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Suthep threatens to seize Yingluck’s assets‏


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Suthep has been indicted for murder and has been charged with insurrection and other crimes, and now he threatens (again) the legitimately elected Prime Minister if he doesn't get his way. And he has the gall to call the Prime Minister arrogant. When are the fine citizens of Thailand going to realize that this man is bad for Thailand in so many ways, both in the present and in the future. There's only one place he belongs right now - and that's on the other side of prison bars looking out.

Indicted for murder is different from found guilty of murder. Looking at the evidence so far it would appear to be the army who are guilty but of course the government aren't going to risk upsetting them. I think the original reason for the indictment was so that an amnesty could be offered in exchange for not opposing one for Thaksin and so it could be said to be for all sides and not just for him.

I would imagine there are several reasons why Suthep hasn't been arrested.

How would you do that peacefully when he's surrounded by protesters. The government has generally wisely tried not to inflame the situation as if there were a lot of fatalities at the hands of the police or army they would find their accusations against Abhisit and Suthep could come back to bite them.

Also if you arrest him for inciting violence which would probably be valid what do they do about all the incitement by leaders in 2010?

Much as I dislike them the caretaker government is probably doing the right thing in this regard at the moment.

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Hell this is entertaining. Guys and Gals some of your comments make for an excellent read and have given me plenty to smile and chuckle about. Oh I'm leaving the country on the weekend for an extended business trip - so will have to follow the success or failure of the BKK SHUT DOWN here on ThaiVisa - so hope you keep it light and jolly which ever way it goes and how ever nasty it turns out.

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Suthep has been indicted for murder and has been charged with insurrection and other crimes, and now he threatens (again) the legitimately elected Prime Minister if he doesn't get his way. And he has the gall to call the Prime Minister arrogant. When are the fine citizens of Thailand going to realize that this man is bad for Thailand in so many ways, both in the present and in the future. There's only one place he belongs right now - and that's on the other side of prison bars looking out.

Indicted for murder is different from found guilty of murder. Looking at the evidence so far it would appear to be the army who are guilty but of course the government aren't going to risk upsetting them. I think the original reason for the indictment was so that an amnesty could be offered in exchange for not opposing one for Thaksin and so it could be said to be for all sides and not just for him.

I would imagine there are several reasons why Suthep hasn't been arrested.

How would you do that peacefully when he's surrounded by protesters. The government has generally wisely tried not to inflame the situation as if there were a lot of fatalities at the hands of the police or army they would find their accusations against Abhisit and Suthep could come back to bite them.

Also if you arrest him for inciting violence which would probably be valid what do they do about all the incitement by leaders in 2010?

Much as I dislike them the caretaker government is probably doing the right thing in this regard at the moment.

I'll go along with his arrest as long as you arrest the PM and cabinet for their wrong and I mean WRONG.

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YL is afraid of him seizing her assets. Why?

When she is no longer in power, investigation will probe into it.

The current and unknown corruptions cases will surface. The court may ended up seizing her assets.

Hence, she need to win Suthep at all cost.

It is a death cage match.


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Hope the Thai people and all you foreigners living in Bangkok have a wonderful protest next week. You now see what type of mad man Suthep is. You will see how the Germans lived with Hitler. .

Hitler was elected. And build his private brown shirts.

So it better fits Thaksin and his red shirts. We'll close our company on Monday as all staff will go to the demonstrations.

So will it be paid leave? You better check they may just stay home and laugh at you for giving them off.

You seem to have little idea about how strongly many Thais feel in support of Suthep. The Bkk protestors are doing so without payment and in fact are contributing money and food to the protest.

The same contributions could not be asked of red shirt "supporters".

Where is your proof of that statement? I am SO of people saying that red shirts get paid to protest and get paid to vote.

Let's not forget that Democrats were disqualified in the 2009 elections for VOTE BUYING. And the Democrats largest ally party, the Bhumjaithai Party, got disqualified in the 2011 election for VOTE BUYING. The -ENTIRE- freaking party.

You are right, forget vote buying. Every party does it, because every other party is doing it. The Pheu Thai didn't invent it.

Even with no vote buying from anyone, the PTP would win a free and fair election as Thaksin has made it known that YIngluck is his clone and many upcountry trust Thaksin. They would rather be owed money by the PTP and not be paid, than to trust people who are perceived as not ever giving them anything.

Abhisit found this out in the 2011 election when he virtually said to the voters, we will give you whatever the PTP said they will give you, and the Dem's got less votes than they had previously.

As it relates to the upcountry voters, isn't about intelligence or lack of it. It is all about trust.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Of course Suthep and his legal advisers know perfectly well if and when "the people" would ever be able to attempt to seize Yingluck's assets. This is just rhetoric meant to inflame the passions of the anti-government movement, and to cast continued aspersions on the Shinawatra clan. It alludes to the fact that such assets must be "fruit of the poison tree" of corruption, so it is perfectly fair game to state the goal is to seize them on behalf of the people.

Some people seem not to have heard inflammatory political rhetoric before....

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Interesting that all the mass protests since 2006 have been caused by the Shin clan's actions.

Except it isn't true. It was the Yellow Shirts that occupied Suvarnabhumi for weeks causing total chaos. Suthep's followers are making up very well for lost time currently.

It is time his supporters thought about what they really want as an outcome from all this trouble and strife. Do they want an absolute monarchy with no or little true democracy? Do they want a Fascist Thailand run by Suthep (and his rich friends) and his chosen elite? Or do they want a truly modern state with functioning democratic institutions with freedom of speech and expression and very importantly a full and total respect of the law.

I have spoken to many Thai people recently who support the protests. There main reason is that they don't trust the Shinawatras. When pressed most accept that Suthep is at least as bad.but argue that "at least we will have got rid of Thaksin.".

Is this simply an expression of Thai culture with its emphasis for living in the here and now and letting the future take care of itself. If so then I feel that Thailand may not be fit for purpose for surviving in the modern world. I hope it is just born out of naivety and a lack of understanding of how democratic institutions develop and mature over time.

Suthep is leading good hearted people to the brink of the Abyss.

Incidentally his threat to seize Yingluck's property just pushes the chance of a compromise further away than ever. The government and its supporters must be now very fearful of what could happen if they were to accede to Suthep's demands.

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What an ignorant arrogant person Suthep is not of this world lives in a fantasy world.

Is that 'fantasy world' anywhere near Dubai?

I hope the current situation will bring about the end of the Thaksin dynasty forever in Thailand.

I also hope that the people of both 'colors' decide that ridding Thailand of corrupt politicians is a battle that never ends and continue the fight against all the 'influential' people we read about daily.

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Thaksins money should have been seized since a long time. Most he got from corruption.

Rubbish. It was earned legitimately. One may not agree with how businesses operate in Asia, but the junta and Democrats did their utmost to make the corruption claim stick, and failed. Are you jealous of Thaksin's wealth?

Nothing stops you from becoming wealthy if you have entrepreneurial skills, intelligence and an ability to work hard.

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Thaksins money should have been seized since a long time. Most he got from corruption.

Rubbish. It was earned legitimately. One may not agree with how businesses operate in Asia, but the junta and Democrats did their utmost to make the corruption claim stick, and failed. Are you jealous of Thaksin's wealth?

Nothing stops you from becoming wealthy if you have entrepreneurial skills, intelligence and an ability to work hard.

Oh hello hello, expected nothing else than this comment. in his early days didn't he go bankrupt ??? or lost a hell of a lot. OK if you get it it's if you want to pay your dues. He didn't did he. a very honorable gentleman on the run already convicted and more around his neck. It's all politically motivated, and he is finished with politics-- smell some porky pies here.

He loved the Olympics in Beijing as he is such a sports lover. OH please GK give it a rest, give us some fair honest posts.

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Thaksins money should have been seized since a long time. Most he got from corruption.

Rubbish. It was earned legitimately. One may not agree with how businesses operate in Asia, but the junta and Democrats did their utmost to make the corruption claim stick, and failed. Are you jealous of Thaksin's wealth?

Nothing stops you from becoming wealthy if you have entrepreneurial skills, intelligence and an ability to work hard.

Oh hello hello, expected nothing else than this comment. in his early days didn't he go bankrupt ??? or lost a hell of a lot. OK if you get it it's if you want to pay your dues. He didn't did he. a very honorable gentleman on the run already convicted and more around his neck. It's all politically motivated, and he is finished with politics-- smell some porky pies here.

He loved the Olympics in Beijing as he is such a sports lover. OH please GK give it a rest, give us some fair honest posts.

He paid the army to give him mobile phone concession.

I have no proof, but heard that was how he earn his billions.

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Thaksins money should have been seized since a long time. Most he got from corruption.

Shinawatra disclosed to FORBES in October that Thai authorities had returned to him close to $1 billion of his $2.3 billion in frozen assets.


The net worth of Thaksin rose from $600 million to copy.7 billion between August 2012 and March 2013.

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Why stop with Yingluk there are plenty of wealthy people in Thailand and you can take their assets also to fill your vault. It is becoming very clear what your real aim is. Lets not forget your dislike for farangs also, you can take their assets also, condos bank accounts etc.

you continue to post stupid comments daily,are you trying to get as many likes as you can,...(look at me everyone).....you never used to be like this why the change...wai.gif

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Thaksins money should have been seized since a long time. Most he got from corruption.

Rubbish. It was earned legitimately. One may not agree with how businesses operate in Asia, but the junta and Democrats did their utmost to make the corruption claim stick, and failed. Are you jealous of Thaksin's wealth?

Nothing stops you from becoming wealthy if you have entrepreneurial skills, intelligence and an ability to work hard.

Oh hello hello, expected nothing else than this comment. in his early days didn't he go bankrupt ??? or lost a hell of a lot. OK if you get it it's if you want to pay your dues. He didn't did he. a very honorable gentleman on the run already convicted and more around his neck. It's all politically motivated, and he is finished with politics-- smell some porky pies here.

He loved the Olympics in Beijing as he is such a sports lover. OH please GK give it a rest, give us some fair honest posts.

He paid the army to give him mobile phone concession.

I have no proof, but heard that was how he earn his billions.

I have an idea there were a lot more besides.wink.png

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More hypocrisy from this odious little man: he changes his story to suit the audience. In the last interview with foreign media he said directly that he has no intention of exiling her in the (extremely unlikely) event he steals power

Of course he is very familiar with asset seizure and redistrbution....this is the man who gave land meant for ordinary farmers to his wealthy friends. Rotten to the core

My friend you have forgot you beloved ones in government--their pillaging ??? this is why all this is happening---Suthep is another story that will have to be dealt with later-----He is only a cleaner, when the carpets clean and Thailand has it's money back he can GO

You really think that a man like Suthep would go quietly into the night if he manages to get his way?? It's pretty obvious this whole thing has gone to his head and he views himself as some sort of anointed one. You're thinking like the old Roman and Chinese emperors who let the barbarians cross their borders because they believed they would go on their merry way again in future ... but the barbarians stayed, seized power, and pillaged the place. [And, to follow your metaphor, who hires a carpet cleaner who is himself filthy?]

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Why stop with Yingluk there are plenty of wealthy people in Thailand and you can take their assets also to fill your vault. It is becoming very clear what your real aim is. Lets not forget your dislike for farangs also, you can take their assets also, condos bank accounts etc.

Suthep is following the “ script “ perfectly…………………bah.gif

But when people wake up as in all other earlier examples ………….it will be too late…………

Fascist ideology consistently invokes the primacy of the state. Leaders such as Benito Mussolini in Italy and Adolf Hitler in Germany embodied the state and claimed undisputable power.

Under fascism, men retain the semblance or pretense of private property, but the government holds total power over its use and disposal....


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More hypocrisy from this odious little man: he changes his story to suit the audience. In the last interview with foreign media he said directly that he has no intention of exiling her in the (extremely unlikely) event he steals power

Of course he is very familiar with asset seizure and redistrbution....this is the man who gave land meant for ordinary farmers to his wealthy friends. Rotten to the core

More hypocrisy from this odious little man. Rotten to the core.

You must mean Thaksin, yes?

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I personally think the man had gone completely and totaly mad. He is making all kinds of threats here and he can get out of it now, He also said (in so many words) that he and the millitary under his oreders opened fire with live rounds in 2009 and 2010 at civilians.

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Hope the Thai people and all you foreigners living in Bangkok have a wonderful protest next week. You now see what type of mad man Suthep is. You will see how the Germans lived with Hitler. .

Hitler was elected. And build his private brown shirts.

So it better fits Thaksin and his red shirts. We'll close our company on Monday as all staff will go to the demonstrations.

The only difference is That Hitler only had one ball, but Suthep has balls of steel..

He needs to work on his "Heil Suthep" salute though - arm needs to be extended with the back of the palm in line with the wrist.

I bet he slices a golf ball with a limp wrist like that.

(and before all the HH whingers have a go, it's just a joke - and no bigger joke than the parody they loosely call "Thai Politics") facepalm.gif

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