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TrueVisions Launched 17 HD Channels, Blocked Pirate Users Overnight


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And people in the UK have been watching the NDS scrambled channels including ALL the HD for years via c$ and boxes such as DM800, v+ Duo or a cheapie Openbox. Now I'm not going to explain what the sharing servers need to do but there is freely available software to pair the cards they are using in connection with their pc servers and card readers so they could very easily be up and running in a short period of time.

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True is the only leagal system out there.

...and you received your leagal (sic) degree where, again?


One thing that has always irritated me about True is their billing cycle.

They advertise their rates as being monthly when in reality it is a 30 day billing cycle, NOT MONTHLY.

Even their annual payment is only good for 360 days, not 365.

What this means is when you pay for 12 months, you only receive 360 days of service. This may sound trivial but every six years they (True) have gained one full month of revenue from each and every subscriber. With thousands of subscribers this is not a trivial amount of money.

Would you rent a house or car under these same conditions? They do it because they can get away with it.

Nope, incorrrect. Take a look at your TrueVisions monthly bill...look at the center column just left of the individual charges. This column shows you the billing period. I'm looking at my July bill right now...July is a 31 day month...the billing period shown is 1 - 31 July. I'm looking at my June bill right now...June is a 30 day month...the billing period shown is 1-30 June. Let's take a look at Feb which is normally 28 days but this year was 29 days...the billing period shown on my bill is 1-29 Feb. And in my case, all payments for any month are due by the 24th of the month. Yes i have checked my bill and he is wrong. They are not cheating any one.


Above you seemed to have altered my post #220 by adding, "Yes i have checked my bill and he is wrong. They are not cheating any one." to the end of my early post.

Please don't do that again...it also violates Forum Rule # 30 which states, "Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording."

Edited by Pib
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Above you seemed to have altered my post #220 by adding, "Yes i have checked my bill and he is wrong. They are not cheating any one." to the end of my early post.

Please don't do that again...it also violates Forum Rule # 30 which states, "Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording."

Clearly a "maximum" quote edit done in error which doesn't alter the fact that you are incorrect. I am billed monthly as is every True customer I know... getting picky about the forum rules doesn't alter the fact he has a valid point and your original statement seems flawed... have you checked your actual bills? Perhaps you should get onto True about it, you might be able to get a refund... probably more productive than whining on an internet forum...

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Above you seemed to have altered my post #220 by adding, "Yes i have checked my bill and he is wrong. They are not cheating any one." to the end of my early post.

Please don't do that again...it also violates Forum Rule # 30 which states, "Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording."

Clearly a "maximum" quote edit done in error which doesn't alter the fact that you are incorrect. I am billed monthly as is every True customer I know... getting picky about the forum rules doesn't alter the fact he has a valid point and your original statement seems flawed... have you checked your actual bills? Perhaps you should get onto True about it, you might be able to get a refund... probably more productive than whining on an internet forum...

Yes, as stated in my post I was looking at my actual bills as I wrote the post...I have/keep over a year's worth. Have you looked at your bills?

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Thank you robertson468

your instructions and code worked perfectly I had no True Vision since the shut down and after about 10 frustrating minutes on the phone yesterday I hung up and just stayed on my computer all day, I noticed your contribution to the debate this morning on Thai Visa and followed instructions now I can get back to may daily dose of James Bond and Top Gear again.


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I was incandescent last evening when True Non-Visions decided to blank out the final stages of the Scottish Open golf tournament at 2300. My excitement had been building over the previous two hours when the result was more and more in doubt and it was becoming a very much nip and tuck affair. At the end of the month my box goes back, with the unpaid monthly invoice, and if they cock up the showing of The Open this week I shall be taking a 4 lb hammer to it before handing it in. Enough is enough.

Anybody advising me that I need a course in anger management can stick his advice where the sun doesn't shine.

You need a course in anger management!

True had advertised this change over and when it would take place for bloody months, frequent banners across the bottom of the screen and they even marked it on the TV guide so no one could have any excuse for not knowing when it would happen.

They certainly did. My wife also called up to ask was it necessary to change our box? Paying the 3500 demanded by the thieves at True (what an ironic name).

My wife was informed that if we did not require HD service then we could continue to use our existing box - fine, no worries there.

After the 'big change' we now have no GOLD or PLAT service - a service we PAY for.

My wife called UNTRUTH again only to be told we must buy the 3500 THB box.

What a load of khrap

I'm afraid in Thailand you often get the answer you want to hear. The pertinent question is when did your wife call? What the True staff told you was in fact "true" up to the much advertised cut off date/ addition of extra HD channels.

When they released the HD receiver and first added HD, if you had phoned and said "do I need the new HD receiver to continue watching True but not the HD channels?" they would have been quite correct in saying no, you can continue to watch the SD content on your old receiver. As for them "demanding" money from you, I think you are just being melodramatic.

The recent upgrade to both encoding and encryption services, coinciding with the additional HD content, has now changed that former "truth"... but as far as I am aware they have no psychic service staff able to foresee these future upgrades on their customer service team!

Please everyone just stop moaning and get the new receiver if you want the service, it's a much better machine and the HD channels and recording options are well worth the cost. Simply cancel your old sub and start a new one, 2,000 baht initial deposit per receiver and fantastic offer of 4x receivers, full subscription for c.2,800 baht a month... that's a bargain in my book, 700 baht a receiver!

Wife (in Thai obviously) Will we still get our subscribed channels?

TRUE 'yes but no HD channels'

Wife 'OK we neither need no want HD'

TRUE thank you for calling

Now that was a complete fabrication. GOLD and PLAT service that we pay for is no longer available. Unless we submit to their blackmail and buy a new box.

So True have decided to remove a service for which we pay. The only method for restoring service is to pay their extortion fee for a box I do not want for HD channels I do not want.

Melodramatic? Depends on your point of view.

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Above you seemed to have altered my post #220 by adding, "Yes i have checked my bill and he is wrong. They are not cheating any one." to the end of my early post.

Please don't do that again...it also violates Forum Rule # 30 which states, "Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording."

Clearly a "maximum" quote edit done in error which doesn't alter the fact that you are incorrect. I am billed monthly as is every True customer I know... getting picky about the forum rules doesn't alter the fact he has a valid point and your original statement seems flawed... have you checked your actual bills? Perhaps you should get onto True about it, you might be able to get a refund... probably more productive than whining on an internet forum...

Yes, as stated in my post I was looking at my actual bills as I wrote the post...I have/keep over a year's worth. Have you looked at your bills?

Yes I have and I, like everyone I know in Thailand, pay for the service monthly... on the exact same day of each month to be precise! Have you taken this up with True or do you expect some resolution by moaning about it on an internet forum?!

The wording used by True on their website and the experiences of others seem to suggest yours is an isolated mistake, either your own or Trues... http://www.truevisionstv.com/package.aspx?id=39

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I have the 'Gold' package. Apart from the Euro fiasco and it being bluddy expensive, the content is mostly <deleted>. After the Olympics, it's going to be goodbye TRUE and hello local cable throughout the house. I would never dream of downloading brand new movies, TV series, documentaries or football games the day after they're played of course, but I've heard there are several people on the planet who do this. I must admit, it will be hard to part with the Panda channel, but I suppose I could stare at a pile of rags in a dimly lit part of my garden to compensate for the loss.

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Wife (in Thai obviously) Will we still get our subscribed channels?

TRUE 'yes but no HD channels'

Wife 'OK we neither need no want HD'

TRUE thank you for calling

Now that was a complete fabrication. GOLD and PLAT service that we pay for is no longer available. Unless we submit to their blackmail and buy a new box.

So True have decided to remove a service for which we pay. The only method for restoring service is to pay their extortion fee for a box I do not want for HD channels I do not want.

Melodramatic? Depends on your point of view.

Yes, my point of view is that you are clearly being melodramatic and no one is forcing you to pay for anything.

When did your wife call, was it in relation to the new receivers or the recent encryption changeover? Also it is obvious to no one that your wife is Thai, neither is it obvious how she worded the question or interpreted the response. Perhaps you should try calling yourself and talk to them 1st hand rather than engaging in Chinese whispers... they do have English speaking customer service reps... and yes Gold and Platinum are still available but not without the correct receiver thumbsup.gif

Either pay the money for the new hardware and enjoy the much improved quality that HD brings or.... watch a blank screen and continue whining ad nauseum. Unfortunately some will always resist progress; I guess you expect them to give you a brand new piece of hardware free and a nice shiny new HD TV to enjoy the improved service on?!

You may have somehow missed the point that this upgrade has not only been about improving the HD content but also preventing piracy with new encryption methods... perhaps you should moan to the pirates, who are the real cause of your problems, not True who are simply protecting their own interests... and that of paying customers who don't appreciate others enjoying the same services for less money, illegally.

Edited by Ferangled
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Above you seemed to have altered my post #220 by adding, "Yes i have checked my bill and he is wrong. They are not cheating any one." to the end of my early post.

Please don't do that again...it also violates Forum Rule # 30 which states, "Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording."

Clearly a "maximum" quote edit done in error which doesn't alter the fact that you are incorrect. I am billed monthly as is every True customer I know... getting picky about the forum rules doesn't alter the fact he has a valid point and your original statement seems flawed... have you checked your actual bills? Perhaps you should get onto True about it, you might be able to get a refund... probably more productive than whining on an internet forum...

Yes, as stated in my post I was looking at my actual bills as I wrote the post...I have/keep over a year's worth. Have you looked at your bills?

Yes I have and I, like everyone I know in Thailand, pay for the service monthly... on the exact same day of each month to be precise! Have you taken this up with True or do you expect some resolution by moaning about it on an internet forum?!

The wording used by True on their website and the experiences of others seem to suggest yours is an isolated mistake, either your own or Trues... http://www.truevisio...kage.aspx?id=39

Of course I pay monthly, I pay 12 times a year, and the exact same payment amount is always due no later than the 24th of the month (most all bills have a pay not later than date)....and that monthly payment is for either a 28 day month (29 days in leap year), a 30 day month, or a 31 day month as clearly shown on the bill...all depends on how many days are in that particular month....it's a monthly payment due regardless of how long that particular month may be....all these 28, 29, 30, or 31 day months add up 365/366 days.

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I was incandescent last evening when True Non-Visions decided to blank out the final stages of the Scottish Open golf tournament at 2300. My excitement had been building over the previous two hours when the result was more and more in doubt and it was becoming a very much nip and tuck affair. At the end of the month my box goes back, with the unpaid monthly invoice, and if they cock up the showing of The Open this week I shall be taking a 4 lb hammer to it before handing it in. Enough is enough.

Anybody advising me that I need a course in anger management can stick his advice where the sun doesn't shine.

You need a course in anger management!

True had advertised this change over and when it would take place for bloody months, frequent banners across the bottom of the screen and they even marked it on the TV guide so no one could have any excuse for not knowing when it would happen.

They certainly did. My wife also called up to ask was it necessary to change our box? Paying the 3500 demanded by the thieves at True (what an ironic name).

My wife was informed that if we did not require HD service then we could continue to use our existing box - fine, no worries there.

After the 'big change' we now have no GOLD or PLAT service - a service we PAY for.

My wife called UNTRUTH again only to be told we must buy the 3500 THB box.

What a load of khrap

Me thinks your post is a load of crap..............

I too have gold service, box was swapped FOC (free of charge)........... if you dont want the free upgrade, sure, you wont be able to view the HD channels........ then down grade your subscription to a low cost one then.

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Wife (in Thai obviously) Will we still get our subscribed channels?

TRUE 'yes but no HD channels'

Wife 'OK we neither need no want HD'

TRUE thank you for calling

Now that was a complete fabrication. GOLD and PLAT service that we pay for is no longer available. Unless we submit to their blackmail and buy a new box.

So True have decided to remove a service for which we pay. The only method for restoring service is to pay their extortion fee for a box I do not want for HD channels I do not want.

Melodramatic? Depends on your point of view.

Yes, my point of view is that you are clearly being melodramatic and no one is forcing you to pay for anything.

When did your wife call, was it in relation to the new receivers or the recent encryption changeover? Also it is obvious to no one that your wife is Thai, neither is it obvious how she worded the question or interpreted the response. Perhaps you should try calling yourself and talk to them 1st hand rather than engaging in Chinese whispers... they do have English speaking customer service reps... and yes Gold and Platinum are still available but not without the correct receiver thumbsup.gif

Either pay the money for the new hardware and enjoy the much improved quality that HD brings or.... watch a blank screen and continue whining ad nauseum. Unfortunately some will always resist progress; I guess you expect them to give you a brand new piece of hardware free and a nice shiny new HD TV to enjoy the improved service on?!

You may have somehow missed the point that this upgrade has not only been about improving the HD content but also preventing piracy with new encryption methods... perhaps you should moan to the pirates, who are the real cause of your problems, not True who are simply protecting their own interests... and that of paying customers who don't appreciate others enjoying the same services for less money, illegally.

Thank you for your sanctimonious claptrap. Judging previous posts rather than helping people which many TV poster do you seem to get your jollies being pedantic and phishing for responses.

Good day Sir

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Thank you for your sanctimonious claptrap. Judging previous posts rather than helping people which many TV poster do you seem to get your jollies being pedantic and phishing for responses.

Good day Sir

Sorry, but your mouth is quicker than your brain. Instead of posting crap, maybe check the facts first. As per my post, i am a gold sub, my box was changed months back free of charge......... got home and TV was working already (did not need to put in that 2321 password code ).........

for me personally, cant really see the hype about HD, looks like TV to me. :)

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True is the only leagal system out there.

...and you received your leagal (sic) degree where, again?


One thing that has always irritated me about True is their billing cycle.

They advertise their rates as being monthly when in reality it is a 30 day billing cycle, NOT MONTHLY.

Even their annual payment is only good for 360 days, not 365.

What this means is when you pay for 12 months, you only receive 360 days of service. This may sound trivial but every six years they (True) have gained one full month of revenue from each and every subscriber. With thousands of subscribers this is not a trivial amount of money.

Would you rent a house or car under these same conditions? They do it because they can get away with it.

Nope, incorrrect. Take a look at your TrueVisions monthly bill...look at the center column just left of the individual charges. This column shows you the billing period. I'm looking at my July bill right now...July is a 31 day month...the billing period shown is 1 - 31 July. I'm looking at my June bill right now...June is a 30 day month...the billing period shown is 1-30 June. Let's take a look at Feb which is normally 28 days but this year was 29 days...the billing period shown on my bill is 1-29 Feb. And in my case, all payments for any month are due by the 24th of the month.

If they have changed their billing cycles to an honest one month, then good for all of us.

I do not receive a bill since I pay ahead by some 60 days each month. They won't invoice unless the bill will be coming due in the next invoicing cycle, apparently. My old billing cycle ended around the 1st of each month. I will try and find out what it is now and I certainly hope you are correct.


PS: Rhetorical question only. Why do some people accuse a poster of whinging/whining when they have no real idea of the facts in the case?

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True is very good for it's selection of live football matches and the golf. For viewing all the UK terrestial tv channels and SKY I use a free proxy and can also watch BBC and ITV live. You can also download a lot of the BBC content now to view later.

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Well American football fans are now happy with ESPN returning, but being English I would like to see some cricket. I suspect that the Australians, NewZealanders and some other nationals would like it too.

There is enough sports channels showing a lot of sports that are no way near as popular as cricket. I would even upgrade my subscription to see this sport especially the T20 and one day games.

Any support for this.

I agree with you Pormax, cricket and also rugby union are far more popular than a lot of the sports channels featured.

Was a sad day when sat tv lost Supersport

Also just for the record, i was hoping that they would reintroduce Fox News. I know a lot of people will shout me down about this but i like to see both (Conservative and Liberal) points of view. CNN is just as one sided as FOX.

Rugby has its own channel on True! Much as I would love to see cricket, I can't see it being popular with the Thai customer base.

Although being 'liberal' myself, I'd love to see Fox News on True. CNN is full of dreary 'features', while Fox at least as some life even if the likes of Hannity, O'Reilly et al make my blood boil. I'd pay good money to see Fox cover Obama's re-election!

Brewster, thanks, which channel? Most of the rugby I've seen is League, not Union, eg. Super15 and Rugby World Cup.

I would also love to watch, Obama's re-election campaign. Right now I'm watching CNN "the situation room" with that fool Wolf Bitzer, talk about bias, holy crap.

I have heard that the reason True doesn't broadcast Fox News is because it is too expensive, surely you and I are not the only ones who want Fox.

The rugby is on one of the TrueSport channels but is branded Setanta. Seems to be all codes, and certainly showed the last 6 Nations and all the recent Test Matches.

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They certainly did. My wife also called up to ask was it necessary to change our box? Paying the 3500 demanded by the thieves at True (what an ironic name).

My wife was informed that if we did not require HD service then we could continue to use our existing box - fine, no worries there.

After the 'big change' we now have no GOLD or PLAT service - a service we PAY for.

My wife called UNTRUTH again only to be told we must buy the 3500 THB box.

What a load of khrap

I sympathise with you but you can't really blame True for upgrading their system and old technology always eventually becomes obsolete. True haven't "removed" the service, it's your old box that is now out of date. Time to upgrade!

Edited by brewsterbudgen
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Wife (in Thai obviously) Will we still get our subscribed channels?

TRUE 'yes but no HD channels'

Wife 'OK we neither need no want HD'

TRUE thank you for calling

Now that was a complete fabrication. GOLD and PLAT service that we pay for is no longer available. Unless we submit to their blackmail and buy a new box.

So True have decided to remove a service for which we pay. The only method for restoring service is to pay their extortion fee for a box I do not want for HD channels I do not want.

Melodramatic? Depends on your point of view.

Yes, my point of view is that you are clearly being melodramatic and no one is forcing you to pay for anything.

When did your wife call, was it in relation to the new receivers or the recent encryption changeover? Also it is obvious to no one that your wife is Thai, neither is it obvious how she worded the question or interpreted the response. Perhaps you should try calling yourself and talk to them 1st hand rather than engaging in Chinese whispers... they do have English speaking customer service reps... and yes Gold and Platinum are still available but not without the correct receiver thumbsup.gif

Either pay the money for the new hardware and enjoy the much improved quality that HD brings or.... watch a blank screen and continue whining ad nauseum. Unfortunately some will always resist progress; I guess you expect them to give you a brand new piece of hardware free and a nice shiny new HD TV to enjoy the improved service on?!

You may have somehow missed the point that this upgrade has not only been about improving the HD content but also preventing piracy with new encryption methods... perhaps you should moan to the pirates, who are the real cause of your problems, not True who are simply protecting their own interests... and that of paying customers who don't appreciate others enjoying the same services for less money, illegally.

Thank you for your sanctimonious claptrap. Judging previous posts rather than helping people which many TV poster do you seem to get your jollies being pedantic and phishing for responses.

Good day Sir

Perhaps if you actually took the time to read the entire thread you would notice that when a legitimate question is raised, I am happy to offer assistance. I just can't abide by continual whining from disgruntled, melodramatic posters, that seem to get off on whining to all and sundry.

You would be much better off taking it up with True, as other posters, including myself, have tried to tell you, if you have an existing True receiver you can get a free upgrade to the new model, if you don't you could start a new subscription for less than the 3,500 bt figure your wife has seemingly fabricated... perhaps she wants some new shoes into the bargain, who knows?! thumbsup.gif

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Yes, as stated in my post I was looking at my actual bills as I wrote the post...I have/keep over a year's worth. Have you looked at your bills?

Yes I have and I, like everyone I know in Thailand, pay for the service monthly... on the exact same day of each month to be precise! Have you taken this up with True or do you expect some resolution by moaning about it on an internet forum?!

The wording used by True on their website and the experiences of others seem to suggest yours is an isolated mistake, either your own or Trues... http://www.truevisio...kage.aspx?id=39

Of course I pay monthly, I pay 12 times a year, and the exact same payment amount is always due no later than the 24th of the month (most all bills have a pay not later than date)....and that monthly payment is for either a 28 day month (29 days in leap year), a 30 day month, or a 31 day month as clearly shown on the bill...all depends on how many days are in that particular month....it's a monthly payment due regardless of how long that particular month may be....all these 28, 29, 30, or 31 day months add up 365/366 days.

Apologies Pib, it seems we are both in agreement that the bills are monthly not based on a 30 day period. My mistake, I replied to the wrong poster and have started a confusing chain of replies arguing a point we agree on sorry.gif

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Anybody know how to skip channels?

With the addition of the 17 HD channels there are now several duplicated channels (AXN, Nat Geo, History, Discovery, several movie channels etc.), plus others that I know I will never want to watch. Is there anyway to skip channels like in the previous boxes?

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@Old Man River

You can set a Favorite List.

For example, go to Discovery HD and simply press the Red button on your remote than go to another channel lets say HBO HD and do it again and so on and so on. Once you add all your channels to the Favorite List you can switch between them with the blue bottom.

Edited by Lammbock
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First, my personal opinion is that True took a step in the right direction; for signal pirates the days of free cable may be gone for a while (granted for True subscribers using Dreamboxes, the new Samsung boxes should be able to do most of what your old Dreambox did - albeit for an additional PVR charge).

Now onto the fact that some legit subscribers with old boxes were/are without TV, my question is did you buy the box or do you rent? If you bought the box, is it fair to accuse True when they upgrade their technology and don't replace your box for you? I think if you rent, then yes, it should be True's responsibility to keep users up to date; but if you bought the box then the onus is on you to keep up to date. (I compare it to when companies rent instead of buy PCs for staff: if it's a rental the PC owner is responsible for replacing hardware but if it's bought outright then you're on your own.)

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I was just looking at the True website which showed the new HD receiver as being capable of taking 11 HD channels yet on another page they say there are now 17 HD channels. I currently do not subscribe to True after having the platinum package for a long time I changed to the Silver package (which does not seem to exist anymore) when they dropped BBC E a couple of years ago.

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I was just looking at the True website which showed the new HD receiver as being capable of taking 11 HD channels yet on another page they say there are now 17 HD channels. I currently do not subscribe to True after having the platinum package for a long time I changed to the Silver package (which does not seem to exist anymore) when they dropped BBC E a couple of years ago.

Currently they are offering all 17 HD channels on the platinum subscription, the full channel list is available here... http://www.truevisionstv.com/photo/new/pgs_l.jpg

As part of this I get access to BBC Knowledge, BBC Lifestyle, BBC Entertainment and, my personal favourite, CBeebies! I think these were originally "extra" bolt on channels, but we're paying no extra and get them as part of our platinum subscription now. thumbsup.gif

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You can get ALL sports 24/7 here: http://www.vipbox.tv/

It's takes a little getting used to but I'm sure you'll figure it out. There are a lot of add popups, just delete them one by one(they also have automatic time outs) and then click on the full screen to eradicate all of them. It is completely free of charge, hence the adds. BTW the faster your internet connection the better.

From there you need a PC to TV cable if you wish to watch it on your TV.

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I was incandescent last evening when True Non-Visions decided to blank out the final stages of the Scottish Open golf tournament at 2300. My excitement had been building over the previous two hours when the result was more and more in doubt and it was becoming a very much nip and tuck affair. At the end of the month my box goes back, with the unpaid monthly invoice, and if they cock up the showing of The Open this week I shall be taking a 4 lb hammer to it before handing it in. Enough is enough.

Anybody advising me that I need a course in anger management can stick his advice where the sun doesn't shine.

I'm sure I saw an email apologizing for this being about to happen and advising of their website where it could be followed ...

i received the messages this morning (Tuesday) on my mobile. Guess who provides my mobile service? ****** True of course.

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