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I'm A Red Shirt But Neutral, Says Thai Govt Spokesman Anusorn


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I'm a red shirt but neutral, says govt spokesman Anusorn

By Budsarakham Sinlapalavan

The Nation

Deputy government spokesman Anusorn Eiamsa-ard is one of the many red-shirt figures who have become political appointees in the Yingluck Shinawatra government.

Anusorn, 36, is one of the three deputy government spokespersons, and his responsibility covers political and social issues.

Also known as "DJ Opal", he hosted news-oriented and talk-show programmes on pro-red satellite-based television and community radio. Eloquence has been his forte since he was in high school in the northeastern province of Nakhon Ratchasima - he won a prize for outstanding young debaters from Channel 3's High-School Debate programme.

During street protests by the red shirts over the past two years, Anusorn acted as stage emcee. He insists that despite his new job as deputy government spokesman, he still considers himself a red shirt - albeit a "constructive and compromising" one.

Unlike many red shirt leaders involved in the anti-government protests that led to unrest and riots, Anusorn has not been charged.

"During the election campaigning, the [Pheu Thai] Party wanted a clear separation between red-shirt and party rallies. I was the only red-shirt figure to be selected to work on the party's rally stage, and I didn't join the red-shirts' rally. That's because I have an image of being neutral. It's also acceptable among the red shirts that I am neutral," he said.

Regarding questions about his political background, Anusorn described them as "natural", saying that while the red shirts backed him, the movement's enemies did not like him.

He said his background in the news media would be helpful to his new job. The spokesman job would not be much different from the job of hosting news programmes although he would have to be more careful about what he was saying.

"As a spokesman for the government, what you say will cause a wider impact," he added.

Anusorn said he would now adhere to the job of deputy government spokesman and would not join any street campaign by the red shirts, adding that the red shirts already had many people who could be stage emcees at their rallies. However, he also expressed confidence the red shirts would not take to the street during this government's tenure.

"The red shirts will help support this government. The government has people who are ready to support them in many ways," he said. "The red shirts are from many occupations, such as police, military, teacher, and academic."

Regarding the political conflict, the deputy government spokesman said he believed the Pheu Thai-led administration "will not cause any new wounds and will also prevent the old wounds from having infection".

He said the rivalry between the different political colours would go in the future if the government could ensure there is no practice of double standards.

"If the government can please the people and win their acceptance by ensuring fairness and making them happy and getting rid of their suffering, not only the red shirts but also people from other political colours will support the government," he said.


-- The Nation 2011-09-08

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"If the government can please the people and win their acceptance by ensuring fairness and making them happy and getting rid of their suffering, not only the red shirts but also people from other political colours will support the government," he said.

Second biggest 'IF' I've heard in a while.

This is the first...

He said the rivalry between the different political colours would go in the future if the government could ensure there is no practice of double standards.

Edited by looping
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"During the election campaigning, the [Pheu Thai] Party wanted a clear separation between red-shirt and party rallies. I was the only red-shirt figure to be selected to work on the party's rally stage, and I didn't join the red-shirts' rally. That's because I have an image of being neutral. It's also acceptable among the red shirts that I am neutral," he said.

The strangest form of neutrality I have ever encountered.

If the above statement is correct it implies, nay confirms that the Red Shirt movement and P.T.P. (Personal Thaksin Property) are one and the same.This is a fact that many people were already well aware of though.

Declaring sides and acting as an M.C. on a stage is hardly an acceptable stance of neutrality in my book and I am sure many other peoples books too.

the P.T.P. and its acolytes and paid lackeys would never know the truth if it jumped up in front of them.

Born again liars all of them.

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"I'm a red shirt but neutral". He is also a propagandist to make a statement like that. How can anyone who has chosen sides so clearly be neutral? He can't, so, what he is saying is propaganda. Maybe he doesn't know the difinition of neutral or maybe what he said was misquoted or misunderstood or mistranslated but that statement is an oxymoron.

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"I was the only red-shirt figure to be selected to work on the party's rally stage, and I didn't join the red-shirts' rally. That's because I have an image of being neutral."

Born again liars all of them.

That's interesting he says he didn't join the Red Shirt rally.

Returning to his public Facebook Fan Club page, we can see quite a few shots of him "not" joining the Red Shirt rally.



Edited by Buchholz
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When governments of either of the two main parties get into power they fill civil service positions with their own sympathizers, speed up projects and judicial processes when their supporters have an interest in doing so, and slow them down when they don't. Arguments from either side about double-standards are therefore going to be as numerous as they are pointless, as the practice is self-evident no matter who's running the country.

This is a symptom of a society where the rule of law is considered a tool (in this case for achieving political ends) rather than the guarantor of fairness, equality and entitlement. As such, the focus on the legal wranglings behind accusations of double-standards is a comparative red herring compared to the underlying drivers behind the tensions between the rival parties.

Accusations of double standards - whilst purportedly a call for consistency and reason during the time of a government's term - ignore the broader context which clearly demonstrates its inevitability.

It's getting to the stage where accusing someone of double-standards hardly has any moral/legal/political value to it at all and the only point in doing it is to throw up a smokescreen to divert attention from other issues.

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He is neutral now since his Red Shirt bosses probably told him to act and talk neutral until his bosses tell him to shift out of neutral and go full speed ahead again with the Red Shirt agenda.

Sorry to correct you PIB but don't you mean "The Red Sheep Agenda"! :lol:
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"During the election campaigning, the [Pheu Thai] Party wanted a clear separation between red-shirt and party rallies. I was the only red-shirt figure to be selected to work on the party's rally stage, and I didn't join the red-shirts' rally. That's because I have an image of being neutral. It's also acceptable among the red shirts that I am neutral," he said.

The strangest form of neutrality I have ever encountered.

If the above statement is correct it implies, nay confirms that the Red Shirt movement and P.T.P. (Personal Thaksin Property) are one and the same.This is a fact that many people were already well aware of though.

Declaring sides and acting as an M.C. on a stage is hardly an acceptable stance of neutrality in my book and I am sure many other peoples books too.

the P.T.P. and its acolytes and paid lackeys would never know the truth if it jumped up in front of them.

Born again liars all of them.

Clearly what he means is that he didn't join any red shirt rallies whilst campaigning for PT and being on the PT stage. That's because the party wanted people with an air of neutrality to work on their campaign, not diehard reds (although I'm not sure about this as PT definitely had Nattawud on stage with Yingluck at times). I guess by neutral he means he's willing to go against the red shirts if necessary. But who would expect a government spokesman to be neutral anyway?

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"I was the only red-shirt figure to be selected to work on the party's rally stage, and I didn't join the red-shirts' rally. That's because I have an image of being neutral."

Born again liars all of them.

That's interesting he says he didn't join the Red Shirt rally.

Returning to his public Facebook Fan Club page, we can see quite a few shots of him "not" joining the Red Shirt rally.



Are those pictures from the rally during the Election Campaign? Because I could have sworn that's what he said in the OP...........

During the election campaigning, the [Pheu Thai] Party wanted a clear separation between red-shirt and party rallies. I was the only red-shirt figure to be selected to work on the party's rally stage, and I didn't join the red-shirts' rally. That's because I have an image of being neutral. It's also acceptable among the red shirts that I am neutral," he said.

Oh, I see, you didn't post that part.

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"During the election campaigning, the [Pheu Thai] Party wanted a clear separation between red-shirt and party rallies. I was the only red-shirt figure to be selected to work on the party's rally stage, and I didn't join the red-shirts' rally. That's because I have an image of being neutral. It's also acceptable among the red shirts that I am neutral," he said.

The strangest form of neutrality I have ever encountered.

If the above statement is correct it implies, nay confirms that the Red Shirt movement and P.T.P. (Personal Thaksin Property) are one and the same.This is a fact that many people were already well aware of though.

Declaring sides and acting as an M.C. on a stage is hardly an acceptable stance of neutrality in my book and I am sure many other peoples books too.

the P.T.P. and its acolytes and paid lackeys would never know the truth if it jumped up in front of them.

Born again liars all of them.

Clearly what he means is that he didn't join any red shirt rallies whilst campaigning for PT and being on the PT stage. That's because the party wanted people with an air of neutrality to work on their campaign, not diehard reds (although I'm not sure about this as PT definitely had Nattawud on stage with Yingluck at times). I guess by neutral he means he's willing to go against the red shirts if necessary. But who would expect a government spokesman to be neutral anyway?

As far as I remember with most of the Pheu Thai election campaign both stage and attendance would look like a red-shirt rally. 'red-shirt only' rallies (if there were) were certainly limited in scale.

So ?

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Clearly what he means is that he didn't join any red shirt rallies whilst campaigning for PT and being on the PT stage. That's because the party wanted people with an air of neutrality to work on their campaign, not diehard reds (although I'm not sure about this as PT definitely had Nattawud on stage with Yingluck at times). I guess by neutral he means he's willing to go against the red shirts if necessary. But who would expect a government spokesman to be neutral anyway?

As far as I remember with most of the Pheu Thai election campaign both stage and attendance would look like a red-shirt rally. 'red-shirt only' rallies (if there were) were certainly limited in scale.

So ?

I agree. I can't see what difference it makes to anyone if he attended only PT rallies or also attended red shirt rallies during the election campaign or not.

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I agree. I can't see what difference it makes to anyone if he attended only PT rallies or also attended red shirt rallies during the election campaign or not.

It makes a difference to him as to how effectively he can sell the lie of being in some way impartial.

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Clearly what he means is that he didn't join any red shirt rallies whilst campaigning for PT and being on the PT stage. That's because the party wanted people with an air of neutrality to work on their campaign, not diehard reds (although I'm not sure about this as PT definitely had Nattawud on stage with Yingluck at times). I guess by neutral he means he's willing to go against the red shirts if necessary. But who would expect a government spokesman to be neutral anyway?

As far as I remember with most of the Pheu Thai election campaign both stage and attendance would look like a red-shirt rally. 'red-shirt only' rallies (if there were) were certainly limited in scale.

So ?

I agree. I can't see what difference it makes to anyone if he attended only PT rallies or also attended red shirt rallies during the election campaign or not.

In principle it doesn't matter, correct. Unfortunately when our dear red-shirt Anusorn (aka DJ Opal) started saying ""During the election campaigning, the [Pheu Thai] Party wanted a clear separation between red-shirt and party rallies. I was the only red-shirt figure to be selected to work on the party's rally stage, and I didn't join the red-shirts' rally.", he put attention to the fact that it was deemed important. That's when people changed from 'who cares' to 'why that artificial separation and the need to mention it'

A clear case of the usual Pheu Thai spokesmen 'foot in mouth' decease <_<

PS from the OP:

"During street protests by the red shirts over the past two years, Anusorn acted as stage emcee."

"I was the only red-shirt figure to be selected to work on the party's rally stage, and I didn't join the red-shirts' rally."

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In principle it doesn't matter, correct. Unfortunately when our dear red-shirt Anusorn (aka DJ Opal) started saying ""During the election campaigning, the [Pheu Thai] Party wanted a clear separation between red-shirt and party rallies. I was the only red-shirt figure to be selected to work on the party's rally stage, and I didn't join the red-shirts' rally.", he put attention to the fact that it was deemed important. That's when people changed from 'who cares' to 'why that artificial separation and the need to mention it'

A clear case of the usual Pheu Thai spokesmen 'foot in mouth' decease <_<

PS from the OP:

"During street protests by the red shirts over the past two years, Anusorn acted as stage emcee."

"I was the only red-shirt figure to be selected to work on the party's rally stage, and I didn't join the red-shirts' rally."

Or possibly it was because he realised that at some stage (pun not intended) or other his and every other red shirt or PTP or UDD persons deeds or sayings would be "reported" / nuanced by the Nation and this non-news would be regurgitated wholesale on to the TV Forum to be picked over by the vultures and pedants coffee1.gif.

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Or possibly it was because he realised that at some stage (pun not intended) or other his and every other red shirt or PTP or UDD persons deeds or sayings would be "reported" / nuanced by the Nation and this non-news would be regurgitated wholesale on to the TV Forum to be picked over by the vultures and pedants coffee1.gif.

Did you also consider Kasit's actions on the PAD stage, prior to his appointment as FM, to be non-news?

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I'm a red shirt but neutral

That is like a Tea Party member saying they are middle of the road.

From Aug. 22-26 2011

""The earthquake was so strong that the Tea Party shifted to the center." –David Letterman" :)

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In principle it doesn't matter, correct. Unfortunately when our dear red-shirt Anusorn (aka DJ Opal) started saying ""During the election campaigning, the [Pheu Thai] Party wanted a clear separation between red-shirt and party rallies. I was the only red-shirt figure to be selected to work on the party's rally stage, and I didn't join the red-shirts' rally.", he put attention to the fact that it was deemed important. That's when people changed from 'who cares' to 'why that artificial separation and the need to mention it'

A clear case of the usual Pheu Thai spokesmen 'foot in mouth' decease <_<

PS from the OP:

"During street protests by the red shirts over the past two years, Anusorn acted as stage emcee."

"I was the only red-shirt figure to be selected to work on the party's rally stage, and I didn't join the red-shirts' rally."

Or possibly it was because he realised that at some stage (pun not intended) or other his and every other red shirt or PTP or UDD persons deeds or sayings would be "reported" / nuanced by the Nation and this non-news would be regurgitated wholesale on to the TV Forum to be picked over by the vultures and pedants coffee1.gif.

Execuses to the real and normal red-shirts, but this red-shirt, government spokesman DJ Opal 'realised' ?

Get real, man. Stop looking for excuses on what red-shirt Pheu Thai spokesmen speak. Unless you want to change your name to Sisyphus, that is ;)

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I expect a partisan spokesperson in any government.

I don't think the issue here is that he is partisan, the issue is that he is trying to deceive by claiming to be non-partisan.

"neutral" ....

I too expect a government spokesman to be a tool of the government .... but I do expect them to be more credible when telling lies, like this neutrality thing.

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I expect a partisan spokesperson in any government.

I don't think the issue here is that he is partisan, the issue is that he is trying to deceive by claiming to be non-partisan.

"neutral" ....

I too expect a government spokesman to be a tool of the government .... but I do expect them to be more credible when telling lies, like this neutrality thing.

For all the weaknesses of the Dems in power, can you imagine Abhisit saying I'm a Democrat but neutral. PLEASE we are seeing idiots here..... Why cannot they all go to bed - wake up and then be normal-transparent -honest-and all these ex pat followers of this clan, and some of their excuses for the change of election pledges, OR LACK OF explanation for the u turns, come on tell the rest the truth.

I am a Dem sort of follower-but NEUTRAL

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Execuses to the real and normal red-shirts, but this red-shirt, government spokesman DJ Opal 'realised' ?

Get real, man. Stop looking for excuses on what red-shirt Pheu Thai spokesmen speak. Unless you want to change your name to Sisyphus, that is ;)

I stand by my posts. Firstly read the OP and the whole quote of what Anusorn said, not Buchholzs version with parts left out to suit his agenda. Secondly I stand by my second posting. look at this Forum - it's full of Nation "stories" designed to raise the ire of anybody who is against the present government and its supporters. Each "story" is leapt upon by the usual suspects who try to out do each other into how "outraged" they are posting page after page of angst. It's like the Thai equivalent of the English Daily Mail, and just as relevant. If you want to buy into that, be my guest. When the dust settles we'll see if rational debate is available again.

And for your information I am a clean living boy and have never had Sisyphus.

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