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Anybody Else Considering A Move To Cambodia?


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I found Cambodia backward compared to Thailand and much less tourist orientated which might be a good thing.

I also found Cambodian working girls very reluctant to toot on ones flute which was very disappointing.

i am reliably informed that they play the saxophone though ,like Kenny G

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Not hard to find cheap, desperate *everything* in Cambo, but they can still manage a genuine smile. Other than child beggars in the border towns, they also tend to leave me alone - definitely no Pantip-style touts IME. Really cant think of anything that was better than what I can get in Malaysia - beer was cheaper, but I'd need a hell of lot of it to live there, and Malaysian food absolutely hammers anything the Khmers can come up with, IME. Say what you will about Malaysians - they can cook and I'm up for all bar the very spiciest. Yumbo ! :D

It's all swings and roundabouts, but Cambo remains a country-of-last-resort for mine. OK, cheap clothes - great, but how many shorts/t-shirt combinations do you need ? ;)

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Guys basically what OP is saying is that he needs a place where they still see a farang/gaijin/ang moh/whatever those khmer ppl call white ppl/ as unique and like the saviors to the area aka special treatment. A place where he can stretch his currency even further. Now it's like what 30-40 thb to 1 USD or 1 GBP but that;s not good enough. You need a place where you can spend 10 GBP to get a 5 star hotel and of course thailand does not have that i mean it's a 3rd world country and cheaper to live in then say milan or paris but still not THAT cheap.

Well then you guys are in luck. The region of SEA is just waiting for you and let me tell you indonesia is actually the 2nd best place to get punnay after thailand and the philippines ranks after that and you can stretch your currency even further BUT there is the issue of security.

Anyway many cheap places abound in the south east asian region. Manilan, jarkarta, cambodia, laos, port moresby if you are looking for some adventure and want to partake in some life risking activites. Just avoid singapore and all is fine.

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Not hard to find cheap, desperate *everything* in Cambo, but they can still manage a genuine smile. Other than child beggars in the border towns, they also tend to leave me alone - definitely no Pantip-style touts IME. Really cant think of anything that was better than what I can get in Malaysia - beer was cheaper, but I'd need a hell of lot of it to live there, and Malaysian food absolutely hammers anything the Khmers can come up with, IME. Say what you will about Malaysians - they can cook and I'm up for all bar the very spiciest. Yumbo ! biggrin.png

It's all swings and roundabouts, but Cambo remains a country-of-last-resort for mine. OK, cheap clothes - great, but how many shorts/t-shirt combinations do you need ? wink.png

There isn't an exact malaysian authentic malaysian cuisine if you get my drift and it's mostly from the 3 major races.

Also the crime rate in malaysia...........................


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Guys basically what OP is saying is that he needs a place where they still see a farang/gaijin/ang moh/whatever those khmer ppl call white ppl/

They call us 'barang' I believe.

Serious? Barang is a malay word for stuff and we used it in the army like put down your barang barang aka put down the shit you are carrying.

Parang is also known as machete in sg/malaysia/indonesia and is even more famous than the english equivalent machete.

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They call us 'barang' I believe.

Serious? Barang is a malay word for stuff and we used it in the army like put down your barang barang aka put down the shit you are carrying.

Parang is also known as machete in sg/malaysia/indonesia and is even more famous than the english equivalent machete.

Yep. It's barang in Cambodia. The upside is that some will no longer be annoyed by being called farang. tongue.png

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They call us 'barang' I believe.

Serious? Barang is a malay word for stuff and we used it in the army like put down your barang barang aka put down the shit you are carrying.

Parang is also known as machete in sg/malaysia/indonesia and is even more famous than the english equivalent machete.

Yep. It's barang in Cambodia. The upside is that some will no longer be annoyed by being called farang. tongue.png

why is parang known as machete in malaysia and not white person?

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I can't think of anywhere I would rather not go than India. Personal choice, of course, but it has zero appeal.

India is a huge diverse country - high mountains up north, beautiful quiet beaches nearer the South. Great food, very spiritual people.

All the people I have known to go to Cambodia were mongers looking for cheap, desperate girls.

Clearly, you are mixing with the wrong people.

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I found Cambodia backward compared to Thailand and much less tourist orientated which might be a good thing.

I also found Cambodian working girls very reluctant to toot on ones flute which was very disappointing.

You are going with the wrong girls.......Phnom Penh is full of Vietnamese working girls, who have 30

extra IQ points, generally speak English, and will do ANYTHING you want in the room. There is

no " I am shy" Thai bar girl routine with the wet towel in bed.........

I have been going to Cambodia for the last 13 years. Was a lot edgier before when there were

no old Euro tourists on street corners looking at a Lonely Planet book. Still a great place for a visit,

am always amazed at the visa runners with no balls who go to the border, get their visa and head

back to the comfort of Pattaya.

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I'd move to India if I had to leave Thailand. 1000 times better than Cambodia.

I can't think of anywhere I would rather not go than India. Personal choice, of course, but it has zero appeal.

India is a huge diverse country - high mountains up north, beautiful quiet beaches nearer the South. Great food, very spiritual people.

All the people I have known to go to Cambodia were mongers looking for cheap, desperate girls.

I would imagine this task would be better achieved by staying in Thailand.

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They call us 'barang' I believe.

Serious? Barang is a malay word for stuff and we used it in the army like put down your barang barang aka put down the shit you are carrying.

Parang is also known as machete in sg/malaysia/indonesia and is even more famous than the english equivalent machete.

Yep. It's barang in Cambodia. The upside is that some will no longer be annoyed by being called farang. tongue.png

It is also Barang in my part of Buriram.

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I chalk Cambodja up to yet another example of the horrendous ideology of socialism/marxism/communism. The only difference is, that when normally reds only try to keep smart and capable people down by taxing them to death, then the Khmer Rogue just killed them outright. The goal of socialism always ends up that everyone should be equally poor. Mission accomplished Khmer Rogue.

But seriously, the lie that nazism is the biggest killer in humanity is just that - a lie. Pol Pot, Mao, Kim Jong Il, Gaddaffi, Hussein, Che Guevara, Castro, Stalin, Hoenecker - no ideology has as much blood on it's hand as socialism.

So next time some moron begins singing the praises of income quality distribution, be wary, because those people are the same who supported the mass murderes above.

Wasn't aware that Gaddafi & Sadam Hussain were socialists, I always thought they were military dictators...

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I'd move to India if I had to leave Thailand. 1000 times better than Cambodia.

looks at nick name and understands why.


My nickname is a Thai word - means anonymous.

Maybe you are mixing it up with an anagram - Neemrana, a town in Rajasthan, India.

Edited by Neeranam
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But seriously, the lie that nazism is the biggest killer in humanity is just that - a lie. Pol Pot, Mao, Kim Jong Il, Gaddaffi, Hussein, Che Guevara, Castro, Stalin, Hoenecker - no ideology has as much blood on it's hand as socialism.

Che Geuvera was without a doubt a man of the people.

He fought for poor peoples rights.

He ended up dying fighting for those poor people.

After his death things might not have went the right way in Cuba but he played little part in that;

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My advice is to get on a plane - you may reconsider your earlier comment re 'cheap punnay', unless you can handle the 'local style' brothels. Been there, got the t-shirt : never again. I'm going back next year and I fully expect it to cost roughly double what I spend each night in Bangkok.

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I think if I would move to Cambodia I would choose Phnom Penh , its a great city and the infrastructure in the central areas of PP is not bad, easy to get around .

The good thing about PP is the french influence, you can eat gourmet french food in one of the restaurants near the riverside for only a few dollars. And Khmer food is not bad even compared with Thai food. Or the french bakeries ,its cheaper and taste better than what I find in the Thai bakeries. Again its the french influence which is still very alive in PP.

I found a cheap Indonesian restaurant in one of the smaller streets serving on of the best gado-gado I ever had , impossible to find this in Thailand, even in Bangkok. So PP is perfect for expats that want to live cheap and still have access to western food and a good lifestyle.

The air quality is better than Bangkok .

Most of the younger Khmer people speaks English so you can actually have a long conversation with locals there unlike in Thailand .

I dont know much about life outside of Phnom Penh , and that would probably be like Thailand 20 years ago , and not so interesting for a "modern" expat.

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I'd move to India if I had to leave Thailand. 1000 times better than Cambodia.


looks at nick name and understands why.


My nickname is a Thai word - means anonymous.

Maybe you are mixing it up with an anagram - Neemrana, a town in Rajasthan, India.

think he was thinking along the lines of move to india to be near a naan bread - heh heh

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Guys basically what OP is saying is that he needs a place where they still see a farang/gaijin/ang moh/whatever those khmer ppl call white ppl/ as unique and like the saviors to the area aka special treatment. A place where he can stretch his currency even further. Now it's like what 30-40 thb to 1 USD or 1 GBP but that;s not good enough. You need a place where you can spend 10 GBP to get a 5 star hotel and of course thailand does not have that i mean it's a 3rd world country and cheaper to live in then say milan or paris but still not THAT cheap.

Yep, that's pretty much it.

These are the people sit in Thailand bemoaning the fact that the price of "female company" has risen from ฿500 to an outrageous ฿1,000 and that when they waddle their fat, sweaty carcasses into a bar, there isn't a potential Miss World contender rushing over with a bowl of water to wash and dry their feet and trim their toenails in return for doing nothing more altruistic than buying a freakin' bottle of beer.

They're perfectly happy for the locals to remain ignorant, uneducated and bereft of opportunities for advancement just so long as their coronary-on-a-plate farang meal, pint of draught and a bar-side handjob costs them less than ฿500 all in.

Thankfully, those days have come to an end and not a moment too soon.

I am told, however, that if you can dodge the bullets, the DRC has some very attractive women available for a buck a pop laugh.png

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Oh nonsense snake 24 and hardened soul...all the op is asking is what would it be to stay in Cambodia opposed to Thailand. I am thinking about doing the same thing for no other reason than a change in scenery. How this thread has expanded into sexual and prostituting nuances is a reflection on the posters here that just cannot give a straight answer on a genuinely legitimate enquiry. By the way, how about the boys in PP? Are they gorgeous, friendly, safe an cheap?

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This was britgent's OP - bolding is mine:

Posted 2013-02-23 20:10:17

I have now lived in Chiang Mai for nearly a year now and am considering finding somewhere close to split my time with.

Cambodia is looking pretty promising and I haven't really heard anything too negative about it. If anything in many ways it sounds a little bit friendlier to the western tourist were as Thailand is seeming a bit tired of seeing our faces I think.

I must come clean at this point and confess I have not even visited Cambodia yet but am looking to do so very soon. I was considering Burma but I hear it is a security risk and that the Chinese have pretty much bought the place up already which makes it a no go for me. Pity as I really quite fancied it at one point.

A year ago Chiang Mai was utopia and it still a very nice place to live but I feel I need to split my time with somewhere else to fully appreciate its talents rather than be ground down by its bad points. Cambodia sounds right but I would appreciate your thoughts on this matter please as I have found thaivisa to be very well informed

I'm guessing that if britgent hasnt gotten on a plane and seen Cambo for himself by now, he never will. I wouldn't spend 6 weeks, much less 6 months, waiting to get the slew of opinions he has had in this thread when PP is a short flight from CM. This thread took on a life of it's own when people started posting that the only things that would attract them to Cambo would be cheap nightlife and a smaller number of Farang/Barang. As I said about 40 or so posts back, the only surefire way to know if that's true for you is to get on a plane.

Sitting here watching the Michigan National Guard try to clear IEDs with a metal detector and a pick (!) in Eastern Afghanistan, I'm reminded that there are other things in Cambodia that you wont encounter in Thailand : land mines. Granted, they aren't buried in urban areas, but how many of us would move to a country that had a problem with unexploded ordnance ?


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My advice is to get on a plane - you may reconsider your earlier comment re 'cheap punnay', unless you can handle the 'local style' brothels. Been there, got the t-shirt : never again. I'm going back next year and I fully expect it to cost roughly double what I spend each night in Bangkok.

so it's more expensive for the girls and the bars etc in jkt compared to bkk?

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My advice is to get on a plane - you may reconsider your earlier comment re 'cheap punnay', unless you can handle the 'local style' brothels. Been there, got the t-shirt : never again. I'm going back next year and I fully expect it to cost roughly double what I spend each night in Bangkok.

so it's more expensive for the girls and the bars etc in jkt compared to bkk?

Yes and no - if you are happy to spend your holiday in Blok M, it would be about the same, but step into a club and it's as though someone flicked a switch to Sydney prices. BKK has those clubs too, but I can generally ignore that end of town - not so in Jakarta where its a major part of the nightlife scene. There's a very popular blog on nightlife in Jakarta - google it and you'll see what I'm on about. It's been a few years since I last set foot in Jakarta, but it was expensive even without paid companionship. I'll spend 5-6 nights in Jakarta/Bandung next year and I'll be happy if my nightlife tab is less than 2000USD - that's without going silly. If I sat in the hotel room and drank Bintang, it would be a very cheap holiday - boring as hell, but cheap. Jakarta is one of the last places on earth where I'd want to live like a local guy, but for a fly-in/fly-out experience it's a mind blower.

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I find it difficult to support any country that until recently has barely stopped slaughtering its own citizens. Unlike its surrounding neighbours, Thailand has never done that. I enjoy Chiang Mai because it has a very substantial western expat base. There is nowhere in the city that DOESN'T have someone who can't speak at least a little English. Chiang Mai is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it covers most of what westerners want in a society... lots of accommodation, good medical, good dental, stable economy, reasonable and available merchandise, many places to eat, night life, fair transportation and it's easy to walk just about anywhere within an hour.

You are spot on in your post. Thailand has a long standing tradition of making it's neighbors happy.

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