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Duty Free Goods


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Hi all. I will travel later this year and I want to buy a smart phone (Samsung) and a video camera. Is it better pricing @ the airport, and do they have a good selection? Same goes for a video camera. I had no idea where to post this question. I didn't think Com and technology was quite right so please re-locate if you feel a better forum.

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Last year I went out of the country and then again this year. Both times I had similar thoughts as you have and spent time looking at stuff in duty free. At Swampy, this last trip, I finally asked the sales lady why the prices were not really any cheaper? To my way of thinking, stuff with high import duties being sold duty free out to be really cheap. Her answer was, "We do not charge VAT."

Big whoopie!

No wonder the duty free concession at the airport is seriously fought over: it is a cash cow.

So these 2 trips just reaffirmed what I have decided over the years: duty free shops are only good for the last minute items..... Oh, I forgot to get Auntie a gift. It didn't matter what country I was going through. If I had the time and room in our luggage and looked around town, I usually found it cheaper on the local market.

One exception might be liquor when you are coming back to Thailand and have no room in your bags. I have noticed that I can not find any liquor over 80 proof/40% in Thailand while the duty free options are higher proof/percent for slightly cheaper prices than the same brand/lower strength Thai offering. But since I enjoy the cheaper brand and find 40% strong enough, I do not spend the extra money for premium. Now if someone were to bring it me as a gift? I would be most appreciative!

My wife has said the same things about designer stuff and cosmetics, though she occasionally found a good deal on a specific cosmetic item.

Bottom line recommendation: spend the time to look for it on the local market some where outside of Thailand before buying it in Duty Free.

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There is usually not a very good choice of stuff at the airport. I remember seeing mostly Sony and a few Olympus cameras for instance when I went through the other week.

Maybe if you post the models that you're looking for someone may be kind enough to check the prices for you on the way through?

Or look at the King Power DF website to see what they have and at what price, although they don't always have at the airport what they show on the website but you have the opportunity to go to the Bangkok KP DF and purchase it for collection at the airport on your way out.

You may also check out prices online in the country you are travelling to which may be a better deal, US for example is usually cheapest for cameras.

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The airport is well known for the duty free shopping to be very expensive a total rip off. If in BKK hop in a taxi and go to Plantip Plaza its in the heart of bkk quite famous for IT related products but they have great camera shops have bought there twice, however not big on phones but any mall usually has a mobile phone section and competion keeps the prices down.

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Someone told me that Malaysia had the best duty free in the region for electrical stuff ?

Could be, prices in downtown Penang were 1/3 cheaper than in Bangkok when I used to go there, long time ago now though.

Bought a computer in downtown KL a couple of years ago cheaper than here.

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Check out this Google search...

OP said he wants to buy, not to shoplift.

Great stuff. Thank you to all who replied..... I'll check my destination and locally. I'm after Galaxy S, not concerned about the new model and a Compact vidoe/still camera. Have a 5 yrs old, so like to capture holidays, etc.

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Check out this Google search...

OP said he wants to buy, not to shoplift.

I don't know if you didn't actually read the stories or you doubt the validity. If it is the latter you should know that some embassies warned against this scam where innocent customers were accused of shoplifting and given the offer to pay their way to make the problem go away.

Anyway while it got a lot of coverage in 2009 I haven't heard about it recently so maybe they cleaned up the act in the meantime. I wouldn't take any chances myself though, besides, as others already pointed out, there really isn't anything saved by shopping there.

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You may also check out prices online in the country you are travelling to which may be a better deal, US for example is usually cheapest for cameras.

Realistically, this could apply to most everything one might find within a "Duty Free" situation. Another instance of how we are hoodwinked and hypnotized as to this infrastructure. If it's brought to our attention time and again, then such much be true and real, yes? Duty Free, indeed.:huh:

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You buy what you want in Thailand ( Perhaps just major stores with valid receipts & refund form?)....keep the receipt & form & then go to the VAT refund booth at the airport before you leave.

That is what I did with a Seiko watch I bought & got the VAT refunded

Just remember to get it validated outside the final area. Then when you go inside beyond security that is where the refund booth is located.


Edited by flying
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I think the concept of duty free is different in Thailand, hence little if any discount. In every other country I've lived in or passed through you had to leave the country with the product, hence the local govt wouldn't charge you import duty on the product. However in Thailand, you can buy the product at King Power and pick it up on your way back into Thailand! No way you can avoid paying duty there!

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