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Why are thais so religious? Does religion serve a purpose?


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Thais don't want to become enlightened, whatever that is, they want to be lucky and get rich. They use their religion to accomplish these goals. Monks don't discourage this. I suppose Thai Buddhism is now in part a path toward wealth and luck. Odd isn't it?

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"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark," (Stephen Hawking). Thais are on par with other areas of the world where children are brain washed regarding religion. And I would say there knowledge of just what Buddhism is about is about as good as in "Christian" or Muslim nations. When will humanity give up these childish ways of non-thinking?

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I cannot accept this is a subject of casual discussion with a lot of offenses.

I am born in a strict Catholic West European family but my former (Catholic) wife wanted a divorce about 30 years ago and now I am happily married more than 25 years to a Thai lady born in a strict Buddhist family.

According to Catholic teachings I should have waited to marry again until my first wife died (but she too is still alive) and I have this way excluded myself from access to what Catholics call "the Sacraments" and so I bought myself a ticket to hell in case I die.

According to the same Catholic teachings my wife (and also her 84 year old mother) will join me in hell because they never understood the meaning of Christianity.... although they live a decent Buddhist life.

So I am not a person inclined to put "stickers" on the heads of other people and to declare all Buddhists are like "this", all Muslims are like "that" etc...

Let me make a guess : you have in every country about 10 pct "evil" people who will never care about anybody except themselves, about 10 pct of "decent" people in no need of any outside guidance to do the right things and about 80 pct of "undecided people" who can be manipulated in a good or a bad direction by others (many times by politicians).

Of course those percentages can change in time and geography : I am born in 1944 and the Germans I know are overwhelmingly not the Germans my father and mother have known..some of my German friends can hardly believe how high the percentage of "undecided and then manipulated" people has been in their Christian country about 80 years ago. There is another German people now...and the same thing could be true comparing what happened in Buddhist Cambodia a generation ago and now.

About Islam : I have many Muslim friends who are simply horrified about the killings done in the name of their religion...the ongoing struggle between Sunni and Shia Islam makes me think of the religious wars in Europe about 400 years ago...(the instrument to kill are of course much more powerful now)..Those killing are always done under the pretext to preserve the power of God...while at the same time their faith says God is already almighty...so that in fact their kill for their own power.

About Buddhism : the above mentioned percentages of evil, decent and manipulated people apply also to Thailand.

In fact true Buddhism - as practised by my wife and her mother - is very similar to the 10 Commandments of the Jews but without the First Commandment ..because it seems Buddha apparently was most of all concerned about practical things to reduce the suffering of mankind and did not bother about things which could not be understood anyway.

I have Christian teachings about compassion and caring for others which my mother put on my empty brain between the age of 3 and 7 : I cannot erase it ...and what I wrote here is inspired by this.

Edited by fvw53
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Does religion serve a purpose?

Yes, it does. It tries to answer fundamental questions about Life, the Universe and Everything (the answer is 42 btw...) and as such, Religion has a fine role to play as the source of endless debating and profound thinking. It's good exercise for the brain. That's about it. I'm not belittling religion, I find the exercise very valuable...

I really think the bigger question is: Do churches serve a purpose? And my answer to that is: This thread ain't big enough for the answer...

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Does religion serve a purpose?

Yes, it does. It tries to answer fundamental questions about Life, the Universe and Everything (the answer is 42 btw...) and as such, Religion has a fine role to play as the source of endless debating and profound thinking. It's good exercise for the brain. That's about it. I'm not belittling religion, I find the exercise very valuable...

I really think the bigger question is: Do churches serve a purpose? And my answer to that is: This thread ain't big enough for the answer...

Yes. let us not, as I presumed you mean a church is a building. Which would be incorrect.

Christ to Peter...."Upon this Rock (Peter) I will build my church".

The buildings where just an interpretation of the idea.... If Christ would have seen a Church building, he might of been dismayed...as he was quite the humble person, smashing up temples, living out in the desert, and kind of walking endlessly down dusty roads talking to most anyone. Kind of a basic, stand up, in your face guy.

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You have a religion, so you believe in Buddha, God, Allah or whatever.

So why do you need the "middlemen"...monks, priests etc who only seem to extort money from believers to furnish there overly extravagant places of worship which are not necessary They believe like everyone else - why can't they also do it at there own expense (or indeed no expense since prayer from home costs nothing!). Support your own family, not everyone elses!

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Religion is a personal matter...no one has the inside scoop as to which one is number one...the Holy Grail of Religions...although the Christian, Muslim, and Mormons would argue this point...all thinking they are favored by God...more than the others...

If religion works for you...good...if it does not...try not to judge the ones who receive some inner peace in praying to and worshipping another entity...it is quite popular for those professing no religious affiliation...to worship oneself these days...

It appears to me that the Thais use mantra meditation...praying to different size images of Buddha...animal figures...trees...and so on...are asking for blessing for their families and themselves...for future prosperity...a good life...good health...and happiness...I believe they are sincere...

"judge not...that ye be not judged"..."pray without ceasing"...

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Religion is a personal matter...no one has the inside scoop as to which one is number one...the Holy Grail of Religions...although the Christian, Muslim, and Mormons would argue this point...all thinking they are favored by God...more than the others...

If religion works for you...good...if it does not...try not to judge the ones who receive some inner peace in praying to and worshipping another entity...it is quite popular for those professing no religious affiliation...to worship oneself these days...

It appears to me that the Thais use mantra meditation...praying to different size images of Buddha...animal figures...trees...and so on...are asking for blessing for their families and themselves...for future prosperity...a good life...good health...and happiness...I believe they are sincere...

"judge not...that ye be not judged"..."pray without ceasing"...

I just had a thought for the OP...

You brought up religion.... so what is your next topic.......Politics? Ho Hum.

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But seriously one more thing you guys need to take note of. I am sure for those of you married or in some relationship with some thai girl you aren't actually religious at all. Cos your farang catholic/christian religion doesn't like that you're marrying or dating someone totally from a different faith.

I thought twice to comment your "beliefs", better said your opinion. I've never read the "Bible" as it's complete rubbish to me. So the one guy killed his brother, but there's only one woman. The word :"incest" obviously didn't exist at his time and try to argue with a religious person about it.....

I was born as a Roman Catholic, had to go to church with my brothers, but never believed in a guy who could walk over water.I do sympathize with Buddhism, in this case the Theravada.

Look at the problems Christianity had created and still does. Then the "war" in the UK, where Catholics kill Protestants, vice verse...

A Roman Catholic Priest isn't allowed to marry a woman, but many of them produce kids. The "holly" church pays for two kids. ..others are gay, some rape little boys, which is a proofed fact, not just my opinion.

How can such a guy preach to many families and talk about their problems, if he's in a completely different situation? How can he tell people how to deal with daily life situations, problems families are having??? Etc.

When I accidentally see an American TV preacher via satellite, and there're lots of them I'd like to puke constantly. George W. Bush said god was with America when they'd made war? Can't believe that there must be so many guys listening to such an idiot.

Then the Protestants, who're allowed to get married. But that's not freaking all. Then you've got the Super Mormons, the superficial 7th day Adventists, the Jehovah's Witness and Buddha knows what else.

I do go to temples with my wife and please tell me why a Christian couldn't marry a Buddhist? Did your TV preacher man tell you that?

I go to temples with my wife and guess what. A well known monk near my wife's village said things to me I couldn't believe. I was speechless. I do make merits for my car and I have deepest respect to those who're Buddhist monks, doing good things for others.

Back in my country of origin, I went to a seminar where a guy was talking about Buddhism. When I was asking him if he'd ever been in a Buddhist country, he denied.

Most people do have to believe in a god. If I'd have to chose, I'd be Buddhist. Have you ever heard that Buddhist monks started a holy war, or a war having Jesus Christ on their side?

Too many people got killed, because of other religions than Buddhism. Sorry for the long post,-wai.gif

Edited by sirchai
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My father’s family were staunch Catholics and my mother’s family were liberal Jews. My father was an American GI stationed in England during World War 2, and that’s where he met my mum. He took part in the D Day landings

My father once told me that when my parents married back in 1945, they had to endure the wrath and strong disapprovals from both sides of the families. Many relatives refused to give them their blessings and refused to attend the wedding. It took years before my paternal grandparents and material grandparents drew up a truce and actually met as a family.

Luckily for me both my parents never imposed any of their religious beliefs onto my siblings or me and I was left to decide which religion I preferred to follow later on when I reached adulthood. As for religion, I don`t want to know. As far as I am concerned religion is the curse of the human race. All it does is separate people and probably more people have died in the name of religion than for any other cause. Both Catholicism and Judaism are based on fear. For example, if you do wrong, God will punish you.

I was once criticised by an uncle for not following the Jewish faith. I explained to him that if God did not come to the rescue of the Jews during WW2, a time of their greatest need of help in the whole of history, than lets face it, he`s never going to come, is he? I told my uncle that the Jewish God probably perished in the gas chambers of Auschwitz along with the Catholic God, who is the same God.

One does not have to follow any particular religion in order believe to God.

The problem with many religions, such as in Thailand, is that it can go hand in hand with nationalism and then it can become political, such as with the Muslims in the deep South.

Religion for some people is really just a crutch to lean on, who prefers to place their faith and well-being in some mythical power rather than themselves. It doesn’t really belong in a scientific civilised world and while it continues to exist in it`s present form, there will always be conflicts and this great divide among people.

Regarding Buddhism in Thailand, there are no problems providing it is practised in moderation, something like drink and drugs, but once religion turns fanatical, this is when the problems begin.

In answer to the question: does religion serve a purpose? In my opinion, no, it does not.

how would thai buddhism turn fanatical? have you seen indications of this?

Yes, take a look at what's happening between the Buddhists and Muslims in Burma. And to a lesser degree in Sri Lanka.

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...because bhuddism is not a religion it is a phylosophy.

So it is said.

But it is based on Superstition (Believing in something that is unproven)

There is a hero (Buddha)

Some people will benefit financially from it (The monks)

It is used to control people (keep people obediant, as much as possible)

It is used to reassure people (your after life will be good)

It is used to ask in a selfish way to ask for luck in this life, and redemption in the after life..

Same can be said about all other superstitions

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I was somewhat familiar with Buddhism in the USA 40+ years ago from reading Alan Watts, D.T. Suzuki, and others. But when I first came to Thailand 20+ years ago and saw the girls doing their wais, lighting incense, and various incantations before going to work that evening in the massage parlor, I thought now maybe here is something of interest.

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Religion is a personal matter...no one has the inside scoop as to which one is number one...the Holy Grail of Religions...although the Christian, Muslim, and Mormons would argue this point...all thinking they are favored by God...more than the others...

If religion works for you...good...if it does not...try not to judge the ones who receive some inner peace in praying to and worshipping another entity...it is quite popular for those professing no religious affiliation...to worship oneself these days...

It appears to me that the Thais use mantra meditation...praying to different size images of Buddha...animal figures...trees...and so on...are asking for blessing for their families and themselves...for future prosperity...a good life...good health...and happiness...I believe they are sincere...

"judge not...that ye be not judged"..."pray without ceasing"...

Personal matter yes...very personal.

All about asking something egotistically, and hardly anything else.

Pray...for what?

Pray for peace on earth, pray for all people not to go to bed hungry...I do not think so.

But if so......it is not working..

So better put an end to it..., and try something else.

The definition of crazy...

Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result...

It does NOT work..

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But seriously one more thing you guys need to take note of. I am sure for those of you married or in some relationship with some thai girl you aren't actually religious at all. Cos your farang catholic/christian religion doesn't like that you're marrying or dating someone totally from a different faith.

I thought twice to comment your "beliefs", better said your opinion. I've never read the "Bible" as it's complete rubbish to me. So the one guy killed his brother, but there's only one woman. The word :"incest" obviously didn't exist at his time and try to argue with a religious person about it.....

I was born as a Roman Catholic, had to go to church with my brothers, but never believed in a guy who could walk over water.I do sympathize with Buddhism, in this case the Theravada.

Look at the problems Christianity had created and still does. Then the "war" in the UK, where Catholics kill Protestants, vice verse...

A Roman Catholic Priest isn't allowed to marry a woman, but many of them produce kids. The "holly" church pays for two kids. ..others are gay, some rape little boys, which is a proofed fact, not just my opinion.

How can such a guy preach to many families and talk about their problems, if he's in a completely different situation? How can he tell people how to deal with daily life situations, problems families are having??? Etc.

When I accidentally see an American TV preacher via satellite, and there're lots of them I'd like to puke constantly. George W. Bush said god was with America when they'd made war? Can't believe that there must be so many guys listening to such an idiot.

Then the Protestants, who're allowed to get married. But that's not freaking all. Then you've got the Super Mormons, the superficial 7th day Adventists, the Jehovah's Witness and Buddha knows what else.

I do go to temples with my wife and please tell me why a Christian couldn't marry a Buddhist? Did your TV preacher man tell you that?

I go to temples with my wife and guess what. A well known monk near my wife's village said things to me I couldn't believe. I was speechless. I do make merits for my car and I have deepest respect to those who're Buddhist monks, doing good things for others.

Back in my country of origin, I went to a seminar where a guy was talking about Buddhism. When I was asking him if he'd ever been in a Buddhist country, he denied.

Most people do have to believe in a god. If I'd have to chose, I'd be Buddhist. Have you ever heard that Buddhist monks started a holy war, or a war having Jesus Christ on their side?

Too many people got killed, because of other religions than Buddhism. Sorry for the long post,-wai.gif

Your post is without merit. When it comes right down to it, religion forces nobody to fight a war. It is men (perhaps utilizing religion in the wrong way) that start war. Whether America started the idea that God and Religion are a good basis for war, is ridiculous. That was started long before .....Talk to the Holy Roman Emperors during the dark ages about all that muck. Europeans and the British were horrendously involved in that crapola. Christ never once said war was the only way to go. So now you guys, all of a sudden, say America is using God as a reason to kill people....... Thats pretty childish..

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My father’s family were staunch Catholics and my mother’s family were liberal Jews. My father was an American GI stationed in England during World War 2, and that’s where he met my mum. He took part in the D Day landings

My father once told me that when my parents married back in 1945, they had to endure the wrath and strong disapprovals from both sides of the families. Many relatives refused to give them their blessings and refused to attend the wedding. It took years before my paternal grandparents and material grandparents drew up a truce and actually met as a family.

Luckily for me both my parents never imposed any of their religious beliefs onto my siblings or me and I was left to decide which religion I preferred to follow later on when I reached adulthood. As for religion, I don`t want to know. As far as I am concerned religion is the curse of the human race. All it does is separate people and probably more people have died in the name of religion than for any other cause. Both Catholicism and Judaism are based on fear. For example, if you do wrong, God will punish you.

I was once criticised by an uncle for not following the Jewish faith. I explained to him that if God did not come to the rescue of the Jews during WW2, a time of their greatest need of help in the whole of history, than lets face it, he`s never going to come, is he? I told my uncle that the Jewish God probably perished in the gas chambers of Auschwitz along with the Catholic God, who is the same God.

One does not have to follow any particular religion in order believe to God.

The problem with many religions, such as in Thailand, is that it can go hand in hand with nationalism and then it can become political, such as with the Muslims in the deep South.

Religion for some people is really just a crutch to lean on, who prefers to place their faith and well-being in some mythical power rather than themselves. It doesn’t really belong in a scientific civilised world and while it continues to exist in it`s present form, there will always be conflicts and this great divide among people.

Regarding Buddhism in Thailand, there are no problems providing it is practised in moderation, something like drink and drugs, but once religion turns fanatical, this is when the problems begin.

In answer to the question: does religion serve a purpose? In my opinion, no, it does not.

excellent post beetlejuice but the last sentence..does it serve a purpose..2 i believe to keep these churches etc super rich .and the week feeble minded believers something to make them feel that theres more when they die.ofcourse there isnt there just very scared thats all.

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..does it serve a purpose..2 i believe to keep these churches etc super rich .and the week feeble minded believers something to make them feel that theres more when they die.ofcourse there isnt there just very scared thats all.

Plenty of elderly people, many of which would agree with you, are now praying for something. Perhaps, some day, you will also feel the fear that they feel now. Perhaps, as you draw your last breath, somebody will whisper in your ear, do not be afraid....believe. Is there anything else to it? Is it something you are afraid of that you will lose? Seems to me that you can only win.

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Religion is a personal matter...no one has the inside scoop as to which one is number one...the Holy Grail of Religions...although the Christian, Muslim, and Mormons would argue this point...all thinking they are favored by God...more than the others...

If religion works for you...good...if it does not...try not to judge the ones who receive some inner peace in praying to and worshipping another entity...it is quite popular for those professing no religious affiliation...to worship oneself these days...

It appears to me that the Thais use mantra meditation...praying to different size images of Buddha...animal figures...trees...and so on...are asking for blessing for their families and themselves...for future prosperity...a good life...good health...and happiness...I believe they are sincere...

"judge not...that ye be not judged"..."pray without ceasing"...

It's true that religion is a personal thing for everyone but what is rather curious to me is why does thai religion still have some sort of stranglehold or rather a hold unto the thai people. I think i am correct when i can safely say that there are more thai ppl that visit the temples and say their prayers compared to the western ppl some of who have totally given it up. Was there some sort of brain washing when thai kids were growing up?

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But seriously one more thing you guys need to take note of. I am sure for those of you married or in some relationship with some thai girl you aren't actually religious at all. Cos your farang catholic/christian religion doesn't like that you're marrying or dating someone totally from a different faith.

I thought twice to comment your "beliefs", better said your opinion. I've never read the "Bible" as it's complete rubbish to me. So the one guy killed his brother, but there's only one woman. The word :"incest" obviously didn't exist at his time and try to argue with a religious person about it.....

I was born as a Roman Catholic, had to go to church with my brothers, but never believed in a guy who could walk over water.I do sympathize with Buddhism, in this case the Theravada.

Look at the problems Christianity had created and still does. Then the "war" in the UK, where Catholics kill Protestants, vice verse...

A Roman Catholic Priest isn't allowed to marry a woman, but many of them produce kids. The "holly" church pays for two kids. ..others are gay, some rape little boys, which is a proofed fact, not just my opinion.

How can such a guy preach to many families and talk about their problems, if he's in a completely different situation? How can he tell people how to deal with daily life situations, problems families are having??? Etc.

When I accidentally see an American TV preacher via satellite, and there're lots of them I'd like to puke constantly. George W. Bush said god was with America when they'd made war? Can't believe that there must be so many guys listening to such an idiot.

Then the Protestants, who're allowed to get married. But that's not freaking all. Then you've got the Super Mormons, the superficial 7th day Adventists, the Jehovah's Witness and Buddha knows what else.

I do go to temples with my wife and please tell me why a Christian couldn't marry a Buddhist? Did your TV preacher man tell you that?

I go to temples with my wife and guess what. A well known monk near my wife's village said things to me I couldn't believe. I was speechless. I do make merits for my car and I have deepest respect to those who're Buddhist monks, doing good things for others.

Back in my country of origin, I went to a seminar where a guy was talking about Buddhism. When I was asking him if he'd ever been in a Buddhist country, he denied.

Most people do have to believe in a god. If I'd have to chose, I'd be Buddhist. Have you ever heard that Buddhist monks started a holy war, or a war having Jesus Christ on their side?

Too many people got killed, because of other religions than Buddhism. Sorry for the long post,-wai.gif

Your post is without merit. When it comes right down to it, religion forces nobody to fight a war. It is men (perhaps utilizing religion in the wrong way) that start war. Whether America started the idea that God and Religion are a good basis for war, is ridiculous. That was started long before .....Talk to the Holy Roman Emperors during the dark ages about all that muck. Europeans and the British were horrendously involved in that crapola. Christ never once said war was the only way to go. So now you guys, all of a sudden, say America is using God as a reason to kill people....... Thats pretty childish..

''It is men (perhaps utilizing religion in the wrong way)''

Quite so.

But it starts with religion utilizing people....

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Your post is without merit. When it comes right down to it, religion forces nobody to fight a war. It is men (perhaps utilizing religion in the wrong way) that start war. Whether America started the idea that God and Religion are a good basis for war, is ridiculous. That was started long before .....Talk to the Holy Roman Emperors during the dark ages about all that muck. Europeans and the British were horrendously involved in that crapola. Christ never once said war was the only way to go. So now you guys, all of a sudden, say America is using God as a reason to kill people....... Thats pretty childish..

When i hear of this utlizing religion in a wrong way i am also curious about the religion involved. Like it's kind of difficult to get these thai buddhists to fight in the name of buddha or the elephant headed god.

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Im going to the USA next week and my GF mentioned she wanted to go to the Temple while Im gone. I asked the reason why she was going to the Temple, expecting the answer to be along the lines of:

to reflect on my life, find inner peace, gain enlightenment or just for the quiet and solitude.

Instead she told me "I want to get luck for the lottery".

I think the meaning of religion is much different to the average Thai vs Falang.

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Im going to the USA next week and my GF mentioned she wanted to go to the Temple while Im gone. I asked the reason why she was going to the Temple, expecting the answer to be along the lines of:

to reflect on my life, find inner peace, gain enlightenment or just for the quiet and solitude.

Instead she told me "I want to get luck for the lottery".

I think the meaning of religion is much different to the average Thai vs Falang.

Do christians pray to get luck for the lottery?

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I like Buddhism, it's cool, calm, just like my mom. I understand when my wife wais to inanimate objects.

Try not to be too judgmental.

For my self. What I see is a lot of respect for in the Buddhist people.

I have been in a few temples and it had absolutely nothing to do with religion.

You should really learn some thing instead of making observations and posting them as fact.

Fact #1 Buddhism is not a religion. Now you have some thing to study.

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Reformation, inquisition, Pol Pot, Mao, Sunni vs Shia, Romans vs.... , 6 different crusades, Vietnam war, slavery.... Egypt now against coptic Christians.... beheading of English soldier a few months ago in London, current atrocities in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan.....

running out of keyboard keys...want me to go on?? Seriously?

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