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Choosing A Tablet


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I then asked if it was a copy, well of course it was.

Copy of what? Samsung Galaxy Tab or Ipad3?

I am always surprised, why people complaining about "copies" and "crap" etc.

What do you think, you will get for 3K Baht?

A genuine Samsung or Ipad? saai.gif

Nobody can't be so stupid....or can he?

It had Android stamped on the cover and I never said it was crap, only non-genuine. I don't know what I will get for 3000 baht never having bought a tablet before, so hold off calling people stupid, OK? Not everyone is as smart as you, or should I say smartar*e like you.

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^^ Well, if you think you need to be smart, to inform yourself before buying some items, so I would call most of the people I know, "smart".

It had Android stamped on the cover and I never said it was crap, only non-genuine

So it wasn't a copy, just a cheap chinese tablet, maybe? I would call it a copy, if it would have been labeled "Samsung" or "Apple".

I don't know what I will get for 3000 baht never having bought a tablet before

If you have absolutely no clue, about the things you are going to buy, a simple google search "galaxy+tab+price" or "Ipad+tab+price" should inform you in seconds, what's going on.

Everything else is just a lame excuse wai2.gif

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Yes, I know it's a shame that my non techie friend is not as astute as you are when buying high tech things. The fact of the matter is that he isn't into smart phones or fast computers. He has absolutely no interest in these things and would have no idea how to do ANY research. He is just a nice generous guy who was told that Tuk Com would be a good place to buy a Samsung tablet for his niece. What I was trying to say is that I think it is reprehensible that a place would get by selling this junk that is counterfeit branded.

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While the Nexus tablet has many outstanding features not the least of which is it's killer screen, the lack of an expansion slot would be a deal killer for me. 16 Gig's may have been "All you'll ever need!" just a couple of years ago but with all the content rich applications tablets are now being used for; such as watching movies and TV shows on airplanes, it just doesn't cut it. When I travel on long flights with my tablet, I'm likely to have 3 or 4 Micro SD cards loaded with a variety of media: music, not just pop but maybe a few symphonies and an opera or two. Another card might have two seasons of "Boardwalk Empire" and all of "Breaking Bad" and a third with a couple of movies. 16 Gigs went by a long time ago.

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I shelled out less than $200 for a brand name Android tablet a couple months back, and I specifically got one that had pretty much all the features I might want to use, either now or in the future.

I wanted an HDMI port for video out, I wanted a micro USB support for moving data and supporting external devices, I wanted a micro SD card slot to make storing and moving extra data and apps easy, and I wanted one with a SIM slot for mobile 3G data (and telephony) so I'd know I could use the same 3G data service I already have for my Android smartphone, when Wifi is not available, and without having to buy or carry around an aircard. I have 420 MB of system memory on my Android phone, and quickly discovered that wasn't enough for my desired uses, so I made sure the tablet I bought came with 1 GB of system memory.

I also made sure the tablet I bought came pre-installed with the Google Suite of apps and had access to the Google Play Store, because I didn't want to be hunting around trying to find and sideload apps from third-party web sites that I'm not familiar with or trusting of, or find that a particular off-brand model of tablet for whatever unknown reason doesn't support some particular app that I want to use, even if I can manage to scrounge it up somewhere on the Internet.

Likewise, I have something like 50+ apps on my Android smartphone, and a somewhat larger number on my Android tablet -- apps that are continually being updated. I like having the Google Play Store automatically notify my Android devices when app updates are available, and pretty much self-installing them on my devices without me having to be bothered by it to much, as well as in knowing that those apps are likely to show up in the Google Play Store pretty much as soon as an updated version is available.

What was the brand?

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Yes, I know it's a shame that my non techie friend is not as astute as you are when buying high tech things. The fact of the matter is that he isn't into smart phones or fast computers. He has absolutely no interest in these things and would have no idea how to do ANY research. He is just a nice generous guy who was told that Tuk Com would be a good place to buy a Samsung tablet for his niece. What I was trying to say is that I think it is reprehensible that a place would get by selling this junk that is counterfeit branded.

I'd also say that it's not only reprehensible, but in Thailand entirely predictable.

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I shelled out less than $200 for a brand name Android tablet a couple months back, and I specifically got one that had pretty much all the features I might want to use, either now or in the future.

I wanted an HDMI port for video out, I wanted a micro USB support for moving data and supporting external devices, I wanted a micro SD card slot to make storing and moving extra data and apps easy, and I wanted one with a SIM slot for mobile 3G data (and telephony) so I'd know I could use the same 3G data service I already have for my Android smartphone, when Wifi is not available, and without having to buy or carry around an aircard. I have 420 MB of system memory on my Android phone, and quickly discovered that wasn't enough for my desired uses, so I made sure the tablet I bought came with 1 GB of system memory.

I also made sure the tablet I bought came pre-installed with the Google Suite of apps and had access to the Google Play Store, because I didn't want to be hunting around trying to find and sideload apps from third-party web sites that I'm not familiar with or trusting of, or find that a particular off-brand model of tablet for whatever unknown reason doesn't support some particular app that I want to use, even if I can manage to scrounge it up somewhere on the Internet.

Likewise, I have something like 50+ apps on my Android smartphone, and a somewhat larger number on my Android tablet -- apps that are continually being updated. I like having the Google Play Store automatically notify my Android devices when app updates are available, and pretty much self-installing them on my devices without me having to be bothered by it to much, as well as in knowing that those apps are likely to show up in the Google Play Store pretty much as soon as an updated version is available.

What was the brand?

Pantech Element 8 inch tablet made for AT&T. Posted the details earlier in this thread. So far, so good.

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fyi, this is Cyber Monday week in the U.S., so a lot of the online and electronics store vendors are having sales and specials on tablets and other stuff right now...

There are lots of choices available in the sub $200 price market that I've seen online in the past few days...including the following new (not refurb) models:

--Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7 in with 8 GB

--Amazon Kindle and Amazon Kindle HD

--Google Nexus 7 inch Wifi 16 GB at $199 via Google Play


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fyi, this is Cyber Monday week in the U.S., so a lot of the online and electronics store vendors are having sales and specials on tablets and other stuff right now...

There are lots of choices available in the sub $200 price market that I've seen online in the past few days...including the following new (not refurb) models:

--Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7 in with 8 GB

--Amazon Kindle and Amazon Kindle HD

--Google Nexus 7 inch Wifi 16 GB at $199 via Google Play


The problem with US sellers is shipping. Either they won't ship internationally at all, or if they do the cost is prohibitive.

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One answer is Shipito.com. Now you can use their insured USPS Global Priority Mail for sending tablets to Thailand. Figure an extra $30 to $40 depending on the size/weight of the tablet.

The price advantages over Thailand can be considerable, especially if you're a good bargain shopper and buying a mainstream brand as opposed to the Chinese no-name models commonly sold in Thailand.

As I've mentioned previously, though, there's always the risk and complication of getting a new model that turns out to be a lemon, and then having the problem of returning it back to the U.S. under warranty, which would cover the unit but not the repetitive international shipping costs.

If you don't want to take that risk and still want a bargain price, TV member Pib earlier in this thread reported a pretty good experience, at least thus far, buying a Chinese made Onda V971 10 inch Android tablet in BKK for a modest price in baht.

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Yea, so far so good...but I'm having a very hard time getting any hands-on use for myself, because the wife is using it so much for viewing YouTube videos...she just can't get enough of video/song clips of her favorite Thai TV Soap stars. laugh.png

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Yea, so far so good...but I'm having a very hard time getting any hands-on use for myself, because the wife is using it so much for viewing YouTube videos...she just can't get enough of video/song clips of her favorite Thai TV Soap stars. laugh.png

This happened to me so three more tablets at a pittance of what I first paid later, I can use my own one when I want too.

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iPad And Android Tablet Market Share Margin Narrows Much Faster Than Originally Predicted


Apple continued to win out in terms of tablet market share this past quarter, according to the latest figures from ABI Research, with a 55 percent share of all shipments during the period. That’s a lead it has had since 2010 when the iPad was introduced, but it’s also the slimmest lead it’s ever had, and represents a dip of 14 percent versus the previous quarter. At this rate, Android could overtake the iPad for tablet share sometime next year, something which seemed unlikely or even impossible in 2010 and 2011.

Shortly after the iPad’s introduction in 2010, there were predictions that Android would eventually overtake Apple’s market share in the tablet market the same way that Android smartphones had done with the iPhone. But early predictions tended to favor 2015 or 2016 as the crossover point at which Android tablets (from a variety of OEMs) would actually overtake iPad sales in terms of broad market share. Others still saw Apple dominating even longer – a 2011 Gartner study suggested Apple would keep 47 percent of the market in 2015, with Android coming up with just 38 percent.

Apple still hasn’t dipped that low, but Android now has 44 percent of the market, owing in part to the utter failure of any other tablet-based mobile platform. HP’s webOS was a brief-lived affair, and RIM’s PlayBook, despite remaining on sale, has failed to become a major competitor to either iOS or Android-based slates. That lack of competitive alternatives has helped Android gain share much faster than most originally predicted, meaning a tipping point might not be that far off.


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Yea, so far so good...but I'm having a very hard time getting any hands-on use for myself, because the wife is using it so much for viewing YouTube videos...she just can't get enough of video/song clips of her favorite Thai TV Soap stars. laugh.png

This happened to me so three more tablets at a pittance of what I first paid later, I can use my own one when I want too.

I'm beginning to think I just may get another 10 inch tablet. I was just thinking today that if I had gone high-end Android tablet like getting a Samsung Note 10.1 which retails in Thailand for B21,900 (yea, you can get it a little cheaper at various shops). If I had bought that 22K baht high end tablet I would have a tablet which would have built-in phone/3G SIM capability, GPS, Bluetooth, and a screen with just a tad better resolution, a better camera (5MP vs my current 2MP), and some other stuff, however, but for the most part I wouldn't be using these added capabilities the way a tablet is being used by the wife and I. Seems watching video in one form or another (ie., YouTube, streaming TV, saved video, etc) is going to be the biggest use. For 22K baht I could buy three of my current Onda V971 tablet and still have several thousand baht change left over. I going to try to force myself to put off buying another tablet until 2013 when I think we are going to see a bunch of new tablets with better specs hit the stores...heck, even Onda announced in October that they will be releasing a Quad Core & Retina display tablet but they didn't say when and for how much but I expect it will be early 2013. But then again, if my new V971 bits the bullet next week I may just get PO'ed and go buy a high end tablet...but right now (knock on wood) this low cost Chinese tablet is working out well and left me feeling like I didn't overpay for a tablet...buy more tablet than I really needed.

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Yea, so far so good...but I'm having a very hard time getting any hands-on use for myself, because the wife is using it so much for viewing YouTube videos...she just can't get enough of video/song clips of her favorite Thai TV Soap stars. laugh.png

This happened to me so three more tablets at a pittance of what I first paid later, I can use my own one when I want too.

I'm beginning to think I just may get another 10 inch tablet. I was just thinking today that if I had gone high-end Android tablet like getting a Samsung Note 10.1 which retails in Thailand for B21,900 (yea, you can get it a little cheaper at various shops). If I had bought that 22K baht high end tablet I would have a tablet which would have built-in phone/3G SIM capability, GPS, Bluetooth, and a screen with just a tad better resolution, a better camera (5MP vs my current 2MP), and some other stuff, however, but for the most part I wouldn't be using these added capabilities the way a tablet is being used by the wife and I. Seems watching video in one form or another (ie., YouTube, streaming TV, saved video, etc) is going to be the biggest use. For 22K baht I could buy three of my current Onda V971 tablet and still have several thousand baht change left over. I going to try to force myself to put off buying another tablet until 2013 when I think we are going to see a bunch of new tablets with better specs hit the stores...heck, even Onda announced in October that they will be releasing a Quad Core & Retina display tablet but they didn't say when and for how much but I expect it will be early 2013. But then again, if my new V971 bits the bullet next week I may just get PO'ed and go buy a high end tablet...but right now (knock on wood) this low cost Chinese tablet is working out well and left me feeling like I didn't overpay for a tablet...buy more tablet than I really needed.

There should be printed on the boxes of these tablets: "WARNING; Acquisition of these devices can prove habit forming!"

Within weeks of buying my initial Archos 80G9, I was buying the 8" Aigo and 7" Mid for my GF and her niece, then came my Onda Vi40. Since buying that one, I've fed my cravings by evangelizing friends and people who sit next to me in coffee shops, subsisting on the vicarious rush of their subsequent tablet purchases. I'm relieved to see I'm not alone.

For a real hit of the latest rolling down the Chinese production lines take a look at the tablet section of ALIEXPRESS.COM,, lots of new names jumping into the market, often including some of the very features you've been missing...Bluetooth, 3G, Quad core, Retina...4G LTE probably already sitting on somebody's desk. Nothing yet that has it all but my guess is that the tablet scene over the next year or so will be quite a show and we who can't bear to have the 2nd latest version of anything Android will have a very big problem.

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Uhhh.... I don't think so!!!!

(Updated - November 29, 2012 12:37 PM EST)

Microsoft Corp (Nasdaq: MSFT) says Surface Pro tablet will be available in January.

The Surface Pro runs on Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) chips.

UPDATE - From the Official Microsoft Blog, written by Panos Panay, Microsoft Surface GM:

It’s hard to believe it’s been just over a month since Surface with Windows RT hit the market. The response from Surface customers has been fantastic and exciting to see. In addition to sharing the terrific results that Microsoft is seeing with Windows 8 at a technology conference earlier this week, we also announced that Surface with Windows 8 Pro would be available in January 2013.

Today, I want to share a bit more detail about the growing Surface family of products and Surface with Windows 8 Pro, specifically around pricing. In January, Surface with Windows 8 Pro will be available in two versions and pricing will start at $899:

· 64GB standalone version at $899

· 128GB standalone version at $999

Both versions will both include a Surface pen with Palm Block technology and include the ability to use a Touch Cover or Type Cover (sold separately).


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$1000 for a tablet? Windows believe their tablet is to be perceived as more valuable than Apple and their marketing team?

I'm sticking with my Onda, a tablet is a tablet, high performance comes in the PC market which will not be dying as some people think.

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$1000 for a tablet? Windows believe their tablet is to be perceived as more valuable than Apple and their marketing team?

I'm sticking with my Onda, a tablet is a tablet, high performance comes in the PC market which will not be dying as some people think.

Is the Microsoft Surface Pro more like an Ultrabook?


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Uhhh.... I don't think so!!!!

(Updated - November 29, 2012 12:37 PM EST)

Microsoft Corp (Nasdaq: MSFT) says Surface Pro tablet will be available in January.

The Surface Pro runs on Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) chips.

UPDATE - From the Official Microsoft Blog, written by Panos Panay, Microsoft Surface GM:

It’s hard to believe it’s been just over a month since Surface with Windows RT hit the market. The response from Surface customers has been fantastic and exciting to see. In addition to sharing the terrific results that Microsoft is seeing with Windows 8 at a technology conference earlier this week, we also announced that Surface with Windows 8 Pro would be available in January 2013.

Today, I want to share a bit more detail about the growing Surface family of products and Surface with Windows 8 Pro, specifically around pricing. In January, Surface with Windows 8 Pro will be available in two versions and pricing will start at $899:

· 64GB standalone version at $899

· 128GB standalone version at $999

Both versions will both include a Surface pen with Palm Block technology and include the ability to use a Touch Cover or Type Cover (sold separately).


Hey, sounds like a great deal!!!! (for Microsoft that is). I expect there are plenty of folks with more money (or line of credit) than brains lining up to buy one of these.

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This morning in Big C Samut Prakarn I found these..

All are nominally 7" screen, take a sim card, have wifi, front and back cameras and Android 4.0.4 and all seem to have google shop/store. None have removeable battery - in fact I think you can't officially open the back of any of them.

4,990 Baht - Cherry New.iPad, Taiwan, Star s mobile. 8Gb SSD, slots for TFCard up to 64Gbs, HDMI, micro USB, headset. Battery showed 84% 3hr remaining - so 100% might give 3hrs30mins.

4,900Baht - ZYQ Model Q2726. Kernel 3.0.8. Slots for TFCard up to 16Gbs, HDMI, micro USB, headset.


3,990Baht - Tablet L36 G3NN5 DNMMX06X 8Gb SSD, slots for TFCard up to 64Gbs, HDMI, micro USB, headset.



Played a bit with the Cherry and it is a good enough toy, but only a toy. The others were very similar, but I didn't get the chance to play with them as much - the place was busy.

I think I'll wait to see what these new flexi-phones are like - they'll be here next year I believe.w00t.gif

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Check the display resolution and cpu on those, and then compare to the Samsung tablets. I think you will find a difference.

I think you will find a big difference in price as well, like three times more for the Samsung.

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$1000 for a tablet? Windows believe their tablet is to be perceived as more valuable than Apple and their marketing team?

I'm sticking with my Onda, a tablet is a tablet, high performance comes in the PC market which will not be dying as some people think.

Microsoft believe the hardware in a Surface Pro is more valuable than that to be found in an iPad because it is. I believe the 4th generation iPad has 1 GB RAM and an ARM processor whereas the Surface Pro will have 4 GB RAM and an Intel i5 processor. That might not turn you on but it does explain why they are more expensive and should be compared to ultrabooks (as hml367 said) rather than other tablets currently on the market.

The battery life puts me off, otherwise I would fancy one. I think they are more for people who want one machine that can function as a laptop and a tablet.

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Microsoft believe the hardware in a Surface Pro is more valuable than that to be found in an iPad because it is. I believe the 4th generation iPad has 1 GB RAM and an ARM processor whereas the Surface Pro will have 4 GB RAM and an Intel i5 processor. That might not turn you on but it does explain why they are more expensive and should be compared to ultrabooks (as hml367 said) rather than other tablets currently on the market.

The battery life puts me off, otherwise I would fancy one. I think they are more for people who want one machine that can function as a laptop and a tablet.

I believe the latest news this week re the MS Surface Pro (the Intel processor based one due out around January) has the estimated battery life at 4-5 hours. That's not great either based on comparisons with either newer laptops or newer tablets. And when that news surfaced, it (along with the higher pricing for the Pro units) caused a lot of tech writers to forecast that the Pro won't be any great success.

Particularly when other manufacturers (other than MS) likewise will be coming out with their own Windows 8 based tablets and touchscreen laptops -- and probably with better specs and/or more aggressive pricing.

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Microsoft believe the hardware in a Surface Pro is more valuable than that to be found in an iPad because it is. I believe the 4th generation iPad has 1 GB RAM and an ARM processor whereas the Surface Pro will have 4 GB RAM and an Intel i5 processor. That might not turn you on but it does explain why they are more expensive and should be compared to ultrabooks (as hml367 said) rather than other tablets currently on the market.

The battery life puts me off, otherwise I would fancy one. I think they are more for people who want one machine that can function as a laptop and a tablet.

I believe the latest news this week re the MS Surface Pro (the Intel processor based one due out around January) has the estimated battery life at 4-5 hours. That's not great either based on comparisons with either newer laptops or newer tablets. And when that news surfaced, it (along with the higher pricing for the Pro units) caused a lot of tech writers to forecast that the Pro won't be any great success.

Particularly when other manufacturers (other than MS) likewise will be coming out with their own Windows 8 based tablets and touchscreen laptops -- and probably with better specs and/or more aggressive pricing.

Yes, that's right, about 4-5 hours. It doesn't compare favourably with some other Windows 8 tablets but I think the ones that have significantly better battery life are probably those that use an Intel Atom processor rather than an i5. There are ultrabooks with decent processors that have a better battery life than that though, so it's not good news.

Most tech writers love to forecast the failure of anything that Microsoft comes out with so that hasn't surprised me at all. It would have surprised me more if they had done otherwise. Having said that, I am beginning to wonder what the point of a Windows 8 Pro tablet is. I thought I wanted one but when I found myself comparing specifications and looking for the model with the fastest processor / most amount of RAM, I realised that battery life was going to be an issue and that maybe I had lost sight of what I actually want a tablet for.

I do like the idea of being able to edit Word documents on the go because this is something that I have to do quite frequently but you don't need a high-powered processor to do that and I work from home most of the time. I mainly use tablets for reading / surfing the web so I would most likely be better off with a Nexus 10. I would probably go for the Acer Aspire 7 if I wanted something that ran Windows 8 that had a touch screen and I like the fact that you can lay it flat on a table and use it in a similar manner to a tablet if you want. However, the fact that the RAM is soldered onto the motherboard puts me off. 4 GB is not very generous in this day and age for a laptop.

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Appears Onda has released/real close to releasing their Quad core, Retina display (2048 x 1536) Android tablet in the $240 ballpark...apparently called a V972. See this Link for a brief description. I was on the Onda web, www.onda.cn site a few minutes ago and also saw some indications of its release.

As you saw in earlier post I have a Onda V971 which I paid B6,590 for here in Bangkok about a month ago---or maybe I should say my wife now has the V971 as she uses it all the time to watch YouTube videos of Thai celebrities--and it has worked fine. She has turned into a YouTube addict. I also updated the V971 from it's original Icre Cream Sandwich 4.0.3 to Jelly Bean 4.1.1 using the Onda Jelly Bean release for the V971....Onda seems to do a good job in quick update releases. The only con I have on the V971 is it's a slow charger...it uses its miniUSB port for both data transfer and charging (no dedicated charging port)...and when I saw slow charging I mean 10-14 hours to charge its 6000ma battery from almost empty to 100%...and yes, I have tried various chargers...it comes with a 2A charger.

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