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How do I stop my family eating the wildlife...


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Not really a serious post, (unless they start this as a full-time job) smile.png

I've almost completed the build of a new guest-house in north Phuket, (my fourth successful project).

This latest guest-house is set amongst the peace and nature of a rubber-tree plantation, and strategically located several hundred metres from my Issan ex-wife #2 and family.

One plus point is the abundance of wildlife:



Huge black scorpions

3-inch beetles


Atlas moths


etc etc.

Yesterday, a very large and attractive frog suddenly appeared in the ornamental pond that I've just built.

Tonight, my family kids chanted 'Fa chai fa chai', and collected up dozens of small beetles to eat.

The frog has mysteriously disappeared, and my suspicions were aroused after BIL said that it was good to eat..... (which it indeed is)

At this rate, there will be no wildlife left sad.png

My family are not starving - guay dio is available and tastier than crunchy beetle legs.

How can I teach my Issan family to respect nature, not eat it!?



Edited by simon43
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Man, how much BST in your OP.

We have to read your many BST cause You have to post your "successful project".

Much better if you make a DVD and give free for every PKT expats to show them how much smart you are.

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Man, how much BST in your OP.

We have to read your many BST cause You have to post your "successful project".

Much better if you make a DVD and give free for every PKT expats to show them how much smart you are.

Just don't include the Krabi project eh?

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You could send them here to freely harvest the local cicada population, I'll even setup an tent for them. Thousands of those little buggers and their loud and continuous singing is filling the air, especially in the evenings.

I can hardly wait to get old and to loose the ability to hear them.

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Come on, you should be rather thankful to them. They are helping you instead.

I wonder who the hell on earth would like to see bats or rats or snake next to their room while they are on vacation ( of course I may be wrong, I mean so many different kinds if people with not really normal taste) but as for general people I bet they will for sure wouldn't want to stay near by rats, bats or snake near their room..

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Man, how much BST in your OP.

We have to read your many BST cause You have to post your "successful project".

Much better if you make a DVD and give free for every PKT expats to show them how much smart you are.

Why would you post something like that?

There's an old saying

If you can't say anything nice, so nothing at all.

I like hearing of success people have, as do many people do, I'm sure. If you're not having any success yourself, you're more likely to post as you have.

I believe that saying comes from the same people who say things like 'Idle hands do the Devil's work' and 'Go home if you don't like it.'

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If you cannot beat them...join them.

Start bush tucker tours for the guests.....when the wildlife decreases....employ them to go farther afield to collect them and glue them in place for the guests to spot and retrieve before cooking.

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Explain that the wildlife is important for your business. And hence important for them. That farang love to see frogs and owls and other critters and eating them is taking money out of your pocket.

Taking money out of the FAMILIES pocket.

On the other hand...

I very much doubt they will deplete the stock of wild life in Thailand or northern Phuket.

They and their ancestors have been taking these meals of opportunity long before you

dreamed of coming to Thailand or even heard of it. It is part of their cultural diet.

And contrary to a contrarian above,

I am also happy to hear of someone having successes here.

If eating the local frogs is the worst thing in 4 projects, feel blessed.

Edited by animatic
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Why would you think that, after centuries of entomological, reptilian and amphibian consumption by generations prior within your "family", you're going to somehow be participatory in an extinction level event??

Let them dine!!!

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BudRight is so correct! If you cannot say something positive, Say nothing at all. In regards to the OP post about living with Rednecks, I can assure you the rednecks he refers to are living much better than he ever dreamed of and do not have a pencil thin perspective on life.

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Tell them more farangs will come to the hotel if it has wildlife. And more guests means more money. $$$ are the ONLY thing that will motivate an Isaan Thai.

Yeah you'll be packed to the rafters if you advertise an abundance of snakes, huge black scorpions, 3-inch beetles

and bats.

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Tell them more farangs will come to the hotel if it has wildlife. And more guests means more money. $$$ are the ONLY thing that will motivate an Isaan Thai.

Yeah you'll be packed to the rafters if you advertise an abundance of snakes, huge black scorpions, 3-inch beetles

and bats.

No Simon can just lie about the type of wildlife at his hotel and post photos downloaded from the internet. Works for the TAT....why shouldn't it work for Simon...

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Why would you think that, after centuries of entomological, reptilian and amphibian consumption by generations prior within your "family", you're going to somehow be participatory in an extinction level event??

Let them dine!!!

All species existing today have existed for milleniums and longer. That does not stop them from getting extinct at an alarming rate. If not globally, at least locally... Anyway, the action of a single family does not change much, but it all starts somewhere. I guess you don't vote either, as a single vote does not do any difference...


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I could add to your list, Civets, asst birds of prey, leopards, multiple types of squirrels including 'flying giant', and our last 3 pet dogs.

It seems my father in-law has only one goal in life: to eat everything that moves. Sleeps all day, hunts all night. Fortunately he hasn't eaten any of our children yet.

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WILDLIFE? Is that the kind of critters you city folk call wildlife. I'm near 70 years old and I've been hunting and fishing nearly all those years and what I catch or kill I eat. With reasonable conservation laws there will be animals to watch and to eat for eternity. There's an old American Indian that once said. "A vegetarian is just another word for poor hunter"

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Tell them more farangs will come to the hotel if it has wildlife. And more guests means more money. $$$ are the ONLY thing that will motivate an Isaan Thai.

Yeah you'll be packed to the rafters if you advertise an abundance of snakes, huge black scorpions, 3-inch beetles

and bats.

No Simon can just lie about the type of wildlife at his hotel and post photos downloaded from the internet. Works for the TAT....why shouldn't it work for Simon...

His words not mine so why would he need to lie?

"One plus point is the abundance of wildlife:"



Huge black scorpions

3-inch beetles


Atlas moths


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Why would you think that, after centuries of entomological, reptilian and amphibian consumption by generations prior within your "family", you're going to somehow be participatory in an extinction level event??

Let them dine!!!

He suffers from Tarzanitis

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