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Are Your Wifes With You Because Of You?


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Obviously if you live in a poor country and you are an outsider from a so called 1st world country, Some peoples behavior towards you may not be sincere. There friendship or relationship maybe be influenced by there perspective of you as being rich and if not, you always have a ticket for you and your new wife back to the 1st world.

I am curious to all of those out there, Do you think you partner has chosen you because of your financial position. Do you think this was one of the major reasons why they chose you?

Does this thought cross your mind often?

Does this worry you?

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Yes, a bit bizarre.

Usually, the ladies you might or not be referring to, make more money in a week than their prospective fiancees in a month.

So I vote for > most be love.

I don't think its a bizarre question at all, as I'm sure in reality many of you people here wouldn't. Fcat of the matter is many women here (not bargirls/prostitues before we go into all that) come from very poor backgrounds and get what to them are very rich husbands so the "is she after me coz of my money question" isn't a very bizarre one.

I figure I'm ok coz I'm usully skint, but I'm sure I'd ask that of myself if I was a rich 50 yr old with a wife 20 yrs my junior. I figure Trump's not even that delusional with his new supermodel wife to consider this a bizarre question.

I'm sure if you flip the question there are many Thai women out there who know their loving husband is only with them coz they are young and have the good looks.

End of the day though, does it really matter as much as people think it matters, because if thats the situation and both people are aware of it then everyones happy, no?

Lets be honest if Thailand was a 1st world country then a lot of farangs in Thailand wouldn't have a Thai wife.

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my marriage was a business proposition...she has a nice ass and I needed someone to look after me after going thru a bad divorce. I took on responsibility for looking after her family which is OK when I'm working...plenty of money to go around. I was once unemployed for 18 months and on the brink of destitution. No one worried...the money would be there when I got back to work....plenty of rice and Sang Som in the meantime.

so...to answer your stupid prurient question, yeah...she married me for my money and any other hardship that was associated and with 6 years of being married I have more than I ever had with the equivalent arrangement with a white woman...

azzholes like you and their smirk need to get a life...

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I know of people here who have married into so called "respectable society"only to discover later they are hooked up with a complete psycho.I also know people who have lived happily with former BGs for years.

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Obviously if you live in a poor country and you are an outsider from a so called 1st world country, Some peoples behavior towards you may not be sincere. There friendship or relationship maybe be influenced by there perspective of you as being rich and if not, you always have a ticket for you and your new wife back to the 1st world.

I am curious to all of those out there, Do you think you partner has chosen you because of your financial position. Do you think this was one of the major reasons why they chose you?

Does this thought cross your mind often?

Does this worry you?

I know why, my wife knows why and my son knows why.

Small rant

Why do you need to know?

What annoys me is the fact that so many people ask this question and expect an answer that they want, and if it isn't they get upset.

Do you think that your partner has chosen you for the same reasons that you seem to think that my wife has chosen me?

Please think carefully about the questions you ask before you ask them.

Rant over (for now). :o:D:D

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Interesting response I did not think to look at it in reverse,

What happens if you become bankrupt? I wonder if any one has had any experiences,

And vise versa how would you feel if your pretty wife / girlfriend lost her looks?

I suppose if you have your wife on some kind of arrangement, ie you take care of the finance and she keeps you happy in the sack then a lost of looks or bankruptcy would be a breach of contract. :o

She'd be in her rights to be off down the street looking for the next rich dude, and you'd be in your rights to get another young wife or a mia noi. :D

I suppose its the risk you take if you get into that kind of marraige. If you have to 'afford' your wife, then you better make sure you always got some cash in the bank.

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"so...to answer your stupid prurient question, yeah...she married me for my money and any other hardship that was associated and with 6 years of being married I have more than I ever had with the equivalent arrangement with a white woman..."

i don't think he is an ###### because he thinks differently about a love relationship than you do. you might just be lucky.

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I am kind of asking myself this question, I am now in Sydney I have just met a new thai girlfriend here, She is out here on a student visa, She plans to apply for permanent residency using her skills as a physiotherapist. I am young 23 she is also 23, Im afraid if she cant get her PR via the traditional route she may feel like she needs to marry some one, in order to become a PR,As I am now 23 I guess she thinks I am not ready for marriage, which is true, I ,will be interested to see what happens maybe she could start looking for a more suitable marriage partner/

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Maybe you should wait to see if she gets her PR first, and then worry about it. Or maybe you should ask her about this whole thing coz I figure shes knows whats in her mind more than everyone on this board who have never met the girl. You says shes a new gf, then just roll with the situation and see how it goes, no point getting stressed about it now.

Lets face it, if she dumps you to go for some dude just to get a PR to Australia she aint worth worrying about anyway.

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Before anyone has to much of a 'pop' at the OP I think its probably a question hes asking himself right now, so wanted to know what other people thought about it. Probably no need to rant at him just yet. :o

The question shows a basic lack of understanding of human behaviour...

What is the biggest universal thing that turns on most women when looking for a lifetime partner? power and money.

Lets put it this way, if you were on the bones of your arse and living on the street, would your current girlfriend or wife A)Still be with you and /or b)would they have been with you in the first place.This applies to living in the West as much as it involves living in a third world country.

Average looking rich guy walks into a pub in say LA.(Parks his Roller outside and wears all the gear..rolex etc) Good looking girl looks at him and thinks "strewth, he's a dream machine"

What her body is actually saying is: he's <deleted> wealthy, no problem to have and raise kids,my life will be easy..he's the best looking man I have seen"

How many times have you heard the expression "Oh, he's a good catch or he was a good catch etc"?

You can bet your last dollar, that most women will not pick a down and out person to marry and raise a family with.Doesn't matter where they come from.

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Obviously if you live in a poor country and you are an outsider from a so called 1st world country, Some peoples behavior towards you may not be sincere. There friendship or relationship maybe be influenced by there perspective of you as being rich and if not, you always have a ticket for you and your new wife back to the 1st world.

I am curious to all of those out there, Do you think you partner has chosen you because of your financial position. Do you think this was one of the major reasons why they chose you?

Does this thought cross your mind often?

Does this worry you?

Maybe you want an award for asking stupid questions? :o

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You can bet your last dollar, that most women will not pick a down and out person to marry and raise a family with.Doesn't matter where they come from.

That most certainly is true, also how many Rich men do you see with ugly women?

It's the way of the world.

In Tokyo I have seen some really Classy Stunning women with very ordinary white guys, very ordinary to look at, but these guys have great Jobs earning Fantastic salaries and all the perks.

You think these guys would get these quite stunning Japanese ladies if they were English teachers?

Not a chance. :o

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"so...to answer your stupid prurient question, yeah...she married me for my money and any other hardship that was associated and with 6 years of being married I have more than I ever had with the equivalent arrangement with a white woman..."

i don't think he is an ###### because he thinks differently about a love relationship than you do. you might just be lucky.

I apologize...didn't mean to offend the white girl contingent on TV...I shall be available for desultory corporal punishment in BKK some time next month...

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You can bet your last dollar, that most women will not pick a down and out person to marry and raise a family with.Doesn't matter where they come from.

That most certainly is true, also how many Rich men do you see with ugly women?

It's the way of the world.

In Tokyo I have seen some really Classy Stunning women with very ordinary white guys, very ordinary to look at, but these guys have great Jobs earning Fantastic salaries and all the perks.

You think these guys would get these quite stunning Japanese ladies if they were English teachers?

Not a chance. :D

Maigo6 I've couldn't disagree with you more here - I've seen some really classy stunning women with very ordinary white English teachers in Tokyo!


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The thought by Westerners living in a Western country that everyone living in the rest of the non Western world is poor, and therefore would do anything to get into a Western country...

..is very, very false. It also repulses me, but that's opinion. :o

Even many poorer people who tried it and came back and realized that quality of life simply isn't up to Thai standards.

Anyway, to answer the question, I don't have to worry about my wife being with me for my money. :D ( She on the other hand worries sometimes that I picked her (also) for the money. :D )



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Before anyone has to much of a 'pop' at the OP I think its probably a question hes asking himself right now, so wanted to know what other people thought about it. Probably no need to rant at him just yet. :D

The question shows a basic lack of understanding of human behaviour...

What is the biggest universal thing that turns on most women when looking for a lifetime partner? power and money.

Lets put it this way, if you were on the bones of your arse and living on the street, would your current girlfriend or wife A)Still be with you and /or b)would they have been with you in the first place.This applies to living in the West as much as it involves living in a third world country.

Average looking rich guy walks into a pub in say LA.(Parks his Roller outside and wears all the gear..rolex etc) Good looking girl looks at him and thinks "strewth, he's a dream machine"

What her body is actually saying is: he's <deleted> wealthy, no problem to have and raise kids,my life will be easy..he's the best looking man I have seen"

How many times have you heard the expression "Oh, he's a good catch or he was a good catch etc"?

You can bet your last dollar, that most women will not pick a down and out person to marry and raise a family with.Doesn't matter where they come from.

Good post, and one with which I totally concur. To your "he's a good catch" I would add, "he's got good prospects" - how many times have you heard that one? It's all the same thing - can he keep his wife in the mannner they would like to be accustomed, and will he generate sufficient earnings/wealth to take care of wife and kids for the rest of her life? These kind of considerations pass through most ladies' minds, when considering who they want as a life partner; be they English, American or Thai. Of course, in third world countries, where the girls are so poor, it becomes an even more fundamental question.

Even in Thailand its not just a question of money. Other criteria do play a part in the selection of the right partner - age, looks, compatability etc. and the imporatnce of these 'other' criteria, will vary considerably from lady to lady. To some looks, age etc matter more than to others. Some genuinely don't care much about age or looks, but care a lot about the character of the prospect - is he a good guy? will he treat me well and make me happy? In fact many ladies would reject a young, good looking fellow on the grounds that it is more likely his eyes will wander and one day he'll be gone. Then there are those who are looking for suckers to rip off. A fairly good proportion, but by no means all. Of course, the better looking the lady, the more choosy she can be - money plus the right age, good looks etc.

I don't think the OP is wrong to ask these questions. We all have to face up to this fact if we marry a Thai Lady. But understanding the basis for the original start to the relationship, doesn't mean in any way that you can't have a good, loving, life-long relationship with the right Thai partner.

BTW What about millionaire footballers with their trophy wives? Any different to what the farangs are doing over here? Just a different level of money. Tiger Woods married his friend's au Pair. I wonder if she thought he was a great looking guy, or maybe a good catch? :o

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Do you think you partner has chosen you because of your financial position. Do you think this was one of the major reasons why they chose you?

Another way to look at things, for both women and men, your financial position often (not always of course) speaks to who you are personality wise.


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In the two years before I married my wife I was almost destitute, totally broke and facing bankruptcy.

We were in the UK, I was busting my backside paying off business debts and my wife was working two jobs, in the office 9-5 and waiting tables four nights a week.

We lived hand to mouth and every penny we both earned went to paying off a business rip-off.

We never went out, no holidays no car, nothing but work and debt. We are through that now. But if she had been with me for the money I figure she'd have left in those two years - A lot of other women would have, regardless of where they came from.

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The thought by Westerners living in a Western country that everyone living in the rest of the non Western world is poor, and therefore would do anything to get into a Western country...

..is very, very false. It also repulses me, but that's opinion. :o

Even many poorer people who tried it and came back and realized that quality of life simply isn't up to Thai standards.

Anyway, to answer the question, I don't have to worry about my wife being with me for my money. :D ( She on the other hand worries sometimes that I picked her (also) for the money. :D )



I wouldn't say that it's very very false... I lived in Hungary and Romania. There were quite a few of my friends that found out the hard way. Even my Romanian Ex succombed to that eventually. Her mother had the Stateside twinkle from the get go, it just took her 5 years to convince the wife that my sticking around wasn't the best thing for her. I also dated a couple of Filipinas between my ex and my Thai wife. I told them from the beginning, if they were hooking up for the trip to the states not to waste their time... they said "Oh No!!! not me!" but then never skipped a beat asking if we could move to the states together.

As for my wonderful Thai wife... she loves Thailand. She built our home and business with a lot of her own money, not just mine. We've struggled together to build what we have. We both have too much tied up here to ever leave. She's also 40 years old and not all that interested in the glitz and glamour. Do I think that she was initially interested because of the money and chance for a good future. Yeah... I don't blame her either. She wanted someone that was stable and would be able to provide a good life for her and her children. It's true for me too, I looked for a lady that was responsible, sincere, loving and happy to be in the country she was in. And yes, of course good looking... I also made sure that I wasn't hooking up with a drunk, homeless prostitute or crack head. We all try to find the one that will work best for us, why should the ladies be any different?

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I wonder why those thai women married to thai men who both earn minimum wage in Thailand managed to get together if all thai women (or was it women generally :D ) were looking for money & prospects & potential for financial security in a partner? Hmm. Same as those women who are with low income earners in western countries too I suppose. :o Love, common interests & views, love, the need to be with someone of a similar background (social & economic), lust??? So many reasons. Or is this going to be another, "thai women are money grabbing goldiggers cause they are with a farang /thai women are all desperate for a farang cause they have western money" thread :D

I agree with everything in chanchao's post :D

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a third world country.

Average looking rich guy walks into a pub in say LA.(Parks his Roller outside and wears all the gear..rolex etc) Good looking girl looks at him and thinks "strewth, he's a dream machine"

What her body is actually saying is: he's <deleted> wealthy, no problem to have and raise kids,my life will be easy..he's the best looking man I have seen"

Words of wisdom here from chuchok - it's all a matter of degrees.

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