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Khon Kaen Man Kills Ladyboy After She 'Touches His Penis'

Lite Beer

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I don't think the loss of a ladyboy is a great loss. The ladyboy would have had a miserable life ahead anyway. I think he did the world a favor. What a 'confused' bunch they (ladyboys) are and of no real value to the society they live in. They equate to the 'protected species' of cockroach or rodent in most cases.


I don't think so, as these are I believe his genuine thoughts and beliefs on the subject!!!

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Considering that his passport and id card said MR, it is irrelevant what he preferred.

and what does that have to do with respect?

Thai trans people are not allowed under Thai law to change the sex on their ID. That is an issue that is being worked on and I reckon over time it will be allowed. Too late for this particular person though sadly. This person murdered was a human being who did nothing remotely justifying murderous violence. Perhaps a slap though.

good post

Right up to the point where you said perhaps a slap.

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Stupid and stupid

Stupid to take someone's life for something so silly

Stupid to try to touch "penis" and flirt with a straight man

Why do not ladyboys understand that NOT all men want to sleep with other man?

Ladyboys never seem to hang around gay bars, but always around straight men bars.

me thinky it stupid to believe everything the man said. but you got your phobic message across, so that must count for something.

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Considering that his passport and id card said MR, it is irrelevant what he preferred.

and what does that have to do with respect?

Thai trans people are not allowed under Thai law to change the sex on their ID. That is an issue that is being worked on and I reckon over time it will be allowed. Too late for this particular person though sadly. This person murdered was a human being who did nothing remotely justifying murderous violence. Perhaps a slap though.

good post

Right up to the point where you said perhaps a slap.

It was a bit of humor but really a total stranger has no business grabbing anyone's junk unless of course they are a hottie.

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Stupid and stupid

Stupid to take someone's life for something so silly

Stupid to try to touch "penis" and flirt with a straight man

Why do not ladyboys understand that NOT all men want to sleep with other man?

Ladyboys never seem to hang around gay bars, but always around straight men bars.

Because there are lots of "straight" men who won't go for men, but go for ladyboys. The ladyboys worked this out long ago...

Straight men don't go for ladyboys bisexual men maybe but not straight men. Non straights will talk until they are blue in the face and try and convince straight guys that they are attracted to men and ladyboys and will never accept that straights like only women.

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Ladyboys never seem to hang around gay bars, but always around straight men bars.

Not sure where you hang around, but straight man do not get sexually involved with other man, hence why they are straight man.unless mislead or inexperienced to spot a man in frock.

A straight man does not get involved with other men ????????? who told you that, or do you not want to realize -Example countless married lorry drivers in the UK, drive down to or through London area. Missing from home a day or two===pick up boys in London for a Quickie... countless straight men pick up other men in toilets,

some people cannot see wood for trees. ask gay men if all their encounters are gay---no way would be the answer.---Get about a bit, not just assume.

Perhaps your example is accurate however, they are not "straight" ,perhaps latent hetrosexuals at best.

Why is it only married lorry drivers in the UK.

That do this. I have yet to meet a straight man out looking to pick up a boy for a day or two.

You sound to me like some one in denial.

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Some years ago I witnessed an Englishman in his 60's being informed that his "girlfriend" of several weeks was not a woman. He had no idea, had a complete mental breakdown, and required assistance to be repatriated.

Some men, and that includes myself, find the concept of sexual contact with another man completely repellant, and the self-delusions, bodily alterations and clothing style of the other man is completely irrelevant to those feelings. That doesn't stop me from having civilised contact with katoeys, or admitting that some of them are quite attractive. I am not afraid of them (homophobic), I just have less than zero sexual interest. I'm fairly sure that body language conveys this; if not, a short verbal expression should do. But if someone insists on making an unwanted and aggressive sexual assault on my person, I will and have responded violently, though murder is definitely excessive.

To summarise, I don't care about your sexuality or delusions about it. Keep your hands of my genitals and we'll get along fine.

responded violently,,,,are you for real,,,,,

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you believe there are only 3 types of people, gay- straight and bi.sexual, you do need to look around.

I did NOT say that men will sleep with men because they are missing home---DO NOT MAKE THINGS UP. I was referring to there are so many types of people, the example about having the opportunity to indulge when away from home HAPPENS. reality--to all types of people.

I spoke of lorry drivers who do this, and to all friends and relatives he is straight. In your eyes he isn't--in my eyes he isn't, he is an opportunist.

You define what is straight ??? anyone like you, or a man that would NEVER have sex with a male. Many so called straights that got drunk and DABBLED when intoxicated, were sick to hell when they found out what they did the night before.

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Stupid and stupid

Stupid to take someone's life for something so silly

Stupid to try to touch "penis" and flirt with a straight man

Why do not ladyboys understand that NOT all men want to sleep with other man?

Ladyboys never seem to hang around gay bars, but always around straight men bars.

me thinky it stupid to believe everything the man said. but you got your phobic message across, so that must count for something.

Me think, it stupid to make off topic remarks with no purpose, but you got yours out, so that must make you feel like you have made a contribution

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Stupid and stupid

Stupid to take someone's life for something so silly

Stupid to try to touch "penis" and flirt with a straight man

Why do not ladyboys understand that NOT all men want to sleep with other man?

Ladyboys never seem to hang around gay bars, but always around straight men bars.

me thinky it stupid to believe everything the man said. but you got your phobic message across, so that must count for something.

Why do people insist on playing the homophobic card? It doesn't prove a point all it says is that a person has nothing further to contribute to a discussion. It is not a game of snap where you play the card on top of the deck slam your hand down and say "I win yeah"

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Seems like there's possibly some Internalised Homophobia whizzing around this thread. Perhaps those that are the most critical of the gay community and ladyboys (for their sexual orientation) might need to come to grips with their own sexuality.

I've known three people (2 men, 1 woman) who were so anti-gay it wasn't funny - complete homophobes......until they came out of the closet and admitted their homosexuality in their early 40's. All are still good friends.

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I am not very knowledgeable about the Thai justice system which is why I'm asking this question.

I do know that in Thailand ladyboys do not enjoy high social status, putting that politely.

Given the murder victim was one of low status, does that greatly increase the chances that the killer will get a light sentence or not?

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I am not very knowledgeable about the Thai justice system which is why I'm asking this question.

I do know that in Thailand ladyboys do not enjoy high social status, putting that politely.

Given the murder victim was one of low status, does that greatly increase the chances that the killer will get a light sentence or not?

What was/is the status of the killer?

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I am not very knowledgeable about the Thai justice system which is why I'm asking this question.

I do know that in Thailand ladyboys do not enjoy high social status, putting that politely.

Given the murder victim was one of low status, does that greatly increase the chances that the killer will get a light sentence or not?

What was/is the status of the killer?

For the sake of the question, assume average worker.

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I am very sure of my sexuality and i do not wish to be touched by another man, especially in my private areas, however i will not kill one, but will perhaps offer a nice bitch slap if touching continues after making my wishes clearly known

I am beginning to think you have a "Mrs" in your passport. clap2.gif

So you don't understand the concept of 'bisexual'? Just how "straight" are men who "pick up other men in toilets"?

I would say they are pretty bloody bent !

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Tragedy yes but I find it very hard to have sympathy for a sex offender. If the sexual assault victim was a woman and the guy helped himself to a handful of snatch and she shot him would he have deserved it? Would she have been unsure about her sexuality?

The gay community will campaign hard on this thread that all straight men are really closet gays and have a great desire to be fondled by other men but that is complete rubbish and just shows total ignorance by gays and how very little they know about straight men.

Sex offender, god you make me laugh, it does show me that IQ isn't divided equally in the world.

So if i were to grope a girl I deserve to be shot and groping is so threatening it warrants a gun shut. I would agree with you if I were to rape a girl but groping and that is it and her having a chance to get away. Remember this is on a bike 3 people there no self defense here just revenge that is is.

Groping a women without her consent is wrong and perverted, of course you don't deserve to get shot but it is still sexual assault. Just because you give her the option to "get away" before you go further doesn't excuse the behavior. You would need to be punished for this kind of behaviour and rightly so. In this case shooting the other person cannot be condoned but he was sexually assaulted nonetheless.

Of course groping woman is wrong, I am talking that it is overkill to shoot someone for it. Deadly force should only be used when you are in danger and cant get away. That is not the case in a grope where the victim can get away. That does not make the groping good it just does not justify the shooting.

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Don't know why this article keeps referring to the khatoey as a 'she'. They are men.

Assuming the murder victim preferred to be addressed as a female in life, how about in RESPECT for this dead person?

What's to respect? This is a man dressed as a woman. He molested another man. I'm supposed to respect that? If it was a straight man molesting a woman everyone would be cheering her on for shooting him...and rightfully so.

Check this ladyboys DNA....male or female????

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I am not very knowledgeable about the Thai justice system which is why I'm asking this question.

I do know that in Thailand ladyboys do not enjoy high social status, putting that politely.

Given the murder victim was one of low status, does that greatly increase the chances that the killer will get a light sentence or not?

What was/is the status of the killer?

For the sake of the question, assume average worker.

I would say then he will get a lengthy sentence appropriate for murder. Probably little chance for compensation payments. They court may take into consideration that he was sexually assaulted by the victim. A smart Barrister will play this card and say it momentarily made him snap losing logical thinking and try the old "he was molestered as a child this sexual assault brought it all flooding back. Maybe get it downgraded to manslaughter.

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Don't know why this article keeps referring to the khatoey as a 'she'. They are men.

Assuming the murder victim preferred to be addressed as a female in life, how about in RESPECT for this dead person?

What's to respect? This is a man dressed as a woman. He molested another man. I'm supposed to respect that? If it was a straight man molesting a woman everyone would be cheering her on for shooting him...and rightfully so.

Check this ladyboys DNA....male or female????

I don't think anyone would cheer if someone was murdered over a grope. Prosecuted, yes, some might feel a slap is acceptable but murder, don't think so.

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Because gay men are much less likely to be sexually be into people presenting as WOMEN than straight men. Duh!

RIP to the murder victim.

There is no excuse.

Not sure where you hang around, but straight man do not get sexually involved with other man, hence why they are straight man.unless mislead or inexperienced to spot a man in frock.

Congrats, your post qualifies for the most ignorant in a very long time

Has nothing to do with voting, only seeing what is going on in Walking street.

I know of several foreign men, who I know 100% are not gay and would never even consider walking into a gay bar, who have taken ladyboys to their room.

And before you ask, no I have never tried one.

I did, I do sometimes and I do not consider me gay (I have children-one even confirmed by DNA Test!wink.png ) and I was never,

would never go in a gay Bar, but was several times in different Lady Boy Bars,

From time to time I like something different. tongue.png

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I am not very knowledgeable about the Thai justice system which is why I'm asking this question.

I do know that in Thailand ladyboys do not enjoy high social status, putting that politely.

Given the murder victim was one of low status, does that greatly increase the chances that the killer will get a light sentence or not?

What was/is the status of the killer?

Probably wishing he hadn't bought that pen gun!!!

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A straight man does not get involved with other men ????????? who told you that, or do you not want to realize -Example countless married lorry drivers in the UK, drive down to or through London area. Missing from home a day or two===pick up boys in London for a Quickie... countless straight men pick up other men in toilets,

some people cannot see wood for trees. ask gay men if all their encounters are gay---no way would be the answer.---Get about a bit, not just assume.

Perhaps your example is accurate however, they are not "straight" ,perhaps latent hetrosexuals at best.

Why is it only married lorry drivers in the UK.

That do this. I have yet to meet a straight man out looking to pick up a boy for a day or two.

You sound to me like some one in denial.

It was an example--all walks of life I should have said, who do you know that IS 100% straight. You said you have yet to meet. I am not the one in denial, I speak about reality and not afraid of that. I do not know of anyone who I think is 100% straight. I and you can only guess.

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