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Thailand Clamping Down On Crazy Traffic Habits?


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For the past few months I've noticed lots and lots of bill boards and signs informing of zero tolerance towards traffic violations. These show a traffic cop making an awkward 'zero' with his fist. I've seen them in Rayong and Pattaya.

Today I was surprised to see a sign offering a 500 baht fine for anyone driving three to a motorcycle. This was in Pattaya. Can it be true? What about the 7 people to a home made sidecar?

Has anyone else noticed these signs or seen anyone actually be stopped for the everyday act of riding 3 on a bike?

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Did you also get the 100% Helmet billboards and posters?

At a guess I'd say they have made 1% difference. At most.

Recently overtaken by a big group of high school boys, mostly three to a bike.

Not one was wearing a helmet - though one did have a laptop bag on his head, if that counts.

No sign of a Chanthaburi Crackdown

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I read somewhere during Songkhran that drunk drivers would be immediately arrrested and fasttracked through the courts. There was a follow up article bemoaning the fact that no such fasttracking had actually taken place.

Without actions to backup the vows of zero tolerance then crackdowns such as this one are hot air and nothing else.

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I wouldn't worry about it.

I'm sure that sign was paid for by a government budget, and the MP who got the budget approved collected his 30% for it. Now that the money has been paid nothing more will come of it.

I have never seen anything like that done in this country for any reason other that corruption. About the most you might expect is a couple of BiB's might decide that this is an excuse to try and pressure more people for lunch money. I doubt there is any official policy regarding it. But if you are curious, why don't you find a friendly policeman and ask him? He'll probably laugh about how foolish it is just like you.

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There have been a lot of signs up, helmet, 2 only on a bike and the local BIB, (all smiles) in and around the Mae Taeng area, and yes, I've seen action by the BIB. Riding around I have noticed more riders on market days with helmets on and two only to a bike in Mae Malie.

However…………………….I don't think it will last, it's more a case of 2 steps forward, 1.99 steps back all the time.

Edited by Tonto21
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The simple undeniable fact is this, the mannequin (dummy) cops they have at "strategic" points around town are unquestionably and absolutley more effective, more efficient and honest than any "living" cop in this country!

And, as long as I know these dummies are out there tirelessly, dutifully and uncorruptedly doing their job, I , for one, feel a whole lot safer.

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I was with a group of Farangs the other night who mostly got absolutely slaughtered and then got on their Motorcycles or in their Cars and drove, just like they do every time they go out on the town.

Maybe they never saw the signs. :)

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It was the sign about 3 to a bike that got me really. The others I've seen for a long time. The 3 to a bike one just seems more ridiculous when you consider the antics Thais get up to on modified bikes that can carry 7 or 8 people. How can they seriously even pretend that they are going to tackle that?

Its laughable when you see a couple of cops sat outside one of their huts with various zero tolerance signs and 100% helmet signs, and in the stationary traffic line by the side of them are people without helmets, 4 to a bike etc etc. Why do they even bother?

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It was the sign about 3 to a bike that got me really. The others I've seen for a long time. The 3 to a bike one just seems more ridiculous when you consider the antics Thais get up to on modified bikes that can carry 7 or 8 people. How can they seriously even pretend that they are going to tackle that?

Its laughable when you see a couple of cops sat outside one of their huts with various zero tolerance signs and 100% helmet signs, and in the stationary traffic line by the side of them are people without helmets, 4 to a bike etc etc. Why do they even bother?

Ain't Thailand great. :jap:

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It was the sign about 3 to a bike that got me really. The others I've seen for a long time. The 3 to a bike one just seems more ridiculous when you consider the antics Thais get up to on modified bikes that can carry 7 or 8 people. How can they seriously even pretend that they are going to tackle that?

Its laughable when you see a couple of cops sat outside one of their huts with various zero tolerance signs and 100% helmet signs, and in the stationary traffic line by the side of them are people without helmets, 4 to a bike etc etc. Why do they even bother?

I saw a couple of Thailand's finest the other day. They stopped a couple on a motorbike, guy in front wearing a helmet, passenger not. The bike that was next to them, guy in front helmet passenger helmet, toddler standing between them. Not stopped?

Amazing Thailand :lol:


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Did you also get the 100% Helmet billboards and posters?

At a guess I'd say they have made 1% difference. At most.

Recently overtaken by a big group of high school boys, mostly three to a bike.

Not one was wearing a helmet - though one did have a laptop bag on his head, if that counts.

No sign of a Chanthaburi Crackdown

They put 100% helmet signs up all over our government school, net result NO CHANGE. mad.gif

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They put 100% helmet signs up all over our government school, net result NO CHANGE. mad.gif

What it needs is Farangs to show the way !!

Hang on a minute, they are pissed up driving and not wearing helmets too, NO Change !!!

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They put 100% helmet signs up all over our government school, net result NO CHANGE. mad.gif

What it needs is Farangs to show the way !!

Hang on a minute, they are pissed up driving and not wearing helmets too, NO Change !!!

You know other foreigners then i do. My friends do wear their helmets and don't drive pissed. I would never even consider stepping on a bike or driving a car while drunk. You need a change of friends.

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I believe the 100% moniker will apply after Jan 2012. The deadline for the helmet posters.. same as Vietnam did. They gave notice that the traffic laws were going to be adhered to.

I have noticed that deadline for the past 10 years or so.

How is it possible to enforce a law if you see the BIB break those laws themselves constantly.

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I have seen the 3 on a motorcycle enforced in CM, but it was farang in both cases. Taken to station to pay fine. The helmet law is enforced at various checkpoints and tickets given. The latter seems to be more prevalent, as the local payday (every fortnight) nears.

If the police would set up checkpoints from 0700 to 0900 around the moat in CM, my physical count using a time average would amount to about 700 tickets/hour at one of several, potential checkpoints. This accounts for about 30 to 35% of the total motorcycle traffic.

This is just a personal observation/count, nothing official about it.

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The automatic traffic camera 'running red lights' tickets are most definitely mailed to you in the mail, at least for more than a handful of Bangkok lights. The letters I've seen don't include photos like they do in some cities in the US, but I assume you can access them if you wanted to contest it.

Not exactly a safety revolution, but it's progress that the naysayers would have never thought possible just a few years ago.


Edited by Heng
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I believe the 100% moniker will apply after Jan 2012. The deadline for the helmet posters.. same as Vietnam did. They gave notice that the traffic laws were going to be adhered to.

I have noticed that deadline for the past 10 years or so.

How is it possible to enforce a law if you see the BIB break those laws themselves constantly.

It is possible through the backwards thinking that since they are low paid and have to buy all their own uniforms and guns, that they have a credible license to steal . The BIB and many on TV buy into this thinking.:(

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The BIB working in each city/tambon get to retain a portion of fines collected as well as a portion of drug busts, dependent upon the value of same. This system of spoils disbursement goes on up the chain of command. The monthly salary officially paid to the BIB and others is probably a figure for a tax paid into government coffers. The additional remittance they receive from the total slush funds or any other term you want to use, is not published to the public.

If a police buys more than 1 weapon, he is probably thinking of a throw down use. The impounded vehicles seem to find a home at some of the senior officers residence or close acquaintances. I would be hard pressed to agree with the "1 bad apple will spoil the barrel" with reference to the BIB. The barrel contents seems to have gone past useful fermentation stage.

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I saw a couple of Thailand's finest the other day. They stopped a couple on a motorbike, guy in front wearing a helmet, passenger not. The bike that was next to them, guy in front helmet passenger helmet, toddler standing between them. Not stopped?

Amazing Thailand :lol:


Children, senior citizens, workers on duties and civil servants in uniform are exempted from road block stoppage and minor traffic violations. That applies to foreigners as well cos i have never been stopped on motorbike when with my toddler in toddler seat. Was stopped once when in a car during road block fir not wearing seat belt but they waved me on when i wound down the window and my kid was sleeping in the passenger seat.

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There are signs for no talking mobile phones whilst driving too, i wish they would act on that one as the locals really are a menace on the phones while driving, particularly the women, weaving about all over the road or driving about 10kmh.:annoyed:

I saw a woman the other day phone somebody just as she was about to get in her car, she started her car and then tried to do a u turn on Chaiyapruek road - while still yakking on the phone - awesome!!

Edited by LennyW
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Seen a LOT of checkpoints all over Chiang Mai in the last few weeks. Proper ones. Seem to set up around the roads that students go down, but that could just be because that's mostly where I drive.

I got stopped at one for not wearing a seat belt (in rush hour traffic) and the police officer apologised profusely while writing the ticket and I couldn't pay on the spot, not even the full amount.

Also seen what appear to be drug check points in town at night where they're searching vehicles and motorbikes, They shine the flashlight through the windows before waving me on and lots of motorbikes and pickups by the side of the road being searched.

Seems the police are getting back to work now that the period of weak central government is coming to an end.

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They put 100% helmet signs up all over our government school, net result NO CHANGE. mad.gif

What it needs is Farangs to show the way !!

Hang on a minute, they are pissed up driving and not wearing helmets too, NO Change !!!

I always wear my 150bt helmet just so the bib can't fleece me for 400bt fine, it makes economical


Whether it's strong enough to withstand an impact in a crash, or save ones life is another matter though.


Thai helmets save you money, but won't save your life.

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The helmet laws are a waste of time until you have helmet standards...

In Cha-am I saw a guy get waved by at a police helmet checkpoint wearing a vegetable cullender worn as a helmet

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Lets see farangs complaining about all the reasons they moved here, lax law enforcement, drinking unlimited quanaties of alcohol, and doing as one pleases without consequences. lol

That is not why i moved here. But you are right i used to think that laws were to strict where i came from until i saw the results of them being too lax. To be honest i can't really worry about if someone wears a helmet or not. But drunk drivers are a danger to others not themselves.

Here traffic is like the wild west, i drive a car and a few motorcycles. Its just crazy here.

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