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Put up a photo to prove you are not The Blether

You can take my word on the fact she is who she says she is and who she is employed by. smile.png

All the SAS members here have never been asked to prove it have they, all the guys with Chinese, with a ''dash'' of Thai, wife have never been asked to prove it have they.............whistling.gif ............laugh.png

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Welcome Thaiblether, I apologise for the rather unfortunate management of your introduction to the forum, one of the aspects of being employed by a westerner is that you must learn to manage your manager, this includes insisting you are your own person and not accepting controversial names that could prove to be a handicap when joining a forum smile.png neverless you will no doubt remain busy as the main duty of a PA (a rather dated term) is to administer a little common sense where required, in order to ease the handicaps of her employer!! biggrin.png and in your case his chum smile.png

A good addition to the forum would be a strong, intelligent Thai lady, not afraid to be controversial, who can import the Thai thinking and some explanation surrounding the threads that appear here...you will have found already that you need a character that will withstand a hurricane of abuse on occasion, and a mind that can sift shit faster than a sewerage farm!

So are you up to the challenge?...and do you have any Thai associates that could assist in sharing this immense task, which could amount to re-educating the majority of visitors to this forum!! of course we must accept that some will never ever see the true Thailand!!

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Put up a photo to prove you are not The Blether

You can take my word on the fact she is who she says she is and who she is employed by. smile.png

All the SAS members here have never been asked to prove it have they, all the guys with Chinese, with a ''dash'' of Thai, wife have never been asked to prove it have they.............whistling.gif ............laugh.png

Yerdedonthair. Naebdy doubts embdy's bonafides here, bytheway


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^^^ Just out of interest, what's wrong with barstools?

A H's like you sit on them that's what!

That's so cnuts like you don't get near the bar.

From your ''obvious'' bad language input here, we believe you............xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.5zxzyGiJz0.png

"We" as in yourself and the PA club of Thailand?

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You obviously haven't read all the posts have you...........rolleyes.gif .........But it must be difficult leaving your bar stool and rushing to the Internet cafe to keep up eh.......smile.png

Your obsession with the "barstool" quip, is that some kind of therapy to get over your inferiority complex?

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You obviously haven't read all the posts have you...........rolleyes.gif .........But it must be difficult leaving your bar stool and rushing to the Internet cafe to keep up eh.......smile.png

Your obsession with the "barstool" quip, is that some kind of therapy to get over your inferiority complex?

Why don't you PM the lady in Thai, but leave out your miss spelled English bad language eh, cos she might think we are all the same as you..........coffee1.gif

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You obviously haven't read all the posts have you...........rolleyes.gif .........But it must be difficult leaving your bar stool and rushing to the Internet cafe to keep up eh.......smile.png

Your obsession with the "barstool" quip, is that some kind of therapy to get over your inferiority complex?

Why don't you PM the lady in Thai, but leave out your miss spelled English bad language eh, cos she might think we are all the same as you..........coffee1.gif

Tell her to stand by. I might indulge on a rainy day.

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You obviously haven't read all the posts have you...........rolleyes.gif .........But it must be difficult leaving your bar stool and rushing to the Internet cafe to keep up eh.......smile.png

Your obsession with the "barstool" quip, is that some kind of therapy to get over your inferiority complex?

Why don't you PM the lady in Thai, but leave out your miss spelled English bad language eh, cos she might think we are all the same as you..........coffee1.gif

Tell her to stand by. I might indulge on a rainy day.

So after all your tripe talk you are backing out rolleyes.gif . You seem to have a problem with this lady and you cannot do a simple task and report back here. Hmmmmm, sounds like bar stool derogatory waffling is your game......coffee1.gif

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So after all your tripe talk you are backing out rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif . You seem to have a problem with this lady and you cannot do a simple task and report back here. Hmmmmm, sounds like bar stool derogatory waffling is your game......coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

Please show me the post where I've a problem with the OP. Edited by JoeThePoster
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Are of any connection to theblether?

I would be interested to know how you can help me as you claim in your OP?

Any Thai people want to talk to me? Transam tells me that people not believe I am a Thai lady. Pm me in Thai, I will reply in Thai. I do not hide I work for theblether. I do research for him and control work for his company. I interview people for him. I am here to share and to learn.

Weeeell, I must say I am very disappointed with you lot. I suggested her user name cos of her job. No lies, no BS, so folk knew her beginnings to join our forum. Am surprised that our forum ladies have not said hello, as for the guys, weeell again, stuff comes out the woodwork. sad.png .

My skepticism comes from "her" writing ability. (Above.) I have never seen a Thai who could get the sentence structure like that including verb tenses.

"Any Thai people want to talk to me?" is NES stuff. Break each sentence down. With the exception of a couple of stumbles which could be deliberate, it's NES stuff including commas creating complete phrases in the proper tenses.

Not even in a Thai Uni, writing to Thai master's degree English teachers have I ever seen something that has the general lingo of an NES.

So if she's real, who is proofreading her posts?

No offense meant Transam, but I think this is a gag, and a good one. biggrin.png

Why insinuate that the OP is bogus because she writes well? My wife writes perfectly good English as well because she reads and writes technical documents every day as part of her job. All the OP asked to do is meet people foreign people and maybe assist with some work. I reckon she's gutsy to be honest for giving it a crack.

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So after all your tripe talk you are backing out rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif . You seem to have a problem with this lady and you cannot do a simple task and report back here. Hmmmmm, sounds like bar stool derogatory waffling is your game......coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

Please show me the post where I've a problem with the OP.

What's up? Internet signal lost at the asylum?

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So after all your tripe talk you are backing out rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif . You seem to have a problem with this lady and you cannot do a simple task and report back here. Hmmmmm, sounds like bar stool derogatory waffling is your game......coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

Please show me the post where I've a problem with the OP.

So now you are saying using bad language that the OP must read is not a problem with the OP's thread or her. Oh, and the score quip. Hmmmmm, in politics your post now, would be deemed ''an about turn''.

If, a very big if, you have a Thai partner, as it seems you probably can't write Thai, get them to PM the lady for you and then you can apologize to the member. So simple. Go on, go for it....thumbsup.gif

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So after all your tripe talk you are backing out rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif . You seem to have a problem with this lady and you cannot do a simple task and report back here. Hmmmmm, sounds like bar stool derogatory waffling is your game......coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

Please show me the post where I've a problem with the OP.

So now you are saying using bad language that the OP must read is not a problem with the OP's thread or her. Oh, and the score quip. Hmmmmm, in politics your post now, would be deemed ''an about turn''.

If, a very big if, you have a Thai partner, as it seems you probably can't write Thai, get them to PM the lady for you and then you can apologize to the member. So simple. Go on, go for it....thumbsup.gif

Grasping at straws now.

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