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Think The Wife Has Lost It


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My mother who is Thai, is very much like this. She told me when I was a toddler, she used to rub my legs in a downwards motion and that is what kept me from being bowlegged. LOL She'd say the bed must face north, the head of it. What else...oh, if I am on the couch and I touch her with my feet, she gets so pissed off! I asked why and she said the feet are the lowest part of a person. I'm thinking, since I am half Irish and American, that I'd get pissed if somebody put their bare ass on my nose when laying down, tea-bagged me (just look it up if you have to ask), or rubbed their unwanted genitalia anywhere else on my body. But feet? Who cares unless you just stepped in some sort of fecal matter or urine, or are just a very unclean person. My mother is 66, for the record, lived in America for 35 years, but is in Thailand again for retirement. Her English never really got great over the years, but I think it's a little better now that she's moved back to Chiang Mai. Weird, huh?

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C'mon dude give her a hand. You need to have the feng shui correct in the bed room at least:


"A good feng shui bedroom is a bedroom that promotes a harmonious flow of nourishing and sensual energy."

Don't you mean sexual energy coffee1.gif

As for the original post what can you expect when people call their children, dog, cat, bird, fish, little, big, pig, ad nauseum.

As for losing it, did she ever have it for a start?

Thailand is still a country where the majority of the people are farmers. Until recently, a vast majority were. Hence these animal nicknames. Most people find these Thai nicknames charming and endearing. The only nauseating thing here is your contempt for Thai culture.

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Very predictable they are, soon she will come out and watch a Thai drama or Ghost story, Mirror and tweezers in hand to pic at her face, covered in powder.

Then cook something as They need to eat on an hourly basis.

bloody hillarious and true, just keep smiling.

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That reminds me, my wife refers to "castlemaine 4x" (local beer from QLD, Australia) as "ex-ex-ex-ex"......And she wonders why I love her so !

In Thai thats ''crap-crap-crap-crap''.......................whistling.gif ......................laugh.png

To someone who is not from QLD it probably is crap-crap-crap-crap.............

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There is a good reason to position furniture properly and even houses. If your house faces north and the longest part of the roof faces east west the sun will go directly over the long roof line and the house will be cooler. Many builders of 'Queenslanders' in Australia knew that 100 years ago. Some people also sleep better facing a particular direction. Don't be too hasty to criticize superstition - remember the last world cup - football, who predicted the winners ??

Air conditioning???

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My wife is from Petchaboon and doesn't seem to have any of those regular Thai superstions.

Of course she has been here in the USA for the last 44 years.

Myself, I walk under ladders, break mirrors , none of those superstions were believed in my family and we were dirt poor and

Not highly educated.

I have known highly educated Thai's who are extremely superstious. Go figure!

Chu Lai 67-68

ability to think and reason coming to a logical conclusion?

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C'mon dude give her a hand. You need to have the feng shui correct in the bed room at least:


"A good feng shui bedroom is a bedroom that promotes a harmonious flow of nourishing and sensual energy."

No, no, that was the best part I liked. Do not help her move it!

If she's really that determined she can do it with you in bed... biggrin.png

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Well done...she sleeps in a bed.

My ex would often leave our bed once I was asleep and go and sleep on the bare tile floor with a thai style head pillow.

Me and my ex used to sleep on the floor then one night I got stung by a scorpion. No problem she said it won't happen again it's very rare, two weeks later she got stung by a scorpion and suddenly we needed a bed rolleyes.gif

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That sort of superstitious crap has nothing to do with background, standing or education i'm afraid.

Sorry did not mean to hit the "like" button, I thought it read"opinionated to**er"
1) If you click "like" by mistake, clicking it again removes the "like"... so no need to apologise, just remove it.

2) Disagreeing with someone without giving any reasoning whatsoever, and then calling them a tosser, makes you pretty opinionated yourself.

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C'mon dude give her a hand. You need to have the feng shui correct in the bed room at least:


"A good feng shui bedroom is a bedroom that promotes a harmonious flow of nourishing and sensual energy."

Don't you mean sexual energy :coffee1:

As for the original post what can you expect when people call their children, dog, cat, bird, fish, little, big, pig, ad nauseum.

As for losing it, did she ever have it for a start?

Thailand is still a country where the majority of the people are farmers. Until recently, a vast majority were. Hence these animal nicknames. Most people find these Thai nicknames charming and endearing. The only nauseating thing here is your contempt for Thai culture.

Well said Bruce.



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C'mon dude give her a hand. You need to have the feng shui correct in the bed room at least:


"A good feng shui bedroom is a bedroom that promotes a harmonious flow of nourishing and sensual energy."

Nourishment and balance come from within, not without. One can only depend so much on external devices, as a excuse for not doing any inner work. Feng Shui is a crutch, and nothing more than that. Easy to get carried away with nonsense, or things that do not mean too much in this life. Do not let it happen. Reason with her. Try to get her to understand it is not about luck, but rather the fortune we create with our behavior, and our lives. Relatively simple formula.

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Think I'll stick with the 'mai pen rai krab' philosophy on this one. I'm beginning to get a headache.

Feng Shui, Ancient China, Buddhism, Australian lager...and now Nietzsche.

Australia makes the funniest beer adverts. Whether Thais would Larf, I don't know. They do seem to like slapstick comedy, so the ad with the overloaded pick up would probably get a smile.


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Think I'll stick with the 'mai pen rai krab' philosophy on this one. I'm beginning to get a headache.

Feng Shui, Ancient China, Buddhism, Australian lager...and now Nietzsche.

Australia makes the funniest beer adverts. Whether Thais would Larf, I don't know. They do seem to like slapstick comedy, so the ad with the overloaded pick up would probably get a smile.



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She says it's something to do with the direction you point a coffin at a funeral or something, can't sleep in that direction for that reason.

I'm not dead yet.

Have to humour them.

I was a monk In my younger days, I try to explain to her this has nothing to do with Buddhism, but I'm fully aware to you will never change their thinking and as it does not bother me and is quite entertaining I will let her be.

Not that we can really control them anyway.

How long have you been married?

And how long have you lived here?

Where, in Thailand, is your wife from?

The odd melding of ancient and newer religious beliefs, along with native and imported superstitions, varies a lot by region here.

Maybe best to try to expand your understanding of your wife's beliefs, rather than watching TV and expressing your negative thoughts by shaking your head, and then lamenting about your wife's beliefs on a public forum?

That's a little sanctimonious, for a weekend.

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Think I'll stick with the 'mai pen rai krab' philosophy on this one. I'm beginning to get a headache.

Feng Shui, Ancient China, Buddhism, Australian lager...and now Nietzsche.

Australia makes the funniest beer adverts. Whether Thais would Larf, I don't know. They do seem to like slapstick comedy, so the ad with the overloaded pick up would probably get a smile.


Is that the one where the champagne for the girls is just too much for the ute to bear?

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Think I'll stick with the 'mai pen rai krab' philosophy on this one. I'm beginning to get a headache.

Feng Shui, Ancient China, Buddhism, Australian lager...and now Nietzsche.

Australia makes the funniest beer adverts. Whether Thais would Larf, I don't know. They do seem to like slapstick comedy, so the ad with the overloaded pick up would probably get a smile.


Is that the one where the champagne for the girls is just too much for the ute to bear?

Sweet sherry ad 1986.

Paul Hogan's Fosters were class too.

Sorry transam. US can't do good beer commercials. Why, I don't know. There's a kind of lack of subtlety.


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"and they cant figure out why their sex lives are boring" -

It has nothing to with the direction that the feet or bed are pointed. They need a stock whip and a large tube of whipped cream. That's what I am told anyway, have not actually tried it myself.

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feng shui is based on common sense and aesthetic values. people however have personal preferences which are of course equally valid.

If one can believe the moon has a gravitational field that influences people as well as the tides then why should the earth spinning not have an effect on a sleeper. I may be imagining it but I feel lighter headed when my head orientates with the spin and the blood drains to my feet fractional differences only and it may be because of the position of the moon not the spin direction. Anyway I sleep better if my head is to the east. Some people may hate this and orientate north south which means the spin factor is reduced but earth magnetism is more effective.

Only the really thick skinned are unaware of such bodily niceties but them they have counter measures in Beer chang and cigarettes..

There is no common sense at all for feng shui, for someone who was raised in an environment where feng shui is unknown.

There is also no spin factor and your blood does not get stuck in your feet if you sleep in the wrong direction because the earth rotation speed is constant... You should not have skipped physics class in high school.

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When you place furniture in a room, you use 'common sense' to place it. i.e, the sofa facing the TV etc. You also place furniture in ways that 'you like' ... that makes you comfortable, at ease etc.

Feng Shui is just the 'compulsive behavior disorder' version of the above.

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When you place furniture in a room, you use 'common sense' to place it. i.e, the sofa facing the TV etc. You also place furniture in ways that 'you like' ... that makes you comfortable, at ease etc.

Feng Shui is just the 'compulsive behavior disorder' version of the above.

I placed my sofa with the main entrance door on its back, which I believe is a big NO for feng shui standards... but I like it this way and it was the most sensible sofa placement.

Considering the time I spend with my arse sitting comfortably on it, I don't think there is any "chi" flow that is disturbing my movie viewing and reading time...

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According to science in vedas head should point south side and legs towards north as the earths revolution in india they follow this as per ancient science called Vaastu which shows directions for every thing go to the web and search Vaastu science.

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My wife also had to place the bed in a certain position, Re: Thai belief, She can place the bed however she likes as it is her house also.

I have no problem in complying with her beliefs, I try to meet her half way on things and this is not a big issue with us.

However foreign her beliefs are to me, it is part of her being and when I married her I accepted her into my life for better or for worse. So far being married to her has been a great improvement in the quality of my life!


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According to science in vedas head should point south side and legs towards north as the earths revolution in india they follow this as per ancient science called Vaastu which shows directions for every thing go to the web and search Vaastu science.

Very hard to understand the meaning of your post without any punctuation. I'm not sure it would make any sense with points and commas, though.

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