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Can Coming To Thailand Make You Bisexual?


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I don't know how anyone can argue with facts.

If your born a man, you are a man

If your born a woman, you are a woman.

Anything is just trying to imitate. Just like a dog, just because you put clothes on it, its not a human.

End of discussion. lock.gif

Theres physical gender and mental gender..

Theres also hermaphrodites and other unusual births..

Absolutely, gender and sex are two different things. Sex does not necessarily denote gender. Many people commenting have very little knowledge of psychology and the human condition. I suggest you guys get a library card.

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Leaving aside the gay/not gay/ bisexual ranting my theory is this:

Men are always looking for something a bit more exciting or a bit more depraved, the next sexual challenge and in Thailand that idea can go a long way....

First its the excitement of sleeping with a beautiful Thai girl, then that gets tiring, the bar scene gets tiring and has no excitement left in it. The first time you try a soapy its amazing but that too becomes passe. BJ bars? Boring...... the pathway always leads to ladyboys and I know many long term expats in decent executive positions that for no reason other than being curious have had a go.

...and enjoyed it

I am not taking that leap though......

....................... yet ;)

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This subject is so clear cut.

It amazes me how people can argue on here about something that is a clear fact.

There is nothing wrong with being a homo/bi.

It is what it is.

OK, you have made your point. Now stop repeating it over and over, and let others have theirs.

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A lot of arrogance on this thread from a certain quarter (Tropo, what's your problem?).

Mainly close-minded thinking such yours. You claim someone else is arrogant and then proceed to display unparalleled arrogance in your own post.

Edited by tropo
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According to the Kinsey Report on human sexuality nobody is purely hetero or homo sexual. We are all just sexual. If sexuality can be defined as a straight line with pure hetero at one end and homo at the other then we all appear somewhere along the line but nobody at either end. What happens to straight men when they go to prison? They all get into other guys. At least most western prisons give out condoms to the inmates. Every guy I know "fiddled around" with his mates when he was a teenager. When straight guys meet a lady boy it simply allows them to explore their true feelings because they can justify it by the guy looking like a girl. Anyway how many guys haven't experienced their girl friend's finger up their a..s

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dam_n . . . I spoke too soon earlier . . . there's even more bigots here than I thought.

In this day and age, I thought understanding and acceptance of those that are 'different' from ourselves (or choose to live what some would call 'alternative' lifestyles) was more prevalent. I guess not judging from the postings so far.

Edited by Tatsujin
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I don't know how anyone can argue with facts.

If your born a man, you are a man

If your born a woman, you are a woman.

Anything is just trying to imitate. Just like a dog, just because you put clothes on it, its not a human.

End of discussion. lock.gif

Theres physical gender and mental gender..

Theres also hermaphrodites and other unusual births..


Thats what some people have made up to try and make an arguement about it.

There is no argument really if you look at it.

.... but you're determined to argue anyway? End of discussion ? wink.png

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Ladyboys, as a generalization are mentally heterosexual females.

I disagree. As a generalization, they WANT to be heterosexual females mentally, but only a tiny percentage actually are. At best, many are mentally a combination of male and female, but that is debatable too.

They are 100% men. They cannot even walk like a woman. Everything is male behaviour, they just try to masquerade a woman, and that quite badly.

I'm surprised how many blind men are commenting on ladyboys.

The walk is an exaggerated walk. They exaggerate female mannerisms - just as cat walk models do.

You've probably never noticed a stunning ladyboy, because you thought they were ladies. You only notice the ugly ones.

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This subject is so clear cut.

It amazes me how people can argue on here about something that is a clear fact.

There is nothing wrong with being a homo/bi.

It is what it is.

No, it's not.

Take 1000 people and you'll have 1000 views on sexuality,

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Just an opinion, I do believe that your friend could be attracted to Women and Ladyboys that look like women. Fact Men find Thai ladies Taboo, and it is arousing that we can have a sexy lady next to us, from 18 and up.

Fact Anal sex is also Taboo, but we want what we cannot have, and still in this day and age many women still think that anal sex is wrong and will not allow it.

So maybe with an attractive Ladyboys, there is no question about anal.

And I will add that I am not Gay by no means and I have seen some very attractive Ladyboys, I had even went as far as to buy them a drink and set and talk, before my friend told me that she was a ladyboy. Wow chances, I would have probability taken her home and then go a big shock.

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Is he pitching or catching? and wouldnt this be better in the gay section of TV?

Ladyboy topics about straight men being into ladyboys are not gay forum topics.

That sounds like propaganda...not sure from what side though.

Really JT, do you get to set the terms of the discussion? Unless someone has surgically intervened, there are two penis people involved. Take it from there..

And it doesn't matter to me, so no agenda. It just seems like what you are saying is intellectually dishonest.

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I think because of the gender equility advocated in Thailand.

Unknown to us westerners they mingle with ordinairy heteros and gay's alike.

It is 1 of the "amazing Thailand" issues.

Hopefully they live a happy and healthy life.(style)

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Attraction of a straight man to a ladyboy is generally heterosexual. Doesn't make him bisexual.

If the ladyboy is pre op.. Its at least not 'straight'..

Always make me smile how gay guys seem get in such a tizzy about this issue, the definition / pigeon hole thing, when the rest of the time they preach acceptance and not putting people in boxes.

Yes, but the problem is people assume that "not straight" equals gay.

A person who likes ladyboys is not gay and not straight, he's a person who likes ladyboys. For people who like to put things in boxes, build a new box.

However I believe an enjoyment of ladyboys is not a broad sexual preference, but a heterosexual fetish. They normally go for the most feminine, best looking ones - that's not gay.

Edited by tropo
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I have a theory that straight men who fool around with ladyboys (pre-opp, with their equipment intact, but after a breast job) are acting out latent gay tendencies. The fact the the guy looks like a woman, and has breasts, adds legitimacy to the act. "Well, she has boobs, so it was not entirely gay". "He certainly did not look like a guy". It is a guy. No getting around that. You just had sex with a man. He may have been pretty, but it is a guy! Let's not fudge (no pun intended) the issue here. The bottom line, is that when you sleep with a ladyboy, who has his package, what happens to that package during sex? What percentage of these "straight" men who have sex with them leave the package alone? What percentage are on the receiving end? There is no argument in the world you can make, that denies these facts. I have no problem with a man doing as he pleases, as long as he is not hurting anyone. But, let's be honest about this whole topic. Let's call a spade a spade.

You are correct in only half of the issue. You did not mention the capacity nor the need that every human being is enabled with at birth to feel acceptance and love. Humans these days will go far and wide to get acceptance and love even at the risk of breaking through social barriers; whether in the mind of one or the minds of many.

Government and religion indoctrinate the masses to what is and is not acceptable or appropriate.

It is a strong, arguable fact that Western society seems to be doing everything in its agenda to masticate the male's dignity, identity and position of authority into a mere shadow of its true self. The ability for a male in these societies to fight back is miniscule in the least (no where to turn, no one to call, no sincere, genuine representation that has any teeth in it).

Policies dictate these days that it is safer to never have loved and never get yourself too involved with those groups of individuals that society, government and religion have empowered with the means to destroy your life at the merest of whims. It is a conundrum that exists only to further add to a man's despair, as he loses dignity, identity and position of authority with each new domestic law that is passed in disfavor towards him.

Maybe he likes the more base descriptions outlined in this thread. But also, maybe he just wants someone "safe" to hold him and make him feel good, and is willing to go to any measures to find that brief, temporary solace? Let's call a spade a spade, but please let's also consider that, deep down inside, behind the iron shell, scorch-marks, scars and bruises; a heart is a heart.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Maybe he just likes tall girls with big breasts and doesn't have particularly good eyesight.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

Not particularly good eyesight. Or hearing.

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Just an opinion, I do believe that your friend could be attracted to Women and Ladyboys that look like women. Fact Men find Thai ladies Taboo, and it is arousing that we can have a sexy lady next to us, from 18 and up.

Fact Anal sex is also Taboo, but we want what we cannot have, and still in this day and age many women still think that anal sex is wrong and will not allow it.

So maybe with an attractive Ladyboys, there is no question about anal.

And I will add that I am not Gay by no means and I have seen some very attractive Ladyboys, I had even went as far as to buy them a drink and set and talk, before my friend told me that she was a ladyboy. Wow chances, I would have probability taken her home and then go a big shock.

Where are your "facts" from ? Maybe you brought them with you from some other culture?

When they install the next lot of security screening devices at the airport, I hope they have a "prejudices detector" that will keep thai culture free of pollution WPFflags.gif

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This subject is so clear cut.

It amazes me how people can argue on here about something that is a clear fact.

There is nothing wrong with being a homo/bi.

It is what it is.

It amazes me that, in this day and age, people still use the phrase 'being a homo' !

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Is he pitching or catching? and wouldnt this be better in the gay section of TV?

Ladyboy topics about straight men being into ladyboys are not gay forum topics.

That sounds like propaganda...not sure from what side though.

Really JT, do you get to set the terms of the discussion? Unless someone has surgically intervened, there are two penis people involved. Take it from there..

And it doesn't matter to me, so no agenda. It just seems like what you are saying is intellectually dishonest.

I disagree. It does not belong in the gay forum. Jingthing's perspective on this topic is invaluable because gay men are just not into ladyboys.

The response to this topic indicates it's of major interest to heterosexuals.

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Because it is acceptable in Thailand and not in most other countries.

I find many ladyboys attractive and I find many are interested in meeting me, many are more attractive than women.

We all have male and female chromosones......some more than others.

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Just an opinion, I do believe that your friend could be attracted to Women and Ladyboys that look like women. Fact Men find Thai ladies Taboo, and it is arousing that we can have a sexy lady next to us, from 18 and up.

Fact Anal sex is also Taboo, but we want what we cannot have, and still in this day and age many women still think that anal sex is wrong and will not allow it.

So maybe with an attractive Ladyboys, there is no question about anal.

And I will add that I am not Gay by no means and I have seen some very attractive Ladyboys, I had even went as far as to buy them a drink and set and talk, before my friend told me that she was a ladyboy. Wow chances, I would have probability taken her home and then go a big shock.

Where are your "facts" from ? Maybe you brought them with you from some other culture?

When they install the next lot of security screening devices at the airport, I hope they have a "prejudices detector" that will keep thai culture free of pollution WPFflags.gif

with 214 post i would think that you would try to surf the internet alittle more then just this site.

but here are a few links to help you out, don't be scared just click one or maybe two, take your time.






and if you are not sure of the meaning of Taboo, i have also inculded this link for you



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Just an opinion, I do believe that your friend could be attracted to Women and Ladyboys that look like women. Fact Men find Thai ladies Taboo, and it is arousing that we can have a sexy lady next to us, from 18 and up.

Fact Anal sex is also Taboo, but we want what we cannot have, and still in this day and age many women still think that anal sex is wrong and will not allow it.

So maybe with an attractive Ladyboys, there is no question about anal.

And I will add that I am not Gay by no means and I have seen some very attractive Ladyboys, I had even went as far as to buy them a drink and set and talk, before my friend told me that she was a ladyboy. Wow chances, I would have probability taken her home and then go a big shock.

Where are your "facts" from ? Maybe you brought them with you from some other culture?

When they install the next lot of security screening devices at the airport, I hope they have a "prejudices detector" that will keep thai culture free of pollution WPFflags.gif

with 214 post i would think that you would try to surf the internet alittle more then just this site.

but here are a few links to help you out, don't be scared just click one or maybe two, take your time.






and if you are not sure of the meaning of Taboo, i have also inculded this link for you



I don't see any Thai-based links there - so you base your "opinion" on "facts" from other cultures....... wink.png

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This topic always gets lots of responses from people. Never fails to arouse people into posting, you can guarantee pages and pages of responses. . Theres one thing thats for sure, i am a heterosexual male and the last thing i know how to do is to give oral sex to another male, so the old adage that a Ladybro can give the best oral sex is off the mark i believe. I have a girlfriend in Thailand and have had a "few" before her, but i have also had a couple of encounters with Ladyboys . The thing is, by my own evaluation , i am NOT gay. I have no interest in men. Sometimes when you look at a ladyboy you can see the boy or the man in her looks. If i can detect ( other than the obvious ) the slightest hint of boyish features , theres no attraction. She must look like a woman, especially without makeup.

It took me some time to get to this point. Years ago at home, i was attracted to , and vice versa , a very beautiful blonde. When we got down to it , and i was very aroused and ready for action, she told me she was a sex change ( she did have the surgery ) . I immediately lost my arousal but no my interest in her. My mind couldnt reconcile the beautiful woman in front of me with what she had just told me. We continued to see each other for months after, but i could never get aroused, because of that irreconcilable difference, we never had sex . But we appeared like we were in a relationship . Then one night on a trip to see her parents, something changed and my mind made the leap and without giving it any thought it just happened,....arousal and then physical engagement and we began to have sex .

When we separated , i went on to having relationships with women, but the fear i had before was no longer with me, and when i saw Ladyboys when i came to Thailand , it became entirely possible and so i tried it. Still i am not attracted to men in any way and love my current GF . But there is a new alternative which i no longer have fear of and have had some fun with.

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