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Thai Commerce Minister says govt needs 180 billion baht to pay rice farmers


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Its more then the farmers who will be suffering because of this, they employ people too, such as those who spray the crop, the harvester contractor and if the farmers don't get paid they cant pay either those who contract to them or just work for them.

There is also the aspect that all these people cant buy what the normally would so local shops also suffer.

As I posted elsewhere the farmers group president said that they estimated the farmers debt because of non payment to be 80 billion and rising, with the farmers paying interest on all of that.

They are demanding that the Govt compensate them for the interest they have to pay, if they don't they will file a class action against the Govt.

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..a drop in the ocean relative to reserves ( not that I support the scheme as structured)

I just can't understand why they don't have the money to hand, or at least contingency arrangements to cover a shortfall. It's hard to believe their planning is *that* bad.

They were in the process of obtaining a 2.2 trillion baht off budget loan but instead got a poke in the eye, now they're up the creek without a paddle

Didn't you know that in Thailand "Infrastructure" is the same meaning as "rice scam"

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..a drop in the ocean relative to reserves ( not that I support the scheme as structured)

I just can't understand why they don't have the money to hand, or at least contingency arrangements to cover a shortfall. It's hard to believe their planning is *that* bad.

Or maybe they knew that the scheme was collapsing around them and decided this was a golden opportunity to blame someone else.

Isn't it wonderful for PTP?, they tried to rise the poor farmers standard of living until the evil EC and the Democrats forced, forced I tell you!, them to stop. violin.gif

The True Belivers will gobble it up like PacMans

Edited by AleG
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Why didn't the government organise the money for payments BEFORE they called an election? It's not like they didn't know they would need it. A lot of it was due in October.

If they pay the farmers now, so close to Feb 2nd, it would be deemed as vote buying.

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I am really divided on this. I really dislike the current government and they are 100% to blame.. but now the farmers are in trouble. That is not a good thing at all.

Maybe Taksin can loan it.. he must have stolen more as this by now.

Seriously i dont like that the farmers are the pawns here... but giving in by the EC is also not a good thing. This government should go. More and more skeletons from the rice scam appear. I hope its enough to get rid of the reds for once and always. Maybe if the farmers hurt enough they will think twice for voting PTP. But honestly i doubt it.

some of the single bribes hes taken over the years from big busineses is probably more money than this but hes probably not

going to send it back

hes still fighting for the confiscated billions that the judge took off him and thats only the money the public can see

he transferred billions into the names of his drivers and maids without their knowledge as well when he was accused of stealing

having too much money lol

god knows how much he moved offshore in the years he was on top but he could buy his way back in to everyones good books maybe if he paid the farmers after they been starving for a month or two

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Is there anyone in this country who is still happy with the ptp? Seems the only reason they still get support is because " but the democrats are the evil" argument and there is no other choice for the rural poor. Bad PR by democrat party. Hope there will be a third better choice soon.

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Thailand is supposed to have healthy foreign reserves,

has anyone seen them ?, like a lot of things Governments

say,could be another pack of lies ! or white lie as the finance

minister likes to call them.

regards Worgeordie

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If the commerce minister was so distressed by the delay of the payments, why did he delay meeting the EC until today ? The EC has been trying to contact the administration on a daily business since last week, not only with this issue, but with the administration's refusal to respect their recommendation for a delay of the polls. So now the EC is " cruel ". Coercion now by any means, it seems. Threatening legal action didn't help. Pressing to forget about the rules of campaign spending didn't help. Pressing to forget that the rice scheme is now under intense legal scrutiny and may be the very cause of the fall of the administration didn't help. So now on to the next strategy - guilt and the deflection of blame. This corrupt, corrupt administration is now wanting to get hold of cash by any and all means. The administrative hold-ups of banks is but the last gasp in the world of graft. Bonnie and Clyde themselves could not have aspired to better.

As always, it's the usual lies, deceit, obfuscation, blame and smoke and mirrors, and the overriding "Thainess" of not taking responsibility for ANYTHING whatsoever and instead blaming it all on someone else because of "face".

Maybe they'll grow up one day and actually make some serious changes to the way things are done here, but if so, it's going to be a long time coming.

As it stands, they've bought millions of tons of rice at way above market prices, subsequently killed the market and the losses that they speculated would be incurred are IF they could sell at their initial estimates, they can't however and so are forced (if anyone actually buys it, rather than those fake G2G deals they made) into selling at below market prices now, meaning the losses are in fact even greater than they have publicly said.

Now they can't get any additional loans to cover this massive shortfall and once again the country's (relatively few) taxpayers will have a massive bill to pay back for years to come, all to secure more support and more votes for this Govt and for them to skim massive amounts of this cash for themselves.

Gotta love the cheek of using taxpayers money to "buy" votes and support in this way.

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Why didn't the government organise the money for payments BEFORE they called an election? It's not like they didn't know they would need it. A lot of it was due in October.

If they pay the farmers now, so close to Feb 2nd, it would be deemed as vote buying.

yes, damned if they do or don't. I think it has to be paid but the issue is politicized it could be difficult to negotiate. ..well, clearly is already

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Why didn't the government organise the money for payments BEFORE they called an election? It's not like they didn't know they would need it. A lot of it was due in October.

If they pay the farmers now, so close to Feb 2nd, it would be deemed as vote buying.

Yes. So why didn't the organise it BEFORE they called an election?

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Why didn't the government organise the money for payments BEFORE they called an election? It's not like they didn't know they would need it. A lot of it was due in October.

If they pay the farmers now, so close to Feb 2nd, it would be deemed as vote buying.

Yes. So why didn't the organise it BEFORE they called an election?

one would guess that they didn't realise there would be an issue with trying to pay while in caretaker mode..speculation

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Why didn't the government organise the money for payments BEFORE they called an election? It's not like they didn't know they would need it. A lot of it was due in October.

If they pay the farmers now, so close to Feb 2nd, it would be deemed as vote buying.

Yes. So why didn't the organise it BEFORE they called an election?

one would guess that they didn't realise there would be an issue with trying to pay while in caretaker mode..speculation

Some of these payments were due in October.

Do you seriously think that they didn't know that they couldn't borrow money while in caretaker mode?

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He said if this request is rejected, the government has a plan to seek loans from other sources, both domestic and overseas, adding that it will not seek from banks.

Specificaly Dubai, i imagine. Mr T this was all your idea, bail us out now or we are all going to jail.

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Yes. So why didn't the organise it BEFORE they called an election?

one would guess that they didn't realise there would be an issue with trying to pay while in caretaker mode..speculation

Some of these payments were due in October.

Do you seriously think that they didn't know that they couldn't borrow money while in caretaker mode?

well...some dispute over that. But in any case, they wanted to announce a significant sale...not forthcoming

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Is there anyone in this country who is still happy with the ptp? Seems the only reason they still get support is because " but the democrats are the evil" argument and there is no other choice for the rural poor. Bad PR by democrat party. Hope there will be a third better choice soon.

Agreed, I've said for months that if the Democrats were smart, they'd focus on being seen in a much better light by those who typically would never support them, make suggestions as to "how" they can do things better for everyone in a much fairer, less corrupt manner. They're missing a golden opportunity here.

I would have thought there was a possible way through this. If the all sides got together and agreed to get payment to the farmers by whatever means but any attempt by either side to use it to their electoral advantage was deemed to be using the money to buy votes and the party banned from the election. There should also be a careful watch on anyone trying to just stand as another party or using their family, friends or maid to act as proxy.

It's a difficult one I know but the farmers need to be paid somehow.

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Its more then the farmers who will be suffering because of this, they employ people too, such as those who spray the crop, the harvester contractor and if the farmers don't get paid they cant pay either those who contract to them or just work for them.

There is also the aspect that all these people cant buy what the normally would so local shops also suffer.

As I posted elsewhere the farmers group president said that they estimated the farmers debt because of non payment to be 80 billion and rising, with the farmers paying interest on all of that.

They are demanding that the Govt compensate them for the interest they have to pay, if they don't they will file a class action against the Govt.

Excellent point,even paid today there have been costs,the longer the delay the efects will multiply.

Simultaneously the produce is declining in quality AND accruing cost of storage.

At some point someone will have to fund this insanity,The very rich won't the breadline poor do not pay enough tax nor have resources to sequester.

The squeezed middle class are not eager.This may mean the farmers are short changed on current unsaleable crop,while the abandonment of the scheme will reduce ral incomes.The lost and hopeless will drift to the cities razing marginal land,perhaps this is the plan.

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Is there anyone in this country who is still happy with the ptp? Seems the only reason they still get support is because " but the democrats are the evil" argument and there is no other choice for the rural poor. Bad PR by democrat party. Hope there will be a third better choice soon.

Agreed, I've said for months that if the Democrats were smart, they'd focus on being seen in a much better light by those who typically would never support them, make suggestions as to "how" they can do things better for everyone in a much fairer, less corrupt manner. They're missing a golden opportunity here.

I would have thought there was a possible way through this. If the all sides got together and agreed to get payment to the farmers by whatever means but any attempt by either side to use it to their electoral advantage was deemed to be using the money to buy votes and the party banned from the election. There should also be a careful watch on anyone trying to just stand as another party or using their family, friends or maid to act as proxy.

It's a difficult one I know but the farmers need to be paid somehow.

Simple answer. Govt needs to stop blaming everyone else for the problems they created, step back and do as the EC suggest.

If it's made clear that the EC approved a temporary urgent loan to fix the screw up the Govt has made then they don't gain and neither do the Dems and the EC is the one who gets the credit.

Can't see the Govt allowing anyone else to take credit for something however.

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Yes. So why didn't the organise it BEFORE they called an election?

one would guess that they didn't realise there would be an issue with trying to pay while in caretaker mode..speculation

Some of these payments were due in October.

Do you seriously think that they didn't know that they couldn't borrow money while in caretaker mode?

well...some dispute over that. But in any case, they wanted to announce a significant sale...not forthcoming

Some dispute over what exactly? The significant sale seems to be the one with China ..the one that's been proved to be false.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Why didn't the government organise the money for payments BEFORE they called an election? It's not like they didn't know they would need it. A lot of it was due in October.

If they pay the farmers now, so close to Feb 2nd, it would be deemed as vote buying.

Yes. So why didn't the organise it BEFORE they called an election?

one would guess that they didn't realise there would be an issue with trying to pay while in caretaker mode..speculation

One could also guess that they assumed they could continue to ride roughshod over the law and make people do what they wanted. Finally the EC has put them in their place and said no however.

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Is there anyone in this country who is still happy with the ptp? Seems the only reason they still get support is because " but the democrats are the evil" argument and there is no other choice for the rural poor. Bad PR by democrat party. Hope there will be a third better choice soon.

Agreed, I've said for months that if the Democrats were smart, they'd focus on being seen in a much better light by those who typically would never support them, make suggestions as to "how" they can do things better for everyone in a much fairer, less corrupt manner. They're missing a golden opportunity here.

Spot on!!thumbsup.gif

Instead of closing services for people already supporting the Dems, they should make the bold move and head north and try to win the hearts of the rural voters in the traditional red areas. With all the unpaid ricefarmers, this must be the right time to do it!

But if the masterplan was to keep the uneducated and poor part of the people away from any democratic rights, then there is no interest in winning over the red voters! ((Who are too stupid to vote anyway, according to the "elite")

Sadly it is all about keeping their place at the trough. Goes for both sides!coffee1.gif

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Why didn't the government organise the money for payments BEFORE they called an election? It's not like they didn't know they would need it. A lot of it was due in October.

If they pay the farmers now, so close to Feb 2nd, it would be deemed as vote buying.

yes, damned if they do or don't. I think it has to be paid but the issue is politicized it could be difficult to negotiate. ..well, clearly is already

"but the issue is politicized"? The issue was political at its inception. It was almost certainly political when the thought first appeared in the mind of whoever dreamed up the rice scheme. The rice scheme is vote buying under the guise of populism.

And before anyone gets on me for supporting the Democrats, I wouldn't trust them either.

the Dems, they should make the bold move and head north and try to win the hearts of the rural voters in the traditional red areas. With all the unpaid ricefarmers, this must be the right time to do it!

I agree completely. Unfortunately, they seem intent of squandering this opportunity.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Yes. So why didn't the organise it BEFORE they called an election?

one would guess that they didn't realise there would be an issue with trying to pay while in caretaker mode..speculation

Some of these payments were due in October.

Do you seriously think that they didn't know that they couldn't borrow money while in caretaker mode?

well...some dispute over that. But in any case, they wanted to announce a significant sale...not forthcoming

Mate you must be 1 hellova rodeo rider, no matter how many times you are tipped out of the saddle you get straight back up and have another go.

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