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Stricter Requirements For Tourist Visa Applicants

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How unwise to make it more cumbersome for people to apply for a tourist visa just as a global recession is about to take hold.

If you truly want families and quality tourists here, how about these long term measures:

- Police reform to battle corruption. Like in South Korea. If they could do it, so can you. It's 2011 now, time to get real.

- Clean up the prostitution from the major tourist spots. Most tourists in the family category tend not to be impressed by prostitution in their face, and the prostitution business is a magnet for undesirables, both Thais and foreigners.

- Educate Thai electricians properly so fewer tourists are electrocuted in the shower. Parents tend to be quite upset when their children die because of neglect and incompetence.

- Regulate and ENFORCE the use of pesticides and insecticides so you won't have to wring your hands after tourists "inexplicably" drop dead in hotels and from eating poisonous food. Research, educate and encourage organic growth practices, natural and least dangerous pest control measures. Make sure the knowledge gets all the way to the actual farmers by engaging the village networks.

- Arrest ALL beggars on sight, interrogate them about their conditions and mafia networks, gather enough evidence, appropriate the assets of the leaders of the trafficking rings, give harsh punishments (fines and jail time) to everyone else involved or benefitting, use the money/assets collected in fines to rehabilitate and educate the beggars where possible. Keep up these arrests until it simple becomes too much hassle to beg or to benefit from begging.

- Clean up the scamming in tourist areas. That includes jet ski scams, gem scams, card game scams, and all the others.

I'd can agree with some of your points, but I think changing to much would take all the fun from Thailand.

Well I for one agree with all of weary's suggestions,could you please inform me which of the points he put forward do you disagree with and would leave them as they are ,cos to change them may take the "fun" out of coming here for an holiday? Edited by Colin Yai
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Nothing strange in this announcement. Nearly all countries have these requirements.

No gain for them in trying to detail all exceptions - the explanation letter possibility covers all.

Only point of interest maybe - Why now?

How come we have over 300 posts in two days?

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Sending off visa application to Hull on Monday. Got the additional information to send should it be refused but since I am not leaving for 11 days I thought I might give it a go. I'll let everyone know how it pans out.

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I think it's time we go through the options.

A school can provide a ED visa "paper only" (no actual education) for around 15.000 Baht,

and for another 15.000 Baht (paid through the school), the Immigration in Jomtien is corrupt enough

not to disturb, in fact we don't even have to go to the immigration for the interrogation.

Add 4x1900 and the visa for 1 year is ~38.000 Baht

Other alternatives ?

Edited by poanoi
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I think it's time we go through the options.

A school can provide a ED visa "paper only" (no actual education) for around 15.000 Baht,

and for another 15.000 Baht (paid through the school), the Immigration in Jomtien is corrupt enough

not to disturb, in fact we don't even have to go to the immigration for the interrogation.

Add 4x1900 and the visa for 1 year is ~38.000 Baht

Other alternatives ?

Google the alternatives there are a number of Law Firm that clearly state on there websites they can help + supply the funds for the yearly extensions + give prices. Never used so no idea how legal..

As for the school, friend wanted to learn spoken Thai, that was no problem as class was 2 hrs of spoken Thai and 2 hrs of written Thai, they only do the 2 hrs spoken Thai, has never been a problem with Immigration and extensions

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of course it hurts tourism. all those backpackers who apply for tourist visas in their home countries before travelling and who generally cross land borders after a number of weeks in thailand will now think 'fuc_k it' and go to cambodia instead. between this law change and the 15-day land border crossing it would appear that thailand doesn't want the backpacker trade any more, only people who fly in and out and who have booked two weeks at their resort on phuket.

They were more than explicit in not wanting backpackers. To be fair, I can see their point. Who wouldn't want to be a high-end tourist destination like Cayman Islands, Tahiti, Seychelles, etc. I just wonder if the gov knows how Thailand compares to those other places.

One thing is for sure - they don't want sexpats living off social security paychecks. Looking at people in Pattaya, I can't blame them for this either. biggrin.gif

They will keep on tightening rules until people start leaving en masses and Thai income from foreigners (long term) drops. They are in the business of making money, not being worlds nursing home.

If you're a bona fide tourist, this rule won't affect you.

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Please don't expect any logics from Thai lawmakers, they don't discuss or consider the possible consequences of their rulings. Law in Thailand is mainly something stupid that nobody is able to follow, way above what they really want to achieve, then everybody works around it as good as they can. It is just a declaration of intentions.

But it can be used at any time against who they want, because most people are breaking some of their useless laws at some point. :unsure::whistling::(:ph34r:

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How stupid can they get, why would anyone layout around 8oo pound for airline ticket from UK to come here before they know they will be granted a visa, how about the back packers who just travel and get a bed where ever they find themseves, in my opinion more braun dead thinking.

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How stupid can they get, why would anyone layout around 8oo pound for airline ticket from UK to come here before they know they will be granted a visa, how about the back packers who just travel and get a bed where ever they find themseves, in my opinion more braun dead thinking.

So i'm still confused about this situation. How do these new rules affect someone who is trying to get a work permit to teach in Thailand? If I have a job offer before I go, do I still have to get a round trip ticket and reserve a hotel?

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So my guess this means no more going to Cambodia and getting a multi from the Thai consulate?

It's too early to say that, you have to wait a couple of weeks to see what is really happening

Just my 2 cents :)

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So my guess this means no more going to Cambodia and getting a multi from the Thai consulate?

What about the people who leave LOS then post their passport back home for another triple entry? I had a quick search but couldn't find anyone who had been caught out using this method so perhaps the people who do it don't exist.

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This return or onward ticket is becoming a pain in the arse, I met it last year, I booked a single to Manila from Bangkok, paid for it, then at check in they would not let me fly because it was a single and I could show no onward booking. I explained I had not yet decided how long I was staying in the Philippines or which airport I would fly back from. They still refused, so no flight, and no refund.

I have enjoyed free wheeling around Asia for many years, now it seems I have to plan everything in advance.

That was to meet Philippines Government requirements that you do not overstay whilst there. Nothing new really. I had to show the return ticket,bank statements and a letter from my employer (but not hotel bookings) to get a 59 day Philippines tourist visa and that was 10 years ago.

But what this does show is that Thailand is not different to many other countries. I can't see why people are winging. Must be the ones who believe the world in general and Thailand in particular owes them a living.

Edited by CRUNCHER
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Some one arrives at consulate office with passport full of Thai stamps, they suspect they are working there. They now have a reason to say no or make it harder unless they get there shz..t together.

Same applies for those living here in retirement on tourist visas etc.

Average tourist will not be affected at all.

Seems to me get appropriate visa all ok, I do feel for those in limbo however for eg the younger person in retirement.

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Some one arrives at consulate office with passport full of Thai stamps, they suspect they are working there. They now have a reason to say no or make it harder unless they get there shz..t together.

Same applies for those living here in retirement on tourist visas etc.

Average tourist will not be affected at all.

Seems to me get appropriate visa all ok, I do feel for those in limbo however for eg the younger person in retirement.

A lot of teachers working illegally don't want to work illegally. Their schools/companies just aren't organized enough to get them work permits & the proper visa.

There are also plenty of people who work online, play poker, write novels, etc who live on tourist visas.

Anyways if this law gets enforced strictly, particularly the part about needing 60 days of hotel reservations, I'll probably just move to Cambodia and spend my money there.

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How stupid can they get, why would anyone layout around 8oo pound for airline ticket from UK to come here before they know they will be granted a visa, how about the back packers who just travel and get a bed where ever they find themseves, in my opinion more braun dead thinking.

You should have tried going to Russia in the early 90's. The process was very similar. You had to first book your flight and pay for it, then using this information you booked and paid for a reservation room in a government owned 'Intourist' hotel. Once you arrived at the airport there was a queue for an hour or two at immigration despite there only being a handful of foreigners in front of you. Passports were of course surrendered to the hotel upon checkin. Large groups of soldiers were roaming around everywhere scrounging cigarettes, etc from you. They (armed soldiers) also asked for passports to get into the empty bars even knowing that the hotel always kept the passport.

And this was after the Berlin wall came down and the USSR had already become the CIS ! When I got there the place didn't have so many foreign tourists there. This kind of situation put me off getting visas in such scenarios for life as it's rarely worth the hassle. I have never returned to Russia since this trip and have no plans on doing so in the near future although I'm sure it's changed a bit since then.

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Some one arrives at consulate office with passport full of Thai stamps, they suspect they are working there. They now have a reason to say no or make it harder unless they get there shz..t together.

Same applies for those living here in retirement on tourist visas etc.

Average tourist will not be affected at all.

Seems to me get appropriate visa all ok, I do feel for those in limbo however for eg the younger person in retirement.

A lot of teachers working illegally don't want to work illegally. Their schools/companies just aren't organized enough to get them work permits & the proper visa.

There are also plenty of people who work online, play poker, write novels, etc who live on tourist visas.

Anyways if this law gets enforced strictly, particularly the part about needing 60 days of hotel reservations, I'll probably just move to Cambodia and spend my money there.

Better internet for your poker playing, day trading, whatever in Cambo as well.

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of course it hurts tourism. all those backpackers who apply for tourist visas in their home countries before travelling and who generally cross land borders after a number of weeks in thailand will now think 'fuc_k it' and go to cambodia instead. between this law change and the 15-day land border crossing it would appear that thailand doesn't want the backpacker trade any more, only people who fly in and out and who have booked two weeks at their resort on phuket.

They were more than explicit in not wanting backpackers. To be fair, I can see their point. Who wouldn't want to be a high-end tourist destination like Cayman Islands, Tahiti, Seychelles, etc. I just wonder if the gov knows how Thailand compares to those other places.

One thing is for sure - they don't want sexpats living off social security paychecks. Looking at people in Pattaya, I can't blame them for this either. biggrin.gif

They will keep on tightening rules until people start leaving en masses and Thai income from foreigners (long term) drops. They are in the business of making money, not being worlds nursing home.

If you're a bona fide tourist, this rule won't affect you.

Contrary to popular thought, the thousands and thousands of people who are visiting Cambodia,Vietnam, Laos, and Malaysia these days are not just dirty unkempt "backpackers" with no money. They are affluent young (and old), they spend plenty of tourist dollars, support plenty of local economies. Thousands of them are on gap year trips, thousands of others are between work, taking time off, etc, and are out for several months. Due to Thailand's border proximity with neighboring countries, they don't necessarily make air bookings as they travel by land, nor do they make hotel bookings as they don't have fixed itineraries. So yes, this rule will affect thousands and thousands of tourists, not just the thousands who live here with enough money and no need to work, yet not old enough to get a retirement visa.

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How stupid can they get, why would anyone layout around 8oo pound for airline ticket from UK to come here before they know they will be granted a visa, how about the back packers who just travel and get a bed where ever they find themseves, in my opinion more braun dead thinking.

I totaly agree and allways do that never buy a airline ticket untill Iget the visa and that applies both ways if I am travelling from Australia I wait until I get the visa to travel to Thailand.Also if coming back to Australia with my Thai wife I get the visa first then the plane ticket simply because the Australian embassy asks for the date you would like to travel,We put that date down lucky we didn't by airline ticket's as her visa was approved 4 week's passed that date.Dont think the airlines give out refund's because you haven't got your visa yet.Also there's the off chance it wont be approved and you get know visa.Lucky for us we have a very good Thai consulate where we live in Australia.Also I thought that was how the consulates made their money wages ect from the money made from visa's that was why the cried foul with the free visa program last year amazing what a change of government does the last gave away visa's to promote tourism this one trying to make it harder.Every one will now get non "0" visas then they'll crack down on them to.Why do they make it harder for the people that spend the most money in their country whether falang that live there or 60 day tourist's I will never know.I am back in Australia now for a few months but lived there a short time 1 year built a house with my wife in Issan.Also been going there on and off for about 5 years love the place been everywhere north south east and west .Next they will stop same day boarder runs then everybody will be in the shit.

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Thai Embassies and Consulates abroad to be stricter with requirements when applicants are applying for Tourist visas for Thailand.

Does this apply to "Visa Exempt" entry also?

What happens if the tourists are staying with friends?

Or if you are married to a Thai citizen and will be staying at their/your residence.

Too me this sounds like another way to kill tourism.

I was asked many years ago at the consulate in HCM to ask my then gf to fax a letter of invitation, her id and TB to the embassy before I was given a visa.

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The new regulations are quite fair and are the same as a Thai applying for a visa to visit a European country. It says that if you can't supply a hotel booking

all you need to do is have a covering letter saying you will be staying with friends. I can't see what all the fuss is about. Such remarks as "killing tourism" are pathetic.

Tourists are coming here in increasing numbers.

You can't see? Why is that? Why exactly does one need to have pre-arranged, confirmed (usually means pre-paid) hotel bookings for an entire 60-day trip ahead of time? Where exactly does one get a letter invitation from "friends" to supply to the consulate? In two months time one can't travel on an ad hoc basis or shop for better hotel rates after arrival? If you can't see what the fuss is about, I can guarantee many others do in fact have this level of mental acuity. And THEN there's the matter of having to buy a return plane ticket BEFORE actually HAVING the visa. It's not worth it. Many just will decide it's not worth the bother.

Edited by hawker9000
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The new regulations are quite fair and are the same as a Thai applying for a visa to visit a European country. It says that if you can't supply a hotel booking

all you need to do is have a covering letter saying you will be staying with friends. I can't see what all the fuss is about. Such remarks as "killing tourism" are pathetic.

Tourists are coming here in increasing numbers.

Why is that? Why exactly does one need to have pre-arranged, confirmed (usually means pre-paid) hotel bookings for an entire 60-day trip ahead of time? In two months time one can't travel on an ad hoc basis or shop for better hotel rates after arrival? If you can't see what the fuss is about, I can guarantee many others do in fact have this level of mental acuity. And it's not worth it. Many just will decide it's not worth the bother.

Agreed, it's daft. ;)

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of course it hurts tourism. all those backpackers who apply for tourist visas in their home countries before travelling and who generally cross land borders after a number of weeks in thailand will now think 'fuc_k it' and go to cambodia instead. between this law change and the 15-day land border crossing it would appear that thailand doesn't want the backpacker trade any more, only people who fly in and out and who have booked two weeks at their resort on phuket.

They were more than explicit in not wanting backpackers. To be fair, I can see their point. Who wouldn't want to be a high-end tourist destination like Cayman Islands, Tahiti, Seychelles, etc. I just wonder if the gov knows how Thailand compares to those other places.

One thing is for sure - they don't want sexpats living off social security paychecks. Looking at people in Pattaya, I can't blame them for this either. biggrin.gif

They will keep on tightening rules until people start leaving en masses and Thai income from foreigners (long term) drops. They are in the business of making money, not being worlds nursing home.

If you're a bona fide tourist, this rule won't affect you.

Contrary to popular thought, the thousands and thousands of people who are visiting Cambodia,Vietnam, Laos, and Malaysia these days are not just dirty unkempt "backpackers" with no money. They are affluent young (and old), they spend plenty of tourist dollars, support plenty of local economies. Thousands of them are on gap year trips, thousands of others are between work, taking time off, etc, and are out for several months. Due to Thailand's border proximity with neighboring countries, they don't necessarily make air bookings as they travel by land, nor do they make hotel bookings as they don't have fixed itineraries. So yes, this rule will affect thousands and thousands of tourists, not just the thousands who live here with enough money and no need to work, yet not old enough to get a retirement visa.

Completely drop all your stereotypical views of backpackers.

I have met prison wardens, CEOs and multi-millionare football stars from europe who prefer to travel as a backpacker.

Some of them dont even seem to have a change of underwear but millions in the bank. :lol:

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Sounds about right.

Ive met so many expats in Thailand who harp on about the injustices in their countries. Complaining about immigrants, how it affects THEM. How things dont suit THEM. Rant on about how badly they are treated in Thailand how unfair they cant stay as long as they want etc etc.. If immigration policy affects THEM badly they complain all the time. But if something works in their favour, its OK. Forget everyone else. Its all about ME

Probably the reason they are divorced, have children back home they never see... hiding out here to avoid paying maintenance for their kids. Made a failure of being a husband and a father because they are so SELF CENTRED.

The link provided for the story seems a little confusing. The article on the link is headed "tourist visa", yet the paragraph below goes on to stipulate requirements regarding business people, investors and students.

Why would other requirements for all sorts of other visa classifications appear under the tourist visa heading??

It does not clearly differenciate between what requirements go with what visas, so to me this looks like a erroneous page that contains jumbled up basic info, rather than tourist visa specific.

Whats more, the news and daily press release tabs on the same immigration site makes no mention of the changes on its daily updates.

A poster has already demonstrated that the UK website states nothing has changed for people who travel on a pre arranged visa.

And this, taken off from a Thai consulate in Australia.

Persons without confirmed outbound airline ticket must have a visa. Please note that these exemptions do not apply to visitors from any countries entering Thailand by land, rail, sea or private aircraft, or who visit for business, professional or other non-tourism purposes.

These are the same words i noticed last month and theres been no changes to the site as far as requirements for a pre-arranged visas go.

To me these are not changes at all, but existing requirements that have never, or rarely been enforced on tourists who obtain visa ON ARRIVAL.

Oh well, good for a 30 page thread of arguments full of richard-heads and "see-khao" wannabe thai farangs telling every longer staying tourist to get out of HIS Thailand.

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You Can make hotel bookings without prepaying! No problem. Or you can prepay and cancel and get a refund! So if you book one hotel, get your visa and later change your mind about which hotel you will stay at...or change the date of your return flight....... will you need a new visa? hehe! If the hotel that you indicate on your visa does not match the hotel details on your immigration card.... will this be a problem at immigration? Another decision from Bizzaro Land.:whistling:

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This is standard procedure for many, if not most, countries in the world. If you have land, house, TGF, etc, then you should have the corresponding visa for such activities. Yes, they want control of their borders, just like any other country, as their hospitality and lax regulation have been abused over and over. I think many Thais would be quite happy to lose their reputation as whorehouse for the world. Even if it makes my life difficult in some ways, I'd still tend to agree with them.

There is NO visa for such thing

Im 25, Self employed I have a very long term thai girlfriend and a child. I have a house in her name and a car in her name and keep 0 baht here (cant change that)

Every country would have a visa for this, except thailand. All i can get is tourist.

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