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Russian Man Arrested With Marijuana

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Wonder how long it'll be before possession of marijuana is decriminalised throughout the World, as is now the case in North America & the UK ?

To be clear there are a (very) few jurisdictions in NA which have decriminalised ganja. In MOST jurisdictions the 'war on drugs' is still raging and destroying innocent lives. For the NA black and Latino communities simple possession carries significant jail time and props up an entire industry of incarceration.

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spoken like someone who has never been to America, but has 'educated' himself reading biased material.

yeah, the white drug dealers are freed and given apologies. geesh

The incarceration rate statistics are published everywhere, didn't need to spend half my adult life living in the USA for that to be true... but I did.

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well, if you did, then tell me how many times you have been approached by WHITE drug dealers to buy drugs (being at a concert doesn't count)?

how many black or latin?

c'mon.... be honest..... we all know.

how many white gangs are there? of them, how many derive their income from selling drugs?



if more are selling, more will be arrested.

have you ever worked in an poor urban blue collar manual labour job where 95% of your coworkers were black? i did for 3 years. % of my coworkers who had not done time- less than 10%, honestly... less than 5. you can state/imply the reason for this is racism (your original point). i will tell you it is not. further, my friends/coworkers would tell you the same if you too were in their circle. i know what i talk about. ground level. you.... no.

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Last time I was in Pattaya I saw a Thai man coming down a one way street on a motorcycle with no helmet and using a mobile phone. This is surely more dangerous than marijuana?

The BIB need to show some perspective. To the untrained eye it could appear the law was being used to benefit Police Officers and not the community at large who pay their salaries.


So this was a "pi" marijuana, 3.14 gram.

This was the catch of the century cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Poor idiot rusky.

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Mr. Valery Husnutdinov took the opportunity to escape by knocking Pol. Capt. Seksak Arthornkitjawat (Deputy Inspector) to the ground (Pattaya Daily News)

And why not I say. We should all have a go at knocking policemen to the ground. Bravo I say!biggrin.png

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@ IF: We seem to have deviated from my main point which was that simple possession can get you hard time in the USA. It seems rather pointless to debate the legitimacy of viewpoints though... Your have no knowledge of my intimacy with drug culture, yet seem to believe yours is greater (which I very highly doubt knowing my past!) and more legitimate... weird. I also never mentioned dealers - just the fact that there is an industry built around incarceration for simple possession and that most of those enjoying a free stay are blacks and Latinos. Why is a question far too big for an off-topic sidebar!

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OMG, this is a big, big bust, enough for a couple of joints. The BIB who we taxpayers fund and endure, should now be worrying about their jobs, rather than this.....

.....'cos when the inevitable revolution takes place, they will need to worry about their lives: and from everything I see, the revolution is finally within sight.


I seem to remember watching something on the news about 4 or 5 weeks ago about Uraguay completely legalising the use of marijuana and that the state were going to control ALL cultivation and distribution of it. Everyone was quite upbeat about the whole affair (apart from the usual doomsday crowd) as they reckoned that they were going to completely remove the mafia from the supply chain now (for mary jane at least) and all proceeds from it were going to be going towards rehabilitating junkies and hardcore users etc and what was left over would be going into public coffers....could this be the model for the rest of the world in future..?

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Oh dear:

'the police exposed themselves and asked to search him' biggrin.png

Guess that's why he 'took the opportunity to escape'. wink.png

Not quite sure why he took the opportunity to escape,

especially having the police exposing themselves?

Well, suppose that Russian guy didn't like spicy sausages

but rather preferred to "consume himself" giggle.gif


...with this lopsided justice against foreigners.....surely an act of desperation.....

....where did he get it from....will it even be pursued......doubtful....but he surely will.....


Wow I got to page 2 without seeing a single Russian hate quote. Better stop while I'm ahead. Good job bib you made walking street a safer place for us to get hookers.

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...with this lopsided justice against foreigners.....surely an act of desperation.....

....where did he get it from....will it even be pursued......doubtful....but he surely will.....

Lopsided? Thai jails, from my observation, are primarily housing Thai nationals. Commit the crime, do the time.


3.14g - are you flipping kidding me! I hope he already smoked a few joints out of that, because if he was sold that as an eighth it's 0.36g shy. What a waste of police time and resources.

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"He looked and was acting suspicious..." pretty sure they were just patting down whomever they could. i have been stopped numerous times and frisked. i look a lot of things, suspicious isn't one of them tongue.png maybe they just suspected he had some bribe money on him.

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@ IF: We seem to have deviated from my main point which was that simple possession can get you hard time in the USA. It seems rather pointless to debate the legitimacy of viewpoints though... Your have no knowledge of my intimacy with drug culture, yet seem to believe yours is greater (which I very highly doubt knowing my past!) and more legitimate... weird. I also never mentioned dealers - just the fact that there is an industry built around incarceration for simple possession and that most of those enjoying a free stay are blacks and Latinos. Why is a question far too big for an off-topic sidebar!Sent from my ME172V using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Possession of less than an ounce in Calfornia, is an infraction. No "hard time", merely a small fine. Thailand, however, looks at it differently and one should take that into consideration when opting to dabble in this area.

Decriminalization of casual MJ use in the USA is gaining momentum. Crimes under the influence of legal alcoholic beverages, has reaked untold havoc and suffering. I don't use MJ, and certainly don't understand the hysteria over MJ use by the adult population.

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...with this lopsided justice against foreigners.....surely an act of desperation.....

....where did he get it from....will it even be pursued......doubtful....but he surely will.....

Lopsided? Thai jails, from my observation, are primarily housing Thai nationals. Commit the crime, do the time.

i dont think the Thai jails have many Thais caught with 3.6 grams of ganga. for that little most thais buy the officers a bottle of whiskey and move on. the jails are mostly filled with Thais that murdered, killed, raped, or smuggled kilos. heck, the red bull kid killed a police officer and to the best of my knowledge he is still walking the streets...


oo oo ooh the monkey house has a place for you soon sir ..5555 ..

Obey the laws of the land you holiday in or reside in and you should be fine ..coffee1.gif .

If he or seems like many members here want to try Marijuana and have all the things you have in Thailand , go

to Laos where its socially acceptable in many areas .. 555

But if he or members here choose to do it in Thailand , be prepared for doing time ..

I have nothing against pot smoking but I choose not to do it in Thailand ..giggle.gif

Because thai pot laws deter me from being stupid .. coffee1.gif

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Should have offered to go directly to a bank machine so he could pay the fine directly, on the spot, so everyone could

avoid all the paperwork. Just to streamline the system of course. As it is he will probably spend 6-8 months in jail waiting

for his day in court. whistling.gif

  • Like 1

oo oo ooh the monkey house has a place for you soon sir ..5555 ..

Obey the laws of the land you holiday in or reside in and you should be fine ..coffee1.gif .

If he or seems like many members here want to try Marijuana and have all the things you have in Thailand , go

to Laos where its socially acceptable in many areas .. 555

But if he or members here choose to do it in Thailand , be prepared for doing time ..

I have nothing against pot smoking but I choose not to do it in Thailand ..giggle.gif

Because thai pot laws deter me from being stupid .. coffee1.gif

Totally agree, and it's one more reason to like visa runs <3

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Wonder how long it'll be before possession of marijuana is decriminalised throughout the World, as is now the case in North America & the UK ?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Marijuana is a class 1 controlled substance under USA federal law and possesion is a felony. Half of all prisoners in US are in for drugs. Pot-heads are an easy bust for cops, and $$$ for the for-profit prisons and their employees (correction officers)...strong lobbyists.

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Wow 3 grams of pot ! You go Supercops ! FYI Mr Plod ,pot is not nor has it ever been a narcotic.

Is it illegal in Thailand.....? Yes or No......?

Yes illegal. Strictly prohibited. It is illegal to buy, sell, use, or produce it under all circumstances.

Thailand considers marijuana to be a "narcotic", as it is on the list of narcotic drugs under international control.


You will not be busted for weed in the USA, no cop would waste their time on less than an ounce. In California, you can buy a license for 40 bucks to have up to an ounce. In many states it is now legal. The USA started this war on drugs worldwide and now they look the other way. All the while these banana republic countries use it to extract money from violators. I would be certain the cops were in on the sale, that's why they knew who to bust. That's the way it works here. Be aware of the scam and don't trust the guy who is selling it to you. He usually has a cop around the corner waiting to bust you.

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Wonder how long it'll be before possession of marijuana is decriminalised throughout the World, as is now the case in North America & the UK ?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It's not decriminalised in the UK.


As long as he can afford bail, he will be out in a few days at most, 6 -8 weeks he will be fined b1000 and red stamped and sent home.

He should have tried to pay the cops on the street, as soon as you are at soi 9 there are no deals to be made.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Wonder how long it'll be before possession of marijuana is decriminalised throughout the World, as is now the case in North America & the UK ?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It's not decriminalised in the UK.

Not by statute book maybe, but certainly by the UK BiB. Show me any recent report of a bust for possession of a small amount of any drug - bet you can't.

Certain celeb caught recently with 5G of Charlie was only reported in Gossip Mags - no charges brought

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