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Thai PM To Ask Bangkok To Open All Floodgates


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I suspect the main priority is to protect the airport. Nail in the tourist and business confidence not to mention the vindication of all those critics who didnt have a place at the trough and cautioned against building on a swamp when her brother made it his flagship project.

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<br>Tens of Thousands of Bangkok citizens will die, when they are now going flood Bangkok!  The PM is obviously totally in sane!<br><br>How will she supply food and water to the 15-20 million people in Bangkok. The shelves of water has been almost empty for weeks already, so not possible to keep a stock in the home!  And financially Thailand will go bankrupt.<br><br>To late for "State of Emergency".  Only a coup will be able to save Thailand and Bangkok now.<br>
<br><br>Don't be a panic mongering moron. If this were a hollywood movie you'd be the dude that gets knocked off first.<br><br>Things will get worse, but it's far from the end of Thailand. The flooding will last for a few days at most. Many of us will get smelly, a little thirsty, and rather irritable, but mass anihilation from thirst and disease I think not.<br><br>Sometimes things have to be at their worst to bring out the best in people. It waits to be seen if this will change much long term in Thailand, but right now you are seeing a lot of people working together to help each other and prepare as best as possible.<br><br>Personally, I've got dry goods, a bath I can fill with water at a moments notice, batteries, candles, and most importantly, a water filter which I am busily using to fill the myriad of containers I have laying around. Relying on bottled water is wrong on every level, flood or no flood. It doesn't take much to prepare (except for the bath, which was just good luck).<br><br><br>

Oh, for goodness' sake, get a grip. This used to happen every year. I forget which governor of Bangkok finally installed big enough pumps to solve (more or less) the problem. This is going to be bad for a lot of people, and it's possible that a couple will die, although they'd probably die anyway, but it's not going to be tens of thousands. For reasons I've never bothered looking up, the highest tide of the year comes every year in October, and I've noticed always seems to coincide with the peak of the run-off from the North. There are some parts of Bangkok that still get flooded every year, but the water usually doesn't stay very long -- it use to stay for three or four months.

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Of course such an action would totally negate all the efforts of the Democrat controlled B.M.A. thus putting the Democrats in a bad light.

My money is on the fact that it is a politically motivated move aimed at discrediting Bangkoks Democrats.

Yingluck and the current administration are like cornered animals and will indeed take anyone and any thing they could down with them.

All the hallmarks of Yinglucks Big Brothers tactics all over again.

Flooding Bangkok should certainly help solve the problem of red shirts and other PT voters turning against PT for conspiring with the Democrat controlled BMA to save the "elite" in Bangkok. Thaksin is probably thinking ahead to his own political situation and his potential to come back as a saviour after his sister and the other morons in the government have been pushed aside. Probably the rest of his family are already safely abroad and Yingluck has a safe bolthole. The problem is what type of chaos will result from severe flooding for weeks in Bangkok in terms of drowning, starvation, lack of water, rampant crime etc. Once Bangkok is in chaos there will be no administration base left to help people in the city or the provinces, not to mention the destruction of the Thai economy which is 60% from Bangkok. Thaksin will certainly not care how many people suffer die or lose their livelihoods, as long as the final outcome is a triumphant home coming and return to power and riches for himself. He is already well cashed up and can benefit from a fire sale of cheap assets. He has demonstrated his ruthlessness time and time again. Anything can happen.

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At last! Common sense and reasoning prevails. You cannot second guess or subvert nature.

Now my Isaan farm will drain into Bangkok and then the in-laws can move back out there, go back to work and help Thailand earn money to pay for the unfortunate but necessary inconvenience of a bit of water in the capital.


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<br>Tens of Thousands of Bangkok citizens will die, when they are now going flood Bangkok!  The PM is obviously totally in sane!<br><br>How will she supply food and water to the 15-20 million people in Bangkok. The shelves of water has been almost empty for weeks already, so not possible to keep a stock in the home!  And financially Thailand will go bankrupt.<br><br>To late for "State of Emergency".  Only a coup will be able to save Thailand and Bangkok now.<br>
<br><br>Don't be a panic mongering moron. If this were a hollywood movie you'd be the dude that gets knocked off first.<br><br>Things will get worse, but it's far from the end of Thailand. The flooding will last for a few days at most. Many of us will get smelly, a little thirsty, and rather irritable, but mass anihilation from thirst and disease I think not.<br><br>Sometimes things have to be at their worst to bring out the best in people. It waits to be seen if this will change much long term in Thailand, but right now you are seeing a lot of people working together to help each other and prepare as best as possible.<br><br>Personally, I've got dry goods, a bath I can fill with water at a moments notice, batteries, candles, and most importantly, a water filter which I am busily using to fill the myriad of containers I have laying around. Relying on bottled water is wrong on every level, flood or no flood. It doesn't take much to prepare (except for the bath, which was just good luck).<br><br><br>

Oh, for goodness' sake, get a grip. This used to happen every year. I forget which governor of Bangkok finally installed big enough pumps to solve (more or less) the problem. This is going to be bad for a lot of people, and it's possible that a couple will die, although they'd probably die anyway, but it's not going to be tens of thousands. For reasons I've never bothered looking up, the highest tide of the year comes every year in October, and I've noticed always seems to coincide with the peak of the run-off from the North. There are some parts of Bangkok that still get flooded every year, but the water usually doesn't stay very long -- it use to stay for three or four months.

What used to happen in Bangkok on an annual basis was flooding up a metre in places while others remained dry and the waters receded relatively quickly, although prior to 1983 when the pumping stations were installed it hung around up to 50 cm for weeks in certain sois. No one knows what will be the effect of flooding of one to two metres over virtually the whole city for several weeks. Two metres of flood water is now commonplaces in some provinces to the North and it is up to three metres in places.

Estimates of deaths into the ten of thousands are hopefully an exaggeration but we seem to be moving into uncharted territory rather than setting the clock back a couple of decades. If the situation becomes critical in Bangkok and lawlessness results without the government declaring a state of emergency and giving more power to the military, I would not discount the possibility of a coup.

Edited by Arkady
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At last! Common sense and reasoning prevails. You cannot second guess or subvert nature.

Now my Isaan farm will drain into Bangkok and then the in-laws can move back out there, go back to work and help Thailand earn money to pay for the unfortunate but necessary inconvenience of a bit of water in the capital.


The problem is that it's not just water that will flow down Sukhumvit, it will be more like a sewage pipe with all kind of manure, waste, excrement from chicken and pig farms, toxic waste from factories etc.

Does that really help the people already under water?

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It is evident that this woman couldn't manage her way out of a paper bag. The flood gates should have been opened a month ago during low tide on a daily basis. This would have allowed better management of the flooded areas.

Just a bit late as so many have lost so much.

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PM orders floodgates in Bkk to be opened; 4 major canals will be used to drain water from the North; water levels will not swell over banks

So why leave it until now?

They can do this now as it hasn't rained the last couple of days. Before that if you remember (if you live in Bangkok), there were very heavy thunderstorms and the inner canals were full as well

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I was here in May 1985 when a huge tropical depression sat on Bangkok for three days and the deluge was on for 24 hr x 3 days. Sukhumvit Road was a river waist to chest deep. I was on Sukhumvit 55, Soi 23 and did not leave the house for 5 days. Boats were plying the soi, and people were fishing in the soi as well. My home was fortunately a little elevated and the flood water came to the lip of our front door, but not inside. That was very localized as the depression was over the BKK area only. The floods now are the accumulation of water from six months of rain, which is unprecedented in the 27 years I have been staying in Thailand.

Yeah ... they were fishing with nets in front of the Dusit Thani Hotel and catching big fish from the Lumpini Park fish pond. I remember that there were areas of town, particularly Soi 71 and Ramkamhaeng area that stayed flooded for a couple of months.

Because they have been pumping ground water in Bangkok for decades, Bangkok has sunk and is like a bowl. When driving on the older highways, ever notice all those small bridges and culverts that are higher than the highway ... this is because the ground has sunk (the bridges are on pilings).

That flood water won't simply flow thru Bangkok. Parts of the city will be under deep water ... if the really "open all the flood gates".

I just hope this isn't true and it's another one of those ideas that will change again in 30 minutes.

In 1985 there were a few farang wind sufing on Sukhumvit.

rom Twitter a few minutes ago: 20/10 3pm BMA open Khlong2 watergate wider from 20cm to 1m to enhance north water releasing through BKK. via@bangkokgovernor #ThaiFloodEng

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It probably came down to .... either Bangkok or Suphanburi

(apologies for the black humor)

more seriously, this will be a major urban disaster .

That water isn't going to simply flow thru and disappear in a few days.

Right, Bangkok isn't on an incline. It's former marshes and rice paddies and coastal wet lands.

Water in Bangkok will generally just sit.

Which is why the extensive flood control system with plenty of pumping power.

Water in Bangkok does not simply "flow out to the sea".

Look at the canals under normal circumstances.

Does that look to you like a regular, steady flow of water to the sea continually replacing the water you see each day?

Absolute insanity.

Do nothing. Then do everything. Is the leadership bipolar and off their meds?

If anything ever warranted a bloodless coup d'etat and putting someone with a brain in power, this sure seems to be good candidate.

In a day, a few technocrats could come up with a REAL plan and course of intelligent action. Coups in Thailand are an effective tool in the chest that is appropriate at times and CAN make things better FAST.

Forget the civics classes you learned back home. This is Thailand and the military are Thais too and despite their human weaknesses, they tend to LOVE their country and be PATRIOTIC and actually want what is best for their families which happen to be spread throughout the rest of us.

Blindly discounting the benefit of a coup is the true myopia -- brainwashed as a little kid that Western democracy is right for everybody. "And if you don't agree we will bomb the hell out of you!"

Could anything be worse than this present gang of leaders?

We all get to suffer and die and/or lose everything because of a power struggle between competing groups of a few rich and influential.

All Thais need to stand up and say: "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! AND WE CAN'T STAND IT ANY MORE!"

Edited by plumeria
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Of course such an action would totally negate all the efforts of the Democrat controlled B.M.A. thus putting the Democrats in a bad light.

My money is on the fact that it is a politically motivated move aimed at discrediting Bangkoks Democrats.

Yingluck and the current administration are like cornered animals and will indeed take anyone and any thing they could down with them.

All the hallmarks of Yinglucks Big Brothers tactics all over again.

Amazing, such blind hatred and bitterness, to the point that you cannot consider any other possibility.

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" the sister of fugitive former leader Thaksin Shinawatra"

I have seen this over and over, do you think this should be a good time to focus on attacking the flood problem than attacking a person?

Most of the things that we would like to call him are against forum rules, unless you misspell them.

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Of course such an action would totally negate all the efforts of the Democrat controlled B.M.A. thus putting the Democrats in a bad light.

My money is on the fact that it is a politically motivated move aimed at discrediting Bangkoks Democrats.

Yingluck and the current administration are like cornered animals and will indeed take anyone and any thing they could down with them.

All the hallmarks of Yinglucks Big Brothers tactics all over again.

Flooding Bangkok should certainly help solve the problem of red shirts and other PT voters turning against PT for conspiring with the Democrat controlled BMA to save the "elite" in Bangkok. Thaksin is probably thinking ahead to his own political situation and his potential to come back as a saviour after his sister and the other morons in the government have been pushed aside. Probably the rest of his family are already safely abroad and Yingluck has a safe bolthole. The problem is what type of chaos will result from severe flooding for weeks in Bangkok in terms of drowning, starvation, lack of water, rampant crime etc. Once Bangkok is in chaos there will be no administration base left to help people in the city or the provinces, not to mention the destruction of the Thai economy which is 60% from Bangkok. Thaksin will certainly not care how many people suffer die or lose their livelihoods, as long as the final outcome is a triumphant home coming and return to power and riches for himself. He is already well cashed up and can benefit from a fire sale of cheap assets. He has demonstrated his ruthlessness time and time again. Anything can happen.

I said pretty much the same on another thread a week or so back, and got ridiculed. Hope the piss-takers can swim.

Edited by Soi Sauce
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It probably came down to .... either Bangkok or Suphanburi

(apologies for the black humor)

more seriously, this will be a major urban disaster .

That water isn't going to simply flow thru and disappear in a few days.

Right, Bangkok isn't on an incline. It's former marshes and rice paddies and coastal wet lands.

Water in Bangkok will generally just sit.

Which is why the extensive flood control system with plenty of pumping power.

Water in Bangkok does not simply "flow out to the sea".

Look at the canals under normal circumstances.

Does that look to you like a regular, steady flow of water to the sea continually replacing the water you see each day?

Absolute insanity.

Do nothing. Then do everything. Is the leadership bipolar and off their meds?

If anything ever warranted a bloodless coup d'etat and putting someone with a brain in power, this sure seems to be good candidate.

In a day, a few technocrats could come up with a REAL plan and course of intelligent action. Coups in Thailand are an effective tool in the chest that is appropriate at times and CAN make things better FAST.

Forget the civics classes you learned back home. This is Thailand and the military are Thais too and despite their human weaknesses, they tend to LOVE their country and be PATRIOTIC and actually want what is best for their families which happen to be spread throughout the rest of us.

Blindly discounting the benefit of a coup is the true myopia -- brainwashed as a little kid that Western democracy is right for everybody. "And if you don't agree we will bomb the hell out of you!"

Could anything be worse than this present gang of leaders?

We all get to suffer and die and/or lose everything because of a power struggle between competing groups of a few rich and influential.

All Thais need to stand up and say: "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! AND WE CAN'T STAND IT ANY MORE!"

Yeah, stoop to the "he-who-has-the-guns-rules" mentality. Of course this is Thailand. And, of course this is why Thailand has suffered so badly over the last 6 decades with violent loss of life (in the 70's, thousands of bright students in Thailand's best universities), and suffered near-fatal blows to its worldwide reputation for trashing human rights, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the dignity of the individual. These international basic human rights never come out on top when those with guns rule.

What's wrong with the military bringing in its expertise (if it has it) at the behest of a civil government in times of natural disasters? It happens all the time, all over the world in human-rights honoring nations.

Sure, you asked for a bloodless coup. But to concede to the coup mentality is opening Pandora's box. You nor the citizens can control that one. whistling.gif

Don't throw out the baby (human rights) with the floodwater.

Edited by Fookhaht
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Tough decision. Who would have thought!

The water needs more paths to get to the sea. As long as it is controlled, with maybe some limited flooding, I think it's a good idea.

If it can't be controlled, we're all screwed (well, those of us in Bangkok, anyway).

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Of course such an action would totally negate all the efforts of the Democrat controlled B.M.A. thus putting the Democrats in a bad light.

My money is on the fact that it is a politically motivated move aimed at discrediting Bangkoks Democrats.

Yingluck and the current administration are like cornered animals and will indeed take anyone and any thing they could down with them.

All the hallmarks of Yinglucks Big Brothers tactics all over again.

Amazing, such blind hatred and bitterness, to the point that you cannot consider any other possibility.

Siampolee, now that you have been taught the wisdom of the master, you should change your name to "Grasshopper."

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It does seem silly for so many to, rather than be part of a solution, sit at their computers like spoiled kids and pick on whomever is in office. get off your butts and help. The problem should have been identified years ago and dealt with...now all you can do is make the best of an impossible situation and move forward. Then plan for the future.

Reminds me of the republicans in the US who, after destroying the economy over a period of years, slide out of office as the economy crumbles. Then blame the new president for the collapse when it was their bad policies that caused the problem in the first place.

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Damned if she does and damned if she doesn't(Pardon the pun) She lets the water slowly rise ,she gets criticised,then she make a decision to let the water flow through the city and into the ocean and gets condemned again. Its one thing for all you armchair critics to do just that ,however I'd like to see just how many of you would handle the situation if the onus was on you hmmm? Its a bit like pulling off a band-aid just rip it off and get a bit of short time pain then lasting relief rather than just procrastinating and twiddling your thumbs.I for one, am relieved that a firm decision has finally been made.

No one ever built a monument for a critic.

Unfortunately, that's the mentality of some of the posters here. Their only motivation getting up each and every morning is to write more criticism of the country they have decided (or is it forced?) to live in.

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And this just in....presumably before the "throw open the gates" plan was laid on the table...

Act of nature, and/or act of government???

UN Blames Govt for Poor Flood Management

The United Nations has warned that natural disasters and floods in ASEAN are triggering a humanitarian crisis, claiming that no integrated effort to solve the turmoil will result in failure in tackling the after effects.


UN ESCAP Executive Secretary Noeleen Heyzer pointed out that the main weakness to tackling the flood crisis in Thailand is the abundance of organizations to oversee water management.

She noted the Thai government has failed to streamline the eight agencies involved, resulting in policies going in different directions.


She further warned that this crisis may be just a prelude to future natural calamities.

Various foreign media have pointed out the fact that what is seen in Thailand may not be a natural disaster but rather a human disaster as dams were not discharging as much water as they should, perhaps in hope of storing water for irrigation during the drought season.

Therefore, when the rainy-season peaks, the dams are in full capacity and have to discharge water, causing this massive flooding.

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_56056460_bangkok_floods_464map.gifJust for your info, here's a pic


We've seen lots of these small scale maps with arrows all over them in the press and on Thai TV explaining nothing. What does this mean? Was is produced before the PM's decision to open all the flood gates?

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bkkorupcountry. # 109

Amazing, such blind hatred and bitterness, to the point that you cannot consider any other possibility.

Been here 20 plus years, I'm a realist not a Johnny Come Lately Dreamer.

Give yourself time, you'll soon find the truth.

Edited by siampolee
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