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90 day extension hassle

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I went to the Imagration office in BKK yesterday. I went nice and early to get out of there at a decient time.

I had all my paperwork and nedded a ticket number from the counter. One for my 90 day extension and another for my address report.

So the man gave me a ticket for the 90 day extension but would not give me a ticket for the address report.

He said my passport was expiried and I have to clear it up before going to get my address report done. Well my passport was not expired I had 7 days left so I was early. He said no it was expired on June. I said that is the stamp of issue and the exparation date is above saying Sept.

Now at this point I saw he was getting mad for being wrong and in Thai he said just go do the 90 day and come back for the other ticket number....

Now I could understand allitle what he said. But I awnsered in English "what??? and Why??? my dates are all in order and I have goten both tickets at the same time before"
He awnsered in anger "You are here on a ED visa. You should speak Thai or I will have you deported"

I said WOW and smiled and ended up leaving after their lunch break...

My exstension # was N1-21 and my address one ended up being A-242... Maybee that will be my lucky lottery # LOL.

I guess I would be grumpy to if every one rushes to my desk and ask the same question over and over....

Ive heard so many times of nightmares with Imagration. I know this is a small small issue comparied to other people.

Next time I am going to leave out a photo copy of my passport so they can feel inpower to tell me to go get one down stairs. And then just come back with a smile.

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I hope it was your permit to stay date that was expiring not your passport.

Well did you finally get your extension and 90 day report done?

The passport has a few years left so thats all good.

And ya everythings done it just took more time. I just did not expext to be there after their lunch break...

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Sorry about this but what is an address report. I have had many work permits and am now on my 3rd retirement visa and have never been asked for this

It applies to anyone who stays in country for more than 90 days such as those with 1 year extensions based on work/marriage/retirement. If you leave every 90 days than it doesn't apply.

Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days Procedure and notification
  1. The foreigner makes the notification in person, or
  2. The foreigner authorises another person to make the notification, or
  3. The foreigner makes the notification by registered mail.
  4. The notification must be made within 15 days before or after 7 days the period of 90 days expires.
  5. The first application for extension of stay by the foreigner is equivalent to the notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days.


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Sorry about this but what is an address report. I have had many work permits and am now on my 3rd retirement visa and have never been asked for this

You should have been attending immigration every 3 months to make this report ( or alternatively doing it by post)

There is a fine associated with failing to make reports so I suspect you have been doing something !smile.png

Edited by Sceptict11
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Funny I hear sometimes about bad experiences with Immigration in Bangkok but I have been going there for 9 years for visa extensions (Non B and O)/ 90 day reports etc and never had a problem.

Last time I thought I may have a problem because I lost my 90 day report receipt. However I apologized to the nice lady when informing her then told her I knew exactly what date it was because I retained it on my computer. She looked it up on her computer, found it and processed my new one on the spot even though there were 10 people waiting in front of me. Then with a big smile said please be more careful next time..have a good day!

I think it all depends on peoples' attitudes how they in turn get treated.

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I once made my 90 day report, and the first question I was asked was"are you married"? I said yes, then he said "what does your wife work at"? Just what has that to do with your retirement ext? The he said " you have 25 days overstay" I said I haven't, and I want to see someone else, he said "follow me" he took me next door and said "you wait here" about 2 mins later he came to me, handed me my passport and said "you come back 90 days". Anyone got any idea what that was all about? Was he looking for some tea money?

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I have lived on Phuket for 7 years with retirment extensions. When not out of Phuket I have done many 90 day reports, but never an adress report.

On the TM 47 for 90 day report you write your adress.


The term used by immigration is "Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days" which includes and primarily used for informing them of your current address. The term 'address report' or '90 day address report' or '90 day reporting' often seen on TV and most other places refers to this.

Seeing you have been a member since 2007 I would thought you would have known the interchangeability of the term.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry about this but what is an address report. I have had many work permits and am now on my 3rd retirement visa and have never been asked for this

It applies to anyone who stays in country for more than 90 days such as those with 1 year extensions based on work/marriage/retirement. If you leave every 90 days than it doesn't apply.

Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days Procedure and notification
  1. The foreigner makes the notification in person, or
  2. The foreigner authorises another person to make the notification, or
  3. The foreigner makes the notification by registered mail.
  4. The notification must be made within 15 days before or after 7 days the period of 90 days expires.
  5. The first application for extension of stay by the foreigner is equivalent to the notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days.


Finding it tricky to get more info than "The foreigner makes the notification in person" - does the foreigner just fill in a TM47 or does he/she also have to provide passport copies?

Obviously the first time the wife decides not to use registered mail I have not received my receipt back and CW's phones and online messaging would appear not to be working...

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Notification by registered mail
Photocopy of passport pages with following pages
- front page showing name / surname / Passport No., ect.
- current visa
- last entry stamp of immigration
- last extension of visa
Photocopy of departure card TM.6 click to view Example TM.6 card
Previous notifications of staying over 90 days (if any) click to view Example document
Completely filled in and signed notification form TM.47 click to view Example document (Don't forget to sign name.)
Envelope with 10 Baht stamp affixed and return address of foreigner for the officer in charge to send back the lower part of form TM. 47 after having received the notification. This part must be kept for reference and for future notifications of staying over 90 days.
The above mentioned documents must be sent by registered mail and the receipt of the registration kept by the foreigner.
Send the mail before the renewal date 15 days to
Chalermprakiat Government Complex
Notice :
- Your registered mail must be sent to the Immigration office at least 15 days before the due date of notification.
- Your new form will be stamped as of the expiration date of your old receipt.
- Please keep your receipt of your registered mail in case of lost mail.
- Your document can not be processed if you have passed the 90 days limit. ( You must come to the nearest immigration office or Immigration Division 1 in person to pay fine 2,000 Baht)
- Waiting for reply mail over 1 month, please contact Immigration Office with your registered mail receipt.
The notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days is in no way equivalent to a visa extension.
If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying the Immigration Bureau or notifying the Immigration Bureau later than the set period, a fine of 2,000.- Baht will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he will be fined 4,000.- Baht.
If a foreigner leaves the country and re-enters, the day count starts at 1 in every case.


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Thanks Lopburi, are the document requirements the same in person, this is my 1st report at CW rather than by registered mail as you outline above (they did not send my receipt back by post nor answer the phone or my online messages).

Edited by elliottm
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Notification by registered mail
Photocopy of passport pages with following pages
- front page showing name / surname / Passport No., ect.
- current visa
- last entry stamp of immigration
- last extension of visa
Photocopy of departure card TM.6 click to view Example TM.6 card
Previous notifications of staying over 90 days (if any) click to view Example document
Completely filled in and signed notification form TM.47 click to view Example document (Don't forget to sign name.)
Envelope with 10 Baht stamp affixed and return address of foreigner for the officer in charge to send back the lower part of form TM. 47 after having received the notification. This part must be kept for reference and for future notifications of staying over 90 days.
The above mentioned documents must be sent by registered mail and the receipt of the registration kept by the foreigner.
Send the mail before the renewal date 15 days to
Chalermprakiat Government Complex
Notice :
- Your registered mail must be sent to the Immigration office at least 15 days before the due date of notification.
- Your new form will be stamped as of the expiration date of your old receipt.
- Please keep your receipt of your registered mail in case of lost mail.
- Your document can not be processed if you have passed the 90 days limit. ( You must come to the nearest immigration office or Immigration Division 1 in person to pay fine 2,000 Baht)
- Waiting for reply mail over 1 month, please contact Immigration Office with your registered mail receipt.
The notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days is in no way equivalent to a visa extension.
If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying the Immigration Bureau or notifying the Immigration Bureau later than the set period, a fine of 2,000.- Baht will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he will be fined 4,000.- Baht.
If a foreigner leaves the country and re-enters, the day count starts at 1 in every case.


Hi Lopburi, are the registered mail document requirements the same when visiting in person? Thanks.

Photocopy of passport pages with following pages
- front page showing name / surname / Passport No., ect.
- current visa
- last entry stamp of immigration
- last extension of visa
Photocopy of departure card TM.6 click to view Example TM.6 card
Previous notifications of staying over 90 days (if any) click to view Example document

Completely filled in and signed notification form TM.47

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For my latest 90 Day Notification the wife did NOT use registered post and I have not got my confirmation receipt. Immigration are not answering the phone or online messages so I will go in person today.

Has anyone else been in the situation of not receiving a receipt, I just wondered whether submitting a second notification with one potentially pending would cause issues (for example, confirmation has been issued but I am still without receipt) or letting them check for the first and then processing the second notification should clear up any issues.

Also, has anyone arriving at Chaeng Wattaana after lunch not been seen the same day? I've seen some awful looking queues snaking out of the 90 Days room when completing other services.


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Now I could understand allitle what he said. But I awnsered in English "what??? and Why??? my dates are all in order and I have goten both tickets at the same time before"

He awnsered in anger "You are here on a ED visa. You should speak Thai or I will have you deported"

Why do you have to argue the point with the officer? He told you what you needed to do, go and do it. Then to be on an ED extension and not replying - or at least attempting to reply - in Thai is only going to further inflame the situation.

Apologise to the officer for being a dick and move on...

If it is the officer I think you're referring to, he doesn't lose his cool often, but when he does, it's not pretty but usually warranted.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Just a quick update in case you are waiting for an overdue 90 days receipt in the mail and you cannot get a reply from CW calling or emailing them.

The officer confirmed the receipt had been sent 3 days ago but would not tell me the date of my next notification (which I can extrapolate) or a telephone number I could contact in case of non-receipt (which occurred with a certificate of residence for a driving test for which again again I could elicit no response).

In this instance I must accept partial responsibility as my wife this time did not use registered mail from her work couriers so I had no proof of their receipt (the post office is 25 mins walk away, her office 4 mins, hence the expediency).

Oh well, another life lesson learnt (nearly shortened by the return mini van driver), and I have to go back next month to renew my Non-Imm O and do it all again anyway, doh!

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