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Bahrain Man Uses Gps To Find His Phone And Bags Ladyboy Thief


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"He" guys, "he"!smile.png

Au contraire kind Sir, I think you'll find its polite to address transgendered people according to the lifestyle they've chosen from themselves. This topic was covered in a recent Hollywood movie: Transamerica - a really excellent film if you get a chance to watch it.

Its still a bloke!

and no Hollywood movie can make me call him "she"! dry.png

@Naam; notwithstanding the fact that your information regarding "FindMYiPhone" is truly helpful (I thank you !), I believe that you should "think" a little bit more about the phenomena of the "Lady-Boy".

When I first arrived in Thailand, some 21 years ago, I saw "Ladyboys" for the first time in my life. I couldn't stop laughing, because I thought it was soooo odd and totally un-natural ! Also, some of these LB's didn't really have the traits to "make" a good looking girl . . . .

Then; one day; I actually met one of these Ladyboys (a relative of my wife) and had a conversation with her. I learned a few things I had not, previously, realized:

Just imagine, Naam; you are born and you 'appear' to be a beautiful little baby-boy; however, as your life progresses, you begin to feel increasingly uncomfortable with "who" you are . . . . you also discover that you are becoming increasingly more "feminent" in your demeanor and you are at a total loss why this is happening to you . . . . . After a huge internal struggle (you don't feel you "fit-in" with the boys, nor the girls), you slowly but surely begin to realize that you are, in fact, a FEMALE caught-up in a MALE physique. That this state of mind & body is devastating, might be very clear; but how the hell do you deal with something like this ?????

Life is difficult enough, even when all the squares line-up 'properly' - nobody is asking for such horrific extra 'luggage'. BUT; here you are in THAT situation and-, like it or not - you have got to deal with it !

The people who have and have had this happening to them (most certainly not of their own choice ! !) must now somehow gather enormous amounts of courage in order to face this weird thing that's happened to them; they must somehow face, deal-with & overcome this extremely UN-FAIR hand which was dealt them by "life".

I personally have great admiration and respect for those of my fellow human-beings, who've had to face (and are facing) this terrible ordeal and I salute them for their Bravery, Courage and the Conviction of their own Self-Value, in the face of their often totally Non-Understanding & Ridiculing environment !

Believe you me; IF you can muster respect for a Katoey - it is already a very kind thing you can do, by addressing her as "SHE" ! - You would, if you were in HER shoes . . . . .

The expression "Walk A Mile In My Shoes" comes to mind: well let me tell you Naam: you and I wouldn't get very far in High-Heels, would we ? ? ?



i could walk a mile in your shoes

then i would be a mile away and would have your shoes......

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'He-She' whatever.........

She can pick my pocket any time she likes !!

Being pickpocketed is not funny whether it's done by a ladyboy or not. One of my friends was pickpocketed the first night he arrived in Thailand and lost his credit cards, spending money, the lot.
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Wow - she's a looker and no mistake wub.png

Agree. smile.png

So both of you fancy ladyboys do you? Just to remind you it is "he".

Don't be a square daddy-o - we're in touch with all aspects of our sexuality:

And the above posts, plus several others, relate to the observation that she's dam_n fine tongue.png

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"He" guys, "he"!smile.png

Au contraire kind Sir, I think you'll find its polite to address transgendered people according to the lifestyle they've chosen from themselves. This topic was covered in a recent Hollywood movie: Transamerica - a really excellent film if you get a chance to watch it.

Its still a bloke!

Genetically yes, but its polite to refer to such a person as a she wai.gif

Having consulted a friend that has a ladyboy nephew I understand that Thai females refer to them as 'he'.

Edited by Anon999
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Uhm, maybe this is more something for the Internet forum, but how can someone track a GPS phone?

Does it require specific things to do so?

Just curious!

A simple app for iPhone and a 2 nd apple product to use for tracking the item lost via gps map as long as you have 3G acess it will

Will track you'r lost/stolen iPhone very acuratly even if it's turned off ;)

A good reason to have the app

And a good reason to be fast doing so

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Uhm, maybe this is more something for the Internet forum, but how can someone track a GPS phone?

Does it require specific things to do so?

Just curious!

yes you can do that with iPhones, as long as location services is activated and you have 'track my iPhone App installed,

piece of cake to find the phone, tried it before !!!

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Well IMO the cause of crime in this case is the lack of incentive not to rob someone.

Nicely put.

And you might well be right in this case. In her defence she could possibly claim that an impoverished backround and her decision to live life as a woman, meant that she had few career opportuniies open to her.

She could be an air stewardess on that new airline they started recently................wink.png

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Having consulted a friend that has a ladyboy nephew I understand that Thai females refer to them as 'he'.

I think it depends on the family. As my wife's refers to her younger ladyboy brother as "She" and insists I do likewise.

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"He" guys, "he"!smile.png

Au contraire kind Sir, I think you'll find its polite to address transgendered people according to the lifestyle they've chosen from themselves. This topic was covered in a recent Hollywood movie: Transamerica - a really excellent film if you get a chance to watch it.

Well, if you choose to indulge in the gender confusion and make it your own with political correctness that is your prerogative, but he freakin' stole the phone, lad.

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If you want to be correct, you call a ladyboy, and any other transgender who wants to be identified as a woman, a "she." This is according to psychologists and social scientists. C'mon, didn't any of you go to university?

Gender is what you choose to be, i.e. "she" or "he"

If you choose to dress up and act like a woman, you are a "she" no matter what kind of genitals you have.

Quite simple really.

However, sex refers to what genitals you have, i.e. "male" or "female"

You can anatomically be a male with male genitals but your gender could be a "she," because you have chosen as your gender to be identified as a "she" and not as a "he."

Get your heads around it, because those are the correct terms, no matter what you want to call a ladyboy.

So your sex and gender are actually two different things, technically, although for most people they will line up of course, as most males are "he's" and most females are "she's."

Edited by Jimjim
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Whatever the correct polite reference is to call a ladyboy, at the end of the day he/she is a thief, and there are any number of tags to use there male/female/in-between!

Congrats to the guy for using his brains with the tecnology available to him and getting this person nabbed.............wink.png

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Uhm, maybe this is more something for the Internet forum, but how can someone track a GPS phone?

Does it require specific things to do so?

Just curious!

All iPhones now have this ability. You can use Apple's website or an app on a friend's phone to track your phone, lock it, or even wipe it! It's pretty cool.

Edited by deesquared
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Good luck for the guy...

But i wonder, why always arabs are involved in ladyboy reports from walking street - are they really all half-gay ?

That is a very generous assessment. Some cultures believe it is not gay if you are the penetrator only if you are the penatratee. At the end of the day it is all gender confusion and nobody should begrudge them their right to opt out when they have no predilecton for survival-of-the-fittest alpha-dog procreativity. Yielding responsibility to the apha dog in advancing the species is an option in natural selection. However, this option is rarely exercised until territorial imperatives have been compromised by tribal crowding. Read zoologist Desmond Morris' The Naked Ape, and more recently The Naked Man, if it interests you.

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Uhm, maybe this is more something for the Internet forum, but how can someone track a GPS phone?

Does it require specific things to do so?

Just curious!

All iPhones now have this ability. You can use Apple's website or an app on a friend's phone to track your phone, lock it, or even wipe it! It's pretty cool.

Not only iPhones have this ability, Android too and Windows Mobile also and all the rest.

All one needs is the software on their phone to be enabled and a laptop, tablet or a friends

phone that doesn't even need to be a smart phone. You can lock, wipe, track, make the

phone constantly emit a high pitched tone etc....Yeah...it's "cool" all right....

However the ladyboy in the pic is way "cooler"...hah!

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If you want to be correct, you call a ladyboy, and any other transgender who wants to be identified as a woman, a "she." This is according to psychologists and social scientists. C'mon, didn't any of you go to university?

Gender is what you choose to be, i.e. "she" or "he"

If you choose to dress up and act like a woman, you are a "she" no matter what kind of genitals you have.

Quite simple really.

However, sex refers to what genitals you have, i.e. "male" or "female"

You can anatomically be a male with male genitals but your gender could be a "she," because you have chosen as your gender to be identified as a "she" and not as a "he."

Get your heads around it, because those are the correct terms, no matter what you want to call a ladyboy.

So your sex and gender are actually two different things, technically, although for most people they will line up of course, as most males are "he's" and most females are "she's."

Well, Mr. Wento University, you sure took a lot of space to proselytize and rationalize your preferences when in fact all it takes is one look at the birth certificate and passport to see if they are marked M of F; these do not lie, proselytize, or rationalize...they just state facts.

Edited by unanimosity
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'He-She' whatever.........

She can pick my pocket any time she likes !!

Being pickpocketed is not funny whether it's done by a ladyboy or not. One of my friends was pickpocketed the first night he arrived in Thailand and lost his credit cards, spending money, the lot.

Question number 1.....Why was he carrying the lot with him in the first place? goof.gif

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So what is this app called for android ?

The one I use is called Prey.....Google it and add Android after Prey to cut through the weeds.

I can verify it works....my phone was nicked in Phnom Penh & I had it back in me mits in

about an hour.

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Uhm, maybe this is more something for the Internet forum, but how can someone track a GPS phone?

Does it require specific things to do so?

As the ad says "there's an app for that". Basically the phone transmits its position (as given by the built-in GPS chip) to an online database, which you can consult if you have the login code.

Similar aps available on Android and for tablets and laptops.

Apple's Find My iPhone service is a free service available to all iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad owners that can help you find your iDevice if it gets lost or stolen. Find My iPhone uses WiFi triangulation and/or real-GPS tracking to locate your device and display it's location on the Me.com website or from another iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch using the Find My iPhone App.

I'd recommend everyone to activiate these apps. I had an iPad stolen by a sneak theif / taxi driver on the way to the aiport very early one morning. But, many of these thieves are organized and get them quickly to their "buyer". So you have to act fast to find it,

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Uhm, maybe this is more something for the Internet forum, but how can someone track a GPS phone?

Does it require specific things to do so?

Just curious!

There are a few programs you can download that will do this. I use one called Prey. It protects laptops, phones, tablets, PC's. If someone steals your device, you can track it via GPS and IP address, take a snapshot of what's on the screen, what programs have changed, turn on the camera, emit a sound, change the desktop background or simply 'brick' the device. Each action is a separate option, assuming your device has a camera, GPS, etc.

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"He" guys, "he"!smile.png

Au contraire kind Sir, I think you'll find its polite to address transgendered people according to the lifestyle they've chosen from themselves. This topic was covered in a recent Hollywood movie: Transamerica - a really excellent film if you get a chance to watch it.

Its still a bloke!

Genetically yes, but its polite to refer to such a person as a she wai.gif

yes, otherwise he may try peicing your skull with a high heeled shoe
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Believe you me; IF you can muster respect for a Katoey - it is already a very kind thing you can do, by addressing her as "SHE" ! - You would, if you were in HER shoes . . . . .

The expression "Walk A Mile In My Shoes" comes to mind: well let me tell you Naam: you and I wouldn't get very far in High-Heels, would we ? ? ?




there are transgender people with whom i deal once in a while and whom i respect very much. but give me one valid reason why i should muster some respect for a thief who offers sexual services based on false pretenses!

as a Pattaya resident (fortunately in the outskirts) i am nearly daily pissed off reading about the thievery, robbery and once in a while even more serious crimes comitted by these "ladies".

waiting patiently and with interest for your rebuttal wai.gif

p.s. i have no intention to walk in the shoes of a criminal no matter how high the heels are.

Edited by Naam
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I'm glad the guy got his phone back from her. She doesn't set a good example in contrast to the many others who are good, decent people. But I'd have to add that that's one of the worst news reporting videos I've ever seen!

Edited by Chads
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I'm glad the guy got his phone back from her. She doesn't set a good example in contrast to the many others who are good, decent people. But I'd have to add that that's one of the worst news reporting videos I've ever seen!

agree! no need to go public with a video clip.

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I'm glad the guy got his phone back from her. She doesn't set a good example in contrast to the many others who are good, decent people. But I'd have to add that that's one of the worst news reporting videos I've ever seen!

agree! no need to go public with a video clip.

I mean, it's ok if they'd want to include a video report but that was just so badly done! And they keep showing the same things, the guy, sort of smirking, and her, just sitting there doing nothing. Like, OK, I get your point already.

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