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Looking for opinions on the name for a new bar on the Darkside

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I almost forgot, you Have to buy a Bell, my friend thanks me to this day for buying him one, he said the money he made was incredible, put in on the bar or over it, people love to ring a Bell... I got one on Soi Kopai at a used restaurant supply place, which is a good place to get some gear for the bar, instead of full price, like Macro or something...

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Decent measures. I don't know exactly what those tiny conical shot measures hold, and most times they are not full in any case. Get yourself a reputation for selling proper measures of spirits.

I hate to see bars using jiggers, most Hotels in the states use them, a huge turnoff , unless staff has a heavy hand, use the count method , 1001, 1002 is a full shot, I was a bartender for years, in the states at ur local bar usually 3rd or 4 is on the house, unless it's a chain restaurant bar, btw, Good Luck Mobi, I'm jealous, moving to Pattaya for the month tomorrow, if ur open I ll stop by...

Yes, I understand what you are saying but you come from the U.S. It's in the States where I've had the most generous drink pours anywhere. I think the US shot is 1 1/4 US fluid oz or 35 to 40 ml. But I think "wholesale" purchase cost is much lower than anywhere else and therefore pricing is lower too. In Thailand you're paying full retail price for booze, e.g., almost 1500 baht for a 700 ml bottle of Black Label. But in Thailand you have to control your costs so that you do not overprice for your clientele because I think the margins can be quite slim on a glass of liquor, certainly in Pattaya. So pouring liquor has got to be controlled by using jiggers or shot measuring glasses. And when you have drink specials on spirits for example, you are actually, at best, covering costs if not losing money.

Edit: Credit to DB6 for bell suggestion. It's amazing the drawing power of that hanging rope on the bell, especially after midnight.


What I noticed in the Philippines was that sometimes they would buy you a round when you had been in a few times, but on other occasions, I think they just sized you and maybe your friends up, and if they decided you may be spending a bob or two, they'd come over an buy a round on the house, but not before you'd already dipped into your own pocket once or twice.

Some of the bars in Angeles City that are managed by Americans are often well run places and they know what they are doing. The ones I came across run by Brits were not so well run... but that is just my impression.

Boss buying a round in Thailand? Never. Couple of exceptions. The very rich farang owner has never, ever bought us a round in 10 years of going to a rather big BKK Sukhumvit pub. He even sits with us for a chat. But the (now former) manager has, only because we're friends and he had a promo budget. Another exception has been the Cosmos in Patpong. The Thai owner has been quite generous to me and my wing man. We love that bar and we very much respect his business. We always look to his corner and wai him. Maybe that's why he buys us Jager rounds and sends snacks over. But he's been the exception that proves the rule.

As for buying rounds, I'd do it if a group were there for hours or a customer became a real regular or did something to quell a problem. But I'd buy the round with a quiet word. I think your best policy is to offer consistently good service and drinks/food at very reasonable prices.

In my experience, American-run bars are the best managed and offer the best customer experience. I lived in Phnom Penh and the American bars (often) operate at a very high standard. The owner or partner is often hands-on and always there, too. But they can do that in Cambodia, not so much in Thailand. Apparently it's not the case anymore but Americans were exempt from the Thai partner rule. However, I've been a few good English-run pubs, too. (BTW, I'm neither American nor British.)


Since you cant think of a name, just call it "No Name Bar"

Many years ago a group of Thais and I were opening a company and after days of arguing we ended up calling it Blank. The company ran for years with that name and was quite successful. The co. logo was also a blank square.

But not a good name for a bar.


My first idea for a bar name was "Road to Hell" and then I could play the Chris Rea song every day at closing time...

But then I thought it was too dark - even for Mobi D'Ark on the Darkside.


Many thanks for all your suggestions. Some are really great, some are amusing, and I think nearly all of you have taken my request in good spirit (no pun intended). Also many thanks to those who have wished me well and to those who have offered to come and see me in action when we open.

As far As I can see there is only one poster who really seems to be doing his best to have nasty dig at me, without straying so far out of line that the post gets removed.....

Never mind, it’s frankly much less than I’d expected, and I knew I was in for hiding to nothing when I started this thread.

To those of you who query my ‘recovering alcoholic' credentials for running a bar, I can only say that time will tell. If the bar is still open in a year’s time, let’s see if I have succumbed.

I am now well into my fourth year of sobriety, and during this time I have spent countless hours with friends at bars and not once was I tempted to take a drink. I accept it will be a bit different when I have to spend many hours in a bar every day, but I know myself and my will power – which is very strong.

Many years ago I was a four pack plus per day cigarette man, and had been for over 20 years, but I decided to go cold turkey and have not touched a cigarette since. In the early days after I quit I spent hours in pubs and bars with people who were smoking and not once did I give in to the temptation. As the years passed, the craving completely disappeared and I can now be amongst chain smokers 24/7, and the only affect they will have on me is extreme annoyance due to the ‘2nd hand’ smoke that is going into my lungs.

The reason I never smoked again was simple. I saw what cigarettes had done to my lungs and general health. I would never put my body through that again.

Ditto alcohol. It all but killed me, as those who read my blog will know too well. As it is, I am suffering from chronic heart disease, have had open heart surgery, and diabetes. I had a terrible scare recently when a doctor misdiagnosed me as suffering from chronic pancreatitis.

It was a lucky escape and one that I shall never forget; and if I ever needed a reason not to drink, then that is it. If I drink again, my life will be over and all that pain and effort will have been for nothing. I owe it to my old (and new families) to do my best to stay healthy and active for as long as I can.

As for running a successful bar – well again, only time will tell. I certainly do not expect to get rich from it, but I do think that by using reasonable acumen, I should be able to make it turn a small profit which will largely benefit my girlfriend and her family.

I am not going to go into the ‘why’s and wherefores’ in this thread as to how I think I can make it pay, but once it is up and running I will be only too pleased to explain all if you come and pay me a visit and then you can see for yourself.

I don’t have any ‘magic’ solutions, or a truck load of gorgeous girls, I will just apply sensible, consistent, SOBER management, and will try my best to give as good a service as possible to customers, which I think is the key.

Yes there are a lot of empty bars around the lake, and many change hands quite frequently. This is one of the reasons that I am able to pick up one at a reasonable price.

But believe it not there are a few bars that do make a steady income. Nothing spectacular – but enough to pay the bills and put food on the table. That’s all I’m looking for.

Keep the name suggestions coming, and I will let you know when I have made up my mind. I will also let you know when the bar is finally open for business.

Thanks everyone,



Although this thread is about the name for the OP's new bar, remember Sam Malone, the alcoholic owner of Cheers. Can't say that one was not successful :D


I've had bars buy me or give me drinks in Pattaya; in one I was a newcomer but everyone in the place got a drink (tequila & orange) every night, one I'm a regular and occasionally get a free beer. I would say it's more of an American thing; which would tally up with it happening in the Phillipines. Good idea all the same. gives the punters a warm, fuzzy feeling. Good luck to you.

One tip...give your punters some peanuts and crisps, trust me this does work!

Never, ever play "Hotel California."

Some good tips, although the problem with peanuts and crisps (from a punters point of view) is that such food in bars have now been found to often have a high concentration of urine - put there by punters who take a leak and don't wash their hands, Anyway, I won't be eating them....

I opened this thread to get opinions on the bar name, and frankly, I feel it has probably run its course.

However, I am happy to continue the thread if anyone else wants to contribute some more name suggestions, but it occurred to me that maybe we can broaden the thread to include tips/advice on how to run a good bar. Or alternatively, what turns punters off a bar?

I will get the ball rolling with:

Bad, uninterested service, by lazy, slovenly staff with a very bad attitude. How often have I been in a bar and been largely ignored by what is sometimes quite a bevy of girls sitting in the corner and chatting, playing with their phones or playing games. Even if i get served reasonably promptly, they then scurry away and never linger to check if I may be interested in a chat or buying them a drink.

I have seen this happen on countless occasions not only to me but by men who come into to a bar alone, are ignored after they order their beer; so they down their beer as quickly as possible and then leave - never to return.

Since stopped drinking alcohol, I have taken to drinking Diet Coke and orange juice in bars. Once served, I find that nobody ever asks me if I want another drink. I have frequently sat in bars for 2 -3 hours and only ever had 1 glass of coke, because nobody has bothered to check and see if I want another one. It benefits me, but at the same time it irritates me that the staff can be so inattentive.

Cliques of men in bars who go there every day and look daggers at anyone new who happens to wander in. If this isn't bad enough, almost invariably the owner and bar staff are equally unfriendly - almost as though they don't want your custom. Maybe they don't....

Inability to understand simple drinks orders and get your drinks mixed up and/or put your bill in the wrong cup etc.

Loud, inappropriate music. I would venture to guess that the average age of punters on the Darkside is over 50. this being so, they have little or no interest in the latest mind-blowing hip hop and mind-blowing, 'boom boom' music that almost shakes the bar to its foundations. Most punters come for quiet chat, and I can't count the number of times I and others have left a bar because we can't hear ourselves speak. Even polite requests to turn the music down a little are usually met with blank stares. And i am not talking go-go and disco-type joints that cater for the younger crowd, just your regular beer bars with a few old- stagers whiling away their days.

Bad , cheap speaker systems are another pet hate. The owners spend fortunes on every aspect of their bar décor, yet they purchase the cheapest, smallest, tinniest sound systems they can find.

Treat your best customers well, and even buy them an occasional round of drinks. It will pay in the long run and make your customers feel good. There is hardly a bar in the whole of Thailand who will buy drinks for its customers, yet if you go to places like the Philippines, it is a very common practice. It costs so little to get a bit of loyalty but the cheap minded, penny-pinching owners can't see it.

There's loads more - but over to you to add to my list


I'm struggling with this, alcoholic, heart valve replacement, diabetic and goodness knows what else - now opening a bar on the darkside! Makes me wonder about so many things.


I'm struggling with this, alcoholic, heart valve replacement, diabetic and goodness knows what else - now opening a bar on the darkside! Makes me wonder about so many things.

As Uncle Percy used to say - "once a heart valve replaced, diabetic alcoholic, always a hear valve replaced alcoholic"


So let me get this right - You've decided, instead of spending your whole life in front of a computer telling whoever will listen, er, about your life.

to spending your whole life in this bar, you've bought in your Girlfriend's name, telling whoever will listen, er, about your life.

wonder how long before we hear 'just one drink won't hurt'


So let me get this right - You've decided, instead of spending your whole life in front of a computer telling whoever will listen, er, about your life.

to spending your whole life in this bar, you've bought in your Girlfriend's name, telling whoever will listen, er, about your life.

wonder how long before we hear 'just one drink won't hurt'

Sounds like you're still a little sore that you told me about uktv and silly me,I failed to ring your praises from the rooftops.

So let me put matters right. Thank you so much for you kind and well meant comments. They are much appreciated.

PS be sure not to miss my self serving blog tomorrow.

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So let me get this right - You've decided, instead of spending your whole life in front of a computer telling whoever will listen, er, about your life.

to spending your whole life in this bar, you've bought in your Girlfriend's name, telling whoever will listen, er, about your life.

wonder how long before we hear 'just one drink won't hurt'

Sounds like you're still a little sore that you told me about uktv and silly me,I failed to ring your praises from the rooftops.

So let me put matters right. Thank you so much for you kind and well meant comments. They are much appreciated.

PS be sure not to miss my self serving blog tomorrow.

Blimey, Mobi's gone all bitter and twisted.

i'd be putting my efforts into my relationship, bearing in mind your track record, than bun fighting on here old fella......


So let me get this right - You've decided, instead of spending your whole life in front of a computer telling whoever will listen, er, about your life.

to spending your whole life in this bar, you've bought in your Girlfriend's name, telling whoever will listen, er, about your life.

wonder how long before we hear 'just one drink won't hurt'

Sounds like you're still a little sore that you told me about uktv and silly me,I failed to ring your praises from the rooftops.

So let me put matters right. Thank you so much for you kind and well meant comments. They are much appreciated.

PS be sure not to miss my self serving blog tomorrow.

Blimey, Mobi's gone all bitter and twisted.

i'd be putting my efforts into my relationship, bearing in mind your track record, than bun fighting on here old fella......

errm... bun fights???? who's been throwing buns - I must have missed them...mad cow's disease has got me again.... aghh!

I wonder? Just who it is that is bitter and twisted - certainly not me... any other candidates around that happen to spring to mind, old man?

Oh.. and thanks for your well considered suggestion - I'll bear it in mind.... 'must put my efforts into my relationship' (sic)... thanks a million, I'd never have thought of it...


Mobi there's no intention of getting personal other than in the context of the many things that you have shared with us all, very publicly over the years, your health issues have featured prominently in all of that - you may recall that I put in some effort trying to find details of your cardiac surgery at Sriphat thus there is no malcontent here.

But now you've set out in more detail the what, why and how, I feel less concerned that you intend to race out of this world in a devil may care, last big bash.

I wish you well in the venture and continued good health.


Mobi there's no intention of getting personal other than in the context of the many things that you have shared with us all, very publicly over the years, your health issues have featured prominently in all of that - you may recall that I put in some effort trying to find details of your cardiac surgery at Sriphat thus there is no malcontent here.

But now you've set out in more detail the what, why and how, I feel less concerned that you intend to race out of this world in a devil may care, last big bash.

I wish you well in the venture and continued good health.

Thanks CM, and I know that you meant no-ill will, I just wanted to put record straight as I do appreciate that on the face of it, a bar sounds like a crazy idea.

I do indeed recall your efforts to find out about my cardiac surgery and if I failed to thank you before then let me thank you now.


Just wanting to say. Mobi good luck with your venture and i only wish if i had heart surgery that i would still be able to have as much power in me as you appear to have.

I dont know you personally but RESPECT !!!!

Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos


you post details of your personal life for all to see.

what do you expect ?

What I dont think that I - or anyone for that matter - posting on a reputable forum deserves,are snide comments from people like you.

Why do you do it? I will never understand what motivates someone to write something that they hope will upset or hurt the poster. It just demonstrates a maleavolent personality hiding behind a cloak of anoniminity.

Your comments say much more about you than they do about me.

What I EXPECT, is... sadly, a few people like you.

My back is broad and my skin is thick, but that doesnt mean I will not sometimes respond. I have alrwady ignored a number of your snide comments. But enough is enough. If I let it go you will go on and on.

Sleep well my friend...


Nothing ventured nothing gained as they say. Good luck with the bar Mobi and I will pop by for a few beers and a chat.

We only live once so make the most of it.

Glad to hear your doing well mate.



As it was said already...


Seems to be going that way.

The only question is whether or not to include the apostrophe s.


The Thais will just call it "Mobi bar" regardless of what is written on the sign....

  • Like 1

As it was said already...


Seems to be going that way.

The only question is whether or not to include the apostrophe s.


The Thais will just call it "Mobi bar" regardless of what is written on the sign....

Keep the apostrophe, or I will haunt you to your gravy.



As it was said already...


Seems to be going that way.

The only question is whether or not to include the apostrophe s.


The Thais will just call it "Mobi bar" regardless of what is written on the sign....


Scenario: A friend SMS's another and says "Meet you at Mobi's. 8?" He's not going to write "Let's meet at Mobi D'Ark Bar." So it will almost immediately be shortened to Mobi/Mobi's bar by everyone, especially the regulars. Keep it simple.

Best of luck, by the way. Should I be over that way, and I am from time to time, I will look for your place.


Mobi generally has quite a lot to say for himself and things in general, in todays world, rightly or wrongly, that type of individual will never be everyone's cup of tea and is setting himself up to be critized, all be it from behind a keyboard. I had a dig at him myself last week, but his retort did give me some food for thought..

He has won me over, I like the cut if his jib, and I particualrly liked the outing of the poster who had a pop at him because he was bitter that he never thanked him for the UKTV advise (and we know that Mobi is right on that) I was suitably impressed.

See you for a beer soon, fiend..

  • Like 1

How about;

Mobi's Madness? That could also be a drink name if you want to go down that route.

Mobi's Mobile Madness - for deliveries.

D'ark nights for an evening venue.

D'ark bright for an afternoon venue.

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