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Fecking Hull - Best Way To Stay In Thailand Now?

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The last time i filled in the form from Hull for a Cat 'O', i seem to remember another 'justification' for being granted the visa - something to do woth being a "UK Pensioner" ( over 65 ) - has anyone any solid information on this class of application. All i remember is putting both reasons : 'Visiting Friends' and 'UK Pensioner' so i'm not clear about the weight given to the age-category. Any thoughts ? ( Nothing to do with 'retirement' visa.)

You can take the 'pensioner / retirement route if you are 50yrs and by showing evidence 900 GBP income a month with your application - check out the Hull website.

Edited by Tafia
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Has anyone got any recent experiences getting a 1 year multiple entry non immigrant "O" from Hull / Birmingham? In the past I also used the visiting friends excuse - I do own a condo here now so have the deeds available but no wife ! thankfully.

I just got mine from Hull using over 50 and showing £900 p.m. income.

(one of the few benefits of getting old !)

Am returning to the UK in a month or so and want to gget a new O visa - my previous one was used to visit friends and GF - i am over 50 and fortunate to have an incom eof over 900 pounds a month what did you have to present ? original bank statements? or printed copies and how far back ?

Many thanks dave

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Does anyone know the E-Mail address to the Royal Thai Consulate in Birmingham? And does anyone have any experience of getting an Non O from there?

I have previously got it from Hull, and I don't meet the new regulations. I'm a 38 yrs old Swedish citizen.

Birmingham will issue a non-o visa if you're married to a Thai, retired etc.. the usual rules apply regarding money in the bank, marriage certificate blah blah blah. I'll PM you the other bit...

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Does anyone know the E-Mail address to the Royal Thai Consulate in Birmingham?...

This information is from November 2009 but I guess the phone numbers have not changed since then:


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I did get a 2 month extension at Hua Hin for 1,900 baht after the 15 months had expired...it was 3 years ago and I cant remember what docs, if any were needed...

Hua-Hin. I think 6000bt will normally get you what you need?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Non-Immigrant Visa category ‘O’ (£45 single entry / £100 multiple entry)

This type of visa is for:-

People visiting family – i.e. men who are married to a Thai National, along with your visa application you must produce your marriage certificate and a translation of the certificate is required as evidence. A single entry visa is valid for 90 days and can be extended for a further 30 days. A multiple entry visa is valid for 12 months conditional on leaving Thailand for 48 hours every 90 days.

A British family visiting husband working in Thailand. Visas are required for each family member including children and the maximum stay on this visa is 90 days for a single entry. A multiple entry visa entitles you to a 12 month stay, conditional on leaving Thailand for 48 hours every 90 days.

Above from RTC Liverpool home page. The shape of things to come?

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Misinformation is what they are providing.

A single entry is valid for entry for 90 days from issue and provides a stay of 90 days. The multi entry is valid for entry for 1 years and provides a stay of up to 90 days on each entry.

There is no 30 day extension on a non immigrant visa without a valid reason - for marriage to a Thai the valid reason provides a 60 day extension or 1 year with financial conditions.

A 12 months validity is from date of issue and has nothing to do with leaving Thailand for 48 hours. But no stay can be longer than 90 days and to obtain a new stay of that period you must exit country and return. There is no 48 hour requirement. In total you can stay for almost 15 months.

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^ ^^Thanks Guys.

Another Query. Does anyone know if UK Thai consulates will average the 900 pds per month over previous 12 months?

I'll phone them later if no-one knows for sure.

Well, I called the Consulate but am non the wiser! Spoke to the Thai lady who said I have to show 'recent' bank statements but when I tried to explain my irregular lump sum credits over this year she just told me to send what I had and they will decide on the day - then pretty much hung up on me! :(

edit = Hull

Edited by dogleg
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^ ^^Thanks Guys.

Another Query. Does anyone know if UK Thai consulates will average the 900 pds per month over previous 12 months?

I'll phone them later if no-one knows for sure.

Well, I called the Consulate but am non the wiser! Spoke to the Thai lady who said I have to show 'recent' bank statements but when I tried to explain my irregular lump sum credits over this year she just told me to send what I had and they will decide on the day - then pretty much hung up on me! :(

edit = Hull

And what if you have no regular or even irregular income but can show a bank balance greater than the 900 X 12 = £10,800?

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Hull were just about the last Consulate to issue a non-o for 'visiting friends', that option has now been removed :(

Does anyone know if you can still apply for a non O for visiting your girlfriend? Thats what i normally put on my application. I can't get anything to download from Hull...

If you can't get Non-O for "Visiting Friends" why would "visiting your girlfriend" be any difference.... ;)

Well that's what I got my Non O for. Mind you, she did write a letter for me, and I had copy of her ID card.

Back last year they were indeed issuing visa to visit a "genuine" friend, but too many people were going in and getting a non O visa when they didn't have a Thai friend at all, which was what they were stopping.

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I've just spoken to someone who has a business in the UK and returns there every month for about a week, whilst in the UK this time he wanted to renew his Non Immogration 'O' visa (he's over 50) (was not a retirement visa) and he was asked to provide proof of income backed up with copies of bank statements in the same way the requirement for a retirement visa. It was the Hull consulate he was using, and they told him that this now was a requirement. Is it just the Hull office that is making up its own rules, as the last requirement I read they were asking for last year was a valid lease on a property. At the Birmingham consulate its sufficient for them to see by your passport you are over 50, and the visa is issued in minutes.

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I've just spoken to someone who has a business in the UK and returns there every month for about a week, whilst in the UK this time he wanted to renew his Non Immogration 'O' visa (he's over 50) (was not a retirement visa) and he was asked to provide proof of income backed up with copies of bank statements in the same way the requirement for a retirement visa. It was the Hull consulate he was using, and they told him that this now was a requirement. Is it just the Hull office that is making up its own rules, as the last requirement I read they were asking for last year was a valid lease on a property. At the Birmingham consulate its sufficient for them to see by your passport you are over 50, and the visa is issued in minutes.

First you need to read through most of this thread before posting, this thread is informing people of changes at both Consulates you mention

Summary - Hull you need to be married to a Thai and provide marrage cert translated into English or over 50 and provide proof of income of greater than 900GBP per month, Birmingham is slightly less clear but I would not assume it is as you state above

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I've just spoken to someone who has a business in the UK and returns there every month for about a week, whilst in the UK this time he wanted to renew his Non Immogration 'O' visa (he's over 50) (was not a retirement visa) and he was asked to provide proof of income backed up with copies of bank statements in the same way the requirement for a retirement visa. It was the Hull consulate he was using, and they told him that this now was a requirement. Is it just the Hull office that is making up its own rules, as the last requirement I read they were asking for last year was a valid lease on a property. At the Birmingham consulate its sufficient for them to see by your passport you are over 50, and the visa is issued in minutes.

First you need to read through most of this thread before posting, this thread is informing people of changes at both Consulates you mention

Summary - Hull you need to be married to a Thai and provide marrage cert translated into English or over 50 and provide proof of income of greater than 900GBP per month, Birmingham is slightly less clear but I would not assume it is as you state above

I only made the post to provide the information regarding someone who had used the Hull consulate in the previous few days.

I would suggest that you do not make assumptions about Birmingham and suggest what I say is not correct unless you have actual knowledge or personal experience of the Birmingham Consulate yourself. The information was based on my own experience at Birmingham recently, where I found the Consulate staff friendly and helpful, and I recieved my Non 'O' visa with no more documetation (other that the application form) than my passport showing I was over 50.

I sometimes wonder why members take the trouble to try to provide information, mainly from their own experience in order to help others, when people like you dismiss it, without having ay personal knowledge yourself. Your 'Know all know nothing' attitude certainly discourages me from bothering to post information which may help others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just spoken to someone who has a business in the UK and returns there every month for about a week, whilst in the UK this time he wanted to renew his Non Immogration 'O' visa (he's over 50) (was not a retirement visa) and he was asked to provide proof of income backed up with copies of bank statements in the same way the requirement for a retirement visa. It was the Hull consulate he was using, and they told him that this now was a requirement. Is it just the Hull office that is making up its own rules, as the last requirement I read they were asking for last year was a valid lease on a property. At the Birmingham consulate its sufficient for them to see by your passport you are over 50, and the visa is issued in minutes.

First you need to read through most of this thread before posting, this thread is informing people of changes at both Consulates you mention

Summary - Hull you need to be married to a Thai and provide marrage cert translated into English or over 50 and provide proof of income of greater than 900GBP per month, Birmingham is slightly less clear but I would not assume it is as you state above

I only made the post to provide the information regarding someone who had used the Hull consulate in the previous few days.

I would suggest that you do not make assumptions about Birmingham and suggest what I say is not correct unless you have actual knowledge or personal experience of the Birmingham Consulate yourself. The information was based on my own experience at Birmingham recently, where I found the Consulate staff friendly and helpful, and I recieved my Non 'O' visa with no more documetation (other that the application form) than my passport showing I was over 50.

I sometimes wonder why members take the trouble to try to provide information, mainly from their own experience in order to help others, when people like you dismiss it, without having ay personal knowledge yourself. Your 'Know all know nothing' attitude certainly discourages me from bothering to post information which may help others.

I recently got my 12 months visa (retirement) from Birmingham. They wanted proof of GBP900 per month income, but were fairly relaxed about it. As usual friendly, helpful and efficient..

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  • 4 weeks later...


Some small changes again in Hull documentation last week.


And a confirmation by email today :

We can no longer accept applications from outside the UK.


Good information! However bad news, for us that have relied on Hull for visas from outside the UK.

Like you say, the Visa Application Pack has just been updated, (08th Sep, 2011)

Visas applications are accepted only from persons who are residing in the UK at the time of application.

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Some small changes again in Hull documentation last week.


And a confirmation by email today :

We can no longer accept applications from outside the UK.


Good information! However bad news, for us that have relied on Hull for visas from outside the UK.

Like you say, the Visa Application Pack has just been updated, (08th Sep, 2011)

Visas applications are accepted only from persons who are residing in the UK at the time of application.

But but but what about the Russians, Nigerians, no thought for them eh. :lol:

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Like you say, the Visa Application Pack has just been updated, (08th Sep, 2011)

Looks like they've also tightened up on Non-B visa's. :(

Bad news for those needing 1 year multi-entry 'B' where their employer doesn't qualify to support 1 year extension!

Category “B”

Conducting business in Thailand as an employee of a non Thai company (ie a business based in the UK)

Evidence required: Supporting letter from the company which you are employed by or which you are representing.


Taking up employment in Thailand with a company located in Thailand.

Evidence required: Valid Thai Work Permit and Supporting letter from Thai company offering employment.

Such company must provide evidence that it is registered in Thailand.

Please note that only a single entry visa will be granted in these circumstances

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Just a quickie... Just got back from UK trip. Hull Consulate was absolutely first class, as they have been every time I use their services. One Year Multi Entry with no fuss, no bother and all done very swiftly over post. Spot on. If any of their people read this forum, I'd like to say "thank you".

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Just a quickie... Just got back from UK trip. Hull Consulate was absolutely first class, as they have been every time I use their services. One Year Multi Entry with no fuss, no bother and all done very swiftly over post. Spot on. If any of their people read this forum, I'd like to say "thank you".

It would be very helpful if you let us know what visa you got.

Also on what grounds. :)

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Just a quickie... Just got back from UK trip. Hull Consulate was absolutely first class, as they have been every time I use their services. One Year Multi Entry with no fuss, no bother and all done very swiftly over post. Spot on. If any of their people read this forum, I'd like to say "thank you".

It would be very helpful if you let us know what visa you got.

Also on what grounds. :)

AND your nationality. :)

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Sounds like Im buggered. I wanted to send my passport from Malaysia to get a multiple 15month but have just read you have to send a cheque too which I dont have. Is there now way to transfer cash...? Ive also just read they dont accept applicants from outside uk. Any ideas what I should do.. I already have 2 doubles from Laos

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Any ideas what I should do...

For a start, it would be a good idea if you indicated on what basis you planned to apply for a multiple-entry non-O visa – assuming that this is the type of visa you had in mind – at the Thai consulate at Hull, ie what you planned to write on the line "Purpose of visit"

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