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Does anyone else feel Xmas is just another day.


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I began thinking over the weekend, with all the well wishing on fb, messages, email ect about this.

Having spend 2 years in Thailand now, the year prior in New York, before that Prague, before that the Middle East and before that the Caribbean. I really haven't had a family xmas for a long time, and the charm is now lost upon me and i even find it quiet irritating.

Im young 26, yet for over 5 years i have not celebrated xmas as you would with a family and to be fair not even NY which still has its charm for me.

I find it strange to not have this well wishing feeling but on another as mentioned it is quiet irritating.

Wondering whether anyone else feels the same regarding this.

Edited by Jameskrabi
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Well I guess for the 65 million Buddhists here it is just another day :-)

I'll be working same as usual, but I must admit I still get some of the excitement I had when I was a kid, even though I'm not a Christian, and there is no chimney for Santa to come down.

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Christmas has no appeal here because of the temperature (yea Aussies grew up with it but nobody ever accused them of having any sense biggrin.png)

The fact that I am atheist also has its influence but the biggest thing is my family isn't here (Dutch part of the family).

Add to the fact back in the Netherlands many houses would have decorations out ect ect.. i just don have the feeling for it.

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It changes everything for you if you have young kids. We have a little girl, 7 years old, just understanding Christ (sorry)-mas for the first time, We have a small Christmas tree on the table with presents under it, (DON'T touch!) and flashing lights outside. Tacky, I know, but it's worth it just to see her getting more excited every day. The whole near family will congregate on the farm around this time so celebrated it will be, a chicken or two will die, I will buy whisky and beer, dogs and kids will all get a treat.

Sure it's not like it was back home (we had a white Christmas almost every Christmas) but it does seem to be one time of year where family bonds are reinforced, wherever it is celebrated.

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Fairly much just another day for me, wherever I might be. I opted out of christmas celebrations and festivities about 15 years ago. Being an atheist it has no special significance, other than pleasant memories as a child getting lots of presents. The biggest turn off for me is the commercialisation of the day and the weeks leading up to the day.

Time spent with my family can often be trying, and Christmas day merely adds X10 to the tensions and stresses among family. This is doubled when you have your own family, then the wifes/GFs family you have to make time and visit both on the same day. Most of my teen and early adult memories of Xmas is of stress, arguments, false bonhomie, not particularly enjoyable times.

I have found that i have very little in common with most of my extended family and a catch up can be a long and boring process. Just because they are related doesn't mean I want to spend time with them.

I made a conscious decision to see the family, whose company I enjoy, outside of Christmas, and where it is warranted or needed, I help out in between. Gifts I give more randomly, birthdays, or simply if i see something special.

For kids, it is a fun day: presents, games, laughter, food. Really, for me, it is a day for the kids.

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For me, since my daughter is grown up an off at Uni, its just another day, Without kids around ........

Personally i hate the way Thais have fully taken Xmas as another excuse to spend money and cash in with the tourist ( like the Manditory dinner for 1,000 baht)

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I am not celebrating Xmas since long time, but i can't help what i call " Xmas Spirit " to enter my mind on that day.

It's just about being a bit less selfish, and feel some empathy for the less fortunate...

Normally it lasts a few days, then everything is back to normal.

Edit... Just forgot, i wish a Merry Christmas to all wai.gif

Edited by mauGR1
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I like the pre-christian traditions, celebrating the winter solstice, the evergreen tree, breaking out the preserved goodies on the coldest, shortest and darkest days of the year to boost the spirits.... so that is why we are generous at this time, we survived halfway through the harshest season.

my grandma always made ravioli for xmas eve and we had tamales on xmas day... then maybe an afternoon surf session.

Edited by daoyai
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I like christmas when there are kids involved but havent really had one for a few years now. A couple of weeks ago I started a christmas post in here because my wife wanted us to have a traditional christmas this year and I was rapt, started buying the food for it etc. Ok, 2 weeks later, everytime I have tried or suggested we go shopping for presents it is rejected as a waste of money/dont need anything, put up some tinsel around the loungeroom but thats as far as spending on decorations is allowed to go, our christmas dinner has been put off because the "family" are visiting a few days later so we should wait till they are here, they dont like roast meat/egetables(lamb/pork) so we should just do thai instead, wife is now going to work christmas day etc, etc. So what started as a probable good christmas this year has turned into another, "oh well doesnt matter" christmas once again, so do I feel like it is just another day, yes I do.

Edited by seajae
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Now listen here young man, get those thoughts out of your head :)

Christmas is fantastic, it's the best time of the year IMO.

Rent a flick - Love Actually my favourite Xmas movie, sit back and think about all the good. Wrap a gift for yourself and call your family, when you're lucky enough to have your own family ramp it up and keep the tradition alive it's what our parents did for us.

Merry Christmas & if you're lonely on Xmas PM me, it'll be an excuse to break away from all my monsters.

Sorry but the best Christmas movie was easily shared with the Griswalds.

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation!

Op, Christmas is awesome, it means much more once you have kids. Although your not with your family, ring them and say hi, go out and catch uwith some of your friends and have a drink and some food. If you make the effort, it's a great day:)

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Christmas has no appeal here because of the temperature (yea Aussies grew up with it but nobody ever accused them of having any sense biggrin.png)

The fact that I am atheist also has its influence but the biggest thing is my family isn't here (Dutch part of the family).

Add to the fact back in the Netherlands many houses would have decorations out ect ect.. i just don have the feeling for it.

I am as well atheist and have nothing to do with Christmas, but so do the Christs because Christmas origins from the Yule Festival and was only hijacked by the Christians.


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