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Worrying About Nothing?


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in november i'm taking my one year old daughter for her first trip to Thailand to meet her other family in Ubon. im concerned about how she will cope with the heat, different food and particularly the insects and obviously the mozzies. i dont really want to have to give her malaria tablets but on the other hand malaria isnt much fun. her mum had dengue fever when she was young so supposedly my daughter will have those antibodies. am i worrying over nothing?

also does anyone know if there's anywhere to hire a car in Detudom?

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No, you aren't worrying over nothing.

There is a risk, albeit small, that your daughter will catch a life threatening disease there.

You cannot protect her against that risk, only reduce it by giving her some vaccines, but I think not all can be administrated in such a young age.

The risks are probably 10 or 20 times higher than in urban UK or Australia. So they are still small, but higher.

You got to make a decision.

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IMHO Malaria is not the number one risk. In the populated areas it has become rare.

Dengue is a risk and needs quick treatment.

In November the risk for dengue is decreasing (compared to the wet season).

Make sure the child is vaccinated especially for Hepatitis A/B (if feasible with this age, consult a specialist).

Ask a specialist or do a search for other useful/possible vaccinations.

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Howdy ,

I would advise you to check with your local GP and bring your daughters immunisation record just in case .

I moved to Issan when my son was not yet three and he has picked up plenty of bugs since then and has had a rabies course after getting bitten by a dog . Ubon has a good public hospital and the Det Udom hospital is useful if your child gets a fever and so on .

You would be better off hiring your car from Ubon and driving down the 50 odd kilometers to Det .

There is a nice resort with pool called Montilla in Det and a fat lady that sells cold beer outside Tesco .

Enjoy your stay


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Had the same fears when I brought our first born over, went to see a specialist in tropical diseases in Australia. Needed no extra vaccinations, than those that are given to all kids born in OZ. By far the biggest danger in not natural, but comes in the form of big silver pickup trucks driven by idiots.

The area is not deemed to be high risk for malaria unless you go into the real jungle. Dengue fever is a problem, but a good repellent used one hour before sunset will do the trick and sleep under a net.

We [2 kids now] live here permanently and besides for the usual coughs, colds etc no problems.

If you are staying in Det and want a night out at the end of no where, come on over. Jim

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There is a nice resort with pool called Montilla in Det and a fat lady that sells cold beer outside Tesco .

Enjoy your stay


Just make sure at Montilla the kids wear goggles! http://memock.wordpress.com/2011/07/04/monteera-resort-and-swimming-pool-det-udom-มนธีรา-รีสอร์ท-เดชอ/

And yes I think you are worrying a little too much. We took two of our kids for extended stays multiple times from the age of 2 months and yes they did get a little sick sometimes but nothing too serious. My two month old has his passport and is ready to go come Christmas time.

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You don't develop any immunity from having had Dengue Fever. This condition is caused by the Aedes mosquito. This mosquito bites primarily during the day so that is when you must be the most careful. I had this painful condition so I do know a bit about it.

The symptoms are high fever, headache and joint pain. There is no actual treatment other than keeping the patient well hydrated and watching the blood count.

NEVER take aspirin for the pain or fever. I was eating aspirin like candy and the doctor told me that I obviously have no internal problems because if I did, I would have bled to death.

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You don't develop any immunity from having had Dengue Fever. This condition is caused by the Aedes mosquito. This mosquito bites primarily during the day so that is when you must be the most careful. I had this painful condition so I do know a bit about it.

The symptoms are high fever, headache and joint pain. There is no actual treatment other than keeping the patient well hydrated and watching the blood count.

NEVER take aspirin for the pain or fever. I was eating aspirin like candy and the doctor told me that I obviously have no internal problems because if I did, I would have bled to death.

ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, Gary, I had dengue fever a little over a year ago and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. The headache and joint pain were indescribable...the worst I have ever felt. I also agree there is no immunity, there are different kinds of dengue you can get.

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Cheers Patriot, that is a great idea! Any suggestions on where to find a good one?

Finland :whistling:

Yes, excellent suggestion as always. There used to be a small little business just out of Ubon dealing in Finnish Christmas trees not so long ago. He was also a member of Thai Visa, perhaps he could let us know if he has any available for this year.

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regards the anti bodies of dengue, i was merely quoting the haemotologist who told us this. and yes i hear you james C about the pick up trucks driven my the drivingly - challenged - how true.

reason why i want to rent a car from det udom rather than ubon is because i am not exactly the most confident driver (late starter 3 years ago aged 30) and i dont think i'll make it that far, whereas from det udom its just straight onto highway 2171 for 20 klicks or so

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Purchase child friendly repellent & be vigilant about any standing water around the house or wherever you are staying. Burn the coils if you are sitting outside too.

I always used muslin cloths to cover my son when he slept during the day, it is a good way to cover their skin without being too hot. A cat net for the buggy is also a good idea as it protects against mossies & insects too.

I have also seen insect repellent bracelets for childen, have never used them myself but have heard good things.

We took my son when he was 11 weeks old first time & he is now 4 & has spent alot of time in LOS. lots of mossie bites but never any illness.

The vaccination against Hep is a very good idea, my gp advised it when my son was a year old as he was crawling & walking by that stage & the risk of him stepping on a nail or broken glass is high in los. Especially on beaches.

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Regarding Dengue: it is actually about 4 different viruses spread by the same mosquito and having relatively the same effect. If you catch one of them once, you can't catch that one again (there is immunity) but it offers no protection against the other 3. So, yes, you still have to worry about mosquitoes, and maybe your child is immune to one of the varieties, but not all of them.

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....and then you can worry yourself to death over speculative accounts, what ifs, unknowns, mysteries yet to come [or not].

Or you can live what seems forever regretting you did not take the precautions that are apropriate and needed,.

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....and then you can worry yourself to death over speculative accounts, what ifs, unknowns, mysteries yet to come [or not].

Uhhhhhh, say again ?. In English. :unsure:

I'm sorry....you're not familiar with the language?:rolleyes:

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....and then you can worry yourself to death over speculative accounts, what ifs, unknowns, mysteries yet to come [or not].

Uhhhhhh, say again ?. In English. :unsure:

I'm sorry....you're not familiar with the language?:rolleyes:

Sort of, but l do not understand your post. Sooooooooooo, for a basic English guy like me, can you put it in more understandable English. Please, just for me. :)

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Cheers Patriot, that is a great idea! Any suggestions on where to find a good one?

Finland :whistling:

Yes, excellent suggestion as always. There used to be a small little business just out of Ubon dealing in Finnish Christmas trees not so long ago. He was also a member of Thai Visa, perhaps he could let us know if he has any available for this year.

Don't bother. My parents in law brought a small one from Denmark all the way to Isaan. A dog ate it. :D

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Op looks like no one came up with a car rental place in Det. I have to say I don't know of any, but I would suggest that you rent a car and driver at the Ubon airport. As you leave the luggage area turn left, you will see them there. Think about 1000 Baht will get you to the village.

Sure when you are there, there will be an uncle or cousin with the standard big silver twin cab pickup, who will be more than willing to rent it to you for 1000 Baht a day and he will probably be happy to do the driving as well. Jim

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Op looks like no one came up with a car rental place in Det. I have to say I don't know of any, but I would suggest that you rent a car and driver at the Ubon airport. As you leave the luggage area turn left, you will see them there. Think about 1000 Baht will get you to the village.

Sure when you are there, there will be an uncle or cousin with the standard big silver twin cab pickup, who will be more than willing to rent it to you for 1000 Baht a day and he will probably be happy to do the driving as well. Jim

The taxi rate from the airport , same desk as hire cars , goes something like 100 bhat per 10 km . I usually pay 700 bhat and a 100 bhat tip for the driver . We are 10 km south of Det Udom . They can also collect you early morn when yo are heading back up to the airport . The drivers are in my experience not at all bad .

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Op looks like no one came up with a car rental place in Det. I have to say I don't know of any, but I would suggest that you rent a car and driver at the Ubon airport. As you leave the luggage area turn left, you will see them there. Think about 1000 Baht will get you to the village.

Sure when you are there, there will be an uncle or cousin with the standard big silver twin cab pickup, who will be more than willing to rent it to you for 1000 Baht a day and he will probably be happy to do the driving as well. Jim

Ubon airport now has taximeter cabs. :huh:

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"her mum had dengue fever when she was young so supposedly my daughter will have those antibodies." I don't think so. Have your daughter immunised for Japanese Encephalitis. And yes you're worrying too much.

No need for JE. Only around Rainy season( may to October).

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