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Whats with Thais Feeding and Caring For Vicious Packs of Stray Dogs ?

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Thais (mostly males) feed, shelter, and care for these packs of vicious stray dogs ? I have met many Thai ladies with scars from dog bites. But these Thais that are causing this problem think its allright ? Someone described this as " Idiots Compassion "

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...and what about the idiots that put shirts on dogs... they think the animals are cold so put a shirt on them. a dog in bangkok is never going to be cold. putting a shirt on a dog in a tropical climate will cause it to over heat and be uncomfortable.

idiots compassion says it all.


... and while i'm at it... what about the idiots that feed chicken to dogs. dont they realise that chicken bones are brittle and can potentially choke a dog?

...and i've seen people feed dogs meat on sharp wooden sticks which can cause horrific injuries to a dog's mouth...

i despair sometimes.


... and while i'm at it... what about the idiots that feed chicken to dogs. dont they realise that chicken bones are brittle and can potentially choke a dog?

...and i've seen people feed dogs meat on sharp wooden sticks which can cause horrific injuries to a dog's mouth...

i despair sometimes.

Raw chicken and cooked chicken are two different things. The raw bones shouldn't harm a dog, it is only when you cook them that they become brittle and dangerous. Pork is another biggie when it comes to dangerous bones.

Meat on skewers is just plain dumb........................thumbsup.gif

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Inflammatory and off topic post removed, the topic is about:

Thais Feeding and Caring For Vicious Packs of Stray Dogs ?

NOT how to poison dogs

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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


You will only be attacked by stray dogs if you show fear,if you are an alpha male the dogs will not go near you. Lots of betas and worse on this thread. Toughen up boysxcool.png.pagespeed.ic.WVYpdUy2j0.webp

I am terrified of dogs

Or do what the Thais do.. here we got a club of older Thais they all carry a cane to hit dogs when they go walking in this village. Thing is I have yet to see a dangerous dog in the village. But maybe it makes them feel secure and that is why no one gets bitten.


Thais have a strange attitude to animals, not the way we used to seeing. I see lots turfed out at night to roam the streets, inevitably they have sessions to produce more of the same and then ladies mainly take pity and the feed the pups and so it goes on. Yet another local problem that the authorities seem unable to deal with.

One effective way would be of the authorities to collect stray dogs that it finds and if noone claims them within a few days they are destroyed, again not what we used to but who wants to be bitten by a dog that might have rabies? Its not going to tell you is it?

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...and what about the idiots that put shirts on dogs... they think the animals are cold so put a shirt on them. a dog in bangkok is never going to be cold. putting a shirt on a dog in a tropical climate will cause it to over heat and be uncomfortable.

idiots compassion says it all.

They put a shirt on because it gets cool at night up north, but can't be bothered to take it off when it hits 34 degrees at midday!

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Here in BKK i even saw siberian husky's wearing tshirts. They are (or were) in fashion last year and loads of people walked with their puppy husky in our moobaan. This year i don't see them anymore, i wonder where they are now. I saw some outside the moobaan living on the streets.

What they feed or do with their dogs is one thing, the fact that they let them walk on the roads worry's me the most since i drive a motorcycle.

Thai are scared for dogs though and don't know how to control them.They have them to gain status and because they are cute .Also they don't care at all if the dog is howling/barking all day in a moobaan full of neighbours. Some poodles here drive me crazy with their crying.

I still have to see the first Thai raised dog that listens to it's owner.

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Here in BKK i even saw siberian husky's wearing tshirts. They are (or were) in fashion last year and loads of people walked with their puppy husky in our moobaan. This year i don't see them anymore, i wonder where they are now. I saw some outside the moobaan living on the streets.

What they feed or do with their dogs is one thing, the fact that they let them walk on the roads worry's me the most since i drive a motorcycle.

Thai are scared for dogs though and don't know how to control them.They have them to gain status and because they are cute .Also they don't care at all if the dog is howling/barking all day in a moobaan full of neighbours. Some poodles here drive me crazy with their crying.

I still have to see the first Thai raised dog that listens to it's owner.

We have 21 dogs that listen to the owner. My wife has a very loud voice. The soi dogs have been walking on the roads for 14,000 years. May take a while to change the behavior.

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Here in BKK i even saw siberian husky's wearing tshirts. They are (or were) in fashion last year and loads of people walked with their puppy husky in our moobaan. This year i don't see them anymore, i wonder where they are now. I saw some outside the moobaan living on the streets.

What they feed or do with their dogs is one thing, the fact that they let them walk on the roads worry's me the most since i drive a motorcycle.

Thai are scared for dogs though and don't know how to control them.They have them to gain status and because they are cute .Also they don't care at all if the dog is howling/barking all day in a moobaan full of neighbours. Some poodles here drive me crazy with their crying.

I still have to see the first Thai raised dog that listens to it's owner.

We have 21 dogs that listen to the owner. My wife has a very loud voice. The soi dogs have been walking on the roads for 14,000 years. May take a while to change the behavior.

Well with listen to the owner i mean commands like : Come here, sit, no (no barking), lay down, stay, no (no jumping against people) etc. Walking with the master without a leash would be perfect but for Thai just walking daily with their dog is hard enough to do. Most never walk the dog at all.

But with 21 dogs i wonder if they all listen to their own name, must be hard to train them in a group.

Here we have a dogtrainer in the moobaan and he has customers every day now, mainly small dogs like chihuahua's that he has to train.

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This sentimental twaddle about soi dogs always makes me laugh, it's so hypocritical. Why? because 99% of the time the people sobbing on about cats and dogs are the ones who don't give a dam about the fact that they EAT ANIMALS all the time, bit of a conflict of interest there.

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Yes, in the US we gather up the stray dogs and kill them, much more compassionate.

I have been here a while, and I do not know anyone that told me they were bit by a dog, nor have I seen anyone bitten by a dog. I know a number of people in the US that were bit.

I have not heard of anyone that has gotten rabies here. I know two people in the US that were infected with rabies.

I've seen a lot of attractive young legs with bite marks, but most all were from motorcycle exhaust pipes, and the few that weren't were from me...

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Ive run over two dogs who dont move on the roads, I refuse to panic brake and cause another accident, the bloody things are a menace and the people that feed them are even more stupid.

Dogs on the roads is just ridiculous.

The suggestion to give them some contraceptive is a good one but of course Mr "average Thai" cant be bothered with any of that malarky, much better to "do nothing" typical Thai way, lazy same same etc

i feed them as they are sentient beings and i have human empathy. and - it is not in anyway their fault.

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Yes, in the US we gather up the stray dogs and kill them, much more compassionate.

I have been here a while, and I do not know anyone that told me they were bit by a dog, nor have I seen anyone bitten by a dog. I know a number of people in the US that were bit.

I have not heard of anyone that has gotten rabies here. I know two people in the US that were infected with rabies.

I've seen a lot of attractive young legs with bite marks, but most all were from motorcycle exhaust pipes, and the few that weren't were from me...

Well I have been bitten and had to pay for a course of anti rabies and anti tet injections because of it.

I have stray dogs race at me all the time when riding my push bike, which I do most days.

There is a pack of strays down by the river here fed by a stupid woman, no one can go near the part of the river bank where they hang out as they defend what they perceive as their territory against everyone. They also destroy the nests of the birds which nest on the river bank

Some of them have learned to climb up and down the ladder from the river bank to the footpath which is always adorned with piles of their crap, the ones on the footpath will at times, when they feel like it, bark and snap at people walking or riding past.

There is also another woman who keeps 2 large vicious dogs in her property that bark and snap at anyone going past, one of them bit her on the face about a year back, she has a badly scared face but still she keeps the thing, gate is always closed fortunately or others would be bitten also.

Hope the fella with 21 soi dogs cleans up after them every day.

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Yes, in the US we gather up the stray dogs and kill them, much more compassionate.

I have been here a while, and I do not know anyone that told me they were bit by a dog, nor have I seen anyone bitten by a dog. I know a number of people in the US that were bit.

I have not heard of anyone that has gotten rabies here. I know two people in the US that were infected with rabies.

I've seen a lot of attractive young legs with bite marks, but most all were from motorcycle exhaust pipes, and the few that weren't were from me...

Well I have been bitten and had to pay for a course of anti rabies and anti tet injections because of it.

I have stray dogs race at me all the time when riding my push bike, which I do most days.

There is a pack of strays down by the river here fed by a stupid woman, no one can go near the part of the river bank where they hang out as they defend what they perceive as their territory against everyone. They also destroy the nests of the birds which nest on the river bank

Some of them have learned to climb up and down the ladder from the river bank to the footpath which is always adorned with piles of their crap, the ones on the footpath will at times, when they feel like it, bark and snap at people walking or riding past.

There is also another woman who keeps 2 large vicious dogs in her property that bark and snap at anyone going past, one of them bit her on the face about a year back, she has a badly scared face but still she keeps the thing, gate is always closed fortunately or others would be bitten also.

Hope the fella with 21 soi dogs cleans up after them every day.

Next time catch the dog, and you will not have to get the shots.

Stupid or otherwise, it would seem the dogs are doing just what the woman want's them to do.

So do you think the dogs were hungry they would quit chasing you? If dogs were chasing me every day I would carry a stick and whack then with it. Were I too CS to do that, I would quit riding my bike, I wouldn't want to see all the dogs killed.

Dogs are pretty easy to scare off. If they think for a moment YOU might hurt THEM, they lose intrest quick. Remember, people are bigger, stronger and (more often than not) smarter than dogs.

The dogs across the street bark at my wife, they generally shut up when they see me.


Look up "Pariah".

One one extreme you have domesticated pet dogs. Only relatively wealthy Thais adopt this pattern, but it's pretty much the only one allowed in our countries, with the exception of outback Oz, where in some communities dingos are still permitted.

On the other is truly feral or wild dogs, some parts of American have these.

The soi dog is in between, lives on garbage and food scraps so no one individual or family has to take responsibility for them, but still serve a protective function, not much use anymore I suppose.

Cultural holdover from more primitive times.

Live and let live.

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Well I have been bitten and had to pay for a course of anti rabies and anti tet injections because of it.

I have stray dogs race at me all the time when riding my push bike, which I do most days.

There is a pack of strays down by the river here fed by a stupid woman, no one can go near the part of the river bank where they hang out as they defend what they perceive as their territory against everyone. They also destroy the nests of the birds which nest on the river bank

Some of them have learned to climb up and down the ladder from the river bank to the footpath which is always adorned with piles of their crap, the ones on the footpath will at times, when they feel like it, bark and snap at people walking or riding past.

There is also another woman who keeps 2 large vicious dogs in her property that bark and snap at anyone going past, one of them bit her on the face about a year back, she has a badly scared face but still she keeps the thing, gate is always closed fortunately or others would be bitten also.

Hope the fella with 21 soi dogs cleans up after them every day.

The area they guard is on the edge of the jungle which is where they poop. The dogs have a job. They bark and attack anyone who comes around at night except the security force. It is an industrial location and no one lives or needs to be anywhere near the place. They guard and the girls give them food and health care. My dog at home is a pet but more than that she is part of my security system. I built the house with her in mind. She has a job. The dog protects the house from anyone and anything that comes near. She only barks when people approach and never howls at night in response to the other soi dogs.


Look up "Pariah".

One one extreme you have domesticated pet dogs. Only relatively wealthy Thais adopt this pattern, but it's pretty much the only one allowed in our countries, with the exception of outback Oz, where in some communities dingos are still permitted.

On the other is truly feral or wild dogs, some parts of American have these.

The soi dog is in between, lives on garbage and food scraps so no one individual or family has to take responsibility for them, but still serve a protective function, not much use anymore I suppose.

Cultural holdover from more primitive times.

Live and let live.

Yup reminds me of a lot of things in Thailand. Sometimes sweet and sometimes still wild. Soi dogs as pets may not be for everyone as are many things in Thailand. A lot of things here not a good choice for the first time dog owner or first timer at anything.

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