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Stricter Requirements For Tourist Visa Applicants

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heheheeheh you guys are still having a fit over this 15 pages latter. This one is better than the need for evidence of monthly income. That one was a real humdinger. I often wonder how some of you guys even last 3 months on a tourist visa since you have to be spoon fed everything.

Come on get married, get 50, go to Thai classes many ways to stay without all of this drama. We had the same pi-- and moaning when they did away with the 30 day land border runs many people where living on.

If its a true tourist visa call and ask the issurer in the states or the UK what they want to issue a tourist. As I mentioned earlier I was told for a multiply tourist visa the consulate wanted a sch. of travel and copies of tickets and this was 2 years ago. if you haven't been asked for this info in the past you probably have been lucky.

Continue your plans to travel donot cancell trips as it probably is no big deal.

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Please understand that this is only if you are applying for a tourist visa from Cambodia.

For the rest of us applying from Europe there's no change

why wasn't this at the start? what a panic i was in partytime2.gifpartytime2.gif

BANGKOK (thaivisa.com): -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bangkok has

instructed the Thai Embassies and Consulates abroad to be stricter with

requirements when applicants are applying for 60-days Tourist visas for


The Royal Thai Embassies, Consulates and Consulates-General

will from now require a confirmed airline ticket with flight numbers and date of

entry/exit, plus confirmed hotel reservations with name and dates of checking



1: over a wide area: widely

2: away from one's home

3: beyond the boundaries of one's country

Evidence given: Confirmed by thaivisa.com

Please understand that this is only if you are applying for a tourist visa from Cambodia.

For the rest of us applying from Europe there's no change

Evidence given: None

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Please understand that this is only if you are applying for a tourist visa from Cambodia.

For the rest of us applying from Europe there's no change

Where did you get the idea that the new requirements apply only at the Thai Consulate in Cambodia?

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Question. Does this apply to embassies and consulates in Australia, New Zealand, Canada. United Kingdom and the United States for persons who are citizens of those countries?

Answer. No. there is no change. And there will be no change to many other countries.

Exactly which Thai Embassies and Consulates are affected? Countries that are adjacent to Thailand perhaps?

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Exactly which Thai Embassies and Consulates are affected?

Only the ones abroad it would seem.

Australia is not affected by the changes as the existing form for a visa application covers the proposed flight number you will be arriving on and there is provision for a Thai address. For most tourist visa applications this is not filled in because as a tourist you do not know where you will be staying on the first night in Thailand.

Edited by electau
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When I would apply for a visa stateside I would even go as far as sending a bank statement and ability to support myself for a year. They were very kind I have gotten two three entry stamps from the consulate (9 months of visa). They are not bad people they are just trying to follow the rules. Try being Thai and getting into a western country its a lot harder. I also don't blame the Thais for wanting to crack down on whore mongers I was honestly disgusted with Pattaya and I only did a day trip. What country wants child molesters that only saving grace is age of consent. Go back to your home country and try to bang 18 year olds being 60 fat and bald. Not everyone here is into bar girls some of us appreciate a nice Thai woman who is closer to our age by less than 15 years. If you are over 50 banging anything under 20 you are fooling yourself they are only with you for money. As far as teachers crying Boo hoo get over it you are working here on a "tourist" visa and you are breaking the law. If the Thais don't want you move someplace else where they need English teachers.

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When I would apply for a visa stateside I would even go as far as sending a bank statement and ability to support myself for a year. They were very kind I have gotten two three entry stamps from the consulate (9 months of visa). They are not bad people they are just trying to follow the rules. Try being Thai and getting into a western country its a lot harder. I also don't blame the Thais for wanting to crack down on whore mongers I was honestly disgusted with Pattaya and I only did a day trip. What country wants child molesters that only saving grace is age of consent. Go back to your home country and try to bang 18 year olds being 60 fat and bald. Not everyone here is into bar girls some of us appreciate a nice Thai woman who is closer to our age by less than 15 years. If you are over 50 banging anything under 20 you are fooling yourself they are only with you for money. As far as teachers crying Boo hoo get over it you are working here on a "tourist" visa and you are breaking the law. If the Thais don't want you move someplace else where they need English teachers.

Very well said, but I thought we were supposed to get a tourist visa to get the work permit.

Edited by Warhammer820
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In December past I had to provide an airline ticket out of the country and a letter of explanation as to why I had no hotel reservations to the Thai Embassy in NZ, the air ticket applyed way back 6 years ago, so nothing is new.

I got a double entry and arranged an air ticket to Laos for my second entry, no problem.

As a tourist, definition someone who tours around, I told them I wanted to see many parts of the country and not just stay in one place and provided them with an itinerary which they accepted, again no problem.

Havent read all of this but see most of the whingers are not real tourists anyway.

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From what I understand its a parasitic relationship. The schools pay tea money so they look the other way on "Probationary" IE tourist visa teaching teachers. They need the teachers at a lot of these 7-11 style language schools you see in the malls. The teacher on the Tourist visa is a lot less paperwork and a lot easier to terminate also a lot higher chance to dance like a monkey. They serve a purpose and I am sure Thailand is going to lose some very smart people. I am upset about it because I live in Thailand and have been here for a year taking a break from life for a year or two. I don't need employment and I am not supporting the local Issen bar girl community. I live a simple and easy life because it is what Thailand is great for. I rather have 2 years in my life having freedom at 40 than being 60 and wasted in everything but mind and spirit. Many of the people over 50 I have met in Thailand are victims of fractured marriages and quality of living issues. Thailand offers comfort for those who wish to remove themselves from all the pressure of their home country. What I have come to understand you just replace them with other pressures here. I am fortunate to have lived in Bkk for a year and HCMC for a year in that amount of time you grasp a lot more of a culture than a three week vacation. Every country has its fault and foibles. Thailand can be a love hate relationship with people here long term(General assumption). Most of us have seen the scams heard the horror stories and been victim to some form of stupidity or another. I give it three weeks and there will be people who have it figured out. I think many people like the idea of Cambodia vs Thailand. I can tell you from living in Vietnam and visiting Cambodia it is not Thailand not even close. Cambodians are very nice and polite but piss them off they are a lot more dangerous than Thais because they have nothing to lose vs Thais being affluent by third world standards.

You can tell this was a very important issue to many people just by the number of views. Can you imagine the number of people who have found a simple slice of paradise changed to a bureaucratic cluster****.

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In the mooted interview that TV will conduct with the authorities, it will be helpful to know what the date on the outbound flight should be.

In the case of a double entry tourist visa, should it be:

  • 59 days or less after the first entry?
  • 89 days or less after the first entry plus extension?
  • 118, 148 or 178 days or less assuming the second entry can be made at a land border and one or two extensions granted?

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In the mooted interview that TV will conduct with the authorities, it will be helpful to know what the date on the outbound flight should be.

In the case of a double entry tourist visa, should it be:

  • 59 days or less after the first entry?
  • 89 days or less after the first entry plus extension?
  • 118, 148 or 178 days or less assuming the second entry can be made at a land border and one or two extensions granted?

In my case •89 days or less after the first entry plus extension? was accepted, just right for the second entry.

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In the mooted interview that TV will conduct with the authorities, it will be helpful to know what the date on the outbound flight should be.

In the case of a double entry tourist visa, should it be:

  • 59 days or less after the first entry?
  • 89 days or less after the first entry plus extension?
  • 118, 148 or 178 days or less assuming the second entry can be made at a land border and one or two extensions granted?

In my case •89 days or less after the first entry plus extension? was accepted, just right for the second entry.

If this has the concurrence of the authorities, then throwing away a 2000 baht one-way air ticket to Rangoon or Penang once per quarter is no hardship if that's what it comes to.

But what hasn't been examined yet is any change in posture by the Immigration Police at land borders. Are they going to jump on the bandwagon as well and demand to see an outbound ticket when activating either the first or second entry? If not, only two disposable tickets per year would be needed.

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In the mooted interview that TV will conduct with the authorities, it will be helpful to know what the date on the outbound flight should be.

In the case of a double entry tourist visa, should it be:

  • 59 days or less after the first entry?
  • 89 days or less after the first entry plus extension?
  • 118, 148 or 178 days or less assuming the second entry can be made at a land border and one or two extensions granted?

Just to let you know, I got my SEV (60 days) two days after the rule changes. I did not need a ticket out, nor proof of a ticket out of Thailand. I simply needed a ticket showing entry into Thailand. Odd I know, but that was all. And I got my SEV with no hassles from PP Embassy.

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Looking at the Royal Thai Emb web site out of Washington Dc http://www.thaiembdc...SA/Tourist.aspx it seems the only new requirement is the hotel reservation. copy of round trip tickets or travel itn was always an requirement. Minor change for most folks.

In SEA consulates I've never been asked to show a round trip ticket. I've also never been asked to show sufficient funds although that has always been a requirement too.

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How about owning a property in Thailand?

If you own a condo can you use the ownership paperwork for the visa?

Obviously if you own a property in Thailand you dont need a hotel booking?

If you own property chances are you will be staying longer than 60 days. Of course there will be the odd one who only stays 60 days and then moves on for business reasons. He will be coming in and out of the country. Maybe some kind of work permit. Who knows?

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This only applies to people who apply for a tourist visa at the Thai embassy in their home country or any country for that matter.

This does not apply to tourists who arrive and get the normal 30 day stamp.

This is not too hurt tourism, it is just another way to make it harder for all the people working here illegally, without work permit and non-immigrant visa.

So what about the Burmies who walk throught the Jungels to get to Thailand, Then work for half the price, maybe they have to show a new pair of shoes to walk home in .

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In December past I had to provide an airline ticket out of the country and a letter of explanation as to why I had no hotel reservations to the Thai Embassy in NZ, the air ticket applyed way back 6 years ago, so nothing is new.

I got a double entry and arranged an air ticket to Laos for my second entry, no problem.

As a tourist, definition someone who tours around, I told them I wanted to see many parts of the country and not just stay in one place and provided them with an itinerary which they accepted, again no problem.

Havent read all of this but see most of the whingers are not real tourists anyway.

No wonder the new requirements don't bother you. The Thai Consulate in NZ had you jumping through hoops already, as is quite typical of the way many things are done in that little country.

It's seriously retarded to have to show return tickets when you apply for a visa. What if you don't get it? How annoying would it be if you prepare a full itinerary for a double entry tourist visa application and it is not approved.

When people apply for tourist visas for Australia and NZ they specifically recommend you DON'T buy tickets until you know your visa has been approved. The same applies to hotel accommodation.

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A little bit annoying that Thai Visa makes this report but doesn't provide details on it.

How the new rule will be interpreted is up to the individual consulates and embassies. Usually a lot depends on where you apply, and suspect that the consulats in neighbouring countries will be the strictest. The waiting is for reports from people who are faced with the new rules.

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In December past I had to provide an airline ticket out of the country and a letter of explanation as to why I had no hotel reservations to the Thai Embassy in NZ, the air ticket applyed way back 6 years ago, so nothing is new.

I got a double entry and arranged an air ticket to Laos for my second entry, no problem.

As a tourist, definition someone who tours around, I told them I wanted to see many parts of the country and not just stay in one place and provided them with an itinerary which they accepted, again no problem.

Havent read all of this but see most of the whingers are not real tourists anyway.

No wonder the new requirements don't bother you. The Thai Consulate in NZ had you jumping through hoops already, as is quite typical of the way many things are done in that little country.

It's seriously retarded to have to show return tickets when you apply for a visa. What if you don't get it? How annoying would it be if you prepare a full itinerary for a double entry tourist visa application and it is not approved.

When people apply for tourist visas for Australia and NZ they specifically recommend you DON'T buy tickets until you know your visa has been approved. The same applies to hotel accommodation.

What a sensible post. Pass it on to LOS Immigration. :)

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