I suppose it's just about being streetwise. Old men maybe good at organizing there finances and pension funds but on judging character their not so hot.

If i only had a £ for the number of times i have seen some old guy walk in to a bar with a wife or girlfriend who i wouldn't trust to come back with the change from the 7/11.

It doesn't help matters the way older guys talk to women and the disinterest in the language. Every kurt word and tongue lashing is another bullet loaded in the gun.

If any old guy really thinks that a 30 or 40 something women really wants him then he needs his head examining.

Rent don't buy.

I was talking to my wife last night about this and she told me the story of a family from her old village in Chianat. The family have 3 daughters the oldest 22, 21 and 17. When the oldest was 18 the parents encouraged her to find a farang to marry and assisted her in the search via internet. They eventually found her a 78 yr old from Germany and arranged the marriage the guy passed away a couple of yrs later apparently from natural causes. He was from what I have been told quite financial and left her and her family well off. The girl within 6 months was married to another elderly farang. Her 21 yr old sister is also married to a farang in his 70's and the parents want to marry off the final daughter to a farang also. This to me seems to be a business for them and nothing to do with love. The commodity being elderly farangs in thier twylight years. Apparently other families in the village also want to follow in the footsteps of this family as they can see the wealth they are accumalating.

I am not saying every Thai is like this before people jump on my back accusing me of throwing a blanket across all thais. I am talking about one family out of millions. Oh and my wife is 3 years younger than me before anyone asks and we met in Melbourne when she was doing her masters in accounting and we dated for 3 yrs before getting married.

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