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Push-up bra commercial goes viral in Thailand


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Reminds me of my first visit to Thailand years ago.

German guy I met on Kao Sand Rd who was coming back from Samui, and made me decide to go spend my 3 weeks holiday there.

He told me "Be careful, the most beautiful girls there are not girls".

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Thumbs up to the "after" picture ... thumbsup.gif


As a heterosexual man, I find it all a little blech....Either way, this has been done to a small extent before for Spy Wine cooler on a TV advert.

Man sees stunning model at the bar, "Would like you like a gin and tonic?". "No thanks I'll have a spy". Next girl he asks, "Would you like a vodka and orange", "no thanks, I wil have a spy", third even more stunning girl he walks up to "Would you like a spy?", who answers in a deep baritone, "Yes please".

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I love the advertising on the net and b4 on TV in Thailand, I think it is one of the few things that this country excels at, I just wish any of the other TV here, was any where near as good.

I like the tune as well

Edited by Buckaroo
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So obvious, so lame; what else would you expect to go viral in Thailand. Just look at the amount of crap that goes viral on the social media.

Only Crap Goes Viral on Facebook

You don't get it, do you. Who do you think the target market is for bras? Well it certainly isn't guys. Well, maybe some guys. But it's well made nevertheless. Just because you didn't like it doesn't really mean anything.

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To be honest, this word viral is being misused here... first off, viral always indicates something dangerous and infective always is connected with bad things... in the fashion industry, they have their own words for these kinds of things.. so its a bit stupid to copy others, just coz others do... the ole, "monkey see, monkey do" sort of way... and anyone with 1/2 intelligence could state it in a way that fits its use... then, ok so thai girls and katoey's like to show off... the girls, its great... so its not a bad thing, not a virus(where viral comes from)...

then we got the fact that trends change, in china they've been wearing push ups for a long time, not to mention western countries forever... this is fashion this is what people do... soon bell bottoms will be or going bra-less will happen again? "in fashion" or "viral"... and in the final words... "who in the hell cares if girls do that?" why do we need to make this a news subject... our world is going mad... hehe as bad as NBC news talking about the soaps on news times. :P

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To be honest, this word viral is being misused here... first off, viral always indicates something dangerous and infective always is connected with bad things... in the fashion industry, they have their own words for these kinds of things.. so its a bit stupid to copy others, just coz others do... the ole, "monkey see, monkey do" sort of way... and anyone with 1/2 intelligence could state it in a way that fits its use... then, ok so thai girls and katoey's like to show off... the girls, its great... so its not a bad thing, not a virus(where viral comes from)... then we got the fact that trends change, in china they've been wearing push ups for a long time, not to mention western countries forever... this is fashion this is what people do... soon bell bottoms will be or going bra-less will happen again? "in fashion" or "viral"... and in the final words... "who in the hell cares if girls do that?" why do we need to make this a news subject... our world is going mad... hehe as bad as NBC news talking about the soaps on news times. tongue.png

calm down

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Right after the girl took off her make up, they switched models. The dude has a longer face.

Yeah that's what I think.

I thought the same .. but check this out... (Behind the Scenes)

Dunno should I give credit to the Model or the Make up Artist....

But definitely a Creative Ad

Edited by Lite Beer
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first off, viral always indicates something dangerous and infective always is connected with bad things...

Haven't checked a dictionary recently I gather.

viral vi·ral
1. of, pertaining to, or caused by a virus.
2. pertaining to or involving the spreading of information and opinions about a product or service from person to person, especially on the Internet or in e-mails: a clever viral ad. See viral marketing.
3. becoming very popular by circulating quickly from person to person, especially through the Internet: the most memorable viral videos; This book is already viral two weeks before its official publication date.
4. pertaining to a computer virus.


5.go viral, to spread rapidly via the Internet, e-mail, or other media: Footage of the candidate's off-color remarks went viral within minutes.
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