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ATM Scam in Pattaya


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Three years ago, here in BKK, my EC Card WAS copied at ATM WITHOUT giving in my pin code. 3.500 was taken from my account. I GOT IT BACK at home by my bank.

This year was tried 43 time to get money from my account by ATM machine. Seven time successfully from my credit card. Must be also copied by giving me money. I blocked the payment from my account quickly.

Thailand must be a paradise for such criminal actions.

Similar was with my WU account, but in this case I am not sure, how it happened, because of missing my normal Nokia phone (at home?) used only as memory for my pins. It was locked with two pins, but maybe, it is possible to open by professionals, my broken love has said to me after, maybe also my lost girlfriend Pimmy Siliyakron can have done this, now, after all I know today about her, she can have done this. One lie more than the thousands she has given me, is no more important.


Thailand is not the country of smile!

What the question of police is!

Today I tried to get the address of the tourist police by a normal police station, because I could find the phone number, the area, but not the address, and the police man at phone was not able to give me the exact address on phone. Do you know the boxing station???? No!

So I thought, the best is to go to a normal police station.

I was waiting maybe one hour, they worked hard and at the end the gave me the phone number, and after a quarter hour more the address, not to find on google map.

They were friendly, that's was all.

Police and intelligence are often enemies.

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Happened to me multiple times in Brazil (#1 country in the world for bank card fraud) never had to go to the police simply called my bank and informed them (actually did it via my online banking) and they looked into it, agreed my card had been skimmed, and refunded the cash.

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in holland we had this problem too for a long time. now they changed the bankcards.. HOW THEY DID IT THERE?! they worked together with many employees of shops. this way it was easier to fix the device. they get your pincode and the rest of your card data when you use it in a shop where they easily fixed the device . I never use my card in any shop, only pay cash. maybe it's not the atm machine that has a device put on,

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I have two account one with atm and other without. I keep less than 20k in my atm account. I transfer money via internet when I need more than 20k before using my atm. Haven't lost any money yet.

Sent from my ST25i using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I have yet to hear from a TV member who has got reimbursed for a fraudulent ATM withdrawal from a Thai bank account.

Lots of good back up plans with sms messaging, small limits, twinned accounts transferring money from the main account

to the secondary account on line, with the secondary account the only account attached to the card.

I do take the precautions mentioned, indoor ATM's at banks, and cover the keyboard with my free hand but I think I will

probably stick to my foreign account from now on and use the Aeon machines with no service fees. Withdraw 2-3 times

a month the maximum amount and close my Thai account. The police seem to catch a lot of ATM scammers with

skimmers, credit card blanks, fake credit cards, but only when the banks complain. I am thinking that is only when

foreign banks complain. Maybe the foreign banks don't have to make good to Thai banks on the transfer if it is fraudulent.

The Thai banks complain about loosing money but I have never heard of them making a reimbursement.

Not sure who the bigger crooks are, the scammers or the Thai banks

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Industry spin:


There are over 14 billion annual cash withdrawals in the US, while ATM fraud is estimated to cost the industry in the US about $60 million yearly. The percentage of total cash cycled through ATMs which is lost to ATM fraud is miniscule, a mere drop in the ocean.


The banks use the mag stripe system for cards, and 'swallow' the losses from scamming, because it's cheaper than fixing the problem. 60 million ? Try 600 million and it would still cost less than fixing the problem, and that's just in the US - we need to start seeing every ATM outside banking hours as a potential pickpocket : we found time to go to the bank back in the day, why not now ??

To summarise the points made above

1. Never keep more in an ATM-accessible account than you can afford to lose, and keep your max withdrawal limit low

2. Setup SMS alerts

3. Check your balances online regularly - daily if possible

4. If you cant use an ATM inside a bank, find one in a shopping centre that has CCTV coverage

5. Check youtube vids on skimming devices - criminals are usually ahead of the cops with technology : Europe today, Thailand tomorrow

6. 'play' with the front of the ATM - try to get a fingernail under the card slot and move the keypad - just dont get arrested as a potential skimmer yourself ! ;)

7. Cover your hand as you enter your PIN - I also use my 6'2" frame (and massive head!) to make it bloody hard for anyone behind or above me to see shit.

8. Anyone approaching you within 50 feet of an ATM needs to be seen as a pickpocket. Plug 'atomic bitch slap' into Youtube for the best way to deal with same.

(ok - exercise caution with the ABS - not much point avoiding a scammer only to end up in jail for assault .. )


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The 'spray' thing is straight out of the movies - on an ATM keypad, every number would have fingerprints - totally different to the keypad on a door used to access a building. Paranoia, IMO, but I'm sure crooks have tried something similar - never underestimate them.

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....and also, make sure you wipe the whole keypad before you leave the ATM. The crooks can spray the keypad which will show which numbers you pressed when entering your pin.

I wipe it before too, nasty things are full of germs.

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Is it possible to set up Kbank to send alert if an ATM is used, just been looking at the site and can't see anything

Kasikorn can be done in seconds via the ATM, you,ll get an sms the second the balance changes, what amount followed by a second message a little later with current balance.

Siam Commercial also.................

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The 'spray' thing is straight out of the movies - on an ATM keypad, every number would have fingerprints - totally different to the keypad on a door used to access a building. Paranoia, IMO, but I'm sure crooks have tried something similar - never underestimate them.

A thief only needs to spray a substance or use a light dusting of powder to coat the keypad. He does this and waits for the next customer.

The next customer arrives, punches in his four digit PIN, takes his money and leaves. The four keys that the customer pressed now show clearly to the thief. The thief can now try combinations of the four numbers until he gets the correct PIN.

Wipe all the keys before you leave. It could be the step that saves you a lot of trouble..

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On a little bit different topic regarding banks in Thailand. I was at the airport leaving for Hong Kong and checked the New Zealand dollar exchange rates from 4 different bank exchanges. They all gave 24.56 baht to the dollar. When I got to Hong Kong I checked the tourist exchange rates on the SCB exchange site on Internet, they gave for cash 25.76. I came back to Bangkok and checked again in the airport and all of the different bank exchange booths had the very same rate, this time it was 24.47 when I got home to Khon Kaen I checked the SCB site and for cash they why were giving 25.54.

I is obvious that all the banks on their rates at the airport are price fixing, and in Europe countries, Australia and New Zealand they would be facing prosecution by the government.

So do not change any money at the airports in Thailand.

Does ANYBODY (but the first-time, novice international traveler) ever change money at all when traveling?! I rely solely on ATMs, and have never had a problem. I've never had anyone approach me or stand too close while I'm at an ATM...though I tend to make my withdrawals at ATMs in front of hotels well into sois off main streets, and at odd hours (very late night, or more likely, very early morning).

If I did sense someone (especially a farang) breathing down my neck while at an ATM, I think I would quickly cancel the transaction, retrieve my card and then turn around without speaking and drop him to the ground, my knee in his back (breaking a few fingers if necessary if he struggled), calling out in Thai for anyone nearby to call the police. YMMV, as I am 2 meters tall, 100 kg and scary-looking to most people, haha...

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There is a variation on the typical skimmer scam mentioned in the OP.

They actually watch you (either physically, or with a camera) before the skimmer is attached. If they score your PIN number, they will quickly attach a skimmer to the ATM (possibly a second person involved) and then chase you waving a 100, or 1,000 baht note at you saying "mister, mister, you leave money in machine, here is your 1,000 baht. Maybe you better check your balance and make sure everything is OK'". This way they aren't chasing everybody with a possible low strike rate, they only follow up if they've got the PIN.

Of course, you stupidly insert your card, make sure they can't see your PIN, and check your balance. Surprise surprise....no problems, but they had the skimmer inserted and now have the card details as well as the PIN.. Been there, got the T -_shirt. Of course when I used the machine the first time I checked for skimmers as is my habit. On the 2nd time, was a bit confused and forgot my usual routine.

I would advise everyone to remember this posting. Forewarned is forearmed.

Luckily for me someone posted a warning about this xxxx a couple of years ago so that when it was tried on me at a K-Bank ATM in Soi BuaKhao about 18 months ago I was not taken unawares and just walked off with the guys 1000 baht.

About 6 months ago I was making another withdrawal at the same machine. Just as the cash was being dispensed, a hand reached round and tried to press the cancel button. I pocketed the cash and the card and turned round to confront the guy (not sure if it was the same guy but he was also of 'middle-eastern appearance') who jumped on his scooter and shot off. There was another guy standing there who was probably his accomplice.

Be careful out there.

Edited by metisdead
Bold font removed and profanity edited.
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Thats why its good to have the sms warning when any money goes out or the balance changes, its immediate and gives good warning and a chance to act quickly.

hes right !

i have sms alerts on all my accounts and the sms message telling you of a balance change usually arrives while you are still at the atm or the counter

it works a treat and saves me worrying smile.png


ps ... bangkok bank charge me 10 baht a month for the service !

i think tmb charge me 8 baht a month for each account but i dont care coz they give me peace of mind that moneys not moving that i dont know about smile.png

I have sms alert with bank of Ayutthaya at a cost of 9baht a month. I wanted this service with Bangkok Bank and they told me that they didn't do it.

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after being a victim of card skimming in KL last yr $2500... now whenever I use my card at an ATM to withdraw cash I always log on the next day to check if there has been any fraud. In the event of the machine being compromised the criminals will immediately proceed with the withdrawals. At least by checking the next day I can then cancel my oz card and they only get limited funds. Luckily banks in oz cover this type of fraud and refund victims.

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Three years ago, I tried to get money from ATM in BKK. The card was not excepted. There were 4 machines. I tried 3, 4 time by the same and the other ones, without giving in my pin code. Every time the card was returned back.

After two days I saw many transfers in my account, not made by myself. Every time the maximum of charges. At the end I got the the money back from my bank, when I returned home, 3.500, 00 .

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This year, I tried to get money at ATM with my Visa card. All was ok, it seemed to be, but at the end, when I was waiting for the money, the ATM says, the code is false.

Never happened this after all procedures, only, after given in the code.

So, I was very astonished.

In the next days, there were made many outputs. Easy bank was very stupid,a loudspeaker not aloud without to contact me. In the end, it was tried 43 time to get money. 4500.00 was given out. I blocked all. I have paid nothing at the end, but the trouble was immense.

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Ahhh.. hello?

Get two bank accounts.

Master account should have NO ATM CARD

Transfer cash to second account with an atm card used for shopping an atm purposes.

AND ALWAYS pull on the atm insert slot. If there's a dummy over the top you will rip it off no problem.

Always cover the keypad with your hand or wallet.

(I know the scam or con that got used on you.. that guy was distracting you while they messed with your machine or stole some sort of information off you)

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On a little bit different topic regarding banks in Thailand. I was at the airport leaving for Hong Kong and checked the New Zealand dollar exchange rates from 4 different bank exchanges. They all gave 24.56 baht to the dollar. When I got to Hong Kong I checked the tourist exchange rates on the SCB exchange site on Internet, they gave for cash 25.76. I came back to Bangkok and checked again in the airport and all of the different bank exchange booths had the very same rate, this time it was 24.47 when I got home to Khon Kaen I checked the SCB site and for cash they why were giving 25.54.

I is obvious that all the banks on their rates at the airport are price fixing, and in Europe countries, Australia and New Zealand they would be facing prosecution by the government.

So do not change any money at the airports in Thailand.

Does ANYBODY (but the first-time, novice international traveler) ever change money at all when traveling?! I rely solely on ATMs, and have never had a problem. I've never had anyone approach me or stand too close while I'm at an ATM...though I tend to make my withdrawals at ATMs in front of hotels well into sois off main streets, and at odd hours (very late night, or more likely, very early morning).

If I did sense someone (especially a farang) breathing down my neck while at an ATM, I think I would quickly cancel the transaction, retrieve my card and then turn around without speaking and drop him to the ground, my knee in his back (breaking a few fingers if necessary if he struggled), calling out in Thai for anyone nearby to call the police. YMMV, as I am 2 meters tall, 100 kg and scary-looking to most people, haha...

Yeah, sure. Thais tend to crowd up at ATMs, and stand way too close to the person at the machine. You'd be getting either hauled off to jail yourself (for assault) or attacked by a mob of enraged thais. This crowding is the price you sometimes pay for using ATMs only at the bank branches or inside malls, but I'd never go near the freestanding ones.

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Unfortunately this is an increasing problem, not only in Thailand but worldwide.

Try to use machines within the Bank or shopping malls where they are conspicuous, Always check to see if there are any obvious scammers attached. SMS warnings are good, but my Bank only allows me to make one cash withdrawal per day anyway!

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Been using google authenticator to sign into me last pass and Dropbox account and wondering why the banks can't impliment this

. Fire up the app on ur phone that's linked to your account, put in ur ATM card the app gives you a 4 or 6 digit code that last for 1 minute, that's it no more skimming.

Also what's wrong with encrypting the pin code on the strip

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Pattaya police have paid millions to get a job scamming farangs. No way will they do anything (like their job) without money first. Same thing happened to my wife: 1st, Baan Amphur station; next directed to Jomtien where 10,000 was demanded to begin investigation; 3rd to Pattaya where the police could do nothing so, weighed down were they by all that gold. If only journalists reported this dereliction of duty.

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Better hire a criminal lawyer if you are getting upset.

If the criminal lawyer wins the case for you and the bank refunds your money, does the bank also have to pay the lawyers fees? No? did not think so, this being Thailand and lawyers fees being so expensive. would it be worth your while? No, I don't think so.

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