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Rice-pledging scheme: Thai Farmers raise pressure


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Farmers raise pressure

Petchanet Pratruangkrai,
Thanatpong Kongsai
The Nation

Angry farmers from seven provinces in the western part of the country have messages for the government while protesting outside the Commerce Ministry yesterday. The government has failed repeatedly to pay for the rice that farmers sold under the price-pledging scheme

Add to govt's woes by urging NACC to probe graft in rice scheme; Pheu Thai says farmers being used to oust govt

BANGKOK: -- Furious rice farmers yesterday piled pressure on the government by taking their protest to the capital, amid claims that they were part of a plot to bring down the government.

Thousands of farmers from the Northeast, the Central and the West gathered at the Commerce Ministry in Nonthaburi. Many of them brought their tractors and farm trucks with them They urged the caretaker government to pay them for paddy sold under the government's rice-pledging scheme.

They camped out overnight outside the ministry compound.

The farmers said they had lost trust in the government after it failed repeatedly to keep its promise of giving them their long-overdue payment. They said the government had betrayed them and sought its resignation in 15 days so that they could receive their dues.

Also, the group called on the government to check the quality of rice stored at various granaries.

Prasith Boonchuey, president of the Thai Rice Farmers Association, said many farmers were disappointed with this government since it could not keep its promise.

"The government now owes about Bt130 billion to farmers," he said.

Another group of farmers from Sing Buri, Chai Nat and Ang Thong made a written request for the National Anti-Corruption Commission to probe the government's failure to pay for rice from the latest crop.

Winai Lamnoo, a leader of the group, said farmers have been waiting for eight months for the overdue payments.

Meanwhile, Pheu Thai Party spokesman Prompong Nopparit said there was a movement to incite the rice farmers against the government.

"They told the farmers that this government has no money to pay them and it needs to be overthrown," he said.

Suthep Thaugsuban, leader of the anti-government campaign, told protesters that his People's Democratic Reform Committee might consider stealing from warehouses where government rice is being stored in order to get money for the farmers.

"I have already been charged with insurrection. Another charge of stealing rice should be fine," he said.

The PDRC plans to stage another march in Bangkok today to raise funds for the farmers, its spokesman Akanat Promphan said.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday pleaded on Facebook with the farmers to be sympathetic while blaming the anti-government rallies for the delay in payments for the pledged paddy.

She insisted on continuing the rice-pledging project as this could help improve farmers' lives and reduce inequality in society. As the political unrest over the past four months has led to the House dissolution, the caretaker government faces limitations.

"The Finance Ministry is finding a way to secure funds within the legal limitations while the Commerce Ministry is accelerating sales of rice from stockpiles. Proceeds from doing this will quickly pay off farmers," she promised on her page.

However, recent research by the Thailand Development Research Institute on the benefits of the rice-pledging scheme found that only 18 per cent of poor farmers, who make up 30 per cent of all farmers, had benefited from the project. However, 82 per cent of the rich and middle-income farmers were beneficiaries.

Worawit Chalimpamontri, president of the Government Savings Bank, denied that the bank's board of directors had never discussed about lending to the government for the rice-pledging scheme as rumoured.

"We are worried about the law. Whether the government can get additional loans under law is still unclear. We are also worried about bank depositors, who feel discontented about this matter," he said.

The Foreign Trade Department said it would on Wednesday open bidding for 100,360.74 tonnes of white rice for export and 367,261.87 tonnes of rice for the domestic market.

To mitigate the financial burden on farmers, who have suffered from the delay in payment, the Commerce Ministry encouraged rice millers to volunteer for a project to help provide farmers with loans.

Deputy Commerce Minister Yanyong Phuangrach said this project was not finalised. The rough idea was that the government would redress all interest on farmers who borrow from the millers, but cap the rate at 9 per cent. The farmers can borrow from millers up to 50 per cent of the value of the paddy they had pledged and use the pledge receipts as collateral.

-- The Nation 2014-02-07

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The various governmrnt ministries, have so many people out scrounging for money thay the make the street beggars look organized. I am awaiting one of them to suggest raffling the rce off as a solution to the mess they have created.

One thing can be said for this group, they will screw ant and all they come in contact with on their attempt to enhance their personal assets.

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"Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday pleaded on Facebook with the farmers"

What has this world come to....?

She has run away again in the face of adversity.

PM in absentia.

A disgrace when all is collapsing around her

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Unsustainable level of vote buying.

To mitigate the financial burden on farmers, who have suffered from the delay in payment, the Commerce Ministry encouraged rice millers to volunteer for a project to help provide farmers with loans.

Start at the bottom guys.

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Just how much raised pressure these farmer raise will be the factor in their protest, a mild and meek one will produce SFA, they will have to knock off a few ego's to make any head way, go for the jugular fellas, no use mucking about like the democrats , all this polite Thai tradition stuff has gone out the window with these PTP spiffs. Rated: Business as usual.3/10coffee1.gif

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"She insisted on continuing the rice-pledging project as this could help improve farmers' lives and reduce inequality in society." Yes, keep allowing me to steal your rice, so that my co-conspirators and I can enjoy wealth equal to that of my big brother.

Edited by zaphodbeeblebrox
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"Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday pleaded on Facebook with the farmers"

What has this world come to....?

Pleaded on Facebook. I doubt if many of the farmers have time to read Facebook.

She hasn't got the guts to make a public appearance. Can you imagine any other prime minister or president in the world communicating with the people via Facebook?

Edited by petedk
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Those who are doing well are getting their payments, those who are not get squat,

and this is somehow to help the poor farmers. Not at all likely.

It is a transparent method to pull in the rice network and it's voters to the PTP voting block.

Problem is when most of those expecting to be helped get hurt instead, they will logically and rightly blame those who patently lied to them. And that also means they will not listen to those above them in the financial hierarchy who got paid but never paid down below them at all.

That PTP is willing to bankrupt the country to keep their voter blocks intact,

shows a hideous moral abyss at it's center of gravity. A moral blackhole.

The most disgusting aspect in the above article is m:

...To mitigate the financial burden on farmers, who have suffered from the delay in payment, the Commerce Ministry encouraged rice millers to volunteer for a project to help provide farmers with loans...

As if these guys, who DID get paid will hand their cash out to those with less face and power?

Edited by animatic
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The Foreign Trade Department said it would on Wednesday open bidding for 100,360.74 tonnes of white rice for export and 367,261.87 tonnes of rice for the domestic market.

Sorry, the foreign trade department is selling rice on the domestic market?

To mitigate the financial burden on farmers, who have suffered from the delay in payment, the Commerce Ministry encouraged rice millers to volunteer for a project to help provide farmers with loans. Deputy Commerce Minister Yanyong Phuangrach said this project was not finalised. The rough idea was that the government would redress all interest on farmers who borrow from the millers, but cap the rate at 9 per cent. The farmers can borrow from millers up to 50 per cent of the value of the paddy they had pledged and use the pledge receipts as collateral.

Hysterical, so the millers, out of the goodness of their hearts are going to volunteer to bail out the farmers. Not if they have any sense.

She insisted on continuing the rice-pledging project as this could help improve farmers' lives and reduce inequality in society.

How about YL and her brother start by giving away some of their billions. It’s like the UK (and the US) where we have millionaire politicians telling us how dreadful financial inequality is in society.

Winai Lamnoo, a leader of the group, said farmers have been waiting for eight months for the overdue payments.

8 months??? So it’s not just the latest crop that has not been paid for.

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Yingluck lovers / Suthep haters all very sleepy this mornings. Two words only to highlight from the OP


Hey, speaking of which, whatever happened to this guy?


Member Since 2014-01-13

He registers the very first day of the Bangkok Shutdown, then spends the next 20 days delivering anti-Suthep diatribes non-stop to the point he racks up 589 posts. So that's basically 30 posts a day, or ONE POST EVERY 30 MINUTES -- assuming he has to spend 9 hours eating, sleeping, taking dumps, taking showers, visiting the 7-11 etc. Curiously, his last post is on Feb. 2nd, the day of the election debacle. Then he shuts down entirely and goes totally silent. Now, why would someone register the day of the Bangkok Shutdown then go insanely active but just for the 20 days until the election then stop? I don't get it.

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Suthep, more likely to steal rice from storage and line his pockets. One baht for you one baht for me. Why would

he even consider doing this when it would give the storage warehouse companies/ government a plausible

excuse as to were any missing rice went. Not that smart a guy I guess. Leave the warehouses alone, take

inventory, do a forensic audit following the money and find where corruption took place, jail the guilty. Simple. coffee1.gif

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Yingluck lovers / Suthep haters all very sleepy this mornings. Two words only to highlight from the OP


Hey, speaking of which, whatever happened to this guy?


Member Since 2014-01-13

He registers the very first day of the Bangkok Shutdown, then spends the next 20 days delivering anti-Suthep diatribes non-stop to the point he racks up 589 posts. So that's basically 30 posts a day, or ONE POST EVERY 30 MINUTES -- assuming he has to spend 9 hours eating, sleeping, taking dumps, taking showers, visiting the 7-11 etc. Curiously, his last post is on Feb. 2nd, the day of the election debacle. Then he shuts down entirely and goes totally silent. Now, why would someone register the day of the Bangkok Shutdown then go insanely active but just for the 20 days until the election then stop? I don't get it.

And reminiscent of a manic troller named 'calgary' you may recall.

Good he's sleeping or hungover today.

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Suthep, more likely to steal rice from storage and line his pockets. One baht for you one baht for me. Why would

he even consider doing this when it would give the storage warehouse companies/ government a plausible

excuse as to were any missing rice went. Not that smart a guy I guess. Leave the warehouses alone, take

inventory, do a forensic audit following the money and find where corruption took place, jail the guilty. Simple. coffee1.gif

Rhetoric, "Look how my heart is bleeding for you farmers,i love you all so much i will c o n s i d e r theft

(but i wont really )

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Yingluck lovers / Suthep haters all very sleepy this mornings. Two words only to highlight from the OP


Hey, speaking of which, whatever happened to this guy?


Member Since 2014-01-13

He registers the very first day of the Bangkok Shutdown, then spends the next 20 days delivering anti-Suthep diatribes non-stop to the point he racks up 589 posts. So that's basically 30 posts a day, or ONE POST EVERY 30 MINUTES -- assuming he has to spend 9 hours eating, sleeping, taking dumps, taking showers, visiting the 7-11 etc. Curiously, his last post is on Feb. 2nd, the day of the election debacle. Then he shuts down entirely and goes totally silent. Now, why would someone register the day of the Bangkok Shutdown then go insanely active but just for the 20 days until the election then stop? I don't get it.

You probably hurt his feelings

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Did you know that the rice farmers from Thaksin's heartlands, Chiang Mai, have been paid? This is where his base is. Don't upset the farmers here.

Those of you, including Yingluck, saying that the farmers have not been paid because of Suthep are repeating Thaksin's monstrous lie. It is a lie, there is no doubt about that. The payments were late well before Suthep took to the streets.

The Government also lied about having a deal in their pocket to sell the rice to China.

Do you people here who repeat this lie ad nauseum actually understand what the rice scheme was about? Let me explain!

1. Buy all the rice from the farmers at an artificially high price.

2. Withdraw the rice from the world market, thus creating a shortage.

3. Because of this artificial shortage the world price increases to above the amount paid by the Government to the farmers.

4. Sell the rice on the world market at a higher price and rake in the profits.

5. These profits are then shared between Thaksin and his cohorts as payment for their part in this scam.

6. The idea was to benefit Thaksin financially and politically (ie winning the support of the farmers) but it back fired.

Very clever, but it didn't work because instead of the price going up as Thaksin thought, other countries increased their exports.

There was no budget for this scheme and no 'what if' scenarios which means that when Thaksin's plot failed there was no money to pay the farmers.

To blame Suthep for this is conveniently stupid and far from reality.

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" Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday pleaded on Facebook with the farmers to be sympathetic while blaming the anti-government rallies for the delay in payments for the pledged paddy.

Pheu Thai's big lie has just become two. The rice payments, that haven't been paid since as far back as last June, are now the PDRC's fault. That was the first lie. Now the second. In a move clearly fashioned to threaten to throw Pheu Thai's core supporters under the bus by aligning them with the protest movement - is proof positive that in the world of Pheu Thai, there is always very little distance between ally and enemy. They'ye suddenly regarded the farmers as their enemies because they no longer want Pheu Thai in power. Fancy that. How's them apples, Thida ? People power run amok. And you have to wonder at this point what is going on in the cranium of Yingluck. Does she seriously imagine that the rice farmers will take the money from the trucks they had no choice but to sell, buy a computer, and eagerly rush to Yingluck's facebook page to read her soothing words of appeal ?

And Yingluck's phrase of apparently having to resign herself to work " within the legal limitations " says more about Pheu Thai than anything Richard Nixon could ever have dreamed up.

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The various governmrnt ministries, have so many people out scrounging for money thay the make the street beggars look organized. I am awaiting one of them to suggest raffling the rce off as a solution to the mess they have created.

One thing can be said for this group, they will screw ant and all they come in contact with on their attempt to enhance their personal assets.

Raffle the rice - what's second prize?

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The various governmrnt ministries, have so many people out scrounging for money thay the make the street beggars look organized. I am awaiting one of them to suggest raffling the rce off as a solution to the mess they have created.

One thing can be said for this group, they will screw ant and all they come in contact with on their attempt to enhance their personal assets.

Raffle the rice - what's second prize?

A life time in the deserts of Dubai ?

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" Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday pleaded on Facebook with the farmers to be sympathetic while blaming the anti-government rallies for the delay in payments for the pledged paddy.

Pheu Thai's big lie has just become two. The rice payments, that haven't been paid since as far back as last June, are now the PDRC's fault. That was the first lie. Now the second. In a move clearly fashioned to threaten to throw Pheu Thai's core supporters under the bus by aligning them with the protest movement - is proof positive that in the world of Pheu Thai, there is always very little distance between ally and enemy. They'ye suddenly regarded the farmers as their enemies because they no longer want Pheu Thai in power. Fancy that. How's them apples, Thida ? People power run amok. And you have to wonder at this point what is going on in the cranium of Yingluck. Does she seriously imagine that the rice farmers will take the money from the trucks they had no choice but to sell, buy a computer, and eagerly rush to Yingluck's facebook page to read her soothing words of appeal ?

And Yingluck's phrase of apparently having to resign herself to work " within the legal limitations " says more about Pheu Thai than anything Richard Nixon could ever have dreamed up.

You have that a bit wrong there mate, the first big lie was that Abhisit and Suthep are guilty of murder, it came well before the rice scheme.

It is a lie that has served PT well and they had hoped that by granting them amnesty with the aborted bill they would never have a chance to defend themselves in court and prove that it is a lie.

Another reason PT must get the amnesty bill through as the defense will be damming on Thaksin and the red leaders.

The rice lies all come second, third and so on

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Yingluck lovers / Suthep haters all very sleepy this mornings. Two words only to highlight from the OP


Hey, speaking of which, whatever happened to this guy?


Member Since 2014-01-13

He registers the very first day of the Bangkok Shutdown, then spends the next 20 days delivering anti-Suthep diatribes non-stop to the point he racks up 589 posts. So that's basically 30 posts a day, or ONE POST EVERY 30 MINUTES -- assuming he has to spend 9 hours eating, sleeping, taking dumps, taking showers, visiting the 7-11 etc. Curiously, his last post is on Feb. 2nd, the day of the election debacle. Then he shuts down entirely and goes totally silent. Now, why would someone register the day of the Bangkok Shutdown then go insanely active but just for the 20 days until the election then stop? I don't get it.

Do you work for the NSA by any chance?

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