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Egypt to open Gaza crossing permanently


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Egypt to open Gaza crossing permanently

2011-04-29 21:13:41 GMT+7 (ICT)

CAIRO, EGYPT (BNO NEWS) -- Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil al-Arabi on Friday said that the Rafah crossing to Gaza will be opened permanently, the Al-Ahram newspaper reported.

Al-Arabi added that the decision to close the crossing was "shameful" and the Egyptian government decided to take important steps to ease the blockade on Gaza. By opening the Rafah crossing, Palestinians will be able to enter and exit Gaza without needing Israel's permission or supervision.

Israel expressed its concern to the possible re-opening of the Rafah crossing. In the past Egypt and Israel shared the policy of sustaining the blockade in Gaza. However, after the ousting of former President Hosni Mubarak, the new military regime has reviewed its stand towards Gaza.

The Rafah border is the only way in and out of Gaza which does not pass through Israel. The Jewish nation is concerned that the open border crossing will allow the free passage of weapons.

In February, Egypt opened the Rafah crossing to allow limited Palestinian passage in both directions. The border access was closed during the January unrest in the North African country.

Last year, Egyptian authorities decided to open the Rafah border crossing to Gaza following the attack on a Pro-Gaza aid flotilla by the Israeli navy to allow humanitarian and medical aid as well as receiving patients in need of urgent medical attention.

The crossing opening was decided in part due to the pressure by Arabs and Palestinians to end the three-year blockade imposed by Israel after Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip in 2007.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-04-29

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No surprise here considering where Hamas were spawned from. It makes any 'peace' flotila surplus to requirements as Hamas will be able to get their weapons and slimming pills over land. I hope the U.S doesn't delude itself into hoping the border crossing will be actually policed so they might as well quit sending aid to Egypt now.

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Oh its a wonderful news!

USA most likely will cut off Palestine from aid(Hamas is still a terrorist organization), no doubt UK will follow the suit,so will France and few other European countries

Not too long from there, USA will also cut off $6.5 billion they give to Egypt.

Before you know it, Egypt and Gazza will be screaming for help as they are now in real poverty(Arab world, really does not care, as they never really cared. The real aid those 2 get is from the bad bad West), naturally they will blame Israel for it and most likely attack it again.

History tends to repeat itself and we know the outcome of last historic events.

So yeah, great news, great forward thinking and excellent planning.

PS. I am sure freedom of weapons movement into Gazza will REALLY help Palestine to be recognized :blink:

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No surprise here considering where Hamas were spawned from. It makes any 'peace' flotila surplus to requirements as Hamas will be able to get their weapons and slimming pills over land. I hope the U.S doesn't delude itself into hoping the border crossing will be actually policed so they might as well quit sending aid to Egypt now.

I think you may be underestimate US administration. I have a feeling they have been looking for an excuse to cut the aid the moment so called revolution took place.

Now they have a perfect excuse, to cut back and should there be any incident because of that, i have no doubt US will cut all aid to Egypt.

In reality, US has lost a close ally(Mubareck) so why would they keep supporting it?!:)

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Anyone who followed the uprising knew this would happen as solidarity with Palestinians was the single unifying factor of the divers groups. That is equally true across the whole Arab and wider Muslim world. The people (maybe not the unelected governments) sympathise with the Palestinians and the uprisings mean even those hard regimes that survive will have to take this into account. One difference now is the level of solidarity is starting to spread into non-Muslim countries. There is a momentum for the Palestinians to get something not on terms dictated by others. This is also what has driven Fatah-Hamas reproachment as even they are aware of the way things are going and they have to move with the feeling.

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No surprise here considering where Hamas were spawned from. It makes any 'peace' flotila surplus to requirements as Hamas will be able to get their weapons and slimming pills over land. I hope the U.S doesn't delude itself into hoping the border crossing will be actually policed so they might as well quit sending aid to Egypt now.

I think you may be underestimate US administration. I have a feeling they have been looking for an excuse to cut the aid the moment so called revolution took place.

Now they have a perfect excuse, to cut back and should there be any incident because of that, i have no doubt US will cut all aid to Egypt.

In reality, US has lost a close ally(Mubareck) so why would they keep supporting it?!:)

The U.S was largely instrumental in 'losing' Mubarak seeing as they cut him loose instead of at least staying out of it and not calling for his removal. A lot more deaths have occurred in Syria than Egypt yet the U.S administration has not called for Assad to be removed. I don't claim to understand U.S foreign policy (nor would I suggest do some key members of Obama's own staff.), what is for certain is that by Mubarak falling a whole domino effect of political instability has developed in the middle east.

As for all those who think it's 'good news' for border crossings to be opened for terrorist organisations I would observe that any pretence you may have tried to keep of neutrality can be seen for what they are - Your sham condemnation of civilian casualties will ring pretty hollow in the light of the likely war that may ensue.

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No surprise here considering where Hamas were spawned from. It makes any 'peace' flotila surplus to requirements as Hamas will be able to get their weapons and slimming pills over land. I hope the U.S doesn't delude itself into hoping the border crossing will be actually policed so they might as well quit sending aid to Egypt now.

I think you may be underestimate US administration. I have a feeling they have been looking for an excuse to cut the aid the moment so called revolution took place.

Now they have a perfect excuse, to cut back and should there be any incident because of that, i have no doubt US will cut all aid to Egypt.

In reality, US has lost a close ally(Mubareck) so why would they keep supporting it?!:)

The U.S was largely instrumental in 'losing' Mubarak seeing as they cut him loose instead of at least staying out of it and not calling for his removal. A lot more deaths have occurred in Syria than Egypt yet the U.S administration has not called for Assad to be removed. I don't claim to understand U.S foreign policy (nor would I suggest do some key members of Obama's own staff.), what is for certain is that by Mubarak falling a whole domino effect of political instability has developed in the middle east.

As for all those who think it's 'good news' for border crossings to be opened for terrorist organisations I would observe that any pretence you may have tried to keep of neutrality can be seen for what they are - Your sham condemnation of civilian casualties will ring pretty hollow in the light of the likely war that may ensue.

Politics is like a game of checkers.

Some think 10 moves ahead, some prepared to sacrifice every single pon in hope to get a chance at taking the "king" , and some are happy with any take without seeing what to follow.

Palestine specifically has been used as pons by Iran, human loss of life is no concern nor is the future moves.

Would there be another war coming? In my opinion, most likely yes.

Who would suffer the most? Palestinians

Who would be AGAIN left out to dry? Palestinians

Any and every attack from Hamas gets harsh and immediate response from IDF,and yet Hamas keeps up the attacks and Iran keeps supplying the weapons, who pays the price for their game? The people of Palestine, certainly not Iran or Egypt

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Straying briefly OT I judge that the U.S will soon need to stop racking up new debt and start paying down old debt or the dollar's position as world reserve currency will soon be history. Perhaps having seen this the U.S envisaged the foreign aid budget would be slashed and Egypt would likely become less of an ally in future anyway, hence cutting Mubarak loose when they did.

It is laughable the so called Arab unity in support of the Palestinians. They have been left in refugee camps because the Arab armies who invaded Israel refused to take them in even though they advised said Palestinians to leave prior to attacking Israel. The only Arab unity is the hatred of outsiders, even fellow Muslims of different sects. I think we do have a war coming, but this could be Saudi Arabia versus Iran instead of Israel/Egypt.

What really needs to happen imho is for Assad to fall as this will make it much harder for Iran to interfere in the region, which is conspicuously Ahmedinajad's game plan.

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Good news.

Fantastic news, and about time the back door to this illegal Israeli imposed prison was opened up.

Just the like the saying goes that a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link, same goes with a wall.

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As some members here have often stated, the entire world supports the Palestinians so with the border open there will be no excuse for poor living conditions in Gaza. Gaza will become the Dubai of the Mediterranean with all the investment being allowed to pour in from their supporters in the Arab world and elsewhere.

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Oh its a wonderful news!

USA most likely will cut off Palestine from aid

Hopefully or more likely surely aid will not be cut off but run dry to all the countries

the US sends billions to each year.

Also hopefully the cutting off of aid will start from the top down of those countries that the US squanders the most on at a time

when it is not only no longer possible but insane to do so.

Because in case anyone has not noticed the US is facing default on outstanding debts worldwide.

May is going to be a very interesting month in the USA in regards to debt.

Edited by flying
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Bridge, you possibly may not be aware of the laws but from Israel side it is up to the country to close or open borders and up to that country to decide who enter and who does not.

As for the other side of Gaza, this was closed by the Egypt and rightfully so.

Let's see what you will say once "legal " Hamas starts to fire more "legal" rockets and "illegal" Israel responds to protect it's citizen's of course( illegally), who would be to blame then?

No need to answer, many of us already know it.

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Anyone who followed the uprising knew this would happen as solidarity with Palestinians was the single unifying factor of the divers groups.

:cheesy: That is a good one.

The "Palestinians" have been used as nothing but pawns by their "Muslim brothers" for decades and they could care less if they suffer as long as they cause the Jews problems.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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As some members here have often stated, the entire world supports the Palestinians so with the border open there will be no excuse for poor living conditions in Gaza. Gaza will become the Dubai of the Mediterranean with all the investment being allowed to pour in from their supporters in the Arab world and elsewhere.

Wasn't Lebannon the crowning jewel of the Arab world, until the PLO set up residence there? <_<

I can't wait for the paradox when 'free' Gaza slides down the obesity league table and into real hardship.

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Bridge, you possibly may not be aware of the laws but from Israel side it is up to the country to close or open borders and up to that country to decide who enter and who does not.

As for the other side of Gaza, this was closed by the Egypt and rightfully so.

Let's see what you will say once "legal " Hamas starts to fire more "legal" rockets and "illegal" Israel responds to protect it's citizen's of course( illegally), who would be to blame then?

No need to answer, many of us already know it.


At least there might be a level playing field now, and please don't give me that Israel protecting it's citizens dribble.


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Bridge, you possibly may not be aware of the laws but from Israel side it is up to the country to close or open borders and up to that country to decide who enter and who does not.

As for the other side of Gaza, this was closed by the Egypt and rightfully so.

Let's see what you will say once "legal " Hamas starts to fire more "legal" rockets and "illegal" Israel responds to protect it's citizen's of course( illegally), who would be to blame then?

No need to answer, many of us already know it.


At least there might be a level playing field now, and please don't give me that Israel protecting it's citizens dribble.


Playing field! :blink: Is that what Hamas are doing when they regularly fire rockets at civilian targets? And yes Israel does indeed try to protect it's citizens, unlike Hamas who use them as human shields as a matter of policy.

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At least there might be a level playing field now, and please don't give me that Israel protecting it's citizens dribble.

Speaking of "dribble". Like any any other counntry would allow terrorists to just shoot rockets at them. :bah:

The real terrorists are the Israelis.

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The only liberation the people of Gaza need is from Hamas.


Incidentally did you know that only a few days ago the red cross observed that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, indeed there was 'surprising normalcy' there. The main problem for Gaza, apart from Hamas is indeed obesity - so much for the so called blockade. :lol:

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The only liberation the people of Gaza need is from Hamas.


Incidentally did you know that only a few days ago the red cross observed that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, indeed there was 'surprising normalcy' there. The main problem for Gaza, apart from Hamas is indeed obesity - so much for the so called blockade. :lol:

Oh please ......! you have tried this line before posting your fake videos that were produced

by a group of Americans and Jews

" The story about Mathilde Redmatn is a fake. I simply called the IRC in Washington DC and they could not find a Mathilde Redmatn in their directory and said there is no such title as "Deputy Director of Gaza".:huh:


surprise surprise NOT !!

Now let me prempt you Steely Dan.....i know what comes next....you can't believe the Huffington Post because ............ ( fill in the blank )

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The only liberation the people of Gaza need is from Hamas.


Incidentally did you know that only a few days ago the red cross observed that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, indeed there was 'surprising normalcy' there. The main problem for Gaza, apart from Hamas is indeed obesity - so much for the so called blockade. :lol:

Oh please ......! you have tried this line before posting your fake videos that were produced

by a group of Americans and Jews

" The story about Mathilde Redmatn is a fake. I simply called the IRC in Washington DC and they could not find a Mathilde Redmatn in their directory and said there is no such title as "Deputy Director of Gaza".:huh:


surprise surprise NOT !!

Now let me prempt you Steely Dan.....i know what comes next....you can't believe the Huffington Post because ............ ( fill in the blank )

Dont get riled by their propaganda. This is exactly how the ADL works too.

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The only liberation the people of Gaza need is from Hamas.


Incidentally did you know that only a few days ago the red cross observed that there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, indeed there was 'surprising normalcy' there. The main problem for Gaza, apart from Hamas is indeed obesity - so much for the so called blockade. :lol:

Oh please ......! you have tried this line before posting your fake videos that were produced

by a group of Americans and Jews

" The story about Mathilde Redmatn is a fake. I simply called the IRC in Washington DC and they could not find a Mathilde Redmatn in their directory and said there is no such title as "Deputy Director of Gaza".:huh:


surprise surprise NOT !!

Now let me prempt you Steely Dan.....i know what comes next....you can't believe the Huffington Post because ............ ( fill in the blank )

Dont get riled by their propaganda. This is exactly how the ADL works too.

i just dont see how engaging in this kind of false propaganda helps

the Israeli's ? Anyway there has been enough people bombarding the IRC

now that it says they will be putting out a statement about this hoax and

refuting what this Mathilde Redmatn said :bah:

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Midas just cited a user COMMENT on the Huffington website. Not the same thing as the site itself. As far as Redmatn, she is a woman, and I hope people aren't thinking that Redmatn and the man in the video are the same person. Does Redmatn exist? Not sure. Seems so, yes?


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While we wait for an official announcement from the IRC about this " Mathilde Redmatn " person

we know that

- the UN’s March update that a majority of Gazans are food insecure and rely on aid.

- We know that Gaza’s fishermen are limited to fishing within 3 miles of the shore, in a stretch of water heavily contaminated with raw sewage. (Incidentally this raw sewage also contaminates Gazas “nice beaches”)

- We know that 35% of agricultural land is off limits to farmers, unless they wish to find death at the hands of the IDF, and this doesn’t take into account agricultural land rendered inoperable as a result of the Gaza Massacre.

- We know that 90% of drinking water extracted from the aquifer is brackish and fail’s to meet the WHO’s standard for drinking water.

Now, people could be told that living under those conditions isn't a humanitarian crisis, or we could tell them that it IS a humanitarian crisis - but would it really change anything?

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