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Thaksin wants everyone to forgive and forget


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"the ex-premier who was currently staying alternately in China and Hong Kong"

Why, is there some problem with using Dubai, as his base, for managing his various business-interests ?

China would seem less-convenient due to distance, for Africa and the former-PM's mining-interests, than the Gulf ?

Just seems odd, is all.

Don't you know his next project is the canal that will slice the southern part of Thailand in half! Obviously he is making sure the Chinese are happy with his commission!whistling.gif

But wouldn't he need to be able to return to Thailand to do that facepalm.gif

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I notice artisi you don't mention your yellow shirt mates.

Just someone who has another opinion and the yellows bias comes out by singling me out.

The yellow colour went out with the ARK. your not singled out --it's just that you stand out with the other dozen hard line reds.

Try commenting on the actual situation, like the man has more bad qualities than good that is why he is there. His little POSSE is summoned to appear in front of him for their next move.

Convict running Thailand from H Kong---"forgive and forget" bah.gif

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Well this all sounds very good and I've no proof that he doesn't mean it so maybe he does. The thing is if you look back over recent times there's a bit of a pattern.

I'm sure he said the same thing a year or so ago and he got a very cold reception from the redshirts and in particular those who lost family and friends in 2010 as they wanted the justice they were promised not forgiveness. It sounds like the usual 'It's not just for me it's for everyone' that he's used before as in the amnesty attempts. The trouble is it always includes Abhisit and Suthep which angers a lot of the redshirts presumably because they believe the story that Abhisit and Suthep ordered the army to kill the protesters. I'm certain the leadership know better but they won't want them finding out the truth.

If he's worried about Yingluck then maybe he should have thought about that before putting her in a job she had no experience of. It makes you wonder how popular he is amongst the PTP members when he's scared to put one of them in charge.

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How could you forgive that trumped up self proclaimed peoples medium for the damage his dems have done to the people and the thai economy .

You guys really support an appointed reform committe hand picked and a hand picked pm by this mob of elitist thugs who deny the basic rite to vote.

Lucky you guys don't vote.Oh hang on that's right you support sutep the vote nazi!

No vote for you!

Nothing you say has anything to do with how I feel about thaksin.

I was here when his extra judicial killing war on drugs was in full swing and when his inept policies in the South sparked off the civil war again.

He is a cancer for Thailand and nothing he does is for anyone's benefit but his own.

He is a fugitive criminal and I just expect criminals to go to gaol and not to dictate the terms of their amnesty.

Well said Bluespunk!!!

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They will always be seen as yellow shirts.

A leopard never changes it's spots.

It's just that the brand was so off they tried to get rid of it but the stench still lingers on.

Ok Yingluck gets the chop the EC calls an election for the end of July .

Sutep finishes his picnic in the park and allows the people of Thailand to vote.The reds nominate a new leader and both sides agree to forgive and forget.That gives both sides a couple of months campaigning then a vote.

Do you honestly think the so called people's medium would agree?

See I put in forgive and forget and excluded the shins from the equation .

Or do you guys support the reform committee appointment way?

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The Desert Coward is getting desperate for people to let him back. Vile specimen of a human, but this is quite funny how he's now said this about 5 times this week. Aww poor little boy.

I agree with your comment but I find it an insult to us human beings ( no conflict with you intended ) but I am sure people will get my meaning.

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"the ex-premier who was currently staying alternately in China and Hong Kong"

Why, is there some problem with using Dubai, as his base, for managing his various business-interests ?

China would seem less-convenient due to distance, for Africa and the former-PM's mining-interests, than the Gulf ?

Just seems odd, is all.

Just speculating,but could it possibly be he is becoming persona non grata in Dubai,maybe due to the Thai court ruling last week with the Saudi's.Like they say "Blood is thicker than water".

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I notice artisi you don't mention your yellow shirt mates.

Just someone who has another opinion and the yellows bias comes out by singling me out.

I have mates on both sides of the equation, but fail to see what that has to do with my initial comment.

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" Noppadon said that Thaksin had expressed concern with the political future of caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra whom the ex-premier felt had worked hard to maintain the rule of law but was herself facing unfair treatment from the Constitutional Court. "

He's at it again. He's calling the Constitutional Court's treatment of Yingluck " unfair ". These words are not conciliatory, because Thaksin is feeding a narrative of suspicion, that Pheu Thai and the UDD are only too happy to emulate. This makes the situation worse, not better. Thaksin's utter insistence to be in the limelight at any and all times doesn't just stop there. With all the bad press he's received in recent years regarding his control over the Yingluck administration from the get go, Thaksin is aware that everyone knows that there is an exodus of Pheu Thai coming over to see him in Hong Kong this weekend. It's all over the newspapers. He's done nothing to hide it. He's proud of it. He wants people to know. Even though he may have some vague idea that the protests - and hence Yingluck's problems - have something to do with him, he still can't help himself. Even though Yingluck takes continual pains to affirm he has nothing to do with Pheu Thai ( straining credulity each and every time ) he still can't help himself. He has to have his followers, his entourage, people who can affirm how important he is. Thaksin still doesn't get it. He doesn't think he's the problem at all. And he also wants us to know that Yingluck " had worked hard to maintain the rule of law ". If Thaksin utters that sentiment this weekend in front of Pheu Thai, it will be best done before dinner rather than after.

PTP and Thaksin are like s**t sticking to a blanket.

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"the ex-premier who was currently staying alternately in China and Hong Kong"

Why, is there some problem with using Dubai, as his base, for managing his various business-interests ?

China would seem less-convenient due to distance, for Africa and the former-PM's mining-interests, than the Gulf ?

Just seems odd, is all.

Don't forget Dawei, though I bet he wishes he could. And travelling won't be a big concern as he has loads of money and his own private jet like all the rich elites.

I do agree with him that everyone should forgive and forget. The politicians are just kids at heart and they don't really know what they're doing half the time so let's welcome Khun Thaksin back to his homeland, press the political re-set button and pretend the last few years didn't happen and it was all a bad dream.... no red riots, no kid sisters pretending to be PM, no Suthep... and then get started on some major reforms before an election.

And then when Thaksin gets his royal pardon he can leave jail a free man and fulfill his dream of leaving politics and help the people by becoming the Warren Buffet of Thailand, once again the land of smiles. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thaksin is right, but unfortunately, the arrogant, cowardly, bullying culture is alive and well with some minority groups in thailand.

No comment.

She needs to go on a diet and stop drinking,refer her to the other headline about thai drinkers.I wish thai posters on here would give us more of an intelectual challenge.They are so easy to discredit.

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Well this all sounds very good and I've no proof that he doesn't mean it so maybe he does. The thing is if you look back over recent times there's a bit of a pattern.

I'm sure he said the same thing a year or so ago and he got a very cold reception from the redshirts and in particular those who lost family and friends in 2010 as they wanted the justice they were promised not forgiveness. It sounds like the usual 'It's not just for me it's for everyone' that he's used before as in the amnesty attempts. The trouble is it always includes Abhisit and Suthep which angers a lot of the redshirts presumably because they believe the story that Abhisit and Suthep ordered the army to kill the protesters. I'm certain the leadership know better but they won't want them finding out the truth.

If he's worried about Yingluck then maybe he should have thought about that before putting her in a job she had no experience of. It makes you wonder how popular he is amongst the PTP members when he's scared to put one of them in charge.

Ironically, today Thaksin's fancy mouthpiece Robert Amsterdam is still promising the red shirts justice. Shame on Thaksin and Amsterdam for thinking the reds are idiots and you can just tell them whatever you believe will motivate them to go after courts and other independent institutions. Looking at the attendance the last couple of rallies it seems people are waking up and finally started to see they been used all along.

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"the ex-premier who was currently staying alternately in China and Hong Kong"

Why, is there some problem with using Dubai, as his base, for managing his various business-interests ?

China would seem less-convenient due to distance, for Africa and the former-PM's mining-interests, than the Gulf ?

Just seems odd, is all.

Just speculating,but could it possibly be he is becoming persona non grata in Dubai,maybe due to the Thai court ruling last week with the Saudi's.Like they say "Blood is thicker than water".

Thaksin is not welcome in Dubai anymore starting 2014. Mid 2013 they told him he would have until the end of 2013 to leave Dubai. Reasons: he kept on interfering with Thai politics which they asked him numerous times not to do from Dubai. And the fact that he has enemies among muslim extremists. Dubai didn't want to be in the middle as a muslim country.

That's why he tried to pull the amnesty bill stunt at the end of the last year.

So now he is The Count(feel free to take one letter out) of Montenegro?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thaksin is right, but unfortunately, the arrogant, cowardly, bullying culture is alive and well with some minority groups in thailand.

No comment.

She needs to go on a diet and stop drinking,refer her to the other headline about thai drinkers.I wish thai posters on here would give us more of an intelectual challenge.They are so easy to discredit.

I'm sure they would love to but they're usually too pissed. wink.png

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