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Large fire at Phuket SuperCheap, reports of explosions

Lite Beer

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I wonder if prices in the satellite branches have gone up today already?.I also don't belive that the staff would have closed the shutters to prevent theft,the store closes at 10pm,and the fire started around 9.40pm,so my guess is the shutters were already half shut in preparation for closure.


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Absolutely stunned to read that apparently the staff's first reaction was to lock people in to prevent theft.

And further dismayed to read the reports that seem to focus on loss in Baht terms, due to damages, rather than loss of life.

This place is truly sad.

That is exactly what happened at the Royal Jomtien Hotel Jomtien, Pattaya some 16 years or so ago. The fire escape doores were reportedly locked at weekends, to prevent the Thai weekenders from leaving without paying their bills.

I believe 92 officially died, but rumoured to be many more.

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The design of that building, i.e. no more than a large warehouse to all intents and purposes, would accelerate the flames.

The place is full of flammables and, as has now been proven, a fire starting in there becomes out of control pretty quickly.

There probably aren't enough fire trucks on the whole of Phuket to get a blaze like this under control, hence the total loss for insurance purposes, though, as an ex-property underwriter, I would say any underwriter who took on this risk needs his/her head examining.

I hope that there are no casualties and I also hope that the circumstances are fully investigated, though like a few other posters already, I doubt whether accurate information will ever be forthcoming.

As a former Insurance Risk Management Surveyor, I would have had all flammables removed, and an automatic sprinkler system installed for starters!

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Seems Phuket is very ill equiped to handle any fire. Slow response times, lack of fire hydrants, poorly maintained equipment, lack of training etc.

Not just Phuket, Thailand in general. Also third world countries throughout the world.

One major difference between developed and developing countries is the quality of emergency equipment, and that includes ambulance facilities as well.

They are decades behind the West.

They are not decades behind, as they have potential access to exactly the same equipment as everybody else in the world. The problem is will ("it will never happen to me") and money, both in terms of income (taxes) and financial drain (corruption).

At the very least, let's hope that horrible incidents like this and the Tiger fire will change the way things work.

If it didn't happen after the Tiger fire. why are changes likely to happen now?

Thailand is a sad country in many ways. Little respect and no concern for human life!

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Absolutely stunned to read that apparently the staff's first reaction was to lock people in to prevent theft.


May be true, may be not true. Always plenty of rumours after things like this, better to wait with any kind of judgement until it becomes clear what happened.

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Google translate from RKU News facebook.

More Phuket at this time to control the placement of fire . Light Brigade had not yet gone . But still can not get inside the arena . Because the Light Brigade . Some news sources report that the body found at the scene confirmed that 11 bodies from the scene . The rescue team charity fair question. That no one can go inside if you would like to confirm that as soon as the scene did not report on deaths here .

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Absolutely stunned to read that apparently the staff's first reaction was to lock people in to prevent theft.


May be true, may be not true. Always plenty of rumours after things like this, better to wait with any kind of judgement until it becomes clear what happened.

And even if they did block the exits, it's good to remember how differently we see the event compared to the people who worked there when the fire started.

The first images what we see from the news is the huge inferno.

The first things the people who worked at the exits was probably people walking or running towards exits and shouting fire. On the minds of the staff, at the time, the fire could have been some firecrackers exploding, which would not be reason to let everybody go through without paying (as they would be responsible of their actions).

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Just been told about a post in Thai on Facebook claiming staff closed the shutters to Supercheap to stop people leaving with goods when the fire started... I really hope it is just a rumour. Perhaps someone can translate - https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1379413_4977762622173_863651496_n.jpg

I really hope that is not true

Never been in super cheap , but do they have clearly marked fire exits ? Also why was it a fire waiting to happen as many have posted ?

no way, its hard to find your way out on a normal day, with a fire going on, you would be screwed. what were 1000 staff doing there at 10pm? when does it usually close?

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Phuket SuperCheap Inferno: Search for victims delayed as fire continues
Phuket Gazette

PHUKET: -- Flames continued to ravage Phuket’s renowned SuperCheap megastore this morning, stifling any efforts to search for victims caught in the inferno that broke out at the huge shopping facility last night.

Fresh reinforcements of firefighters arrived early today to relieve those who battled the flames throughout the night. Plumes of smoke continued to rise into the morning sky.

Inferno engulfs Phuket Town's SuperCheap megastore. Phuket Today “Firefighters are doing their best, but parts of the building are still burning,” Phuket Vice Governor Sommai Prijasilpa told the Phuket Gazette.

Two firefighters were injured during the night.

“They were cut by sharp objects while fighting the fire, but thankfully their injuries were not serious,” Vice Governor Sommai said.

“At this stage, we still don’t know how long it will take to put out the fire completely,” she added.

The area surrounding the building remained sealed off, while investigators from the Phuket Forensics Police attended a briefing to prepare themselves for entering the facility.

The number of people possibly trapped by the fire could reach into the hundreds, though Phuket City Police chief Sermphan Sirikong was reluctant to estimate how many people may have died in the blaze.

“We are co-ordinating our efforts with forensic police officers who will soon enter and search the building,” Col Sermphan told the Gazette.

“I cannot comment on how many people died in the fire until officers inspect the building,” he said.

Throughout the night only one missing person report was formally filed at the incident center set up in front of the shopping center.

“After 2am, security guard Jongdee Chinthai was reported missing, but he was reported found alive by 8am today,” Vice Governor Sommai confirmed.

Anong Khunpetthongrat, however, fears the worst for her 18-year-old daughter Siriporn Khunpetthongrat, a cashier at SuperCheap.

“I have been waiting all night to hear any news of her. I got here at about 9:30pm, as soon as I found out about the fire,” Ms Anong told the Gazette.

“I have very little hope that she is still alive. I am preparing myself for the worst,” she tearfully told the Gazette.

Vice Governor Sommai said the fire had damaged at least six houses in the vicinity.

Rassada Mayor Phudit Raksarat ordered his officers to conduct a door-by-door check to confirm how much damage local houses have sustained and to determine whether any local residents need assistance.

“We have about 200 police officers at the scene and about 300 rescue workers from Phuket and Phang Nga standing by,” Vice Governor Sommai said.

“We’re doing the best we can,” she added.

Source: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket_news/2013/Phuket-SuperCheap-Inferno-Search-for-victims-delayed-as-fire-continues-VIDEO-22519.html

-- Phuket Gazette 2013-10-17
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Seems Phuket is very ill equiped to handle any fire. Slow response times, lack of fire hydrants, poorly maintained equipment, lack of training etc.

Not just Phuket, Thailand in general. Also third world countries throughout the world.

One major difference between developed and developing countries is the quality of emergency equipment, and that includes ambulance facilities as well.

They are decades behind the West.

They are not decades behind, as they have potential access to exactly the same equipment as everybody else in the world. The problem is will ("it will never happen to me") and money, both in terms of income (taxes) and financial drain (corruption).

At the very least, let's hope that horrible incidents like this and the Tiger fire will change the way things work.

I agree. Phuket is not a small village up in Issan. Phuket is a very wealthy province in Thailand, yet, they refuse to upgrade all forms of infastructure here.

And that is why they are decades behind, and will remain so until the money to pay for improved emergency services is actually spent properly and doesn't find its way into peoples' back pockets.

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So it went from no one injured to hundreds can be killed according to the latest update!

The number of people possibly trapped by the fire could reach into the hundreds, though Phuket City Police chief Sermphan Sirikong was reluctant to estimate how many people may have died in the blaze.

Another example of everyone being busy stuffing their pockets instead of doing their job.

Edited by spacemand
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Posts about lack of equipment made me think of the fire trucks sitting in Bangkok unused over some legal squabble..... tires rot and buildings burn. So frustrating that nothing is ever done about preventing these horrible events, other than collecting payoffs to avoid any prudent fire prevention measures.

Investigation will reveal two causes for the fire: ghosts and farangs. I fear there will be plenty more ghosts there now.

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One female reported missing after Phuket SuperCheap fire

Naraporn Tuarob

PHUKET: -- A woman believed to be missing after the SuperCheap fire has her name put on a board at a support centre set up at Phuket Provincial Hall.

Ms Angkana Namrob, a customer, has been reported missing. An earlier report said a staff member, Ta Choodam, was also missing. Ms Ta has since been located, an official said.

Officials at the support and information centre today wrote Ms Angkana's name on a board at the Phuket Provincial Hall, after she were reported missing by family or friends.

An official at the scene told The Phuket News that rescue teams had to wait for a forensic team from Surat Thani to arrive before they entered the site. They were expected to arrive later today.

Officials said the fire is under control, but the building is still on fire and explosions can still be heard.

The fire started around 9.40pm last night.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/one-female-reported-missing-after-phuket-supercheap-fire-42405.php

-- Phuket News 2013-10-17

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I'm truly amazed that so few people have been reported missing. It seems there would be little chance for anyone stuck in that maze to have gotten out after the first few minutes. Don't think I've ever been there without getting lost trying to find my way out or discovering some new area I never knew existed.

I hope that this will bring out the good in the community and people will work together to alleviate the strains that this loss will create.


Edited by Concerned Relative
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Theres large doors in the back next to the desks/couch/beds.

Quite sad that 8000b a month cashier would kill people for stolen goods when all the goods are gone when a fire happens. I wouldnt even feel bad if an evil tuktuk driver managed to salvage free expensive electronics from a store going on fire.

I've never been to Phuket so I don't know what this place is like or how big it is.

Someone said there were no fire alarms or at least they weren't sounded so maybe the staff though it was just a scam so people could steal goods. There's also the possibility that a some shoppers saw the opportunity and just grabbed stuff. The staff may not get any training regarding what to do in this situation and if they are employed rather than owners they might have been worried about the consequences for them if they didn't try to stop what might have appeared to be theft. I'm not saying any of this happened but it's worth bearing in mind all the possibilities.

I hope there aren't too many casualties but it doesn't look good.

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I've never been to Phuket so I don't know what this place is like or how big it is.

It was huge, probably largest single level store in Phuket.

Phuket News TV video report said that the fire was estimated to be 800 meters wide.

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Till now they find 60 death people. The goods are covered by insurance.....unofficial comment from a police friend 2 hours ago.

Since apparently they could not enter the building I doubt your police friend is right. I would think that, just like other people, they gossip.

Edited by stevenl
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Seems Phuket is very ill equiped to handle any fire. Slow response times, lack of fire hydrants, poorly maintained equipment, lack of training etc.

Not just Phuket, Thailand in general. Also third world countries throughout the world.

One major difference between developed and developing countries is the quality of emergency equipment, and that includes ambulance facilities as well.

They are decades behind the West.

They are not decades behind, as they have potential access to exactly the same equipment as everybody else in the world. The problem is will ("it will never happen to me") and money, both in terms of income (taxes) and financial drain (corruption).

At the very least, let's hope that horrible incidents like this and the Tiger fire will change the way things work.

Very true. There seems to be perfectly adequate access to expensive luxuries like new cars by Mercedes, BMW, Ferrari ect. Houses built to western standards, electronic gadgets and expensive fashion.

I wouldn't be surprised if the owner or owners of this building has quite a lot of this stuff themselves. In fact it's the ability to not have to pay for costly safety measures that often provides the means to pay for these luxuries.

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Just been told about a post in Thai on Facebook claiming staff closed the shutters to Supercheap to stop people leaving with goods when the fire started... I really hope it is just a rumour. Perhaps someone can translate - https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1379413_4977762622173_863651496_n.jpg

I tried my best to translate ...

i am talking with my dads friend. He was at supercheap at the time the fire was starting he was one of the first people who saw the the flames starting at tried to leave quietly just as people were starting to shout FIRE and everyone started fighting to get out. The fire started to come from the area they sell bags and foam boxes. when the staff started to realise that there was a fire the they started to close the shutters because they were worried that customers would leave stealing goods, this caused lots of people to be trapped inside. My dads friend said that he thinks because of this lots of people have died inside. This story im telling you is true! right now he is still very nervous (in shock) The most important thing is that there was no fire alarm sounds to warn people and the staff tried to close the doors to stop people going out. thank you for reading

I do not want to believe this.... IF this is true, they should lock the staff that was closing the doors, in a little building, close the doors and put it on fire!!! It is MURDER!

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Till now they find 60 death people. The goods are covered by insurance.....unofficial comment from a police friend 2 hours ago.

Since apparently they could not enter the building I doubt your police friend is right. I would think that, just like other people, they gossip.

Up to you. But he is right. He can count till 60.wink.png

Edited by schlog
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Just been told about a post in Thai on Facebook claiming staff closed the shutters to Supercheap to stop people leaving with goods when the fire started... I really hope it is just a rumour. Perhaps someone can translate - https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1379413_4977762622173_863651496_n.jpg

I tried my best to translate ...

i am talking with my dads friend. He was at supercheap at the time the fire was starting he was one of the first people who saw the the flames starting at tried to leave quietly just as people were starting to shout FIRE and everyone started fighting to get out. The fire started to come from the area they sell bags and foam boxes. when the staff started to realise that there was a fire the they started to close the shutters because they were worried that customers would leave stealing goods, this caused lots of people to be trapped inside. My dads friend said that he thinks because of this lots of people have died inside. This story im telling you is true! right now he is still very nervous (in shock) The most important thing is that there was no fire alarm sounds to warn people and the staff tried to close the doors to stop people going out. thank you for reading

I do not want to believe this.... IF this is true, they should lock the staff that was closing the doors, in a little building, close the doors and put it on fire!!! It is MURDER!

Better wait with speculating and accusations, ket alone convicting and punishing, till we know what happened.

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