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Stricter Requirements For Tourist Visa Applicants

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Ah yes, back to the good ole right wing red shirts gov't. Only a matter of months or weeks before they start in with the 2am closing hours BS, threats to limit/close down the farang girly bar scene etc etc etc. May as well put Chalerm Yoobamrung back in charge. .


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I have TR Visa but my friend have done this 3 times in a row now . , Fake or not not sure . , its from Bri&Joy group . . .

I hope your friend will get better soon, because his 90-day extensions must have been for medical treatment. From Police Order 777/2551:

2.25 In the case of receiving medical treatment, attending rehabilitation, or taking care of a patient:

Each permission shall be granted for no more than 90 days.

Correct they told him... " illness Visa 90days "

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Can't see tourists paying for accomodation in advance to secure their reservation

complete guess but i could believe at least half the tourists who come to thailand don't have a clue where they are staying and when. it's one of the reasons the place is so popular as a tourist destination. as if backpackers are going to have guesthouses pre-booked before arriving.

When I come I get a hotel for a day or two, then rent an apartment. I would never rent a room for a month without seeing it first. Not sure how I'm going to handle this.

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"Stricter requirements for Tourist visa applicants"

regards... from, the new Government?

Anyone an idea what is going to come...?


Perhaps a little payback to the Brits in retaliation for the Dear Leader being kicked out of the UK?


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Can whoever carries out the interview with MFA ask the oft repeated questions in these posts about situation of non-Thais that DO NOT NEED HOTELS or are travelling across land boarders etc.

And if that the policy ideas have been put in place to stop one situation with zero consideration to every other class of visitor that visits the country.

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How unwise to make it more cumbersome for people to apply for a tourist visa just as a global recession is about to take hold.

If you truly want families and quality tourists here, how about these long term measures:

- Police reform to battle corruption. Like in South Korea. If they could do it, so can you. It's 2011 now, time to get real.

- Clean up the prostitution from the major tourist spots. Most tourists in the family category tend not to be impressed by prostitution in their face, and the prostitution business is a magnet for undesirables, both Thais and foreigners.

- Educate Thai electricians properly so fewer tourists are electrocuted in the shower. Parents tend to be quite upset when their children die because of neglect and incompetence.

- Regulate and ENFORCE the use of pesticides and insecticides so you won't have to wring your hands after tourists "inexplicably" drop dead in hotels and from eating poisonous food. Research, educate and encourage organic growth practices, natural and least dangerous pest control measures. Make sure the knowledge gets all the way to the actual farmers by engaging the village networks.

- Arrest ALL beggars on sight, interrogate them about their conditions and mafia networks, gather enough evidence, appropriate the assets of the leaders of the trafficking rings, give harsh punishments (fines and jail time) to everyone else involved or benefitting, use the money/assets collected in fines to rehabilitate and educate the beggars where possible. Keep up these arrests until it simple becomes too much hassle to beg or to benefit from begging.

- Clean up the scamming in tourist areas. That includes jet ski scams, gem scams, card game scams, and all the others.

Look at ur country n see how many of above and many others that u didnt intend to mention here is also applicable there...

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yep, the backpackers and other budget travellers will choose another destination.

maybe it would be easier for thailand and everybody if they just make up a rule that you need to have at least 1 million dollars in your bank account and prove it, to get a 90 day visa.

no need for flight tickets or hotel reservations etc etc.

and thais wouldn't have to be afraid of about not wealthy enough tourists/expats invading their country.

In the seventies there was a regulation in Europe, that one can board a charter flight only when in the posession of a voucher for his or her accommodation in the destination country. The vouchers for hotels were issued by travel agencies, and after the flight landed, the vouchers were thrown away.

May be the travel agencies remember and return to this "voucher business" in order to sell flights for tourists to Thailand. There always is a way.

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Thai Embassies and Consulates abroad to be stricter with requirements when applicants are applying for Tourist visas for Thailand.

Does this apply to "Visa Exempt" entry also?

What happens if the tourists are staying with friends?

Or if you are married to a Thai citizen and will be staying at their/your residence.

Too me this sounds like another way to kill tourism.

Unfortunately, nothing will stop the throngs of sex tourists heading for Pattaya.

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Maybe you´re a thai in farang disguise, wandering around thaivisa, defending yourself. I don´t hate thais or thailand by any means but if you´re resonably aware of things u clearly see they often have a "we" and "them" thinking more extreme than any other i have ever seen and i´ve been to 40+ countries, and "they" are the higher ones, if u haven´t noticed u´r blind. Or u havent been in ur western home for centuries, forgotten how it was, not to mention the way it is now. we live in days of globalization and while EU and the rest of western civilization is opening up, even giving, at least equal opportunities to millions of foreigners every year u see asian countries and thai not the least doing the opposit. One of the reasons of the deep south conflict between muslims and "thais" is just due to that; not beeing able to give equal opportunities for "others" because thais are so best.

Not that i expect tourists to get equal opportunities just like that, it´s a totally different subject, but still this is a reminder of the general attitude and the harder and harder restricions to the "other" people that does´nt even put an economic pressure on the country but on the contrary boosting it!


You've never been a Turk in Germany, a Moroccan in France, a Pakistani in the UK, or a Mexican in the US, have you? Your line about how supposedly enlightened Westerners treat foreigners back home would be laughable if it weren't so tragically and totally wrong.

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Maybe you´re a thai in farang disguise, wandering around thaivisa, defending yourself. I don´t hate thais or thailand by any means but if you´re resonably aware of things u clearly see they often have a "we" and "them" thinking more extreme than any other i have ever seen and i´ve been to 40+ countries, and "they" are the higher ones, if u haven´t noticed u´r blind. Or u havent been in ur western home for centuries, forgotten how it was, not to mention the way it is now. we live in days of globalization and while EU and the rest of western civilization is opening up, even giving, at least equal opportunities to millions of foreigners every year u see asian countries and thai not the least doing the opposit. One of the reasons of the deep south conflict between muslims and "thais" is just due to that; not beeing able to give equal opportunities for "others" because thais are so best.

Not that i expect tourists to get equal opportunities just like that, it´s a totally different subject, but still this is a reminder of the general attitude and the harder and harder restricions to the "other" people that does´nt even put an economic pressure on the country but on the contrary boosting it!


You've never been a Turk in Germany, a Moroccan in France, a Pakistani in the UK, or a Mexican in the US, have you? Your line about how supposedly enlightened Westerners treat foreigners back home would be laughable if it weren't so tragically and totally wrong.

Well said.

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You have never actually compared the tourist arrival statistics of Laos, Cambodia, Burma, and Thailand, have you? No...didn't think so.

For Laos, Cambodia and Burma, I presume that their respective governments are including, in their statistics, visa/border runners originating from Thailand.

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For Laos, Cambodia and Burma, I presume that their respective governments are including, in their statistics, visa/border runners originating from Thailand.

Of course they will, however I'm pretty sure Thailand will also count each visa runners separate arrival as a new tourist entry as well.

If they make people do visa runs more often then the tourist arrivals will naturally increase.

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Strange post - as I checked the Royal Thai Consulate Los Angeles web site and nothing has changed...

Guess we will have to wait and see what they do with my visa request as I will not have supplied documentation on lodging and plane tickets.

Do let us know what happens, up to date information is always welcome.

Meanwhile please do not post in non-standard sizes or colours.

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Thai Embassies and Consulates abroad to be stricter with requirements when applicants are applying for Tourist visas for Thailand.

Does this apply to "Visa Exempt" entry also?

What happens if the tourists are staying with friends?

Or if you are married to a Thai citizen and will be staying at their/your residence.

Too me this sounds like another way to kill tourism.

Unfortunately, nothing will stop the throngs of sex tourists heading for Pattaya.

So, what's your problem with it? No one is forcing you to go there.

If you don't like prostitution why are you living in LOS, as the Thai sex industry is huge, or is it just farangs having sex that you don't like?

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i'm actually living in Cambodia and the number of tourists is booming despite the heavy rains, slow transportations, third world standards and the horrible roads.

frankly i'm more and more surprised reading so many farangs defending thailand for introducing stricter rules.

here i can buy a 12 months visa with no questions asked from any tour operator or guesthouse and renewing it without ever having to leave the country.

i wonder what exactly cambodia is missing compared to thailand, some of you guys should seriously wake up and realize thailand is just hellbent

on booting farangs out.

why staying in a place that clearly stated once again they hate us ?

we're not welcome in Thailand, get over it.

and there's no reason to counter reply saying these rules are the norm elsewhere, we farangs are not Thais and if they want farang money

they better make it easy for us to get in their country or there are so many better and cheaper and easier alternatives already.

we're the ones fueling Thai tourism and therefore we should have special visa laws, as simple as that.

too many guys here are scared about facing the hard truth.

Well said. Too many people on TV that think that just because THEY qualify for the special visa, no one else should be able to "live" in LOS.

I agree that the Thais should be making it easier to stay, not harder. How about 90 days at the border like I used to get, as many times as I wanted.

If there is a problem with people working on tourist visas, then deal with that, don't penalise everyone for the sins of a few. Simple solution- unlimited 90 day stays with proof of funds from outside the country sufficient to live on each time doing a border run ( or even better, just going to immigration and paying a fee, like they do in more enlightened countries ).

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When applying for a tourist visa of any length during the last 4 years in Sydney Australia, the Consulate has always requested these details.<br>Explaining that I buy tickets in Asia because they are cheaper for travelling elsewhere and also stay with my family there, I have been<br>asked to put it in writing as a note on the form, or as an attached letter, which is what they are now asking for.<br><br>It appears to me that nothing has changed. There should not be a problem.<br><br>This could just be a case of new governments always have to be seen to be doing something. Usually useless.

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i just hope the new government launches new draconian laws against tourists so that people will finally realize the grass is a lot greener in the nearby countries and leave thailand to the thais.
Quote recent report on Cambodia:

"Ho Vandy, Cambodian Minister for Tourism is quoted as saying 'We still lack flights carrying tourists from one area to another area. We need diversity in tourism.' Currently most visitors fly to Siem Reap in Cambodia and may choose to fly back out to Bangkok. Only 7% of tourists arriving in Cambodia go to the south coast."

Quote recent report on Thailand:

"The highest number ever of arrivals is in the most recent period: the first quarter of 2011 (at 5.33 million visitors). Total arrivals for 2010 where the highest on record, despite the actually very serious political disturbances in the second quarter of the year. It looks like 2011 is going to be the best year for tourism on record, and we may be heading for close to 20 million arrivals."

Harp on all you like Marco, tell as many people as you like how you couldn't hack Thailand, it's not going to change reality though, is it.


these stats dont really give the true picture though do they....i mean how many are arriving and then leaving in a day or two as it is the 'hub' of asia and a transit point? i wonder what the average length of stay is? Average ages of tourist visa arrivals? comparison between business and holiday arrivals? the average spend per head? in comparison with say 5 years ago.....perhaps the numbers are known to tat and that is why they are calling out for more high end tourists as the average length of stay is dropping so they need the higher spenders to maintain tourist income levels....

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It's all part of the charm of living here. About a year ago, airport immigration mis-stamped my passport by one day. As a result, I lost my retirement visa and had to go through the entire process of getting a visa again - letter from the U.S. embassy, bank statements, etc. Immigration at Jomtien even admitted it was their mistake, but it was MY fault for not catching THEIR mistake. T.I.T.S.

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i'm actually living in Cambodia and the number of tourists is booming despite the heavy rains, slow transportations, third world standards and the horrible roads.

frankly i'm more and more surprised reading so many farangs defending thailand for introducing stricter rules.

here i can buy a 12 months visa with no questions asked from any tour operator or guesthouse and renewing it without ever having to leave the country.

i wonder what exactly cambodia is missing compared to thailand, some of you guys should seriously wake up and realize thailand is just hellbent

on booting farangs out.

why staying in a place that clearly stated once again they hate us ?

we're not welcome in Thailand, get over it.

and there's no reason to counter reply saying these rules are the norm elsewhere, we farangs are not Thais and if they want farang money

they better make it easy for us to get in their country or there are so many better and cheaper and easier alternatives already.

we're the ones fueling Thai tourism and therefore we should have special visa laws, as simple as that.

too many guys here are scared about facing the hard truth.

Well said. Too many people on TV that think that just because THEY qualify for the special visa, no one else should be able to "live" in LOS.

I agree that the Thais should be making it easier to stay, not harder. How about 90 days at the border like I used to get, as many times as I wanted.

If there is a problem with people working on tourist visas, then deal with that, don't penalise everyone for the sins of a few. Simple solution- unlimited 90 day stays with proof of funds from outside the country sufficient to live on each time doing a border run ( or even better, just going to immigration and paying a fee, like they do in more enlightened countries ).

The farangs who defend stricter thai rules were not loved in their own countries that is why they came here where they could get an illusion of buying love.

Working on a toursit visa is a myth. I dont think tourists are working here except english teachers who are desperately needed who cannot get a work permit from the school because of all the stupidity in the thai government and endless red tape.

What kind of job could you get here on a tourist visa? Many however are doing business but that business gives employment to thais it does not take away employment.It also does not compete with thai business owners but in fact brings more tourists and potential customers for everyone. Is it a tax issue? Well nobody pays tax here especially the wealthy and those who rule the country. If it were not so difficult to get a business visa many would not be forced to use a tourist visa. :bah:

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Can't see tourists paying for accomodation in advance to secure their reservation

complete guess but i could believe at least half the tourists who come to thailand don't have a clue where they are staying and when. it's one of the reasons the place is so popular as a tourist destination. as if backpackers are going to have guesthouses pre-booked before arriving.

It's most likely the backpackers and people who want to sleep on the beach or sleep 5 to a room in some Baht 100 a night flophouse, et al, that they want to discourage. A few visitors who do pre-book at upscale hotels are probably worth 10 backpackers in terms of their benefit to the economy. Quality over quantity.

No you are dead wrong.

First of all most backpackers are college students and are loaded with money.

The rest of them are also loaded with cash to spend for a few months and the total spent is in the billions of baht every year and that money goes directly to small business oweners and family run guest houses and not to the Thaksin family and and their buddies who own the 5 star hotels.

This is not about tourists its about making war on the poor of thailand getting that money into the hands of the 5 star hotels.

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For visa on arrival and visa exempt entry proof of onward travel has always been required.

But the waiting is on how the different embassies and consulates will handle this requirement. Seems that the Thai embassy in Cambodia already has tightens its requirements.

The Embassy in Phnom Penh only a couple of years ago wasn't issuing any tourist visas to legitimate Western tourists for a long period of time, regardless of documents.

The person in charge there is rumoured to dislike Westerners a fair bit so no surprise they're jumping to prohibit issuing tourist visas.

Thailand is passée for the backpacker set anyway, the real ones have moved onto Cambo, Laos, Vietnam and Burma in the region. A much more authentic, genuine and cheaper experience.

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Thailand is passée for the backpacker set anyway, the real ones have moved onto Cambo, Laos, Vietnam and Burma in the region. A much more authentic, genuine and cheaper experience.

There is absolutely no way that a "real backpacker" would skip Thailand in favour of Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Burma. A "real backpacker" will do them all but the focus will always be on Thailand.

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In practice this only apply for certain people which the government rather do not like to see. The explanation letter is the key here. No hotel reservation, okay, so you state in one line, I stay with frineds or I want to discover the country and do not know where I will stay. No ticket can easily be explained too. We all know new government new rules, and rules are meant to be broken. Within a few weeks no embassy employee gives a shit about the rules anymore.I bet they apply though for those people getting a visa in one of the countries around Thailand where you get a funny sticker instead of a stamp. It is a way to keep the fake teachers out.


A friend lives in Bangkok during the winters months, usually on a double tourist visa (2x60 days) and completes his stay with borders runs in between.

Last October 2010 he was asked to show return ticket at Belgian embassy or consulate for his double tourist visa, does not fix his return date.

Was given one year Non-O multiple entries on proof of Belgian bank account.

He does own a Bangkok apartment though, guess he showed them property papers.

Rule does not seem new thus.


Just flew in this Wednesday and had a French couple next to me, in their late twenties, needed help with their entry card.

I asked for their address in Thailand (see form) Khao San road they said, no hotel booking, guess many don't, thus stupid rule.

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In practice this only apply for certain people which the government rather do not like to see. The explanation letter is the key here. No hotel reservation, okay, so you state in one line, I stay with frineds or I want to discover the country and do not know where I will stay. No ticket can easily be explained too. We all know new government new rules, and rules are meant to be broken. Within a few weeks no embassy employee gives a shit about the rules anymore.I bet they apply though for those people getting a visa in one of the countries around Thailand where you get a funny sticker instead of a stamp. It is a way to keep the fake teachers out.


A friend lives in Bangkok during the winters months, usually on a double tourist visa (2x60 days) and completes his stay with borders runs in between.

Last October 2010 he was asked to show return ticket at Belgian embassy or consulate for his double tourist visa, does not fix his return date.

Was given one year Non-O multiple entries on proof of Belgian bank account.

He does own a Bangkok apartment though, guess he showed them property papers.

Rule does not seem new thus.


Just flew in this Wednesday and had a French couple next to me, in their late twenties, needed help with their entry card.

I asked for their address in Thailand (see form) Khao San road they said, no hotel booking, guess many don't, thus stupid rule.

Agreed , i cann confirm completely your topic about Belgium consulate, as never asked for tickets before (severalTR triple entrys,single entrys..... " month ago aplied for single or double entry ...... problem, not possible because i had only my open return ticket from BKK/ amsterdam , so no real return ticket ......but gave me a non O immigrant 3 months........:blink: that i cou :blink: ld receive ....., i :blink: do not understand anymore their policys , as the single entry = 2 months (+ 30 days extension possible = also 90 days :whistling:

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In practice this only apply for certain people which the government rather do not like to see. The explanation letter is the key here. No hotel reservation, okay, so you state in one line, I stay with frineds or I want to discover the country and do not know where I will stay. No ticket can easily be explained too. We all know new government new rules, and rules are meant to be broken. Within a few weeks no embassy employee gives a shit about the rules anymore.I bet they apply though for those people getting a visa in one of the countries around Thailand where you get a funny sticker instead of a stamp. It is a way to keep the fake teachers out.


A friend lives in Bangkok during the winters months, usually on a double tourist visa (2x60 days) and completes his stay with borders runs in between.

Last October 2010 he was asked to show return ticket at Belgian embassy or consulate for his double tourist visa, does not fix his return date.

Was given one year Non-O multiple entries on proof of Belgian bank account.

He does own a Bangkok apartment though, guess he showed them property papers.

Rule does not seem new thus.


Just flew in this Wednesday and had a French couple next to me, in their late twenties, needed help with their entry card.

I asked for their address in Thailand (see form) Khao San road they said, no hotel booking, guess many don't, thus stupid rule.

What kind of visas were they holding?

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I had a visa run to Cambodia booked and paid for thru a visa service in Pattaya. Supposed to leave early Monday (Aug 28th), stay 1-2 nights, get the 60-day visa, then come back to Thailand. I have used this particular service before and they often bragged about their connections with the Thai embassy in Cambodia.

They called me Thursday night and said I should bring a bank book and a few rent receipts from my apartment.

Then they called me Friday morning and said the trip had been cancelled. They said they were having trouble with the Thai authorities. They refunded my money (You KNOW there's a problem when they refund your money) and said I should check back with them next week. "Maybe different next week."

My visa expires Sept. 4th. Guess I'll have to make other arrangements. :blink:

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